
Dependencies:   FXAS21002 FXOS8700Q



File content as of revision 0:11cc2b7889af:

 * Copyright (c) 2015 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
 * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
#ifndef M2M_SERVER_H
#define M2M_SERVER_H

#include "mbed-client/m2mobject.h"

class M2MResource;

/*! \file m2mserver.h
 *  \brief M2MServer.
 *  This class represents an interface for the Server Object model of the LWM2M framework.
 *  It handles the server object and all its corresponding
 *  resources.

class M2MServer : public M2MObject

friend class M2MInterfaceFactory;
friend class M2MNsdlInterface;


     * \brief Am enum defining all resources associated with
     * a Server Object in the LWM2M framework.
    typedef enum {


     * \brief Constructor

    // Prevents the use of assignment operator.
    M2MServer& operator=( const M2MServer& /*other*/ );

    // Prevents the use of copy constructor
    M2MServer( const M2MServer& /*other*/ );


     * \brief Destructor
    virtual ~M2MServer();

     * \brief Creates a new resource for a given resource enum.
     * \param resource With this function, a value can be set to the following resources:
     *  'ShortServerID','Lifetime','DefaultMinPeriod','DefaultMaxPeriod','DisableTimeout',
     *  'NotificationStorage'.
     * \param value The value to be set on the resource, in integer format.
     * \return M2MResource if created successfully, else NULL.
    M2MResource* create_resource(ServerResource resource, uint32_t value);

     * \brief Creates a new resource for a given resource enum.
     * \param resource With this function, the following resources can be created:
     * 'Disable', 'RegistrationUpdate'
     * \return M2MResource if created successfully, else NULL.
    M2MResource* create_resource(ServerResource resource);

     * \brief Deletes the resource with the given resource enum.
     * Mandatory resources cannot be deleted.
     * \param resource The name of the resource to be deleted.
     * \return True if deleted, else false.
    bool delete_resource(ServerResource rescource);

     * \brief Sets the value of a given resource enum.
     * \param resource With this function, a value can be set on the following resources: 
     * 'Binding'.
     * \param value The value to be set on the resource, in string format.
     * \return True if successfully set, else false.
    bool set_resource_value(ServerResource resource,
                            const String &value);

     * \brief Sets the value of a given resource enum.
     * \param resource With this function, a value can be set to the following resources:
     *  'ShortServerID','Lifetime','DefaultMinPeriod','DefaultMaxPeriod','DisableTimeout',
     *  'NotificationStorage'.
     * \param value The value to be set on the resource, in integer format.
     * \return True if successfully set, else false.
    bool set_resource_value(ServerResource resource,
                            uint32_t value);
     * \brief Returns the value of the given resource enum, in string format.
     * \param resource With this function, the following resources can return a value:
     * 'Binding'.
     * \return The value associated with the resource. If the resource is not valid an empty string is returned.
    String resource_value_string(ServerResource resource) const;

     * \brief Returns the value of a given resource name, in integer format.
     * \param resource With this function, the following resources can return a value:
     *  'ShortServerID','Lifetime','DefaultMinPeriod','DefaultMaxPeriod','DisableTimeout',
     *  'NotificationStorage'
     * \return The value associated with the resource. If the resource is not valid -1 is returned.
    uint32_t resource_value_int(ServerResource resource) const;

     * \brief Returns whether the resource instance with the given resource enum exists or not.
     * \param resource Resource enum.
     * \return True if at least one instance exists, else false.
    bool is_resource_present(ServerResource resource)const;

     * \brief Returns the total number of resources for the server object.
     * \return The total number of resources.
    uint16_t total_resource_count()const;


    M2MResource* get_resource(ServerResource res) const;


    M2MObjectInstance*    _server_instance;

    friend class Test_M2MServer;
    friend class Test_M2MNsdlInterface;

#endif // M2M_SERVER_H