mbed client on ethernet with LWIP
Dependencies: mbed Socket lwip-eth lwip-sys lwip
Fork of mbed-client-classic-example-lwip by
- Committer:
- mbedAustin
- Date:
- 2016-06-09
- Revision:
- 11:cada08fc8a70
File content as of revision 11:cada08fc8a70:
/* * Copyright (c) 2015 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "mbed-client-classic/m2mconnectionhandlerpimpl.h" #include "mbed-client/m2mconnectionobserver.h" #include "mbed-client/m2mconstants.h" #include "mbed-client/m2msecurity.h" #include "mbed-client/m2mconnectionhandler.h" #include "Socket/TCPSocketConnection.h" #include "Socket/UDPSocket.h" #include "threadwrapper.h" #include "mbed_error.h" M2MConnectionHandlerPimpl::M2MConnectionHandlerPimpl(M2MConnectionHandler* base, M2MConnectionObserver &observer, M2MConnectionSecurity* sec, M2MInterface::BindingMode mode, M2MInterface::NetworkStack stack) :_base(base), _observer(observer), _security_impl(sec), _use_secure_connection(false), _binding_mode(mode), _network_stack(stack), _resolved(true), _is_handshaking(false), _listening(false), _listen_thread(0), _recv_thread(0), _send_thread(0) { memset(&_address_buffer, 0, sizeof _address_buffer); memset(&_address, 0, sizeof _address); _address._address = _address_buffer; if (_network_stack != M2MInterface::LwIP_IPv4) { error("ConnectionHandler: Unsupported network stack, only IPv4 is currently supported"); } if (_binding_mode == M2MInterface::TCP || _binding_mode == M2MInterface::TCP_QUEUE) { error("ConnectionHandler: Unsupported binding mode, only UDP based modes are currently supported"); } _running = true; _recv_thread = rtos::create_thread< M2MConnectionHandlerPimpl, &M2MConnectionHandlerPimpl::recv_handler>(this, osPriorityAboveNormal); _send_thread = rtos::create_thread< M2MConnectionHandlerPimpl, &M2MConnectionHandlerPimpl::send_handler>(this); _listen_thread = rtos::create_thread< M2MConnectionHandlerPimpl, &M2MConnectionHandlerPimpl::listen_handler>(this); } M2MConnectionHandlerPimpl::~M2MConnectionHandlerPimpl() { _listening = false; _running = false; if (_listen_thread) { delete _listen_thread; _listen_thread = 0; } if (_recv_thread) { delete _recv_thread; _recv_thread = 0; } if (_send_thread) { delete _send_thread; _send_thread = 0; } delete _security_impl; } bool M2MConnectionHandlerPimpl::bind_connection(const uint16_t listen_port) { return !(_socket.bind(listen_port) < 0); } bool M2MConnectionHandlerPimpl::resolve_server_address(const String& server_address, const uint16_t server_port, M2MConnectionObserver::ServerType server_type, const M2MSecurity* security) { if (_endpoint.set_address(server_address.c_str(), server_port) < 0) { return false; } inet_aton(_endpoint.get_address(), _address._address); _address._port = _endpoint.get_port(); _address._length = 4; _address._stack = _network_stack; if (security) { if (security->resource_value_int(M2MSecurity::SecurityMode) == M2MSecurity::Certificate || security->resource_value_int(M2MSecurity::SecurityMode) == M2MSecurity::Psk) { if (_security_impl != NULL) { _security_impl->reset(); _security_impl->init(security); if (_security_impl->connect(_base) < 0) { return false; } _use_secure_connection = true; } } } _observer.address_ready(_address, server_type, _address._port); return true; } void M2MConnectionHandlerPimpl::recv_handler() { while (_running) { Endpoint recv_endpoint; int size = _socket.receiveFrom(recv_endpoint, (char*)_recv_buffer, sizeof _recv_buffer); if (size > 0) { _recv_queue.put(new std::string(_recv_buffer, _recv_buffer+size)); } else { rtos::Thread::wait(1000); } } } void M2MConnectionHandlerPimpl::send_handler() { while (_running) { osEvent e = _send_queue.get(); if (e.status == osEventMessage) { std::string *packet = (std::string*)e.value.p; int size = _socket.sendTo(_endpoint, (char*)packet->data(), packet->size()); delete packet; } else { rtos::Thread::wait(1000); } } } bool M2MConnectionHandlerPimpl::send_data(uint8_t *data, uint16_t data_len, sn_nsdl_addr_s *address) { if (address == NULL || data == NULL) { return false; } if (_use_secure_connection) { if (_security_impl->send_message(data, data_len) < 0) { return false; } } else { if (send_to_socket(data, data_len) < 0) { return false; } } _observer.data_sent(); return true; } bool M2MConnectionHandlerPimpl::start_listening_for_data() { _listening = true; return true; } void M2MConnectionHandlerPimpl::stop_listening() { _listening = false; } void M2MConnectionHandlerPimpl::listen_handler() { while (_running) { if (_listening) { memset(_listen_buffer, 0, sizeof _listen_buffer); int size; if (_use_secure_connection) { size = _security_impl->read(_listen_buffer, sizeof _listen_buffer); } else { size = receive_from_socket(_listen_buffer, sizeof _listen_buffer); } if (size > 0) { _observer.data_available((uint8_t*)_listen_buffer, size, _address); } else if (size != 0) { _listening = false; _observer.socket_error(2); } } else { rtos::Thread::wait(1000); } } } int M2MConnectionHandlerPimpl::send_to_socket(const unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { if (_send_queue.put(new std::string(buf, buf+len)) != osOK) { return M2MConnectionHandler::CONNECTION_ERROR_WANTS_WRITE; } else { return len; } } int M2MConnectionHandlerPimpl::receive_from_socket(unsigned char *buf, size_t len) { osEvent e = _recv_queue.get(); if (e.status == osEventMessage) { std::string *packet = (std::string*)e.value.p; int size = packet->size(); if (size <= len) { memcpy(buf, packet->data(), size); delete packet; return size; } } return M2MConnectionHandler::CONNECTION_ERROR_WANTS_READ; } void M2MConnectionHandlerPimpl::handle_connection_error(int /*error*/) { _observer.socket_error(4); }