mbed library sources. Supersedes mbed-src. Fixed broken STM32F1xx RTC on rtc_api.c

Dependents:   Nucleo_F103RB_RTC_battery_bkup_pwr_off_okay

Fork of mbed-dev by mbed official

diff -r e131a1973e81 -r b96e65c34a4d targets/TARGET_NUVOTON/TARGET_M451/lp_ticker.c
--- a/targets/TARGET_NUVOTON/TARGET_M451/lp_ticker.c	Fri Sep 15 14:59:18 2017 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_NUVOTON/TARGET_M451/lp_ticker.c	Mon Oct 02 15:33:19 2017 +0100
@@ -145,31 +145,23 @@
 void lp_ticker_set_interrupt(timestamp_t timestamp)
-    uint32_t now = lp_ticker_read();
+    uint32_t delta = timestamp - lp_ticker_read();
     wakeup_tick = timestamp;
     TIMER_Stop((TIMER_T *) NU_MODBASE(timer3_modinit.modname));
+    cd_major_minor_clks = (uint64_t) delta * US_PER_TICK * TMR3_CLK_PER_SEC / US_PER_SEC;
+    lp_ticker_arm_cd();
+void lp_ticker_fire_interrupt(void)
+    cd_major_minor_clks = cd_minor_clks = 0;
-     * FIXME: Scheduled alarm may go off incorrectly due to wrap around.
-     * Conditions in which delta is negative:
-     * 1. Wrap around
-     * 2. Newly scheduled alarm is behind now
-     */ 
-    //int delta = (timestamp > now) ? (timestamp - now) : (uint32_t) ((uint64_t) timestamp + 0xFFFFFFFFu - now);
-    int delta = (int) (timestamp - now);
-    if (delta > 0) {
-        cd_major_minor_clks = (uint64_t) delta * US_PER_TICK * TMR3_CLK_PER_SEC / US_PER_SEC;
-        lp_ticker_arm_cd();
-    }
-    else {
-        cd_major_minor_clks = cd_minor_clks = 0;
-        /**
-         * This event was in the past. Set the interrupt as pending, but don't process it here.
-         * This prevents a recurive loop under heavy load which can lead to a stack overflow.
-         */  
-        NVIC_SetPendingIRQ(timer3_modinit.irq_n);
-    }
+     * This event was in the past. Set the interrupt as pending, but don't process it here.
+     * This prevents a recurive loop under heavy load which can lead to a stack overflow.
+     */  
+    NVIC_SetPendingIRQ(timer3_modinit.irq_n);
 void lp_ticker_disable_interrupt(void)