This is early stages of my project, the idea of this project is to be able to mix a guitar with windows sounds in reverse such as instrumental background music or trance music perhaps or maybe another fellow guitarist you may have downloaded from the internet. Microphone or guitar pin is p19 I would use a microphone for drums:) and that it for the moment, the code makes the mbed act as usb speaker that excepts a guitar or microphone input, but with a twist it all in reverse like a guitar reverse effects pedal but only you can mix anything you can get from the internet or any windows sound.

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/USBDevice/USBHID/USBMouse.h	Sun Jan 08 17:28:24 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+/* USBMouse.h */
+/* USB device example: relative mouse */
+/* Copyright (c) 2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. */
+#ifndef USBMOUSE_H
+#define USBMOUSE_H
+#include "USBHID.h"
+#define REPORT_ID_MOUSE   2
+/* Common usage */
+    MOUSE_LEFT = 1,
+    MOUSE_RIGHT = 2,
+    MOUSE_MIDDLE = 4,
+/* X and Y limits */
+/* These values do not directly map to screen pixels */
+/* Zero may be interpreted as meaning 'no movement' */
+#define X_MIN_ABS    (1)        /*!< Minimum value on x-axis */  
+#define Y_MIN_ABS    (1)        /*!< Minimum value on y-axis */
+#define X_MAX_ABS    (0x7fff)   /*!< Maximum value on x-axis */
+#define Y_MAX_ABS    (0x7fff)   /*!< Maximum value on y-axis */
+#define X_MIN_REL    (-127)     /*!< The maximum value that we can move to the left on the x-axis */
+#define Y_MIN_REL    (-127)     /*!< The maximum value that we can move up on the y-axis */
+#define X_MAX_REL    (127)      /*!< The maximum value that we can move to the right on the x-axis */
+#define Y_MAX_REL    (127)      /*!< The maximum value that we can move down on the y-axis */
+ *
+ * USBMouse example
+ * @code
+ * #include "mbed.h"
+ * #include "USBMouse.h"
+ *
+ * USBMouse mouse;
+ *
+ * int main(void)
+ * {
+ *   while (1)
+ *   {
+ *      mouse.move(20, 0);
+ *      wait(0.5);
+ *   }
+ * }
+ *
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ *
+ * @code
+ * #include "mbed.h"
+ * #include "USBMouse.h"
+ * #include <math.h>
+ *
+ * USBMouse mouse(ABS_MOUSE);
+ *
+ * int main(void)
+ * {
+ *   uint16_t x_center = (X_MAX_ABS - X_MIN_ABS)/2;
+ *   uint16_t y_center = (Y_MAX_ABS - Y_MIN_ABS)/2;
+ *   uint16_t x_screen = 0;
+ *   uint16_t y_screen = 0;
+ *   
+ *   uint32_t x_origin = x_center;
+ *   uint32_t y_origin = y_center;
+ *   uint32_t radius = 5000;
+ *   uint32_t angle = 0;
+ *
+ *   while (1)
+ *   {
+ *       x_screen = x_origin + cos((double)angle*3.14/180.0)*radius;
+ *       y_screen = y_origin + sin((double)angle*3.14/180.0)*radius;
+ *       
+ *       mouse.move(x_screen, y_screen);
+ *       angle += 3;
+ *       wait(0.01);
+ *   }
+ * }
+ *
+ * @endcode
+ */
+class USBMouse: public USBHID
+    public:
+        /**
+        *   Constructor
+        *
+        * @param mouse_type Mouse type: ABS_MOUSE (absolute mouse) or REL_MOUSE (relative mouse) (default: REL_MOUSE)
+        * @param vendor_id Your vendor_id (default: 0x1234)
+        * @param product_id Your product_id (default: 0x0001)
+        * @param product_release Your preoduct_release (default: 0x0001)
+        *
+        */
+        USBMouse(MOUSE_TYPE mouse_type = REL_MOUSE, uint16_t vendor_id = 0x1234, uint16_t product_id = 0x0001, uint16_t product_release = 0x0001): 
+            USBHID(0, 0, vendor_id, product_id, product_release, false)
+            { 
+                button = 0;
+                this->mouse_type = mouse_type;
+                connect();
+            };
+        /**
+        * Write a state of the mouse
+        *
+        * @param x x-axis position
+        * @param y y-axis position
+        * @param buttons buttons state (first bit represents MOUSE_LEFT, second bit MOUSE_RIGHT and third bit MOUSE_MIDDLE)
+        * @param z wheel state (>0 to scroll down, <0 to scroll up)
+        * @returns true if there is no error, false otherwise
+        */
+        bool update(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint8_t buttons, int8_t z);
+        /**
+        * Move the cursor to (x, y)
+        *
+        * @param x-axis position
+        * @param y-axis position
+        * @returns true if there is no error, false otherwise
+        */
+        bool move(int16_t x, int16_t y);
+        /**
+        * Press one or several buttons
+        *
+        * @param button button state (ex: press(MOUSE_LEFT))
+        * @returns true if there is no error, false otherwise
+        */
+        bool press(uint8_t button);
+        /**
+        * Release one or several buttons
+        *
+        * @param button button state (ex: release(MOUSE_LEFT))
+        * @returns true if there is no error, false otherwise
+        */
+        bool release(uint8_t button);
+        /**
+        * Double click (MOUSE_LEFT)
+        *
+        * @returns true if there is no error, false otherwise
+        */
+        bool doubleClick();
+        /**
+        * Click
+        *
+        * @param button state of the buttons ( ex: clic(MOUSE_LEFT))
+        * @returns true if there is no error, false otherwise
+        */
+        bool click(uint8_t button); 
+        /**
+        * Scrolling
+        *
+        * @param z value of the wheel (>0 to go down, <0 to go up)
+        * @returns true if there is no error, false otherwise
+        */
+        bool scroll(int8_t z);
+        /*
+        * To define the report descriptor. Warning: this method has to store the length of the report descriptor in reportLength.
+        *
+        * @returns pointer to the report descriptor
+        */
+        virtual uint8_t * reportDesc();
+    private:
+        MOUSE_TYPE mouse_type;
+        uint8_t button;
+        bool mouseSend(int8_t x, int8_t y, uint8_t buttons, int8_t z);