
Dependencies:   FXAS21002 FXOS8700Q

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/simple-mbed-cloud-client/mbed-cloud-client/certificate-enrollment-client/source/certificate_enrollment.c	Tue Nov 19 09:49:38 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright 2018 ARM Ltd.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include "pv_error_handling.h"
+#include "certificate_enrollment.h"
+#include "key_config_manager.h"
+#include "pv_macros.h"
+#include "fcc_defs.h"
+#include "ce_internal.h"
+#include "storage.h"
+extern const char g_renewal_status_file[];
+ce_status_e ce_init(void)
+ce_status_e ce_error_handler(kcm_status_e kcm_status)
+    switch (kcm_status) {
+        case KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS:
+            return CE_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+            return CE_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
+            return CE_STATUS_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+            return CE_STATUS_ITEM_NOT_FOUND;
+            return CE_STATUS_ITEM_IS_EMPTY;
+        default:
+            return CE_STATUS_ERROR;
+    }
+ce_status_e ce_generate_keys_and_create_csr_from_certificate(
+    const char *certificate_name, const cs_key_handle_t key_h,
+    uint8_t **csr_out, size_t *csr_size_out)
+    bool success;
+    ce_status_e ce_status = CE_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    kcm_status_e kcm_status = KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    uint8_t *certificate_buff = NULL;
+    size_t certificate_buff_max_size = 0, certificate_buff_size = 0, certificate_private_key_size = 0;
+    uint8_t *csr_buff = NULL;
+    size_t csr_buff_size = 0, csr_buff_max_size;
+    char *kcm_crt_name = NULL, *kcm_priv_key_name = NULL;
+    uint32_t kcm_crt_name_size = (uint32_t)strlen(certificate_name) + 1; // append null termination
+    SA_PV_ERR_RECOVERABLE_RETURN_IF((certificate_name == NULL), CE_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid certificate_name");
+    SA_PV_LOG_INFO_FUNC_ENTER("certificate_name = %s key_h = %" PRIuPTR "", certificate_name, key_h);
+    SA_PV_ERR_RECOVERABLE_RETURN_IF((csr_size_out == NULL), CE_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid csr_size_out");
+    // assert NOT a bootstrap device certificate
+    success = pv_str_equals(g_fcc_bootstrap_device_certificate_name, certificate_name, kcm_crt_name_size);
+    SA_PV_ERR_RECOVERABLE_RETURN_IF((success), CE_STATUS_FORBIDDEN_REQUEST, "device bootstrap certificate renewal is not allowed");
+    // assert NOT a bootstrap device key
+    success = pv_str_equals(g_fcc_bootstrap_device_private_key_name, certificate_name, kcm_crt_name_size);
+    SA_PV_ERR_RECOVERABLE_RETURN_IF((success), CE_STATUS_FORBIDDEN_REQUEST, "device bootstrap certificate renewal is not allowed");
+    success = ce_set_item_names(certificate_name, &kcm_priv_key_name, NULL, &kcm_crt_name);
+    SA_PV_ERR_RECOVERABLE_RETURN_IF((!success), CE_STATUS_ITEM_NOT_FOUND, "failed for ce_set_item_names()");
+    // getting the private key size successfully signifies that the certificate's private key exist and we're okay to continue
+    kcm_status = kcm_item_get_data_size((const uint8_t *)kcm_priv_key_name, strlen(kcm_priv_key_name), KCM_PRIVATE_KEY_ITEM, &certificate_private_key_size);
+    SA_PV_ERR_RECOVERABLE_RETURN_IF((kcm_status != KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS), ce_error_handler(kcm_status), "failed to get the certificate private key length");
+    SA_PV_ERR_RECOVERABLE_RETURN_IF((certificate_private_key_size == 0), CE_STATUS_ITEM_IS_EMPTY, "got empty private key for certificate %s", kcm_crt_name);
+    // get the certificate octet length
+    kcm_status = kcm_item_get_data_size((const uint8_t *)kcm_crt_name, strlen(kcm_crt_name), KCM_CERTIFICATE_ITEM, &certificate_buff_max_size);
+    SA_PV_ERR_RECOVERABLE_RETURN_IF((kcm_status != KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS), CE_STATUS_ERROR, "failed to get certificate octet length");
+    SA_PV_ERR_RECOVERABLE_RETURN_IF((certificate_buff_max_size == 0), CE_STATUS_ITEM_IS_EMPTY, "got 0 length for certificate");
+    certificate_buff = (uint8_t *)malloc(certificate_buff_max_size);
+    SA_PV_ERR_RECOVERABLE_RETURN_IF((certificate_buff == NULL), CE_STATUS_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "failed allocating certificate buffer");
+    // get the certificate bytes
+    kcm_status = kcm_item_get_data((const uint8_t *)kcm_crt_name, strlen(kcm_crt_name), KCM_CERTIFICATE_ITEM, certificate_buff, certificate_buff_max_size, &certificate_buff_size);
+    SA_PV_ERR_RECOVERABLE_GOTO_IF((kcm_status != KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS), (ce_status = ce_error_handler(kcm_status)), exit, "failed to get certificate buffer");
+    SA_PV_ERR_RECOVERABLE_GOTO_IF((certificate_buff_size == 0), (ce_status = CE_STATUS_ITEM_IS_EMPTY), exit, "got 0 length for certificate");
+    // we assume that the CSR size would not exceed the certificate size
+    csr_buff_max_size = certificate_buff_size;
+    csr_buff = (uint8_t *)malloc(csr_buff_max_size);
+    SA_PV_ERR_RECOVERABLE_GOTO_IF((csr_buff == NULL), (ce_status = CE_STATUS_OUT_OF_MEMORY), exit, "Failed allocating CSR buffer");
+    kcm_status = cs_generate_keys_and_create_csr_from_certificate(certificate_buff, certificate_buff_size, key_h, csr_buff, csr_buff_max_size, &csr_buff_size);
+    SA_PV_ERR_RECOVERABLE_GOTO_IF((kcm_status != KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS), (ce_status = ce_error_handler(kcm_status)), exit, "failed to generate keys and create CSR");
+    SA_PV_ERR_RECOVERABLE_GOTO_IF((csr_buff == NULL), (ce_status = CE_STATUS_ERROR), exit, "failed creating CSR or generating keys for certificate (%s)", kcm_crt_name);
+    // the calling user is responsible to free csr_out buffer
+    *csr_out = csr_buff;
+    *csr_size_out = csr_buff_size;
+    SA_PV_LOG_INFO_FUNC_EXIT("csr_size_out = %" PRIu32 "", (uint32_t)(*csr_size_out));
+    if (certificate_buff != NULL) {
+        free(certificate_buff);
+    }
+    if (ce_status != CE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+        free(csr_buff);
+    }
+    return ce_status;
+ce_status_e ce_safe_renewal(const char *item_name, ce_renewal_params_s *renewal_data)
+    bool success;
+    ce_status_e ce_status = CE_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    kcm_status_e kcm_status = KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    char *priv_key_name = NULL, *pub_key_name = NULL, *certificate_name = NULL;
+    size_t data_size_out;
+    bool is_public_key = false;
+    cs_ec_key_context_s *ec_key_ctx = NULL;
+    struct cert_chain_context_s *certificate_chain_data = NULL;
+    //Check parameters
+    SA_PV_ERR_RECOVERABLE_RETURN_IF((renewal_data == NULL), CE_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid renewal_data");
+    SA_PV_ERR_RECOVERABLE_RETURN_IF((renewal_data->crypto_handle ==(cs_key_handle_t) NULL), CE_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid crypto handle");
+    SA_PV_ERR_RECOVERABLE_RETURN_IF((renewal_data->cert_data == NULL), CE_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid cert_data");
+    certificate_chain_data = (struct cert_chain_context_s*)renewal_data->cert_data;
+    SA_PV_ERR_RECOVERABLE_RETURN_IF((certificate_chain_data->certs == NULL || certificate_chain_data->chain_length == 0), CE_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid certificate data");
+    SA_PV_LOG_INFO_FUNC_ENTER("item_name = %s ", item_name);
+    //Set item names
+    success = ce_set_item_names(item_name, &priv_key_name, &pub_key_name, &certificate_name);
+    SA_PV_ERR_RECOVERABLE_RETURN_IF((!success), CE_STATUS_ITEM_NOT_FOUND, "failed for ce_set_item_names()");
+    if (pub_key_name != NULL) { //If not lwm2m items
+        //Check if public key is present
+        kcm_status = kcm_item_get_data_size((const uint8_t *)pub_key_name, strlen(pub_key_name), KCM_PUBLIC_KEY_ITEM, &data_size_out);
+        SA_PV_ERR_RECOVERABLE_RETURN_IF((kcm_status != KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS && kcm_status != KCM_STATUS_ITEM_NOT_FOUND), CE_STATUS_STORAGE_ERROR, "failed to get public key size");
+        //Set public key flag
+        if (kcm_status == KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+            is_public_key = true;
+        }
+    } 
+    //Verify items correlation
+    kcm_status = cs_verify_items_correlation(renewal_data->crypto_handle, renewal_data->cert_data->certs->cert, renewal_data->cert_data->certs->cert_length);
+    //Create backup items
+    kcm_status = ce_create_backup_items(item_name, is_public_key);
+    if (kcm_status == KCM_STATUS_ITEM_NOT_FOUND) {
+        ce_status = CE_STATUS_ORIGINAL_ITEM_ERROR;
+    } 
+    if (kcm_status != KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS && kcm_status != KCM_STATUS_ITEM_NOT_FOUND) {
+        ce_status = CE_STATUS_BACKUP_ITEM_ERROR;
+    } 
+    SA_PV_ERR_RECOVERABLE_GOTO_IF((ce_status != CE_STATUS_SUCCESS), ce_status = ce_status, exit_and_delete_renewal_data,"failed to create backup items");
+    //Create renewal status file and write item_name to the file
+    kcm_status = ce_create_renewal_status(item_name); 
+    if (kcm_status == KCM_STATUS_FILE_EXIST) {
+        //Assumption : in case of existing  active renewal process ->ce_safe_renewal api blocked by event loop.
+        // So we assume that it is ok to delete renewal status file, as it is impossible that it used by another active renewal process.
+        //try to delete existing renewal status file and create new one
+        ce_delete_renewal_status();
+        kcm_status = ce_create_renewal_status(item_name);
+    }
+    SA_PV_ERR_RECOVERABLE_GOTO_IF((kcm_status != KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS), ce_status = CE_STATUS_RENEWAL_STATUS_ERROR, exit_and_delete_renewal_data, "failed to create renewal status file");
+    //Clean original items
+    kcm_status = ce_clean_items(item_name, KCM_ORIGINAL_ITEM, is_public_key );
+    SA_PV_ERR_RECOVERABLE_GOTO_IF((kcm_status != KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS), ce_status = CE_STATUS_STORAGE_ERROR, restore_backup_data, "Falid to clean original items");
+    ec_key_ctx = (cs_ec_key_context_s*)renewal_data->crypto_handle;
+    //Save new items
+    kcm_status = kcm_item_store((const uint8_t*)priv_key_name, strlen(priv_key_name), KCM_PRIVATE_KEY_ITEM, false, ec_key_ctx->priv_key, ec_key_ctx->priv_key_size, NULL);
+    SA_PV_ERR_RECOVERABLE_GOTO_IF((kcm_status != KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS), ce_status = CE_STATUS_STORAGE_ERROR, restore_backup_data, "Falid to store new private key");
+    if (is_public_key == true) {
+        kcm_status = kcm_item_store((const uint8_t*)pub_key_name, strlen(pub_key_name), KCM_PUBLIC_KEY_ITEM, false, ec_key_ctx->pub_key, ec_key_ctx->pub_key_size, NULL);
+        SA_PV_ERR_RECOVERABLE_GOTO_IF((kcm_status != KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS), ce_status = CE_STATUS_STORAGE_ERROR, restore_backup_data, "Falid to store new public key");
+    }
+    //Save new certificate/certificate chain
+    kcm_status = ce_store_new_certificate((const char*)certificate_name, certificate_chain_data);
+    SA_PV_ERR_RECOVERABLE_GOTO_IF((kcm_status != KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS), ce_status = CE_STATUS_STORAGE_ERROR, restore_backup_data, "Falid to store new certificate/certificate chain");
+    if (ce_status != CE_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+        //the restore here done only in case of some error, and at this stage we are not still want to return an original error
+        //this is the reason why we don't read the returned error of ce_restore_backup_items api
+        ce_restore_backup_items(item_name);
+    }
+    //Delete renewal status file
+    ce_delete_renewal_status();
+    //Clean backup items
+    ce_clean_items(item_name, KCM_BACKUP_ITEM, is_public_key);
+    return ce_status;
+/*! The API called during kcm_init() in case of error during renewal_certificate API. 
+* The functions checks status of the renewal process, restores original data and deletes redundant files.
+* The APIs checks the status based on renewal file and its data.
+*    @void
+void ce_check_and_restore_backup_status(void)
+    kcm_status_e kcm_status = KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    size_t renewal_item_data_len = 0;
+    size_t act_renewal_item_data_len = 0;
+    uint8_t renewal_item_name[CE_MAX_SIZE_OF_KCM_ITEM_NAME] = { 0 };
+    //Get renewal status file size
+    kcm_status = storage_data_size_read((const uint8_t *)g_renewal_status_file, strlen(g_renewal_status_file), KCM_CONFIG_ITEM, KCM_BACKUP_ITEM, &renewal_item_data_len);
+    //If renewal status file is not found or failed to get data size -> exit , no data to restore
+    if (kcm_status != KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+        if (kcm_status != KCM_STATUS_ITEM_NOT_FOUND) {
+            SA_PV_LOG_ERR("Failed to read renewal status");//Add error print, as this case is exceptional
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    if (renewal_item_data_len + 1 > sizeof(renewal_item_name)) {
+        SA_PV_LOG_ERR("Renewal item name is too big");//Add error print, as this case is exceptional
+        return;
+    }
+    //Read renewal status data
+    kcm_status = storage_data_read((const uint8_t *)g_renewal_status_file, strlen(g_renewal_status_file), KCM_CONFIG_ITEM, KCM_BACKUP_ITEM, renewal_item_name, renewal_item_data_len, &act_renewal_item_data_len);
+    SA_PV_ERR_RECOVERABLE_GOTO_IF((kcm_status != KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS || act_renewal_item_data_len != renewal_item_data_len), kcm_status = kcm_status, exit, "Failed to read renewal status data");
+    //Set null terminator
+   // renewal_item_data[renewal_item_data_len] ='\0';
+    renewal_item_name[renewal_item_data_len] = '\0';
+    //Restore backup items - this will clean all unnecessary data
+    kcm_status = ce_restore_backup_items((const char *)renewal_item_name);
+    SA_PV_ERR_RECOVERABLE_GOTO_IF((kcm_status != KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS && kcm_status!= KCM_STATUS_ITEM_NOT_FOUND), kcm_status = kcm_status, exit, "Failed to restore backup items");
+    //Delete renewal status file
+    kcm_status = storage_data_delete((const uint8_t *)g_renewal_status_file, (size_t)strlen(g_renewal_status_file), KCM_CONFIG_ITEM, KCM_BACKUP_ITEM);
+    if (kcm_status != KCM_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+        SA_PV_LOG_ERR("Failed to delete renewal status");//Add error print, as this case is exceptional
+    }
+    return;