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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TARGET_EFM32PG12_STK3402/TOOLCHAIN_IAR/em_csen.h	Thu Nov 08 11:45:42 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,743 @@
+ * @file em_csen.h
+ * @brief Capacitive Sense Module (CSEN) peripheral API
+ * @version 5.3.3
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * # License
+ * <b>Copyright 2016 Silicon Laboratories, Inc.</b>
+ *******************************************************************************
+ *
+ * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ *
+ * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+ *    claim that you wrote the original software.
+ * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ *    misrepresented as being the original software.
+ * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+ *
+ * obligation to support this Software. Silicon Labs is providing the
+ * Software "AS IS", with no express or implied warranties of any kind,
+ * including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability
+ * or fitness for any particular purpose or warranties against infringement
+ * of any proprietary rights of a third party.
+ *
+ * Silicon Labs will not be liable for any consequential, incidental, or
+ * special damages, or any other relief, or for any claim by any third party,
+ * arising from your use of this Software.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef EM_CSEN_H
+#define EM_CSEN_H
+#include "em_device.h"
+#if defined(CSEN_COUNT) && (CSEN_COUNT > 0)
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include "em_bus.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * @addtogroup emlib
+ * @{
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ * @addtogroup CSEN
+ * @brief Capacitive Sense (CSEN) Peripheral API
+ *
+ * @details
+ *  This module provides functions for controlling the capacitive sense
+ *  peripheral of Silicon Labs 32-bit MCUs and SoCs. The CSEN includes a
+ *  capacitance-to-digital circuit that measures capacitance on selected
+ *  inputs. Measurements are performed using either a successive approximation
+ *  register (SAR) or a delta modulator (DM) analog to digital converter.
+ *
+ *  The CSEN can be configured to measure capacitance on a single port pin
+ *  or to automatically measure multiple port pins in succession using scan
+ *  mode. Also several port pins can be shorted together to measure the
+ *  combined capacitance.
+ *
+ *  The CSEN includes an accumulator which can be configured to average
+ *  multiple conversions on the selected input. Additionally, an exponential
+ *  moving average (EMA) calculator is included to provide data smoothing.
+ *  A comparator is also included and can be used to terminate a continuous
+ *  conversion when the configured threshold condition is met.
+ *
+ *  The following example shows how to intialize and start a single
+ *  conversion on one input:
+ *
+ *  @include em_csen_single.c
+ *
+ * @{
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ ********************************   ENUMS   ************************************
+ ******************************************************************************/
+/** Comparator Mode. Selects the operation of the digital comparator. */
+typedef enum {
+  /** Comparator is disabled. */
+  csenCmpModeDisabled    = 0,
+  /** Comparator trips when the result is greater than the threshold. */
+  csenCmpModeGreater     = CSEN_CTRL_CMPEN | CSEN_CTRL_CMPPOL_GT,
+  /** Comparator trips when the result is less or equal to the threshold. */
+  /** Comparator trips when the EMA is within the threshold window. */
+  csenCmpModeEMAWindow   = CSEN_CTRL_EMACMPEN,
+} CSEN_CmpMode_TypeDef;
+/** Converter Select. Determines the converter operational mode. */
+typedef enum {
+  /** Successive Approximation (SAR) converter. */
+  csenConvSelSAR     = CSEN_CTRL_CONVSEL_SAR,
+  /** Successive Approximation (SAR) converter with low freq attenuation. */
+  /** Delta Modulation (DM) converter. */
+  csenConvSelDM      = CSEN_CTRL_CONVSEL_DM,
+  /** Delta Modulation (DM) converter with low frequency attenuation. */
+} CSEN_ConvSel_TypeDef;
+/** Sample Mode. Determines how inputs are sampled for a conversion. */
+typedef enum {
+  /** Convert multiple inputs shorted together and stop. */
+  csenSampleModeBonded     = CSEN_CTRL_CM_SGL | CSEN_CTRL_MCEN_ENABLE,
+  /** Convert one input and stop. */
+  csenSampleModeSingle     = CSEN_CTRL_CM_SGL,
+  /** Convert multiple inputs one at a time and stop. */
+  csenSampleModeScan       = CSEN_CTRL_CM_SCAN,
+  /** Continuously convert multiple inputs shorted together. */
+  /** Continuously convert one input. */
+  csenSampleModeContSingle = CSEN_CTRL_CM_CONTSGL,
+  /** Continuously convert multiple inputs one at a time. */
+  csenSampleModeContScan   = CSEN_CTRL_CM_CONTSCAN,
+} CSEN_SampleMode_TypeDef;
+/** Start Trigger Select. */
+typedef enum {
+  csenTrigSelPRS   = _CSEN_CTRL_STM_PRS,   /**< PRS system. */
+  csenTrigSelTimer = _CSEN_CTRL_STM_TIMER, /**< CSEN PC timer. */
+  csenTrigSelStart = _CSEN_CTRL_STM_START, /**< Start bit. */
+} CSEN_TrigSel_TypeDef;
+/** Accumulator Mode Select. */
+typedef enum {
+  csenAccMode1  = _CSEN_CTRL_ACU_ACC1,  /**< Accumulate 1 sample. */
+  csenAccMode2  = _CSEN_CTRL_ACU_ACC2,  /**< Accumulate 2 samples. */
+  csenAccMode4  = _CSEN_CTRL_ACU_ACC4,  /**< Accumulate 4 samples. */
+  csenAccMode8  = _CSEN_CTRL_ACU_ACC8,  /**< Accumulate 8 samples. */
+  csenAccMode16 = _CSEN_CTRL_ACU_ACC16, /**< Accumulate 16 samples. */
+  csenAccMode32 = _CSEN_CTRL_ACU_ACC32, /**< Accumulate 32 samples. */
+  csenAccMode64 = _CSEN_CTRL_ACU_ACC64, /**< Accumulate 64 samples. */
+} CSEN_AccMode_TypeDef;
+/** Successive Approximation (SAR) Conversion Resolution. */
+typedef enum {
+  csenSARRes10 = _CSEN_CTRL_SARCR_CLK10, /**< 10-bit resolution. */
+  csenSARRes12 = _CSEN_CTRL_SARCR_CLK12, /**< 12-bit resolution. */
+  csenSARRes14 = _CSEN_CTRL_SARCR_CLK14, /**< 14-bit resolution. */
+  csenSARRes16 = _CSEN_CTRL_SARCR_CLK16, /**< 16-bit resolution. */
+} CSEN_SARRes_TypeDef;
+/** Delta Modulator (DM) Conversion Resolution. */
+typedef enum {
+  csenDMRes10 = _CSEN_DMCFG_CRMODE_DM10, /**< 10-bit resolution. */
+  csenDMRes12 = _CSEN_DMCFG_CRMODE_DM12, /**< 12-bit resolution. */
+  csenDMRes14 = _CSEN_DMCFG_CRMODE_DM14, /**< 14-bit resolution. */
+  csenDMRes16 = _CSEN_DMCFG_CRMODE_DM16, /**< 16-bit resolution. */
+} CSEN_DMRes_TypeDef;
+/** Period counter clock pre-scaler. See the reference manual for source clock
+ *  information. */
+typedef enum {
+  csenPCPrescaleDiv1   = _CSEN_TIMCTRL_PCPRESC_DIV1,   /**< Divide by 1. */
+  csenPCPrescaleDiv2   = _CSEN_TIMCTRL_PCPRESC_DIV2,   /**< Divide by 2. */
+  csenPCPrescaleDiv4   = _CSEN_TIMCTRL_PCPRESC_DIV4,   /**< Divide by 4. */
+  csenPCPrescaleDiv8   = _CSEN_TIMCTRL_PCPRESC_DIV8,   /**< Divide by 8. */
+  csenPCPrescaleDiv16  = _CSEN_TIMCTRL_PCPRESC_DIV16,  /**< Divide by 16. */
+  csenPCPrescaleDiv32  = _CSEN_TIMCTRL_PCPRESC_DIV32,  /**< Divide by 32. */
+  csenPCPrescaleDiv64  = _CSEN_TIMCTRL_PCPRESC_DIV64,  /**< Divide by 64. */
+  csenPCPrescaleDiv128 = _CSEN_TIMCTRL_PCPRESC_DIV128, /**< Divide by 128. */
+} CSEN_PCPrescale_TypeDef;
+/** Exponential Moving Average sample weight. */
+typedef enum {
+  csenEMASampleW1  = _CSEN_EMACTRL_EMASAMPLE_W1,  /**< Weight 1. */
+  csenEMASampleW2  = _CSEN_EMACTRL_EMASAMPLE_W2,  /**< Weight 2. */
+  csenEMASampleW4  = _CSEN_EMACTRL_EMASAMPLE_W4,  /**< Weight 4. */
+  csenEMASampleW8  = _CSEN_EMACTRL_EMASAMPLE_W8,  /**< Weight 8. */
+  csenEMASampleW16 = _CSEN_EMACTRL_EMASAMPLE_W16, /**< Weight 16. */
+  csenEMASampleW32 = _CSEN_EMACTRL_EMASAMPLE_W32, /**< Weight 32. */
+  csenEMASampleW64 = _CSEN_EMACTRL_EMASAMPLE_W64, /**< Weight 64. */
+} CSEN_EMASample_TypeDef;
+/** Reset Phase Timing Select (units are microseconds). */
+typedef enum {
+  csenResetPhaseSel0 = 0,  /**< Reset phase time = 0.75 usec. */
+  csenResetPhaseSel1 = 1,  /**< Reset phase time = 1.00 usec. */
+  csenResetPhaseSel2 = 2,  /**< Reset phase time = 1.20 usec. */
+  csenResetPhaseSel3 = 3,  /**< Reset phase time = 1.50 usec. */
+  csenResetPhaseSel4 = 4,  /**< Reset phase time = 2.00 usec. */
+  csenResetPhaseSel5 = 5,  /**< Reset phase time = 3.00 usec. */
+  csenResetPhaseSel6 = 6,  /**< Reset phase time = 6.00 usec. */
+  csenResetPhaseSel7 = 7,  /**< Reset phase time = 12.0 usec. */
+} CSEN_ResetPhaseSel_TypeDef;
+/** Drive Strength Select. Scales the output current. */
+typedef enum {
+  csenDriveSelFull = 0,  /**< Drive strength = fully on. */
+  csenDriveSel1 = 1,     /**< Drive strength = 1/8 full scale. */
+  csenDriveSel2 = 2,     /**< Drive strength = 1/4 full scale. */
+  csenDriveSel3 = 3,     /**< Drive strength = 3/8 full scale. */
+  csenDriveSel4 = 4,     /**< Drive strength = 1/2 full scale. */
+  csenDriveSel5 = 5,     /**< Drive strength = 5/8 full scale. */
+  csenDriveSel6 = 6,     /**< Drive strength = 3/4 full scale. */
+  csenDriveSel7 = 7,     /**< Drive strength = 7/8 full scale. */
+} CSEN_DriveSel_TypeDef;
+/** Gain Select. See reference manual for information on each setting. */
+typedef enum {
+  csenGainSel1X = 0,  /**< Gain = 1x. */
+  csenGainSel2X = 1,  /**< Gain = 2x. */
+  csenGainSel3X = 2,  /**< Gain = 3x. */
+  csenGainSel4X = 3,  /**< Gain = 4x. */
+  csenGainSel5X = 4,  /**< Gain = 5x. */
+  csenGainSel6X = 5,  /**< Gain = 6x. */
+  csenGainSel7X = 6,  /**< Gain = 7x. */
+  csenGainSel8X = 7,  /**< Gain = 8x. */
+} CSEN_GainSel_TypeDef;
+/** Peripheral Reflex System signal used to trigger conversion. */
+typedef enum {
+  csenPRSSELCh0  = _CSEN_PRSSEL_PRSSEL_PRSCH0,  /**< PRS channel 0. */
+  csenPRSSELCh1  = _CSEN_PRSSEL_PRSSEL_PRSCH1,  /**< PRS channel 1. */
+  csenPRSSELCh2  = _CSEN_PRSSEL_PRSSEL_PRSCH2,  /**< PRS channel 2. */
+  csenPRSSELCh3  = _CSEN_PRSSEL_PRSSEL_PRSCH3,  /**< PRS channel 3. */
+  csenPRSSELCh4  = _CSEN_PRSSEL_PRSSEL_PRSCH4,  /**< PRS channel 4. */
+  csenPRSSELCh5  = _CSEN_PRSSEL_PRSSEL_PRSCH5,  /**< PRS channel 5. */
+  csenPRSSELCh6  = _CSEN_PRSSEL_PRSSEL_PRSCH6,  /**< PRS channel 6. */
+  csenPRSSELCh7  = _CSEN_PRSSEL_PRSSEL_PRSCH7,  /**< PRS channel 7. */
+  csenPRSSELCh8  = _CSEN_PRSSEL_PRSSEL_PRSCH8,  /**< PRS channel 8. */
+  csenPRSSELCh9  = _CSEN_PRSSEL_PRSSEL_PRSCH9,  /**< PRS channel 9. */
+  csenPRSSELCh10 = _CSEN_PRSSEL_PRSSEL_PRSCH10, /**< PRS channel 10. */
+  csenPRSSELCh11 = _CSEN_PRSSEL_PRSSEL_PRSCH11, /**< PRS channel 11. */
+} CSEN_PRSSel_TypeDef;
+/** APORT channel to CSEN input selection. */
+typedef enum {
+  csenInputSelDefault        = _CSEN_SCANINPUTSEL0_INPUT0TO7SEL_DEFAULT,
+} CSEN_InputSel_TypeDef;
+/** APORT channel to CSEN single input selection. */
+typedef enum {
+} CSEN_SingleSel_TypeDef;
+ *******************************   STRUCTS   ***********************************
+ ******************************************************************************/
+/** CSEN init structure, common for all measurement modes. */
+typedef struct {
+  /** Requests system charge pump high accuracy mode. */
+  bool                          cpAccuracyHi;
+  /** Disables external kelvin connection and senses capacitor locally. */
+  bool                          localSense;
+  /** Keeps the converter warm allowing continuous conversions. */
+  bool                          keepWarm;
+  /** Converter warmup time is warmUpCount + 3 converter clock cycles. */
+  uint8_t                       warmUpCount;
+  /** Period counter reload value. */
+  uint8_t                       pcReload;
+  /** Period counter pre-scaler. */
+  CSEN_PCPrescale_TypeDef       pcPrescale;
+  /** Peripheral reflex system trigger selection. */
+  CSEN_PRSSel_TypeDef           prsSel;
+  /** CSEN input to APORT channel mapping. */
+  CSEN_InputSel_TypeDef         input0To7;
+  CSEN_InputSel_TypeDef         input8To15;
+  CSEN_InputSel_TypeDef         input16To23;
+  CSEN_InputSel_TypeDef         input24To31;
+  CSEN_InputSel_TypeDef         input32To39;
+  CSEN_InputSel_TypeDef         input40To47;
+  CSEN_InputSel_TypeDef         input48To55;
+  CSEN_InputSel_TypeDef         input56To63;
+} CSEN_Init_TypeDef;
+#define CSEN_INIT_DEFAULT                                             \
+  {                                                                   \
+    false,                      /* Charge pump low accuracy mode. */  \
+    false,                      /* Use external kelvin connection. */ \
+    false,                      /* Disable keep warm. */              \
+    0,                          /* 0+3 cycle warmup time. */          \
+    0,                          /* Period counter reload. */          \
+    csenPCPrescaleDiv1,         /* Period counter prescale. */        \
+    csenPRSSELCh0,              /* PRS channel 0. */                  \
+    csenInputSelAPORT1CH0TO7,   /* input0To7   -> aport1ch0to7 */     \
+    csenInputSelAPORT1CH8TO15,  /* input8To15  -> aport1ch8to15 */    \
+    csenInputSelAPORT1CH16TO23, /* input16To23 -> aport1ch16to23 */   \
+    csenInputSelAPORT1CH24TO31, /* input24To31 -> aport1ch24to31 */   \
+    csenInputSelAPORT3CH0TO7,   /* input32To39 -> aport3ch0to7 */     \
+    csenInputSelAPORT3CH8TO15,  /* input40To47 -> aport3ch8to15 */    \
+    csenInputSelAPORT3CH16TO23, /* input48To55 -> aport3ch16to23 */   \
+    csenInputSelAPORT3CH24TO31, /* input56To63 -> aport3ch24to31 */   \
+  }
+/** Measurement mode init structure. */
+typedef struct {
+  /** Selects the conversion sample mode. */
+  CSEN_SampleMode_TypeDef       sampleMode;
+  /** Selects the conversion trigger source. */
+  CSEN_TrigSel_TypeDef          trigSel;
+  /** Enables DMA operation. */
+  bool                          enableDma;
+  /** Disables dividing the accumulated result. */
+  bool                          sumOnly;
+  /** Selects the number of samples to accumulate per conversion. */
+  CSEN_AccMode_TypeDef          accMode;
+  /** Selects the Exponential Moving Average sample weighting. */
+  CSEN_EMASample_TypeDef        emaSample;
+  /** Enables the comparator and selects the comparison type. */
+  CSEN_CmpMode_TypeDef          cmpMode;
+  /** Comparator threshold value. Meaning depends on @p cmpMode. */
+  uint16_t                      cmpThr;
+  /** Selects an APORT channel for a single conversion. */
+  CSEN_SingleSel_TypeDef        singleSel;
+  /**
+   * Mask selects inputs 0 to 31. Effect depends on @p sampleMode. If sample
+   * mode is bonded, then mask selects inputs to short together. If sample
+   * mode is scan, then mask selects which inputs will be scanned. If sample
+   * mode is single and auto-ground is on (@p autoGnd is true), mask selects
+   * which pins are grounded.
+   */
+  uint32_t                      inputMask0;
+  /** Mask selects inputs 32 to 63. See @p inputMask0 for more information. */
+  uint32_t                      inputMask1;
+  /** Ground inactive inputs during a conversion. */
+  bool                          autoGnd;
+  /** Selects the converter type. */
+  CSEN_ConvSel_TypeDef          convSel;
+  /** Selects the Successive Approximation (SAR) converter resolution. */
+  CSEN_SARRes_TypeDef           sarRes;
+  /** Selects the Delta Modulation (DM) converter resolution. */
+  CSEN_DMRes_TypeDef            dmRes;
+  /** Sets the number of DM iterations (comparisons) per cycle. Only applies
+   *  to the Delta Modulation converter. */
+  uint8_t                       dmIterPerCycle;
+  /** Sets number of DM converter cycles. Only applies to the
+   *  Delta Modulation converter. */
+  uint8_t                       dmCycles;
+  /** Sets the DM converter initial delta value. Only applies to the
+   *  Delta Modulation converter. */
+  uint8_t                       dmDelta;
+  /** Disable DM automatic delta size reduction per cycle. Only applies to the
+   *  Delta Modulation converter. */
+  bool                          dmFixedDelta;
+  /** Selects the reset phase timing. Most measurements should use the default
+   *  value. See reference manual for details on when to adjust. */
+  CSEN_ResetPhaseSel_TypeDef    resetPhase;
+  /** Selects the output drive strength.  Most measurements should use the
+  *  default value. See reference manual for details on when to adjust. */
+  CSEN_DriveSel_TypeDef         driveSel;
+  /** Selects the converter gain. */
+  CSEN_GainSel_TypeDef          gainSel;
+} CSEN_InitMode_TypeDef;
+#define CSEN_INITMODE_DEFAULT                                          \
+  {                                                                    \
+    csenSampleModeSingle,       /* Sample one input and stop. */       \
+    csenTrigSelStart,           /* Use start bit to trigger. */        \
+    false,                      /* Disable DMA. */                     \
+    false,                      /* Average the accumulated result. */  \
+    csenAccMode1,               /* Accumulate 1 sample. */             \
+    csenEMASampleW1,            /* Disable the EMA. */                 \
+    csenCmpModeDisabled,        /* Disable the comparator. */          \
+    0,                          /* Comparator threshold not used. */   \
+    csenSingleSelDefault,       /* Disconnect the single input. */     \
+    0,                          /* Disable inputs 0 to 31. */          \
+    0,                          /* Disable inputs 32 to 63. */         \
+    false,                      /* Do not ground inactive inputs. */   \
+    csenConvSelSAR,             /* Use the SAR converter. */           \
+    csenSARRes10,               /* Set SAR resolution to 10 bits. */   \
+    csenDMRes10,                /* Set DM resolution to 10 bits. */    \
+    0,                          /* Set DM conv/cycle to default. */    \
+    0,                          /* Set DM cycles to default. */        \
+    0,                          /* Set DM initial delta to default. */ \
+    false,                      /* Use DM auto delta reduction. */     \
+    csenResetPhaseSel0,         /* Use shortest reset phase time. */   \
+    csenDriveSelFull,           /* Use full output current. */         \
+    csenGainSel8X,              /* Use highest converter gain. */      \
+  }
+ *****************************   PROTOTYPES   **********************************
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ * @brief
+ *   Get last conversion result.
+ *
+ * @note
+ *   Check conversion busy flag before calling this function. In addition,
+ *   the result width and format depend on the parameters passed to the
+ *   @ref CSEN_InitMode() function.
+ *
+ * @param[in] csen
+ *   Pointer to CSEN peripheral register block.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   Result data from last conversion.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t CSEN_DataGet(CSEN_TypeDef *csen)
+  return csen->DATA;
+ * @brief
+ *   Get last exponential moving average.
+ *
+ * @note
+ *   Confirm CSEN is idle before calling this function.
+ *
+ * @param[in] csen
+ *   Pointer to CSEN peripheral register block.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   Exponential moving average from last conversion.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t CSEN_EMAGet(CSEN_TypeDef *csen)
+  return (csen->EMA & _CSEN_EMA_EMA_MASK);
+ * @brief
+ *   Set exponential moving average initial value.
+ *
+ * @note
+ *   Call this function before starting a conversion.
+ *
+ * @param[in] csen
+ *   Pointer to CSEN peripheral register block.
+ *
+ * @param[in] ema
+ *   Initial value for the exponential moving average.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+__STATIC_INLINE void CSEN_EMASet(CSEN_TypeDef *csen, uint32_t ema)
+  csen->EMA = ema & _CSEN_EMA_EMA_MASK;
+ * @brief
+ *   Disables the CSEN.
+ *
+ * @param[in] csen
+ *   Pointer to CSEN peripheral register block.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+__STATIC_INLINE void CSEN_Disable(CSEN_TypeDef *csen)
+  BUS_RegBitWrite(&csen->CTRL, _CSEN_CTRL_EN_SHIFT, 0);
+ * @brief
+ *   Enables the CSEN.
+ *
+ * @param[in] csen
+ *   Pointer to CSEN peripheral register block.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+__STATIC_INLINE void CSEN_Enable(CSEN_TypeDef *csen)
+  BUS_RegBitWrite(&csen->CTRL, _CSEN_CTRL_EN_SHIFT, 1);
+void CSEN_DMBaselineSet(CSEN_TypeDef *csen, uint32_t up, uint32_t down);
+void CSEN_Init(CSEN_TypeDef *csen, const CSEN_Init_TypeDef *init);
+void CSEN_InitMode(CSEN_TypeDef *csen, const CSEN_InitMode_TypeDef *init);
+void CSEN_Reset(CSEN_TypeDef *csen);
+ * @brief
+ *   Clear one or more pending CSEN interrupts.
+ *
+ * @param[in] csen
+ *   Pointer to CSEN peripheral register block.
+ *
+ * @param[in] flags
+ *   Pending CSEN interrupt source to clear. Use a bitwise logic OR combination
+ *   of valid interrupt flags for the CSEN module (CSEN_IF_nnn).
+ ******************************************************************************/
+__STATIC_INLINE void CSEN_IntClear(CSEN_TypeDef *csen, uint32_t flags)
+  csen->IFC = flags;
+ * @brief
+ *   Disable one or more CSEN interrupts.
+ *
+ * @param[in] csen
+ *   Pointer to CSEN peripheral register block.
+ *
+ * @param[in] flags
+ *   CSEN interrupt sources to disable. Use a bitwise logic OR combination of
+ *   valid interrupt flags for the CSEN module (CSEN_IF_nnn).
+ ******************************************************************************/
+__STATIC_INLINE void CSEN_IntDisable(CSEN_TypeDef *csen, uint32_t flags)
+  csen->IEN &= ~flags;
+ * @brief
+ *   Enable one or more CSEN interrupts.
+ *
+ * @note
+ *   Depending on the use, a pending interrupt may already be set prior to
+ *   enabling the interrupt. Consider using CSEN_IntClear() prior to enabling
+ *   if such a pending interrupt should be ignored.
+ *
+ * @param[in] csen
+ *   Pointer to CSEN peripheral register block.
+ *
+ * @param[in] flags
+ *   CSEN interrupt sources to enable. Use a bitwise logic OR combination of
+ *   valid interrupt flags for the CSEN module (CSEN_IF_nnn).
+ ******************************************************************************/
+__STATIC_INLINE void CSEN_IntEnable(CSEN_TypeDef *csen, uint32_t flags)
+  csen->IEN |= flags;
+ * @brief
+ *   Get pending CSEN interrupt flags.
+ *
+ * @note
+ *   The event bits are not cleared by the use of this function.
+ *
+ * @param[in] csen
+ *   Pointer to CSEN peripheral register block.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   CSEN interrupt sources pending. A bitwise logic OR combination of valid
+ *   interrupt flags for the CSEN module (CSEN_IF_nnn).
+ ******************************************************************************/
+__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t CSEN_IntGet(CSEN_TypeDef *csen)
+  return csen->IF;
+ * @brief
+ *   Get enabled and pending CSEN interrupt flags.
+ *   Useful for handling more interrupt sources in the same interrupt handler.
+ *
+ * @param[in] csen
+ *   Pointer to CSEN peripheral register block.
+ *
+ * @note
+ *   Interrupt flags are not cleared by the use of this function.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   Pending and enabled CSEN interrupt sources.
+ *   The return value is the bitwise AND combination of
+ *   - the OR combination of enabled interrupt sources in CSENx_IEN_nnn
+ *     register (CSENx_IEN_nnn) and
+ *   - the OR combination of valid interrupt flags of the CSEN module
+ *     (CSENx_IF_nnn).
+ ******************************************************************************/
+__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t CSEN_IntGetEnabled(CSEN_TypeDef *csen)
+  uint32_t ien;
+  /* Store CSENx->IEN in temporary variable in order to define explicit order
+   * of volatile accesses. */
+  ien = csen->IEN;
+  /* Bitwise AND of pending and enabled interrupts */
+  return csen->IF & ien;
+ * @brief
+ *   Set one or more pending CSEN interrupts from SW.
+ *
+ * @param[in] csen
+ *   Pointer to CSEN peripheral register block.
+ *
+ * @param[in] flags
+ *   CSEN interrupt sources to set to pending. Use a bitwise logic OR combination
+ *   of valid interrupt flags for the CSEN module (CSEN_IF_nnn).
+ ******************************************************************************/
+__STATIC_INLINE void CSEN_IntSet(CSEN_TypeDef *csen, uint32_t flags)
+  csen->IFS = flags;
+ * @brief
+ *   Return CSEN conversion busy status.
+ *
+ * @param[in] csen
+ *   Pointer to CSEN peripheral register block.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   True if CSEN conversion is in progress.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+__STATIC_INLINE bool CSEN_IsBusy(CSEN_TypeDef *csen)
+  return (bool)(csen->STATUS & _CSEN_STATUS_CSENBUSY_MASK);
+ * @brief
+ *   Start scan sequence and/or single conversion.
+ *
+ * @param[in] csen
+ *   Pointer to CSEN peripheral register block.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+__STATIC_INLINE void CSEN_Start(CSEN_TypeDef *csen)
+  csen->CMD = CSEN_CMD_START;
+/** @} (end addtogroup CSEN) */
+/** @} (end addtogroup emlib) */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* defined(CSEN_COUNT) && (CSEN_COUNT > 0) */
+#endif /* EM_CSEN_H */