
Dependencies:   FXAS21002 FXOS8700Q

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/simple-mbed-cloud-client/mbed-cloud-client/mbed-client/source/m2mresourcebase.cpp	Tue Nov 19 09:49:38 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,907 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
+ * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+// Needed for PRIu64 on FreeRTOS
+#include <stdio.h>
+// Note: this macro is needed on armcc to get the the limit macros like UINT16_MAX
+// Note: this macro is needed on armcc to get the the PRI*32 macros
+// from inttypes.h in a C++ code.
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "mbed-client/m2mresourcebase.h"
+#include "mbed-client/m2mconstants.h"
+#include "mbed-client/m2mobservationhandler.h"
+#include "mbed-client/m2mobject.h"
+#include "mbed-client/m2mobjectinstance.h"
+#include "include/m2mcallbackstorage.h"
+#include "include/m2mreporthandler.h"
+#include "include/nsdllinker.h"
+#include "include/m2mtlvserializer.h"
+#include "mbed-client/m2mblockmessage.h"
+#include "mbed-trace/mbed_trace.h"
+#define TRACE_GROUP "mClt"
+// -9223372036854775808 - +9223372036854775807
+// max length of int64_t string is 20 bytes + nil
+// (space needed for -3.402823 × 10^38) + (magic decimal 6 digits added as no precision is added to "%f") + trailing zero
+                                         const String &res_name,
+                                         M2MBase::Mode resource_mode,
+                                         const String &resource_type,
+                                         M2MBase::DataType type,
+                                         char* path,
+                                         bool external_blockwise_store,
+                                         bool multiple_instance)
+: M2MBase(res_name,
+          resource_mode,
+          resource_type,
+          path,
+          external_blockwise_store,
+          multiple_instance,
+          type)
+ ,_block_message_data(NULL),
+  _notification_status(M2MResourceBase::INIT)
+                                         const String &res_name,
+                                         M2MBase::Mode resource_mode,
+                                         const String &resource_type,
+                                         M2MBase::DataType type,
+                                         const uint8_t *value,
+                                         const uint8_t value_length,
+                                         char* path,
+                                         bool external_blockwise_store,
+                                         bool multiple_instance)
+: M2MBase(res_name,
+          resource_mode,
+          resource_type,
+          path,
+          external_blockwise_store,
+          multiple_instance,
+          type)
+ ,_block_message_data(NULL),
+ _notification_status(M2MResourceBase::INIT)
+    M2MBase::set_base_type(M2MBase::ResourceInstance);
+    if( value != NULL && value_length > 0 ) {
+        sn_nsdl_dynamic_resource_parameters_s* res = get_nsdl_resource();
+        res->resource = alloc_string_copy(value, value_length);
+        res->resource_len = value_length;
+    }
+                                         const lwm2m_parameters_s* s,
+                                         M2MBase::DataType /*type*/)
+: M2MBase(s)
+  ,_block_message_data(NULL),
+  _notification_status(M2MResourceBase::INIT)
+    // we are not there yet for this check as this is called from M2MResource(): assert(base_type() == M2MBase::ResourceInstance);
+    execute_callback* callback = (execute_callback*)M2MCallbackStorage::remove_callback(*this,
+                                    M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceExecuteCallback);
+    delete callback;
+    M2MCallbackStorage::remove_callback(*this, M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceExecuteCallback2);
+    incoming_block_message_callback *in_callback = (incoming_block_message_callback*)M2MCallbackStorage::remove_callback(*this,
+                                                        M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceIncomingBlockMessageCallback);
+    delete in_callback;
+    outgoing_block_message_callback *out_callback = (outgoing_block_message_callback*)M2MCallbackStorage::remove_callback(*this,
+                                                        M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceOutgoingBlockMessageCallback);
+    delete out_callback;
+    notification_sent_callback *notif_callback = (notification_sent_callback*)M2MCallbackStorage::remove_callback(*this,
+                                                        M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceNotificationSentCallback);
+    delete notif_callback;
+    M2MCallbackStorage::remove_callback(*this, M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceNotificationSentCallback2);
+    notification_status_callback *notif_status_callback = (notification_status_callback*)M2MCallbackStorage::remove_callback(*this,
+                                                        M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceNotificationStatusCallback);
+    delete notif_status_callback;
+    M2MCallbackStorage::remove_callback(*this, M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceNotificationStatusCallback2);
+    M2MCallbackStorage::remove_callback(*this, M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceBaseValueReadCallback);
+    M2MCallbackStorage::remove_callback(*this, M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceBaseValueWriteCallback);
+    delete _block_message_data;
+M2MResourceBase::ResourceType M2MResourceBase::resource_instance_type() const
+    M2MBase::lwm2m_parameters_s* param = M2MBase::get_lwm2m_parameters();
+    M2MBase::DataType type = param->data_type;
+    return convert_data_type(type);
+bool M2MResourceBase::set_execute_function(execute_callback callback)
+    execute_callback* old_callback = (execute_callback*)M2MCallbackStorage::remove_callback(*this, M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceExecuteCallback);
+    delete old_callback;
+    // XXX: create a copy of the copy of callback object. Perhaps it would better to
+    // give a reference as parameter and just store that, as it would save some memory.
+    execute_callback* new_callback = new execute_callback(callback);
+    return M2MCallbackStorage::add_callback(*this, new_callback, M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceExecuteCallback);
+bool M2MResourceBase::set_execute_function(execute_callback_2 callback)
+    M2MCallbackStorage::remove_callback(*this, M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceExecuteCallback2);
+    return M2MCallbackStorage::add_callback(*this, (void*)callback, M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceExecuteCallback2);
+bool M2MResourceBase::set_resource_read_callback(read_resource_value_callback callback, void *client_args)
+    M2MCallbackStorage::remove_callback(*this, M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceBaseValueReadCallback);
+    M2MBase::lwm2m_parameters_s* param = M2MBase::get_lwm2m_parameters();
+    param->read_write_callback_set = true;
+    return M2MCallbackStorage::add_callback(*this,
+                                            (void*)callback,
+                                            M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceBaseValueReadCallback,
+                                            client_args);
+bool M2MResourceBase::set_resource_write_callback(write_resource_value_callback callback, void *client_args)
+    M2MCallbackStorage::remove_callback(*this, M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceBaseValueWriteCallback);
+    M2MBase::lwm2m_parameters_s* param = M2MBase::get_lwm2m_parameters();
+    param->read_write_callback_set = true;
+    return M2MCallbackStorage::add_callback(*this,
+                                            (void*)callback,
+                                            M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceBaseValueWriteCallback,
+                                            client_args);
+void M2MResourceBase::clear_value()
+    tr_debug("M2MResourceBase::clear_value");
+    sn_nsdl_dynamic_resource_parameters_s* res = get_nsdl_resource();
+    free(res->resource);
+    res->resource = NULL;
+    res->resource_len = 0;
+    report();
+bool M2MResourceBase::set_value_float(float value)
+    bool success;
+    // Convert value to string
+    /* write the float value to a decimal number string and copy it into a buffer allocated for caller */
+    uint32_t size = snprintf(buffer, REGISTRY_FLOAT_STRING_MAX_LEN, "%f", value);
+    success = set_value((const uint8_t*)buffer, size);
+    return success;
+bool M2MResourceBase::set_value(int64_t value)
+    bool success;
+    char buffer[REGISTRY_INT64_STRING_MAX_LEN];
+    uint32_t size = m2m::itoa_c(value, buffer);
+    success = set_value((const uint8_t*)buffer, size);
+    return success;
+bool M2MResourceBase::set_value(const uint8_t *value,
+                                const uint32_t value_length)
+    tr_debug("M2MResourceBase::set_value()");
+    bool success = false;
+    if( value != NULL && value_length > 0 ) {
+        M2MBase::lwm2m_parameters_s* param = M2MBase::get_lwm2m_parameters();
+        if (param->read_write_callback_set) {
+            return write_resource_value(*this, value, value_length);
+        } else {
+            uint8_t *value_copy = alloc_string_copy(value, value_length);
+            if (value_copy) {
+                value_set_callback callback = (value_set_callback)M2MCallbackStorage::get_callback(*this, M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceBaseValueSetCallback);
+                if (callback) {
+                    (*callback)((const M2MResourceBase*)this, value_copy, value_length);
+                }
+                else {
+                    update_value(value_copy, value_length);
+                }
+                success = true;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return success;
+bool M2MResourceBase::set_value_raw(uint8_t *value,
+                                const uint32_t value_length)
+    tr_debug("M2MResourceBase::set_value_raw()");
+    bool success = false;
+    if( value != NULL && value_length > 0 ) {
+        success = true;
+        value_set_callback callback = (value_set_callback)M2MCallbackStorage::get_callback(*this, M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceBaseValueSetCallback);
+        if (callback) {
+            (*callback)((const M2MResourceBase*)this, value, value_length);
+        }
+        else {
+            update_value(value, value_length);
+        }
+    }
+    return success;
+void M2MResourceBase::update_value(uint8_t *value, const uint32_t value_length)
+    bool changed = has_value_changed(value,value_length);
+    sn_nsdl_dynamic_resource_parameters_s* res = get_nsdl_resource();
+    free(res->resource);
+    res->resource = value;
+    res->resource_len = value_length;
+    if (changed) {
+        report_value_change();
+    }
+void M2MResourceBase::report()
+    M2MBase::Observation observation_level = M2MBase::observation_level();
+    tr_debug("M2MResourceBase::report() - level %d", observation_level);
+    // We must combine the parent object/objectinstance/resource observation information
+    // when determining if there is observation set or not.
+    M2MObjectInstance& object_instance = get_parent_resource().get_parent_object_instance();
+    int parent_observation_level = (int)object_instance.observation_level();
+    parent_observation_level |= (int)object_instance.get_parent_object().observation_level();
+    parent_observation_level |= (int)get_parent_resource().observation_level();
+    parent_observation_level |= (int)observation_level;
+    tr_debug("M2MResourceBase::report() - combined level %d", parent_observation_level);
+    if((M2MBase::O_Attribute & parent_observation_level) == M2MBase::O_Attribute ||
+       (M2MBase::OI_Attribute & parent_observation_level) == M2MBase::OI_Attribute) {
+        tr_debug("M2MResourceBase::report() -- object/instance level");
+        object_instance.notification_update((M2MBase::Observation)parent_observation_level);
+    }
+    if(M2MBase::Dynamic == mode() &&
+       (M2MBase::R_Attribute & parent_observation_level) == M2MBase::R_Attribute) {
+        tr_debug("M2MResourceBase::report() - resource level");
+        if (((resource_instance_type() != M2MResourceBase::STRING) &&
+             (resource_instance_type() != M2MResourceBase::OPAQUE)) &&
+             (observation_level != M2MBase::None)) {
+            M2MReportHandler *report_handler = M2MBase::report_handler();
+            if (report_handler && (is_observable() || is_auto_observable())) {
+                if (resource_instance_type() == M2MResourceBase::FLOAT) {
+                    const float float_value = get_value_float();
+                    report_handler->set_value_float(float_value);
+                } else {
+                    const int64_t int_value = get_value_int();
+                    report_handler->set_value_int(int_value);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            if (base_type() == M2MBase::ResourceInstance) {
+                const M2MResource& parent_resource = get_parent_resource();
+                M2MReportHandler *report_handler = parent_resource.report_handler();
+                if(report_handler && (parent_resource.is_observable() || parent_resource.is_auto_observable())) {
+                    report_handler->set_notification_trigger(parent_resource.get_parent_object_instance().instance_id());
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    } else if(M2MBase::Static == mode()) {
+        M2MObservationHandler *obs_handler = observation_handler();
+        if(obs_handler) {
+            obs_handler->value_updated(this);
+        }
+    } else {
+        if (is_observable() || is_auto_observable()) {
+            tr_debug("M2MResourceBase::report() - resource %s is observable but not yet subscribed!", uri_path());
+        }
+        tr_debug("M2MResourceBase::report() - mode = %d, is_observable = %d", mode(), is_observable());
+    }
+bool M2MResourceBase::has_value_changed(const uint8_t* value, const uint32_t value_len)
+    bool changed = false;
+    sn_nsdl_dynamic_resource_parameters_s* res = get_nsdl_resource();
+    if(value_len != res->resource_len) {
+        changed = true;
+    } else if(value && !res->resource) {
+        changed = true;
+    } else if(res->resource && !value) {
+        changed = true;
+    } else {
+        if (res->resource) {
+            if (memcmp(value, res->resource, res->resource_len) != 0) {
+                changed = true;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return changed;
+void M2MResourceBase::report_value_change()
+    if (resource_instance_type() == M2MResourceBase::STRING ||
+        resource_instance_type() == M2MResourceBase::OPAQUE) {
+        M2MReportHandler *report_handler = M2MBase::report_handler();
+        if(report_handler && is_under_observation()) {
+            report_handler->set_notification_trigger();
+        }
+    }
+    report();
+void M2MResourceBase::execute(void *arguments)
+    // XXX: this line is expected by seven testcases and until this code hits master branch
+    // the testcases can not be modified and we need to print the false information too.
+    tr_debug("M2MResourceBase::execute");
+    execute_callback* callback = (execute_callback*)M2MCallbackStorage::get_callback(*this, M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceExecuteCallback);
+    if (callback) {
+        (*callback)(arguments);
+    }
+    execute_callback_2 callback2 = (execute_callback_2)M2MCallbackStorage::get_callback(*this, M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceExecuteCallback2);
+    if (callback2) {
+        (*callback2)(arguments);
+    }
+int M2MResourceBase::read_resource_value(const M2MResourceBase &resource, void *buffer, size_t *buffer_len)
+    tr_debug("M2MResourceBase::read_resource_value");
+    M2MCallbackAssociation* item = M2MCallbackStorage::get_association_item(resource,
+                                                                            M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceBaseValueReadCallback);
+    if (item) {
+        read_resource_value_callback callback = (read_resource_value_callback)item->_callback;
+        assert(callback);
+        return (*callback)(resource, buffer, buffer_len, item->_client_args);
+    } else {
+        if (value_length() > *buffer_len) {
+            return -1;
+        } else {
+            memcpy(buffer, value(), value_length());
+            *buffer_len = value_length();
+            return 0;
+        }
+    }
+bool M2MResourceBase::write_resource_value(const M2MResourceBase &resource, const uint8_t *buffer, const size_t buffer_size)
+    tr_debug("M2MResourceBase::write_resource_value");
+    M2MCallbackAssociation* item = M2MCallbackStorage::get_association_item(resource,
+                                                                            M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceBaseValueWriteCallback);
+    if (item) {
+        write_resource_value_callback callback = (write_resource_value_callback)item->_callback;
+        if (callback) {
+            return (*callback)(resource, buffer, buffer_size, item->_client_args);
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+void M2MResourceBase::get_value(uint8_t *&value, uint32_t &value_length)
+    value_length = 0;
+    if(value) {
+        free(value);
+        value = NULL;
+    }
+    sn_nsdl_dynamic_resource_parameters_s* res = get_nsdl_resource();
+    if(res->resource && res->resource_len > 0) {
+        value = alloc_string_copy(res->resource, res->resource_len);
+        if(value) {
+            value_length = res->resource_len;
+        }
+    }
+int64_t M2MResourceBase::get_value_int() const
+    int64_t value_int = 0;
+    const char *value_string = (char *)value();
+    const uint32_t value_len = value_length();
+    if ((value_string) && (value_len <= REGISTRY_INT64_STRING_MAX_LEN)) {
+        // -9223372036854775808 - +9223372036854775807
+        // max length of int64_t string is 20 bytes + nil
+        // The +1 here is there in case the string was already zero terminated.
+        bool success = String::convert_ascii_to_int(value_string, value_len, value_int);
+        if (!success) {
+            // note: the convert_ascii_to_int() actually allows one to pass the conversion
+            // onwards, but this get_value_int() does not. Lets just dump error to log, but
+            // do not log the value as that might be part of a attack. Same reason (valid or not)
+            // is behind the selection of log level
+            tr_warn("M2MResourceBase::get_value_int(): conversion failed");
+        }
+    }
+    return value_int;
+String M2MResourceBase::get_value_string() const
+    // XXX: do a better constructor to avoid pointless malloc
+    String value;
+    if (get_nsdl_resource()->resource) {
+        value.append_raw((char*)get_nsdl_resource()->resource, get_nsdl_resource()->resource_len);
+    }
+    return value;
+float M2MResourceBase::get_value_float() const
+    float value_float = 0;
+    const char *value_string = (char *)value();
+    const uint32_t value_len = value_length();
+    if ((value_string) && (value_len <= REGISTRY_FLOAT_STRING_MAX_LEN)) {
+        // (space needed for -3.402823 × 10^38) + (magic decimal 6 digits added as no precision is added to "%f") + trailing zero
+        // The +1 here is there in case the string was already zero terminated.
+        char temp[REGISTRY_FLOAT_STRING_MAX_LEN + 1];
+        memcpy(temp, value_string, value_len);
+        temp[value_len] = 0;
+        value_float = atof(temp);
+    }
+    return value_float;
+uint8_t* M2MResourceBase::value() const
+    return get_nsdl_resource()->resource;
+uint32_t M2MResourceBase::value_length() const
+    return get_nsdl_resource()->resource_len;
+void M2MResourceBase::set_value_set_callback(value_set_callback callback)
+    M2MCallbackStorage::remove_callback(*this, M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceBaseValueSetCallback);
+    M2MCallbackStorage::add_callback(*this, (void*)callback, M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceBaseValueSetCallback);
+sn_coap_hdr_s* M2MResourceBase::handle_get_request(nsdl_s *nsdl,
+                                               sn_coap_hdr_s *received_coap_header,
+                                               M2MObservationHandler *observation_handler)
+    tr_info("M2MResourceBase::handle_get_request()");
+    sn_coap_msg_code_e msg_code = COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_CONTENT;
+    sn_coap_hdr_s *coap_response = sn_nsdl_build_response(nsdl,
+                                                          received_coap_header,
+                                                          msg_code);
+    if (received_coap_header) {
+        // process the GET if we have registered a callback for it
+        if ((operation() & M2MBase::GET_ALLOWED) != 0) {
+            if (coap_response) {
+                bool content_type_present = false;
+                if (received_coap_header->options_list_ptr &&
+                    received_coap_header->options_list_ptr->accept != COAP_CT_NONE) {
+                    content_type_present = true;
+                    coap_response->content_format = received_coap_header->options_list_ptr->accept;
+                    set_coap_content_type(coap_response->content_format);
+                }
+                if (!content_type_present) {
+                    if (resource_instance_type() == M2MResourceInstance::OPAQUE) {
+                        coap_response->content_format = sn_coap_content_format_e(COAP_CONTENT_OMA_OPAQUE_TYPE);
+                    } else {
+                        coap_response->content_format = sn_coap_content_format_e(COAP_CONTENT_OMA_PLAIN_TEXT_TYPE);
+                    }
+                }
+                // fill in the CoAP response payload
+                coap_response->payload_ptr = NULL;
+                uint32_t payload_len = 0;
+                //If handler exists it means that resource value is stored in application side
+                if (block_message() && block_message()->is_block_message()) {
+                    outgoing_block_message_callback* outgoing_block_message_cb = (outgoing_block_message_callback*)M2MCallbackStorage::get_callback(*this,
+                                                                                    M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceOutgoingBlockMessageCallback);
+                    if (outgoing_block_message_cb) {
+                        String name = "";
+                        if (received_coap_header->uri_path_ptr != NULL &&
+                            received_coap_header->uri_path_len > 0) {
+                            name.append_raw((char *)received_coap_header->uri_path_ptr, received_coap_header->uri_path_len);
+                        }
+                        (*outgoing_block_message_cb)(name, coap_response->payload_ptr, payload_len);
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    if (coap_response->content_format == COAP_CONTENT_OMA_TLV_TYPE ||
+                        coap_response->content_format == COAP_CONTENT_OMA_TLV_TYPE_OLD) {
+                        coap_response->payload_ptr = M2MTLVSerializer::serialize(&get_parent_resource(), payload_len);
+                    } else {
+                        get_value(coap_response->payload_ptr,payload_len);
+                    }
+                }
+                tr_debug("M2MResourceBase::handle_get_request() - Request Content-type: %d", coap_response->content_format);
+                coap_response->payload_len = payload_len;
+                coap_response->options_list_ptr = sn_nsdl_alloc_options_list(nsdl, coap_response);
+                if (coap_response->options_list_ptr) {
+                    coap_response->options_list_ptr->max_age = max_age();
+                }
+                if (received_coap_header->options_list_ptr) {
+                    if(received_coap_header->options_list_ptr->observe != -1) {
+                        handle_observation(nsdl, *received_coap_header, *coap_response, observation_handler, msg_code);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            tr_error("M2MResourceBase::handle_get_request - Return COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED");
+            // Operation is not allowed.
+        }
+    } else {
+    }
+    if (coap_response) {
+        coap_response->msg_code = msg_code;
+    }
+    return coap_response;
+sn_coap_hdr_s* M2MResourceBase::handle_put_request(nsdl_s *nsdl,
+                                               sn_coap_hdr_s *received_coap_header,
+                                               M2MObservationHandler *observation_handler,
+                                               bool &execute_value_updated)
+    tr_info("M2MResourceBase::handle_put_request()");
+    sn_coap_msg_code_e msg_code = COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_CHANGED; // 2.04
+    sn_coap_hdr_s *coap_response = sn_nsdl_build_response(nsdl,
+                                                           received_coap_header,
+                                                           msg_code);
+    // process the PUT if we have registered a callback for it
+    if(received_coap_header && coap_response) {
+        uint16_t coap_content_type = 0;
+        if(received_coap_header->content_format != COAP_CT_NONE) {
+            coap_content_type = received_coap_header->content_format;
+        }
+        if(received_coap_header->options_list_ptr &&
+           received_coap_header->options_list_ptr->uri_query_ptr) {
+            char *query = (char*)alloc_string_copy(received_coap_header->options_list_ptr->uri_query_ptr,
+                                                    received_coap_header->options_list_ptr->uri_query_len);
+            if (query){
+                tr_info("M2MResourceBase::handle_put_request() - query %s", query);
+                // if anything was updated, re-initialize the stored notification attributes
+                if (!handle_observation_attribute(query)){
+                    tr_error("M2MResourceBase::handle_put_request() - Invalid query");
+                    msg_code = COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_BAD_REQUEST;
+                }
+                free(query);
+            }
+            else {
+                // memory allocation for query fails
+                tr_error("M2MResourceBase::handle_put_request() - Out of memory !!!");
+                msg_code = COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; // 4.00
+            }
+        } else if ((operation() & M2MBase::PUT_ALLOWED) != 0) {
+            tr_debug("M2MResourceBase::handle_put_request() - Request Content-type: %d", coap_content_type);
+            if(COAP_CONTENT_OMA_OPAQUE_TYPE != coap_content_type &&
+               COAP_CONTENT_OMA_PLAIN_TEXT_TYPE != coap_content_type) {
+            } else {
+                if (block_message()) {
+                    block_message()->set_message_info(received_coap_header);
+                    if (block_message()->is_block_message()) {
+                        incoming_block_message_callback* incoming_block_message_cb = (incoming_block_message_callback*)M2MCallbackStorage::get_callback(*this,
+                                                                                M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceIncomingBlockMessageCallback);
+                        if (incoming_block_message_cb) {
+                            (*incoming_block_message_cb)(_block_message_data);
+                        }
+                        if (block_message()->is_last_block()) {
+                            block_message()->clear_values();
+                            coap_response->coap_status = COAP_STATUS_PARSER_BLOCKWISE_MSG_RECEIVED;
+                        } else {
+                            coap_response->coap_status = COAP_STATUS_PARSER_BLOCKWISE_MSG_RECEIVING;
+                        }
+                        if (block_message()->error_code() != M2MBlockMessage::ErrorNone) {
+                            block_message()->clear_values();
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                // Firmware object uri path is limited to be max 255 bytes
+                if ((strcmp(uri_path(), FIRMAWARE_PACKAGE_URI_PATH) == 0) &&
+                    received_coap_header->payload_len > 255) {
+                    msg_code = COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_NOT_ACCEPTABLE;
+                } else if ((strcmp(uri_path(), SERVER_LIFETIME_PATH) == 0)) {
+                    // Check that lifetime can't go below 60s
+                    if(received_coap_header->payload_ptr) {
+                        int64_t lifetime;
+                        bool success = String::convert_ascii_to_int((char*)received_coap_header->payload_ptr, received_coap_header->payload_len, lifetime);
+                        if ((success == false) || (lifetime < MINIMUM_REGISTRATION_TIME)) {
+                            tr_error("M2MResourceBase::handle_put_request() - lifetime value % " PRId32 " not acceptable", lifetime);
+                            msg_code = COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_NOT_ACCEPTABLE;
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        tr_error("M2MResourceBase::handle_put_request() - empty lifetime payload not acceptable");
+                        msg_code = COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_NOT_ACCEPTABLE;
+                    }
+                }
+                // Do not update resource value in error case.
+                if ((received_coap_header->payload_ptr) && (msg_code == COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_CHANGED)) {
+                    execute_value_updated = true;
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            // Operation is not allowed.
+            tr_error("M2MResourceBase::handle_put_request() - COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED");
+        }
+    } else {
+    }
+    if(coap_response) {
+        coap_response->msg_code = msg_code;
+    }
+    return coap_response;
+M2MBlockMessage* M2MResourceBase::block_message() const
+    return _block_message_data;
+bool M2MResourceBase::set_incoming_block_message_callback(incoming_block_message_callback callback)
+    incoming_block_message_callback* old_callback = (incoming_block_message_callback*)M2MCallbackStorage::remove_callback(*this,
+                                                        M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceIncomingBlockMessageCallback);
+    delete old_callback;
+    // copy the callback object. This will change on next version to be a direct pointer to a interface class,
+    // this FPn<> is just too heavy for this usage.
+    incoming_block_message_callback* new_callback = new incoming_block_message_callback(callback);
+    delete _block_message_data;
+    _block_message_data = NULL;
+    _block_message_data = new M2MBlockMessage();
+    return M2MCallbackStorage::add_callback(*this,
+                                            new_callback,
+                                            M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceIncomingBlockMessageCallback);
+bool M2MResourceBase::set_outgoing_block_message_callback(outgoing_block_message_callback callback)
+    outgoing_block_message_callback *old_callback = (outgoing_block_message_callback*)M2MCallbackStorage::remove_callback(*this,
+                                                         M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceOutgoingBlockMessageCallback);
+    delete old_callback;
+    outgoing_block_message_callback *new_callback = new outgoing_block_message_callback(callback);
+    return M2MCallbackStorage::add_callback(*this,
+                                            new_callback,
+                                            M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceOutgoingBlockMessageCallback);
+bool M2MResourceBase::set_notification_sent_callback(notification_sent_callback callback)
+    notification_sent_callback *old_callback = (notification_sent_callback*)M2MCallbackStorage::remove_callback(*this,
+                                                         M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceNotificationSentCallback);
+    delete old_callback;
+    notification_sent_callback *new_callback = new notification_sent_callback(callback);
+    return M2MCallbackStorage::add_callback(*this,
+                                            new_callback,
+                                            M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceNotificationSentCallback);
+bool M2MResourceBase::set_notification_sent_callback(notification_sent_callback_2 callback)
+    M2MCallbackStorage::remove_callback(*this, M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceNotificationSentCallback2);
+    return M2MCallbackStorage::add_callback(*this,
+                                            (void*)callback,
+                                            M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceNotificationSentCallback2);
+bool M2MResourceBase::set_notification_status_callback(notification_status_callback callback)
+    notification_status_callback *old_callback = (notification_status_callback*)M2MCallbackStorage::remove_callback(*this,
+                                                         M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceNotificationStatusCallback);
+    delete old_callback;
+    notification_status_callback *new_callback = new notification_status_callback(callback);
+    return M2MCallbackStorage::add_callback(*this,
+                                            new_callback,
+                                            M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceNotificationStatusCallback);
+bool M2MResourceBase::set_notification_status_callback(notification_status_callback_2 callback)
+    M2MCallbackStorage::remove_callback(*this, M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceNotificationStatusCallback2);
+    return M2MCallbackStorage::add_callback(*this,
+                                            (void*)callback,
+                                            M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceNotificationStatusCallback2);
+void M2MResourceBase::notification_sent()
+    // Now we will call both callbacks, if they are set. This is different from original behavior.
+    notification_sent_callback* callback =
+            (notification_sent_callback*)M2MCallbackStorage::get_callback(*this,
+                                                                          M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceNotificationSentCallback);
+    if (callback) {
+        (*callback)();
+    }
+    notification_sent_callback_2 callback2 =
+            (notification_sent_callback_2)M2MCallbackStorage::get_callback(*this,
+                                                                           M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceNotificationSentCallback2);
+    if (callback2) {
+        (*callback2)();
+    }
+void M2MResourceBase::notification_status(const uint16_t msg_id, const NotificationStatus status)
+    if (_notification_status != status) {
+        _notification_status = status;
+        // Now we will call both callbacks, if they are set. This is different from original behavior.
+        notification_status_callback* callback =
+                (notification_status_callback*)M2MCallbackStorage::get_callback(*this,
+                                                                              M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceNotificationStatusCallback);
+        if (callback) {
+            (*callback)(msg_id, status);
+        }
+        notification_status_callback_2 callback2 =
+                (notification_status_callback_2)M2MCallbackStorage::get_callback(*this,
+                                                                               M2MCallbackAssociation::M2MResourceInstanceNotificationStatusCallback2);
+        if (callback2) {
+            (*callback2)(msg_id, status);
+        }
+    }
+M2MResourceBase::ResourceType M2MResourceBase::convert_data_type(M2MBase::DataType type) const
+    M2MResourceBase::ResourceType res_type = M2MResourceBase::OBJLINK;
+    switch(type) {
+        case M2MBase::STRING:
+            res_type = M2MResourceBase::STRING;
+            break;
+        case M2MBase::INTEGER:
+            res_type = M2MResourceBase::INTEGER;
+            break;
+        case M2MBase::FLOAT:
+            res_type = M2MResourceBase::FLOAT;
+            break;
+        case M2MBase::OPAQUE:
+            res_type = M2MResourceBase::OPAQUE;
+            break;
+        case M2MBase::BOOLEAN:
+            res_type = M2MResourceBase::BOOLEAN;
+            break;
+        case M2MBase::TIME:
+            res_type = M2MResourceBase::TIME;
+            break;
+        case M2MBase::OBJLINK:
+            res_type = M2MResourceBase::OBJLINK;
+            break;
+    }
+    return res_type;
+M2MResourceBase::NotificationStatus M2MResourceBase::notification_status() const
+    return _notification_status;
+void M2MResourceBase::clear_notification_status()
+    _notification_status = M2MResourceBase::INIT;
+void M2MResourceBase::publish_value_in_registration_msg(bool publish_value)
+    M2MBase::lwm2m_parameters_s* param = M2MBase::get_lwm2m_parameters();
+    assert(param->data_type == M2MBase::INTEGER ||
+           param->data_type == M2MBase::STRING ||
+           param->data_type == M2MBase::FLOAT ||
+           param->data_type == M2MBase::BOOLEAN ||
+           param->data_type == M2MBase::OPAQUE);
+    uint8_t pub_value = publish_value;
+    if (param->data_type == M2MBase::OPAQUE) {
+        pub_value = 2;
+    } else {
+        pub_value = (uint8_t)publish_value;
+    }
+    param->dynamic_resource_params->publish_value = pub_value;