mbed client on ethernet with LWIP

Dependencies:   mbed Socket lwip-eth lwip-sys lwip

Fork of mbed-client-classic-example-lwip by sandbox



File content as of revision 11:cada08fc8a70:

 * Copyright (c) 2011-2015 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
 * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

* \file sn_nsdl_lib.h
* \brief NanoService Devices Library header file

#ifndef SN_NSDL_LIB_H_
#define SN_NSDL_LIB_H_

#include "ns_list.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {


/* Handle structure */
struct nsdl_s;

 * \brief Received device server security
typedef enum omalw_server_security_ {
    SEC_NOT_SET = -1,
    PSK = 0,
    RPK = 1,
    NO_SEC = 3
} omalw_server_security_t;

 * \brief Endpoint binding and mode
typedef enum sn_nsdl_oma_binding_and_mode_ {
    BINDING_MODE_U = 0x01,
    BINDING_MODE_Q = 0x02,
    BINDING_MODE_S = 0x04
} sn_nsdl_oma_binding_and_mode_t;

 * \brief Endpoint registration mode.
 *      If REGISTER_WITH_RESOURCES, endpoint sends list of all resources during registration.
 *      If REGISTER_WITH_TEMPLATE, endpoint sends registration without resource list. Device server must have
 *      correctly configured template.
typedef enum sn_nsdl_registration_mode_ {
} sn_nsdl_registration_mode_t;

typedef struct omalw_certificate_list_ {
    uint8_t certificate_chain_len;
    uint8_t *certificate_ptr[2];
    uint16_t certificate_len[2];
    uint8_t *own_private_key_ptr;
    uint16_t own_private_key_len;
} omalw_certificate_list_t;

 * \brief Endpoint registration parameters
typedef struct sn_nsdl_ep_parameters_ {
    uint8_t     *endpoint_name_ptr;                     /**< Endpoint name */
    uint8_t     endpoint_name_len;

    uint8_t     *domain_name_ptr;                       /**< Domain to register. If null, NSP uses default domain */
    uint8_t     domain_name_len;

    uint8_t     *type_ptr;                              /**< Endpoint type */
    uint8_t     type_len;

    uint8_t     *lifetime_ptr;                          /**< Endpoint lifetime in seconds. eg. "1200" = 1200 seconds */
    uint8_t     lifetime_len;

    sn_nsdl_registration_mode_t ds_register_mode;       /**< Defines registration mode */
    sn_nsdl_oma_binding_and_mode_t binding_and_mode;    /**< Defines endpoints binding and mode */

    uint8_t     *location_ptr;                          /**< Endpoint location in server, optional parameter,default is NULL */
    uint8_t     location_len;

} sn_nsdl_ep_parameters_s;

 * \brief For internal use
typedef struct sn_nsdl_sent_messages_ {
    uint16_t    msg_id_number;
    uint8_t     message_type;
    ns_list_link_t  link;
} sn_nsdl_sent_messages_s;

 * \brief Includes resource path
typedef struct sn_grs_resource_ {
    uint8_t pathlen;
    uint8_t *path;
} sn_grs_resource_s;

 * \brief Table of created resources
typedef struct sn_grs_resource_list_ {
    uint8_t res_count;                  /**< Number of resources */
    sn_grs_resource_s *res;
} sn_grs_resource_list_s;

 * \brief Resource access rights
typedef enum sn_grs_resource_acl_ {
    SN_GRS_GET_ALLOWED  = 0x01 ,
    SN_GRS_PUT_ALLOWED  = 0x02,
} sn_grs_resource_acl_e;

typedef enum sn_nsdl_oma_device_error_ {
    NO_ERROR = 0,
    OUT_OF_MEMORY = 5,
    SMS_FAILURE = 6,
} sn_nsdl_oma_device_error_t;

 * \brief Defines the resource mode
typedef enum sn_nsdl_resource_mode_ {
    SN_GRS_STATIC,                      /**< Static resources have some value that doesn't change */
    SN_GRS_DYNAMIC,                     /**< Dynamic resources are handled in application. Therefore one must give function callback pointer to them */
    SN_GRS_DIRECTORY                    /**< Directory resources are unused and unsupported */
} sn_nsdl_resource_mode_e;

 * \brief Resource registration parameters
typedef struct sn_nsdl_resource_parameters_ {
    uint8_t     *resource_type_ptr;
    uint16_t    resource_type_len;

    uint8_t     *interface_description_ptr;
    uint16_t    interface_description_len;

    uint8_t     coap_content_type;

    uint8_t     mime_content_type;

    uint8_t     observable;

    uint8_t     registered;

} sn_nsdl_resource_parameters_s;

 * \brief Defines parameters for the resource.
typedef struct sn_nsdl_resource_info_ {
    sn_nsdl_resource_parameters_s   *resource_parameters_ptr;

    sn_nsdl_resource_mode_e         mode;                       /**< STATIC etc.. */

    uint16_t                        pathlen;                    /**< Address */
    uint8_t                         *path;

    uint16_t                        resourcelen;                /**< 0 if dynamic resource, resource information in static resource */
    uint8_t                         *resource;                  /**< NULL if dynamic resource */

    sn_grs_resource_acl_e           access;

    uint8_t (*sn_grs_dyn_res_callback)(struct nsdl_s *, sn_coap_hdr_s *, sn_nsdl_addr_s *, sn_nsdl_capab_e);

    ns_list_link_t                  link;

} sn_nsdl_resource_info_s;

 * \brief Defines OMA device object parameters.
typedef struct sn_nsdl_oma_device_ {
    sn_nsdl_oma_device_error_t error_code;                                                                          /**< Error code. Mandatory. Can be more than one */
    uint8_t (*sn_oma_device_boot_callback)(struct nsdl_s *, sn_coap_hdr_s *, sn_nsdl_addr_s *, sn_nsdl_capab_e);    /**< Device boot callback function. If defined, this is called when reset request is received */

} sn_nsdl_oma_device_t;

 * \brief Defines OMAlw server information
typedef struct sn_nsdl_oma_server_info_ {
    sn_nsdl_addr_s *omalw_address_ptr;
    omalw_server_security_t omalw_server_security;

} sn_nsdl_oma_server_info_t;

 * \brief Defines endpoint parameters to OMA bootstrap.
typedef struct sn_nsdl_bs_ep_info_ {
    void (*oma_bs_status_cb)(sn_nsdl_oma_server_info_t *);  /**< Callback for OMA bootstrap status */
    sn_nsdl_oma_device_t *device_object;                    /**< OMA LWM2M mandatory device resources */
} sn_nsdl_bs_ep_info_t;

 * \fn struct nsdl_s *sn_nsdl_init  (uint8_t (*sn_nsdl_tx_cb)(sn_nsdl_capab_e , uint8_t *, uint16_t, sn_nsdl_addr_s *),
 *                          uint8_t (*sn_nsdl_rx_cb)(sn_coap_hdr_s *, sn_nsdl_addr_s *),
 *                          sn_nsdl_mem_s *sn_memory)
 * \brief Initialization function for NSDL library. Initializes NSDL, GRS, HTTP and CoAP.
 * \param *sn_nsdl_tx_callback  A callback function for sending messages.
 * \param *sn_nsdl_rx_callback  A callback function for parsed messages. If received message is not CoAP protocol message (eg. ACK), message for GRS (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE) or
 *                              reply for some DS messages (register message etc.), rx callback will be called.
 * \param *sn_memory            Memory structure which includes function pointers to the allocation and free functions.
 * \return  pointer to created handle structure. NULL if failed
struct nsdl_s *sn_nsdl_init(uint8_t (*sn_nsdl_tx_cb)(struct nsdl_s *, sn_nsdl_capab_e , uint8_t *, uint16_t, sn_nsdl_addr_s *),
                            uint8_t (*sn_nsdl_rx_cb)(struct nsdl_s *, sn_coap_hdr_s *, sn_nsdl_addr_s *),
                            void *(*sn_nsdl_alloc)(uint16_t), void (*sn_nsdl_free)(void *));

 * \fn extern uint16_t sn_nsdl_register_endpoint(struct nsdl_s *handle, sn_nsdl_ep_parameters_s *endpoint_info_ptr);
 * \brief Registers endpoint to mbed Device Server.
 * \param *handle               Pointer to nsdl-library handle
 * \param *endpoint_info_ptr    Contains endpoint information.
 * \return registration message ID, 0 if failed
extern uint16_t sn_nsdl_register_endpoint(struct nsdl_s *handle, sn_nsdl_ep_parameters_s *endpoint_info_ptr);

 * \fn extern uint16_t sn_nsdl_unregister_endpoint(struct nsdl_s *handle)
 * \brief Sends unregister-message to mbed Device Server.
 * \param *handle               Pointer to nsdl-library handle
 * \return  unregistration message ID, 0 if failed
extern uint16_t sn_nsdl_unregister_endpoint(struct nsdl_s *handle);

 * \fn extern uint16_t sn_nsdl_update_registration(struct nsdl_s *handle, uint8_t *lt_ptr, uint8_t lt_len);
 * \brief Update the registration with mbed Device Server.
 * \param *handle   Pointer to nsdl-library handle
 * \param *lt_ptr   Pointer to lifetime value string in ascii form, eg. "1200"
 * \param lt_len    Length of the lifetime string
 * \return  registration update message ID, 0 if failed
extern uint16_t sn_nsdl_update_registration(struct nsdl_s *handle, uint8_t *lt_ptr, uint8_t lt_len);

 * \fn extern int8_t sn_nsdl_set_endpoint_location(struct nsdl_s *handle, uint8_t *location_ptr, uint8_t location_len);
 * \brief Sets the location receievd from Device Server.
 * \param *handle   Pointer to nsdl-library handle
 * \param *lt_ptr   Pointer to location value string , eg. "s322j4k"
 * \param lt_len    Length of the location string
 * \return  success, 0 if failed -1
extern int8_t sn_nsdl_set_endpoint_location(struct nsdl_s *handle, uint8_t *location_ptr, uint8_t location_len);

 * \fn extern int8_t sn_nsdl_is_ep_registered(struct nsdl_s *handle)
 * \brief Checks if endpoint is registered.
 * \param *handle   Pointer to nsdl-library handle
 * \return 1 Endpoint registration is done successfully
 * \return 0 Endpoint is not registered
extern int8_t sn_nsdl_is_ep_registered(struct nsdl_s *handle);

 * \fn extern void sn_nsdl_nsp_lost(struct nsdl_s *handle);
 * \brief A function to inform mbed Device C client library if application detects a fault in mbed Device Server registration.
 * \param *handle   Pointer to nsdl-library handle
 * After calling this function sn_nsdl_is_ep_registered() will return "not registered".
extern void sn_nsdl_nsp_lost(struct nsdl_s *handle);

 * \fn extern uint16_t sn_nsdl_send_observation_notification(struct nsdl_s *handle, uint8_t *token_ptr, uint8_t token_len,
 *                                                  uint8_t *payload_ptr, uint16_t payload_len,
 *                                                  uint8_t *observe_ptr, uint8_t observe_len,
 *                                                  sn_coap_msg_type_e message_type, uint8_t content_type)
 * \brief Sends observation message to mbed Device Server
 * \param   *handle         Pointer to nsdl-library handle
 * \param   *token_ptr      Pointer to token to be used
 * \param   token_len       Token length
 * \param   *payload_ptr    Pointer to payload to be sent
 * \param   payload_len     Payload length
 * \param   *observe_ptr    Pointer to observe number to be sent
 * \param   observe_len     Observe number len
 * \param   message_type    Observation message type (confirmable or non-confirmable)
 * \param   contetnt_type   Observation message payload contetnt type
 * \return  !0  Success, observation messages message ID
 * \return  0   Failure
extern uint16_t sn_nsdl_send_observation_notification(struct nsdl_s *handle, uint8_t *token_ptr, uint8_t token_len,
        uint8_t *payload_ptr, uint16_t payload_len,
        uint8_t *observe_ptr, uint8_t observe_len,
        sn_coap_msg_type_e message_type, uint8_t content_type);

 * \fn extern uint32_t sn_nsdl_get_version(void)
 * \brief Version query function.
 * Used to retrieve the version information from the mbed Device C Client library.
 * \return Pointer to library version string
extern char *sn_nsdl_get_version(void);

 * \fn extern int8_t sn_nsdl_process_coap(struct nsdl_s *handle, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t packet_len, sn_nsdl_addr_s *src)
 * \brief To push CoAP packet to mbed Device C Client library
 * Used to push an CoAP packet to mbed Device C Client library for processing.
 * \param   *handle     Pointer to nsdl-library handle
 * \param   *packet     Pointer to a uint8_t array containing the packet (including the CoAP headers).
 *      After successful execution this array may contain the response packet.
 * \param   *packet_len Pointer to length of the packet. After successful execution this array may contain the length
 *      of the response packet.
 * \param   *src        Pointer to packet source address information. After successful execution this array may contain
 *      the destination address of the response packet.
 * \return  0   Success
 * \return  -1  Failure
extern int8_t sn_nsdl_process_coap(struct nsdl_s *handle, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t packet_len, sn_nsdl_addr_s *src);

 * \fn extern int8_t sn_nsdl_exec(struct nsdl_s *handle, uint32_t time);
 * \brief CoAP retransmission function.
 * Used to give execution time for the mbed Device C Client library for retransmissions.
 * \param   *handle Pointer to nsdl-library handle
 * \param  time Time in seconds.
 * \return  0   Success
 * \return  -1  Failure
extern int8_t sn_nsdl_exec(struct nsdl_s *handle, uint32_t time);

 * \fn  extern int8_t sn_nsdl_create_resource(struct nsdl_s *handle, sn_nsdl_resource_info_s *res);
 * \brief Resource creating function.
 * Used to create a static or dynamic CoAP resource.
 * \param   *res    Pointer to a structure of type sn_nsdl_resource_info_t that contains the information
 *     about the resource.
 * \return  0   Success
 * \return  -1  Failure
 * \return  -2  Resource already exists
 * \return  -3  Invalid path
 * \return  -4  List adding failure
extern int8_t sn_nsdl_create_resource(struct nsdl_s *handle, sn_nsdl_resource_info_s *res);

 * \fn extern int8_t sn_nsdl_update_resource(sn_nsdl_resource_info_s *res)
 * \brief Resource updating function.
 * Used to update the direct value of a static resource, the callback function pointer of a dynamic resource
 * and access rights of the recource.
 * \param   *handle Pointer to nsdl-library handle
 * \param   *res    Pointer to a structure of type sn_nsdl_resource_info_t that contains the information
 *     about the resource. Only the pathlen and path elements are evaluated along with
 *     either resourcelen and resource or the function pointer.
 * \return  0   Success
 * \return  -1  Failure
extern int8_t sn_nsdl_update_resource(struct nsdl_s *handle, sn_nsdl_resource_info_s *res);

 * \fn extern int8_t sn_nsdl_delete_resource(struct nsdl_s *handle, uint8_t pathlen, uint8_t *path)
 * \brief Resource delete function.
 * Used to delete a resource. If resource has a subresources, these all must also be removed.
 * \param   *handle     Pointer to nsdl-library handle
 * \param   pathlen     Contains the length of the path that is to be deleted (excluding possible trailing "\0").
 * \param   *path_ptr   A pointer to an array containing the path.
 * \return  0   Success
 * \return  -1  Failure (No such resource)
extern int8_t sn_nsdl_delete_resource(struct nsdl_s *handle, uint16_t pathlen, uint8_t *path);

 * \fn extern sn_nsdl_resource_info_s *sn_nsdl_get_resource(struct nsdl_s *handle, uint16_t pathlen, uint8_t *path)
 * \brief Resource get function.
 * Used to get a resource.
 * \param   *handle     Pointer to nsdl-library handle
 * \param   pathlen Contains the length of the path that is to be returned (excluding possible trailing '\0').
 * \param   *path   A pointer to an array containing the path.
 * \return  !NULL   Success, pointer to a sn_nsdl_resource_info_s that contains the resource information\n
 * \return  NULL    Failure
extern sn_nsdl_resource_info_s *sn_nsdl_get_resource(struct nsdl_s *handle, uint16_t pathlen, uint8_t *path);

 * \fn extern sn_grs_resource_list_s *sn_nsdl_list_resource(struct nsdl_s *handle, uint16_t pathlen, uint8_t *path)
 * \brief Resource list function.
 * \param   *handle Pointer to nsdl-library handle
 * \param   pathlen Contains the length of the target path (excluding possible trailing '\0').
 *     The length value is not examined if the path itself is a NULL pointer.
 * \param   *path   A pointer to an array containing the path or a NULL pointer.
 * \return  !NULL   A pointer to a sn_grs_resource_list_s structure containing the resource listing.
 * \return  NULL    Failure with an unspecified error
sn_grs_resource_list_s *sn_nsdl_list_resource(struct nsdl_s *handle, uint16_t pathlen, uint8_t *path);

 * \fn extern void sn_nsdl_free_resource_list(struct nsdl_s *handle, sn_grs_resource_list_s *list)
 * \brief Free a resource list obtained from sn_nsdl_list_resource()
 * \param   list    The list to free, or NULL.
void sn_nsdl_free_resource_list(struct nsdl_s *handle, sn_grs_resource_list_s *list);

 * \fn extern int8_t sn_nsdl_send_coap_message(struct nsdl_s *handle, sn_nsdl_addr_s *address_ptr, sn_coap_hdr_s *coap_hdr_ptr);
 * \brief Send an outgoing CoAP request.
 * \param   *handle Pointer to nsdl-library handle
 * \param   *address_ptr    Pointer to source address struct
 * \param   *coap_hdr_ptr   Pointer to CoAP message to be sent
 * \return  0   Success
 * \return  -1  Failure
extern int8_t sn_nsdl_send_coap_message(struct nsdl_s *handle, sn_nsdl_addr_s *address_ptr, sn_coap_hdr_s *coap_hdr_ptr);

 * \fn extern int8_t set_NSP_address(struct nsdl_s *handle, uint8_t *NSP_address, uint16_t port, sn_nsdl_addr_type_e address_type);
 * \brief This function is used to set the mbed Device Server address given by an application.
 * \param   *handle Pointer to nsdl-library handle
 * \return  0   Success
 * \return  -1  Failed to indicate that internal address pointer is not allocated (call nsdl_init() first).
extern int8_t set_NSP_address(struct nsdl_s *handle, uint8_t *NSP_address, uint16_t port, sn_nsdl_addr_type_e address_type);

 * \fn extern int8_t sn_nsdl_destroy(struct nsdl_s *handle);
 * \param   *handle Pointer to nsdl-library handle
 * \brief This function releases all allocated memory in mbed Device C Client library.
extern int8_t sn_nsdl_destroy(struct nsdl_s *handle);

 * \fn extern uint16_t sn_nsdl_oma_bootstrap(struct nsdl_s *handle, sn_nsdl_addr_s *bootstrap_address_ptr, sn_nsdl_ep_parameters_s *endpoint_info_ptr, sn_nsdl_bs_ep_info_t *bootstrap_endpoint_info_ptr);
 * \brief Starts OMA bootstrap process
 * \param   *handle Pointer to nsdl-library handle
 * \return bootstrap message ID, 0 if failed
extern uint16_t sn_nsdl_oma_bootstrap(struct nsdl_s *handle, sn_nsdl_addr_s *bootstrap_address_ptr, sn_nsdl_ep_parameters_s *endpoint_info_ptr, sn_nsdl_bs_ep_info_t *bootstrap_endpoint_info_ptr);

 * \fn extern omalw_certificate_list_t *sn_nsdl_get_certificates(struct nsdl_s *handle);
 * \brief Get pointer to received device server certificates
 * \param   *handle Pointer to nsdl-library handle
extern omalw_certificate_list_t *sn_nsdl_get_certificates(struct nsdl_s *handle);

 * \fn extern int8_t sn_nsdl_update_certificates(struct nsdl_s *handle, omalw_certificate_list_t* certificate_ptr, uint8_t certificate_chain);
 * \brief Updates certificate pointers to resource server.
 * \param   *handle Pointer to nsdl-library handle
extern int8_t sn_nsdl_update_certificates(struct nsdl_s *handle, omalw_certificate_list_t *certificate_ptr, uint8_t certificate_chain);

 * \fn extern int8_t sn_nsdl_create_oma_device_object(struct nsdl_s *handle, sn_nsdl_oma_device_t *device_object_ptr);
 * \brief Creates new device object resource
 * \param   *handle Pointer to nsdl-library handle
extern int8_t sn_nsdl_create_oma_device_object(struct nsdl_s *handle, sn_nsdl_oma_device_t *device_object_ptr);

 * \fn sn_coap_hdr_s *sn_nsdl_build_response(struct nsdl_s *handle, sn_coap_hdr_s *coap_packet_ptr, uint8_t msg_code)
 * \brief Prepares generic response packet from a request packet. This function allocates memory for the resulting sn_coap_hdr_s
 * \param *handle Pointer to library handle
 * \param *coap_packet_ptr The request packet pointer
 * \param msg_code response messages code
 * \return *coap_packet_ptr The allocated and pre-filled response packet pointer
 *          NULL    Error in parsing the request
extern sn_coap_hdr_s *sn_nsdl_build_response(struct nsdl_s *handle, sn_coap_hdr_s *coap_packet_ptr, uint8_t msg_code);

 * \fn void sn_nsdl_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(struct nsdl_s *handle, sn_coap_hdr_s *freed_coap_msg_ptr)
 * \brief Releases memory of given CoAP message
 *        Note!!! Does not release Payload part
 * \param *handle Pointer to CoAP library handle
 * \param *freed_coap_msg_ptr is pointer to released CoAP message
extern void sn_nsdl_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(struct nsdl_s *handle, sn_coap_hdr_s *freed_coap_msg_ptr);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* SN_NSDL_LIB_H_ */