mbed library sources. Supersedes mbed-src. Fixed broken STM32F1xx RTC on rtc_api.c
Dependents: Nucleo_F103RB_RTC_battery_bkup_pwr_off_okay
Fork of mbed-dev by
- Committer:
- maxxir
- Date:
- 2017-11-07
- Revision:
- 177:619788de047e
- Parent:
- 149:156823d33999
File content as of revision 177:619788de047e:
/**************************************************************************//** * @file W7500x.h * @brief CMSIS Cortex-M0 Core Peripheral Access Layer Header File for * Device W7500x * @version V3.01 * @date 06. March 2012 * * @note * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. * * @par * ARM Limited (ARM) is supplying this software for use with Cortex-M * processor based microcontrollers. This file can be freely distributed * within development tools that are supporting such ARM based processors. * * @par * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED * OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. * ARM SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. * ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef W7500x_H #define W7500x_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** @addtogroup W7500x_Definitions W7500x Definitions This file defines all structures and symbols for W7500x: - registers and bitfields - peripheral base address - peripheral ID - Peripheral definitions @{ */ /******************************************************************************/ /* Processor and Core Peripherals */ /******************************************************************************/ /** @addtogroup W7500x_CMSIS Device CMSIS Definitions Configuration of the Cortex-M0 Processor and Core Peripherals @{ */ /* * ========================================================================== * ---------- Interrupt Number Definition ----------------------------------- * ========================================================================== */ typedef enum IRQn { /****** Cortex-M0 Processor Exceptions Numbers **************************************************/ /* ToDo: use this Cortex interrupt numbers if your device is a CORTEX-M0 device */ NonMaskableInt_IRQn = -14, /*!< 2 Cortex-M0 Non Maskable Interrupt */ HardFault_IRQn = -13, /*!< 3 Cortex-M0 Hard Fault Interrupt */ SVCall_IRQn = -5, /*!< 11 Cortex-M0 SV Call Interrupt */ PendSV_IRQn = -2, /*!< 14 Cortex-M0 Pend SV Interrupt */ SysTick_IRQn = -1, /*!< 15 Cortex-M0 System Tick Interrupt */ /****** W7500x Specific Interrupt Numbers *********************************************************/ SSP0_IRQn = 0, /*!< SSP 0 Interrupt */ SSP1_IRQn = 1, /*!< SSP 1 Interrupt */ UART0_IRQn = 2, /*!< UART 0 Interrupt */ UART1_IRQn = 3, /*!< UART 1 Interrupt */ UART2_IRQn = 4, /*!< UART 2 Interrupt */ I2C0_IRQn = 5, /*!< I2C 0 Interrupt */ I2C1_IRQn = 6, /*!< I2C 1 Interrupt */ PORT0_IRQn = 7, /*!< Port 1 combined Interrupt */ PORT1_IRQn = 8, /*!< Port 2 combined Interrupt */ PORT2_IRQn = 9, /*!< Port 2 combined Interrupt */ PORT3_IRQn = 10, /*!< Port 2 combined Interrupt */ DMA_IRQn = 11, /*!< DMA combined Interrupt */ DUALTIMER0_IRQn = 12, /*!< Dual Timer 0 Interrupt */ DUALTIMER1_IRQn = 13, /*!< Dual Timer 1 Interrupt */ PWM0_IRQn = 14, /*!< PWM 0 Interrupt */ PWM1_IRQn = 15, /*!< PWM 1 Interrupt */ PWM2_IRQn = 16, /*!< PWM 2 Interrupt */ PWM3_IRQn = 17, /*!< PWM 3 Interrupt */ PWM4_IRQn = 18, /*!< PWM 4 Interrupt */ PWM5_IRQn = 19, /*!< PWM 5 Interrupt */ PWM6_IRQn = 20, /*!< PWM 6 Interrupt */ PWM7_IRQn = 21, /*!< PWM 7 Interrupt */ RTC_IRQn = 22, /*!< RTC Interrupt */ ADC_IRQn = 23, /*!< ADC Interrupt */ WZTOE_IRQn = 24, /*!< WZTOE Interrupt */ EXTI_IRQn = 25 /*!< EXTI Interrupt */ } IRQn_Type; /* * ========================================================================== * ----------- Processor and Core Peripheral Section ------------------------ * ========================================================================== */ /* Configuration of the Cortex-M0 Processor and Core Peripherals */ #define __CM0_REV 0x0000 /*!< Core Revision r0p0 */ #define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS 2 /*!< Number of Bits used for Priority Levels */ #define __Vendor_SysTickConfig 0 /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used */ #define __MPU_PRESENT 0 /*!< MPU present or not */ /*@}*/ /* end of group W7500x_CMSIS */ #include "core_cm0.h" /* Cortex-M0 processor and core peripherals */ #include "system_W7500x.h" /* W7500x System include file */ /** @addtogroup Exported_types * @{ */ typedef enum {RESET = 0, SET = !RESET} FlagStatus, ITStatus; typedef enum {DISABLE = 0, ENABLE = !DISABLE} FunctionalState; #define IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(STATE) (((STATE) == DISABLE) || ((STATE) == ENABLE)) typedef enum {ERROR = 0, SUCCESS = !ERROR} ErrorStatus; /** * @} */ /** @addtogroup Peripheral_registers_structures * @{ */ /** * @brief Clock Reset Generator */ typedef struct { __IO uint32_t OSC_PDR; /*!< Oscillator power down register, Address offset : 0x00 */ uint32_t RESERVED0[3]; __IO uint32_t PLL_PDR; /*!< PLL power down register, Address offset : 0x10 */ __IO uint32_t PLL_FCR; /*!< PLL frequency calculating register, Address offset : 0x14 */ __IO uint32_t PLL_OER; /*!< PLL output enable register, Address offset : 0x18 */ __IO uint32_t PLL_BPR; /*!< PLL bypass register, Address offset : 0x1c */ __IO uint32_t PLL_IFSR; /*!< PLL input frequency select register, Address offset : 0x20 */ uint32_t RESERVED1[3]; __IO uint32_t FCLK_SSR; /*!< FCLK source select register, Address offset : 0x30 */ __IO uint32_t FCLK_PVSR; /*!< FCLK prescale value select register, Address offset : 0x34 */ uint32_t RESERVED2[2]; __IO uint32_t SSPCLK_SSR; /*!< SSPCLK source select register, Address offset : 0x40 */ __IO uint32_t SSPCLK_PVSR; /*!< SSPCLK prescale value select register, Address offset : 0x44 */ uint32_t RESERVED3[6]; __IO uint32_t ADCCLK_SSR; /*!< ADCCLK source select register, Address offset : 0x60 */ __IO uint32_t ADCCLK_PVSR; /*!< ADCCLK prescale value select register, Address offset : 0x64 */ uint32_t RESERVED4[2]; __IO uint32_t TIMER0CLK_SSR; /*!< TIMER0CLK source select register, Address offset : 0x70 */ __IO uint32_t TIMER0CLK_PVSR; /*!< TIMER0CLK prescale value select register, Address offset : 0x74 */ uint32_t RESERVED5[2]; __IO uint32_t TIMER1CLK_SSR; /*!< TIMER1CLK source select register, Address offset : 0x80 */ __IO uint32_t TIMER1CLK_PVSR; /*!< TIMER1CLK prescale value select register, Address offset : 0x84 */ uint32_t RESERVED6[10]; __IO uint32_t PWM0CLK_SSR; /*!< PWM0CLK source select register, Address offset : 0xb0 */ __IO uint32_t PWM0CLK_PVSR; /*!< PWM0CLK prescale value select register, Address offset : 0xb4 */ uint32_t RESERVED7[2]; __IO uint32_t PWM1CLK_SSR; /*!< PWM1CLK source select register, Address offset : 0xc0 */ __IO uint32_t PWM1CLK_PVSR; /*!< PWM1CLK prescale value select register, Address offset : 0xc4 */ uint32_t RESERVED8[2]; __IO uint32_t PWM2CLK_SSR; /*!< PWM2CLK source select register, Address offset : 0xd0 */ __IO uint32_t PWM2CLK_PVSR; /*!< PWM2CLK prescale value select register, Address offset : 0xd4 */ uint32_t RESERVED9[2]; __IO uint32_t PWM3CLK_SSR; /*!< PWM3CLK source select register, Address offset : 0xe0 */ __IO uint32_t PWM3CLK_PVSR; /*!< PWM3CLK prescale value select register, Address offset : 0xe4 */ uint32_t RESERVED10[2]; __IO uint32_t PWM4CLK_SSR; /*!< PWM4CLK source select register, Address offset : 0xf0 */ __IO uint32_t PWM4CLK_PVSR; /*!< PWM4CLK prescale value select register, Address offset : 0xf4 */ uint32_t RESERVED11[2]; __IO uint32_t PWM5CLK_SSR; /*!< PWM5CLK source select register, Address offset : 0x100 */ __IO uint32_t PWM5LK_PVSR; /*!< PWM5CLK prescale value select register, Address offset : 0x104 */ uint32_t RESERVED12[2]; __IO uint32_t PWM6CLK_SSR; /*!< PWM6CLK source select register, Address offset : 0x110 */ __IO uint32_t PWM6CLK_PVSR; /*!< PWM6CLK prescale value select register, Address offset : 0x114 */ uint32_t RESERVED13[2]; __IO uint32_t PWM7CLK_SSR; /*!< PWM7CLK source select register, Address offset : 0x120 */ __IO uint32_t PWM7CLK_PVSR; /*!< PWM7CLK prescale value select register, Address offset : 0x124 */ uint32_t RESERVED14[2]; __IO uint32_t RTC_HS_SSR; /*!< RTC High Speed source select register, Address offset : 0x130 */ __IO uint32_t RTC_HS_PVSR; /*!< RTC High Speed prescale value select register, Address offset : 0x134 */ uint32_t RESERVED15; __IO uint32_t RTC_SSR; /*!< RTC source select register, Address offset : 0x13c */ __IO uint32_t WDOGCLK_HS_SSR; /*!< WDOGCLK High Speed source select register, Address offset : 0x140 */ __IO uint32_t WDOGCLK_HS_PVSR; /*!< WDOGCLK High Speed prescale value select register, Address offset : 0x144 */ uint32_t RESERVED16; __IO uint32_t WDOGCLK_SSR; /*!< WDOGCLK source select register, Address offset : 0x14c */ __IO uint32_t UARTCLK_SSR; /*!< UARTCLK source select register, Address offset : 0x150 */ __IO uint32_t UARTCLK_PVSR; /*!< UARTCLK prescale value select register, Address offset : 0x154 */ uint32_t RESERVED17[2]; __IO uint32_t MIICLK_ECR; /*!< MII clock enable control register, Address offset : 0x160 */ uint32_t RESERVED18[3]; __IO uint32_t MONCLK_SSR; /*!< Monitoring clock source select I found Treasure was IoT Base Station in March.register, Address offset : 0x170 */ }CRG_TypeDef; /** * @brief UART */ typedef struct { __IO uint32_t DR; /*!< Data, Address offset : 0x00 */ union { __I uint32_t RSR; /*!< Receive Status, Address offset : 0x04 */ __O uint32_t ECR; /*!< Error Clear, Address offset : 0x04 */ } STATUS; uint32_t RESERVED0[4]; __IO uint32_t FR; /*!< Flags, Address offset : 0x18 */ uint32_t RESERVED1; __IO uint32_t ILPR; /*!< IrDA Low-power Counter, Address offset : 0x20 */ __IO uint32_t IBRD; /*!< Integer Baud Rate, Address offset : 0x24 */ __IO uint32_t FBRD; /*!< Fractional Baud Rate, Address offset : 0x28 */ __IO uint32_t LCR_H; /*!< Line Control, Address offset : 0x2C */ __IO uint32_t CR; /*!< Control, Address offset : 0x30 */ __IO uint32_t IFLS; /*!< Interrupt FIFO Level Select, Address offset : 0x34 */ __IO uint32_t IMSC; /*!< Interrupt Mask Set / Clear, Address offset : 0x38 */ __IO uint32_t RIS; /*!< Raw Interrupt Status , Address offset : 0x3C */ __IO uint32_t MIS; /*!< Masked Interrupt Status , Address offset : 0x40 */ __O uint32_t ICR; /*!< Interrupt Clear, Address offset : 0x44 */ __IO uint32_t DMACR; /*!< DMA Control, Address offset : 0x48 */ } UART_TypeDef; /** * @brief Simple UART */ typedef struct { __IO uint32_t DATA; /*!< Offset: 0x000 Data Register (R/W) */ __IO uint32_t STATE; /*!< Offset: 0x004 Status Register (R/W) */ __IO uint32_t CTRL; /*!< Offset: 0x008 Control Register (R/W) */ union { __I uint32_t STATUS; /*!< Offset: 0x00C Interrupt Status Register (R/ ) */ __O uint32_t CLEAR; /*!< Offset: 0x00C Interrupt Clear Register ( /W) */ }INT; __IO uint32_t BAUDDIV; /*!< Offset: 0x010 Baudrate Divider Register (R/W) */ } S_UART_TypeDef; /** * @brief Analog Digital Converter */ typedef struct { __IO uint32_t ADC_CTR; /* ADC control register, Address offset : 0x000 */ __IO uint32_t ADC_CHSEL; /* ADC channel select register, Address offset : 0x004 */ __IO uint32_t ADC_START; /* ADC start register, Address offset : 0x008 */ __I uint32_t ADC_DATA; /* ADC conversion data register, Address offset : 0x00c */ __IO uint32_t ADC_INT; /* ADC interrupt register, Address offset : 0x010 */ uint32_t RESERVED0[2]; __IO uint32_t ADC_INTCLR; /* ADC interrupt clear register, Address offset : 0x01c */ }ADC_TypeDef; /** * @brief dualtimer */ typedef struct { __IO uint32_t TimerLoad; // <h> Timer Load </h> __I uint32_t TimerValue; // <h> Timer Counter Current Value <r></h> __IO uint32_t TimerControl; // <h> Timer Control // <o.7> TimerEn: Timer Enable // <o.6> TimerMode: Timer Mode // <0=> Freerunning-mode // <1=> Periodic mode // <o.5> IntEnable: Interrupt Enable // <o.2..3> TimerPre: Timer Prescale // <0=> / 1 // <1=> / 16 // <2=> / 256 // <3=> Undefined! // <o.1> TimerSize: Timer Size // <0=> 16-bit counter // <1=> 32-bit counter // <o.0> OneShot: One-shoot mode // <0=> Wrapping mode // <1=> One-shot mode // </h> __O uint32_t TimerIntClr; // <h> Timer Interrupt Clear <w></h> __I uint32_t TimerRIS; // <h> Timer Raw Interrupt Status <r></h> __I uint32_t TimerMIS; // <h> Timer Masked Interrupt Status <r></h> __IO uint32_t TimerBGLoad; // <h> Background Load Register </h> } DUALTIMER_TypeDef; /** * @brief GPIO */ typedef struct { __IO uint32_t DATA; /* DATA Register (R/W), offset : 0x000 */ __IO uint32_t DATAOUT; /* Data Output Latch Register (R/W), offset : 0x004 */ uint32_t RESERVED0[2]; __IO uint32_t OUTENSET; /* Output Enable Set Register (R/W) offset : 0x010 */ __IO uint32_t OUTENCLR; /* Output Enable Clear Register (R/W) offset : 0x014 */ __IO uint32_t RESERVED1; /* Alternate Function Set Register (R/W) offset : 0x018 */ __IO uint32_t RESERVED2; /* Alternate Function Clear Register (R/W) offset : 0x01C */ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /* Interrupt Enable Set Register (R/W) offset : 0x020 */ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /* Interrupt Enable Clear Register (R/W) offset : 0x024 */ __IO uint32_t INTTYPESET; /* Interrupt Type Set Register (R/W) offset : 0x028 */ __IO uint32_t INTTYPECLR; /* Interrupt Type Clear Register (R/W) offset : 0x02C */ __IO uint32_t INTPOLSET; /* Interrupt Polarity Set Register (R/W) offset : 0x030 */ __IO uint32_t INTPOLCLR; /* Interrupt Polarity Clear Register (R/W) offset : 0x034 */ union { __I uint32_t INTSTATUS; /* Interrupt Status Register (R/ ) offset : 0x038 */ __O uint32_t INTCLEAR; /* Interrupt Clear Register ( /W) offset : 0x038 */ }Interrupt; uint32_t RESERVED3[241]; __IO uint32_t LB_MASKED[256]; /* Lower byte Masked Access Register (R/W) offset : 0x400 - 0x7FC */ __IO uint32_t UB_MASKED[256]; /* Upper byte Masked Access Register (R/W) offset : 0x800 - 0xBFC */ } GPIO_TypeDef; typedef struct { __IO uint32_t Port[16]; /* Port_00, offset : 0x00 */ /* Port_01, offset : 0x04 */ /* Port_02, offset : 0x08 */ /* Port_03, offset : 0x0C */ /* Port_04, offset : 0x10 */ /* Port_05, offset : 0x14 */ /* Port_06, offset : 0x18 */ /* Port_07, offset : 0x1C */ /* Port_08, offset : 0x20 */ /* Port_09, offset : 0x24 */ /* Port_10, offset : 0x28 */ /* Port_11, offset : 0x2C */ /* Port_12, offset : 0x30 */ /* Port_13, offset : 0x34 */ /* Port_14, offset : 0x38 */ /* Port_15, offset : 0x3C */ } P_Port_Def; typedef struct { __IO uint32_t Port[5]; /* Port_00, offset : 0x00 */ /* Port_01, offset : 0x04 */ /* Port_02, offset : 0x08 */ /* Port_03, offset : 0x0C */ /* Port_04, offset : 0x10 */ } P_Port_D_Def; /** * @brief I2C Register structure definition */ typedef struct { __IO uint32_t PRER; //0x00 __IO uint32_t CTR; //0x04 __IO uint32_t CMDR; //0x08 __I uint32_t SR; //0x0C __IO uint32_t TSR; //0x10 __IO uint32_t SADDR; //0x14 __IO uint32_t TXR; //0x18 __I uint32_t RXR; //0x1C __I uint32_t ISR; //0x20 __IO uint32_t ISCR; //0x24 __IO uint32_t ISMR; //0x28 }I2C_TypeDef; /** * @brief PWM Register structure definition */ typedef struct { __IO uint32_t IER; //Interrupt enable register // <7> IE7 : Channel 7 interrupt enable <R/W> // <6> IE6 : Channel 6 interrupt enable <R/W> // <5> IE5 : Channel 5 interrupt enable <R/W> // <4> IE4 : Channel 4 interrupt enable <R/W> // <3> IE3 : Channel 3 interrupt enable <R/W> // <2> IE2 : Channel 2 interrupt enable <R/W> // <1> IE1 : Channel 1 interrupt enable <R/W> // <0> IE0 : Channel 0 interrupt enable <R/W> __IO uint32_t SSR; //Start Stop register // <7> SS7 : Channel 7 TC start or stop <R/W> // <6> SS6 : Channel 6 TC start or stop <R/W> // <5> SS5 : Channel 5 TC start or stop <R/W> // <4> SS4 : Channel 4 TC start or stop <R/W> // <3> SS3 : Channel 3 TC start or stop <R/W> // <2> SS2 : Channel 2 TC start or stop <R/W> // <1> SS1 : Channel 1 TC start or stop <R/W> // <0> SS0 : Channel 0 TC start or stop <R/W> __IO uint32_t PSR; //Pause register // <7> PS7 : Channel 7 TC pasue <R/W> // <6> PS6 : Channel 6 TC pasue <R/W> // <5> PS5 : Channel 5 TC pasue <R/W> // <4> PS4 : Channel 4 TC pasue <R/W> // <3> PS3 : Channel 3 TC pasue <R/W> // <2> PS2 : Channel 2 TC pasue <R/W> // <1> PS1 : Channel 1 TC pasue <R/W> // <0> PS0 : Channel 0 TC pasue <R/W> } PWM_TypeDef; typedef struct { __I uint32_t IR; //Interrupt register // <2> CI : Capture interrupt <R> // <1> OI : Overflow interrupt <R> // <0> MI : Match interrupt <R> __IO uint32_t IER; //Interrupt enable register // <2> CIE : Capture interrupt enable <R/W> // <1> OIE : Overflow interrupt enable <R/W> // <0> MIE : Match interrupt enable <R/W> __O uint32_t ICR; //Interrupt clear register // <2> CIC : Capture interrupt clear <W> // <1> OIC : Overflow interrupt clear <W> // <0> MIC : Match interrupt clear <W> __I uint32_t TCR; //Timer/Counter register // <0..31> TCR : Timer/Counter register <R> __I uint32_t PCR; //Prescale counter register // <0..5> PCR : Prescale Counter register <R> __IO uint32_t PR; //Prescale register // <0..5> PR : prescale register <R/W> __IO uint32_t MR; //Match register // <0..31> MR : Match register <R/W> __IO uint32_t LR; //Limit register // <0..31> LR : Limit register <R/W> __IO uint32_t UDMR; //Up-Down mode register // <0> UDM : Up-down mode <R/W> __IO uint32_t TCMR; //Timer/Counter mode register // <0> TCM : Timer/Counter mode <R/W> __IO uint32_t PEEER; //PWM output enable and external input enable register // <0..1> PEEE : PWM output enable and external input enable <R/W> __IO uint32_t CMR; //Capture mode register // <0> CM : Capture mode <R/W> __IO uint32_t CR; //Capture register // <0..31> CR : Capture register <R> __IO uint32_t PDMR; //Periodic mode register // <0> PDM : Periodic mode <R/W> __IO uint32_t DZER; //Dead-zone enable register // <0> DZE : Dead-zone enable <R/W> __IO uint32_t DZCR; //Dead-zone counter register // <0..9> DZC : Dead-zone counter <R/W> } PWM_CHn_TypeDef; typedef struct { __IO uint32_t PWM_CHn_PR; //Prescale register // <0..5> PR : prescale register <R/W> __IO uint32_t PWM_CHn_MR; //Match register // <0..31> MR : Match register <R/W> __IO uint32_t PWM_CHn_LR; //Limit register // <0..31> LR : Limit register <R/W> __IO uint32_t PWM_CHn_UDMR; //Up-Down mode register // <0> UDM : Up-down mode <R/W> __IO uint32_t PWM_CHn_PDMR; //Periodic mode register // <0> PDM : Periodic mode <R/W> }PWM_TimerModeInitTypeDef; typedef struct { __IO uint32_t PWM_CHn_PR; //Prescale register // <0..5> PR : prescale register <R/W> __IO uint32_t PWM_CHn_MR; //Match register // <0..31> MR : Match register <R/W> __IO uint32_t PWM_CHn_LR; //Limit register // <0..31> LR : Limit register <R/W> __IO uint32_t PWM_CHn_UDMR; //Up-Down mode register // <0> UDM : Up-down mode <R/W> __IO uint32_t PWM_CHn_PDMR; //Periodic mode register // <0> PDM : Peiodic mode <R/W> __IO uint32_t PWM_CHn_CMR; //Capture mode register // <0> CM : Capture mode <R/W> }PWM_CaptureModeInitTypeDef; typedef struct { __IO uint32_t PWM_CHn_MR; __IO uint32_t PWM_CHn_LR; __IO uint32_t PWM_CHn_UDMR; __IO uint32_t PWM_CHn_PDMR; __IO uint32_t PWM_CHn_TCMR; }PWM_CounterModeInitTypeDef; /** * @brief Random Number generator */ typedef struct { __IO uint32_t RNG_RUN; /* RNG run register, Address offset : 0x000 */ __IO uint32_t RNG_SEED; /* RNG seed value register, Address offset : 0x004 */ __IO uint32_t RNG_CLKSEL; /* RNG Clock source select register, Address offset : 0x008 */ __IO uint32_t RNG_MODE; /* RNG MODE select register, Address offset : 0x00c */ __I uint32_t RNG_RN; /* RNG random number value register, Address offset : 0x010 */ __IO uint32_t RNG_POLY; /* RNG polynomial register, Address offset : 0x014 */ }RNG_TypeDef; /** * @brief Serial Peripheral Interface */ typedef struct { __IO uint32_t CR0; __IO uint32_t CR1; __IO uint32_t DR; __IO uint32_t SR; __IO uint32_t CPSR; __IO uint32_t IMSC; __IO uint32_t RIS; __IO uint32_t MIS; __IO uint32_t ICR; __IO uint32_t DMACR; } SSP_TypeDef; typedef struct { __IO uint32_t WatchdogLoad; // <h> Watchdog Load Register </h> __I uint32_t WatchdogValue; // <h> Watchdog Value Register </h> __IO uint32_t WatchdogControl; // <h> Watchdog Control Register // <o.1> RESEN: Reset enable // <o.0> INTEN: Interrupt enable // </h> __O uint32_t WatchdogIntClr; // <h> Watchdog Clear Interrupt Register </h> __I uint32_t WatchdogRIS; // <h> Watchdog Raw Interrupt Status Register </h> __I uint32_t WatchdogMIS; // <h> Watchdog Interrupt Status Register </h> uint32_t RESERVED[762]; __IO uint32_t WatchdogLock; // <h> Watchdog Lock Register </h> }WATCHDOG_TypeDef; /** @addtogroup Peripheral_memory_map * @{ */ /* Peripheral and SRAM base address */ #define W7500x_FLASH_BASE (0x00000000UL) /*!< (FLASH ) Base Address */ #define W7500x_SRAM_BASE (0x20000000UL) /*!< (SRAM ) Base Address */ #define W7500x_PERIPH_BASE (0x40000000UL) /*!< (Peripheral) Base Address */ #define W7500x_RAM_BASE (0x20000000UL) #define W7500x_APB1_BASE (0x40000000UL) #define W7500x_APB2_BASE (0x41000000UL) #define W7500x_AHB_BASE (0x42000000UL) #define W7500x_UART0_BASE (W7500x_APB1_BASE + 0x0000C000UL) #define W7500x_UART1_BASE (W7500x_APB1_BASE + 0x0000D000UL) #define W7500x_UART2_BASE (W7500x_APB1_BASE + 0x00006000UL) #define W7500x_CRG_BASE (W7500x_APB2_BASE + 0x00001000UL) #define W7500x_ADC_BASE (W7500x_APB2_BASE + 0x00000000UL) #define W7500x_INFO_BGT (0x0003FDB8) #define W7500x_INFO_OSC (0x0003FDBC) #define W7500x_TRIM_BGT (0x41001210) #define W7500x_TRIM_OSC (0x41001004) #define W7500x_DUALTIMER0_BASE (W7500x_APB1_BASE + 0x00001000ul) #define W7500x_DUALTIMER1_BASE (W7500x_APB1_BASE + 0x00002000ul) #define EXTI_Px_BASE (W7500x_APB2_BASE + 0x00002200UL) #define GPIOA_BASE (W7500x_AHB_BASE + 0x00000000UL) // W7500x_AHB_BASE : 0x42000000UL #define GPIOB_BASE (W7500x_AHB_BASE + 0x01000000UL) #define GPIOC_BASE (W7500x_AHB_BASE + 0x02000000UL) #define GPIOD_BASE (W7500x_AHB_BASE + 0x03000000UL) #define P_AFSR_BASE (W7500x_APB2_BASE + 0x00002000UL) #define P_PCR_BASE (W7500x_APB2_BASE + 0x00003000UL) #define I2C0_BASE (W7500x_APB1_BASE + 0x8000) #define I2C1_BASE (W7500x_APB1_BASE + 0x9000) #define W7500x_PWM_BASE (W7500x_APB1_BASE + 0x00005000UL) #define W7500x_RNG_BASE (W7500x_APB1_BASE + 0x00007000UL) #define SSP0_BASE (0x4000A000) #define SSP1_BASE (0x4000B000) #define W7500x_WATCHDOG_BASE (W7500x_APB1_BASE + 0x0000UL) /** * @} */ /** @addtogroup Peripheral_declaration * @{ */ #define CRG ((CRG_TypeDef *) W7500x_CRG_BASE) #define UART0 ((UART_TypeDef *) W7500x_UART0_BASE) #define UART1 ((UART_TypeDef *) W7500x_UART1_BASE) #define UART2 ((S_UART_TypeDef *) W7500x_UART2_BASE) #define ADC ((ADC_TypeDef *) W7500x_ADC_BASE) #define DUALTIMER0_0 ((DUALTIMER_TypeDef *) (W7500x_DUALTIMER0_BASE) ) #define DUALTIMER0_1 ((DUALTIMER_TypeDef *) (W7500x_DUALTIMER0_BASE + 0x20ul)) #define DUALTIMER1_0 ((DUALTIMER_TypeDef *) (W7500x_DUALTIMER1_BASE) ) #define DUALTIMER1_1 ((DUALTIMER_TypeDef *) (W7500x_DUALTIMER1_BASE + 0x20ul)) #define EXTI_PA ((P_Port_Def *) (EXTI_Px_BASE + 0x00000000UL)) /* PA_XX External interrupt Enable Register */ #define EXTI_PB ((P_Port_Def *) (EXTI_Px_BASE + 0x00000040UL)) /* PB_XX External interrupt Enable Register */ #define EXTI_PC ((P_Port_Def *) (EXTI_Px_BASE + 0x00000080UL)) /* PC_XX External interrupt Enable Register */ #define EXTI_PD ((P_Port_D_Def *) (EXTI_Px_BASE + 0x000000C0UL)) /* PD_XX External interrupt Enable Register */ #define GPIOA ((GPIO_TypeDef *) (GPIOA_BASE) ) #define GPIOB ((GPIO_TypeDef *) (GPIOB_BASE) ) #define GPIOC ((GPIO_TypeDef *) (GPIOC_BASE) ) #define GPIOD ((GPIO_TypeDef *) (GPIOD_BASE) ) #define PA_AFSR ((P_Port_Def *) (P_AFSR_BASE + 0x00000000UL)) /* PA_XX Pad Alternate Function Select Register */ #define PB_AFSR ((P_Port_Def *) (P_AFSR_BASE + 0x00000040UL)) /* PB_XX Pad Alternate Function Select Register */ #define PC_AFSR ((P_Port_Def *) (P_AFSR_BASE + 0x00000080UL)) /* PC_XX Pad Alternate Function Select Register */ #define PD_AFSR ((P_Port_D_Def *) (P_AFSR_BASE + 0x000000C0UL)) /* PD_XX Pad Alternate Function Select Register */ #define PA_PCR ((P_Port_Def *) (P_PCR_BASE + 0x00000000UL)) /* PA_XX Pad Control Register */ #define PB_PCR ((P_Port_Def *) (P_PCR_BASE + 0x00000040UL)) /* PB_XX Pad Control Register */ #define PC_PCR ((P_Port_Def *) (P_PCR_BASE + 0x00000080UL)) /* PC_XX Pad Control Register */ #define PD_PCR ((P_Port_D_Def *) (P_PCR_BASE + 0x000000C0UL)) /* PD_XX Pad Control Register */ #define I2C0 ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C0_BASE) #define I2C1 ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C1_BASE) #define TIMCLKEN0_0 *(uint32_t *)(W7500x_DUALTIMER0_BASE + 0x80ul) #define TIMCLKEN0_1 *(uint32_t *)(W7500x_DUALTIMER0_BASE + 0xA0ul) #define TIMCLKEN1_0 *(uint32_t *)(W7500x_DUALTIMER1_BASE + 0x80ul) #define TIMCLKEN1_1 *(uint32_t *)(W7500x_DUALTIMER1_BASE + 0xA0ul) #define PWM ((PWM_TypeDef *) (W7500x_PWM_BASE + 0x800UL )) #define PWM_CH0 ((PWM_CHn_TypeDef *) (W7500x_PWM_BASE)) #define PWM_CH1 ((PWM_CHn_TypeDef *) (W7500x_PWM_BASE + 0x100UL)) #define PWM_CH2 ((PWM_CHn_TypeDef *) (W7500x_PWM_BASE + 0x200UL)) #define PWM_CH3 ((PWM_CHn_TypeDef *) (W7500x_PWM_BASE + 0x300UL)) #define PWM_CH4 ((PWM_CHn_TypeDef *) (W7500x_PWM_BASE + 0x400UL)) #define PWM_CH5 ((PWM_CHn_TypeDef *) (W7500x_PWM_BASE + 0x500UL)) #define PWM_CH6 ((PWM_CHn_TypeDef *) (W7500x_PWM_BASE + 0x600UL)) #define PWM_CH7 ((PWM_CHn_TypeDef *) (W7500x_PWM_BASE + 0x700UL)) #define PWM_CH0_BASE (W7500x_PWM_BASE) #define PWM_CH1_BASE (W7500x_PWM_BASE + 0x100UL) #define PWM_CH2_BASE (W7500x_PWM_BASE + 0x200UL) #define PWM_CH3_BASE (W7500x_PWM_BASE + 0x300UL) #define PWM_CH4_BASE (W7500x_PWM_BASE + 0x400UL) #define PWM_CH5_BASE (W7500x_PWM_BASE + 0x500UL) #define PWM_CH6_BASE (W7500x_PWM_BASE + 0x600UL) #define PWM_CH7_BASE (W7500x_PWM_BASE + 0x700UL) #define RNG ((RNG_TypeDef *) W7500x_RNG_BASE) #define SSP0 ((SSP_TypeDef*) (SSP0_BASE)) #define SSP1 ((SSP_TypeDef*) (SSP1_BASE)) #define WATCHDOG ((WATCHDOG_TypeDef *) W7500x_WATCHDOG_BASE) /** * @} */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Clock Reset Generator */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ /**************** Bit definition for CRG_OSC_PDR **************************/ #define CRG_OSC_PDR_NRMLOP (0x0ul) // Normal Operation #define CRG_OSC_PDR_PD (0x1ul) // Power Down /**************** Bit definition for CRG_PLL_PDR **************************/ #define CRG_PLL_PDR_PD (0x0ul) // Power Down #define CRG_PLL_PDR_NRMLOP (0x1ul) // Normal Operation /**************** Bit definition for CRG_PLL_FCR **************************/ //ToDo /**************** Bit definition for CRG_PLL_OER **************************/ #define CRG_PLL_OER_DIS (0x0ul) // Clock out is disable #define CRG_PLL_OER_EN (0x1ul) // Clock out is enable /**************** Bit definition for CRG_PLL_BPR **************************/ #define CRG_PLL_BPR_DIS (0x0ul) // Bypass disable. Normal operation #define CRG_PLL_BPR_EN (0x1ul) // Bypass enable. Clock will be set to external clock /**************** Bit definition for CRG_PLL_IFSR **************************/ #define CRG_PLL_IFSR_RCLK (0x0ul) // Internal 8MHz RC oscillator clock(RCLK) #define CRG_PLL_IFSR_OCLK (0x1ul) // External oscillator clock (OCLK, 8MHz ~ 24MHz) /**************** Bit definition for CRG_FCLK_SSR **************************/ #define CRG_FCLK_SSR_MCLK (0x01ul) // 00,01 Output clock of PLL(MCLK) #define CRG_FCLK_SSR_RCLK (0x02ul) // Internal 8MHz RC oscillator clock(RCLK) #define CRG_FCLK_SSR_OCLK (0x03ul) // External oscillator clock(OCLK, 8MHz ~ 24MHz) /**************** Bit definition for CRG_FCLK_PVSR **************************/ #define CRG_FCLK_PVSR_DIV1 (0x00ul) // 1/1 (bypass) #define CRG_FCLK_PVSR_DIV2 (0x01ul) // 1/2 #define CRG_FCLK_PVSR_DIV4 (0x02ul) // 1/4 #define CRG_FCLK_PVSR_DIV8 (0x03ul) // 1/8 /**************** Bit definition for CRG_SSPCLK_SSR **************************/ #define CRG_SSPCLK_SSR_DIS (0x00ul) // Disable clock #define CRG_SSPCLK_SSR_MCLK (0x01ul) // PLL output clock(MCLK) #define CRG_SSPCLK_SSR_RCLK (0x02ul) // Internal 8MHz RC oscillator clock(RCLK) #define CRG_SSPCLK_SSR_OCLK (0x03ul) // External oscillator clock(OCLK, 8MHz ~ 24MHz) /**************** Bit definition for CRG_SSPCLK_PVSR **************************/ #define CRG_SSPCLK_PVSR_DIV1 (0x00ul) // 1/1 (bypass) #define CRG_SSPCLK_PVSR_DIV2 (0x01ul) // 1/2 #define CRG_SSPCLK_PVSR_DIV4 (0x02ul) // 1/4 #define CRG_SSPCLK_PVSR_DIV8 (0x03ul) // 1/8 /**************** Bit definition for CRG_ADCCLK_SSR **************************/ #define CRG_ADCCLK_SSR_DIS (0x00ul) // Disable clock #define CRG_ADCCLK_SSR_MCLK (0x01ul) // PLL output clock(MCLK) #define CRG_ADCCLK_SSR_RCLK (0x02ul) // Internal 8MHz RC oscillator clock(RCLK) #define CRG_ADCCLK_SSR_OCLK (0x03ul) // External oscillator clock(OCLK, 8MHz ~ 24MHz) /**************** Bit definition for CRG_ADCCLK_PVSR **************************/ #define CRG_ADCCLK_PVSR_DIV1 (0x00ul) // 1/1 (bypass) #define CRG_ADCCLK_PVSR_DIV2 (0x01ul) // 1/2 #define CRG_ADCCLK_PVSR_DIV4 (0x02ul) // 1/4 #define CRG_ADCCLK_PVSR_DIV8 (0x03ul) // 1/8 /**************** Bit definition for CRG_TIMER0/1CLK_SSR **************************/ #define CRG_TIMERCLK_SSR_DIS (0x00ul) // Disable clock #define CRG_TIMERCLK_SSR_MCLK (0x01ul) // PLL output clock(MCLK) #define CRG_TIMERCLK_SSR_RCLK (0x02ul) // Internal 8MHz RC oscillator clock(RCLK) #define CRG_TIMERCLK_SSR_OCLK (0x03ul) // External oscillator clock(OCLK, 8MHz ~ 24MHz) /**************** Bit definition for CRG_TIMER0/1CLK_PVSR **************************/ #define CRG_TIMERCLK_PVSR_DIV1 (0x00ul) // 1/1 (bypass) #define CRG_TIMERCLK_PVSR_DIV2 (0x01ul) // 1/2 #define CRG_TIMERCLK_PVSR_DIV4 (0x02ul) // 1/4 #define CRG_TIMERCLK_PVSR_DIV8 (0x03ul) // 1/8 #define CRG_TIMERCLK_PVSR_DIV16 (0x04ul) // 1/16 #define CRG_TIMERCLK_PVSR_DIV32 (0x05ul) // 1/32 #define CRG_TIMERCLK_PVSR_DIV64 (0x06ul) // 1/64 #define CRG_TIMERCLK_PVSR_DIV128 (0x07ul) // 1/128 /**************** Bit definition for CRG_PWMnCLK_SSR **************************/ #define CRG_PWMCLK_SSR_DIS (0x00ul) // Disable clock #define CRG_PWMCLK_SSR_MCLK (0x01ul) // PLL output clock(MCLK) #define CRG_PWMCLK_SSR_RCLK (0x02ul) // Internal 8MHz RC oscillator clock(RCLK) #define CRG_PWMCLK_SSR_OCLK (0x03ul) // External oscillator clock(OCLK, 8MHz ~ 24MHz) /**************** Bit definition for CRG_PWMnCLK_PVSR **************************/ #define CRG_PWMCLK_PVSR_DIV1 (0x00ul) // 1/1 (bypass) #define CRG_PWMCLK_PVSR_DIV2 (0x01ul) // 1/2 #define CRG_PWMCLK_PVSR_DIV4 (0x02ul) // 1/4 #define CRG_PWMCLK_PVSR_DIV8 (0x03ul) // 1/8 #define CRG_PWMCLK_PVSR_DIV16 (0x04ul) // 1/16 #define CRG_PWMCLK_PVSR_DIV32 (0x05ul) // 1/32 #define CRG_PWMCLK_PVSR_DIV64 (0x06ul) // 1/64 #define CRG_PWMCLK_PVSR_DIV128 (0x07ul) // 1/128 /**************** Bit definition for CRG_RTC_HS_SSR **************************/ #define CRG_RTC_HS_SSR_DIS (0x00ul) // Disable clock #define CRG_RTC_HS_SSR_MCLK (0x01ul) // PLL output clock(MCLK) #define CRG_RTC_HS_SSR_RCLK (0x02ul) // Internal 8MHz RC oscillator clock(RCLK) #define CRG_RTC_HS_SSR_OCLK (0x03ul) // External oscillator clock(OCLK, 8MHz ~ 24MHz) /**************** Bit definition for CRG_RTC_HS_PVSR **************************/ #define CRG_RTC_HS_PVSR_DIV1 (0x00ul) // 1/1 (bypass) #define CRG_RTC_HS_PVSR_DIV2 (0x01ul) // 1/2 #define CRG_RTC_HS_PVSR_DIV4 (0x02ul) // 1/4 #define CRG_RTC_HS_PVSR_DIV8 (0x03ul) // 1/8 #define CRG_RTC_HS_PVSR_DIV16 (0x04ul) // 1/16 #define CRG_RTC_HS_PVSR_DIV32 (0x05ul) // 1/32 #define CRG_RTC_HS_PVSR_DIV64 (0x06ul) // 1/64 #define CRG_RTC_HS_PVSR_DIV128 (0x07ul) // 1/128 /**************** Bit definition for CRG_RTC_SSR **************************/ #define CRG_RTC_SSR_HS (0x00ul) // RTCCLK HS(High Speed clock) #define CRG_RTC_SSR_LW (0x01ul) // 32K_OSC_CLK(Low Speed external oscillator clock) /**************** Bit definition for CRG_WDOGCLK_HS_SSR **************************/ #define CRG_WDOGCLK_HS_SSR_DIS (0x00ul) // Disable clock #define CRG_WDOGCLK_HS_SSR_MCLK (0x01ul) // PLL output clock(MCLK) #define CRG_WDOGCLK_HS_SSR_RCLK (0x02ul) // Internal 8MHz RC oscillator clock(RCLK) #define CRG_WDOGCLK_HS_SSR_OCLK (0x03ul) // External oscillator clock(OCLK, 8MHz ~ 24MHz) /**************** Bit definition for CRG_WDOGCLK_HS_PVSR **************************/ #define CRG_WDOGCLK_HS_PVSR_DIV1 (0x00ul) // 1/1 (bypass) #define CRG_WDOGCLK_HS_PVSR_DIV2 (0x01ul) // 1/2 #define CRG_WDOGCLK_HS_PVSR_DIV4 (0x02ul) // 1/4 #define CRG_WDOGCLK_HS_PVSR_DIV8 (0x03ul) // 1/8 #define CRG_WDOGCLK_HS_PVSR_DIV16 (0x04ul) // 1/16 #define CRG_WDOGCLK_HS_PVSR_DIV32 (0x05ul) // 1/32 #define CRG_WDOGCLK_HS_PVSR_DIV64 (0x06ul) // 1/64 #define CRG_WDOGCLK_HS_PVSR_DIV128 (0x07ul) // 1/128 /**************** Bit definition for CRG_WDOGCLK_SSR **************************/ #define CRG_WDOGCLK_SSR_HS (0x00ul) // RTCCLK HS(High Speed clock) #define CRG_WDOGCLK_SSR_LW (0x01ul) // 32K_OSC_CLK(Low Speed external oscillator clock) /**************** Bit definition for CRG_UARTCLK_SSR **************************/ #define CRG_UARTCLK_SSR_DIS (0x00ul) // Disable clock #define CRG_UARTCLK_SSR_MCLK (0x01ul) // PLL output clock(MCLK) #define CRG_UARTCLK_SSR_RCLK (0x02ul) // Internal 8MHz RC oscillator clock(RCLK) #define CRG_UARTCLK_SSR_OCLK (0x03ul) // External oscillator clock(OCLK, 8MHz ~ 24MHz) /**************** Bit definition for CRG_UARTCLK_PVSR **************************/ #define CRG_UARTCLK_PVSR_DIV1 (0x00ul) // 1/1 (bypass) #define CRG_UARTCLK_PVSR_DIV2 (0x01ul) // 1/2 #define CRG_UARTCLK_PVSR_DIV4 (0x02ul) // 1/4 #define CRG_UARTCLK_PVSR_DIV8 (0x03ul) // 1/8 /**************** Bit definition for CRG_MIICLK_ECR **************************/ #define CRG_MIICLK_ECR_EN_RXCLK (0x01ul << 0) // Enable MII_RCK and MII_RCK_N #define CRG_MIICLK_ECR_EN_TXCLK (0x01ul << 1) // Enable MII_TCK and MII_TCK_N /**************** Bit definition for CRG_MONCLK_SSR **************************/ #define CRG_MONCLK_SSR_MCLK (0x00ul) // PLL output clock (MCLK) #define CRG_MONCLK_SSR_FCLK (0x01ul) // FCLK #define CRG_MONCLK_SSR_RCLK (0x02ul) // Internal 8MHz RC oscillator clock(RCLK) #define CRG_MONCLK_SSR_OCLK (0x03ul) // External oscillator clock(OCLK, 8MHz ~ 24MHz) #define CRG_MONCLK_SSR_ADCCLK (0x04ul) // ADCCLK #define CRG_MONCLK_SSR_SSPCLK (0x05ul) // SSPCLK #define CRG_MONCLK_SSR_TIMCLK0 (0x06ul) // TIMCLK0 #define CRG_MONCLK_SSR_TIMCLK1 (0x07ul) // TIMCLK1 #define CRG_MONCLK_SSR_PWMCLK0 (0x08ul) // PWMCLK0 #define CRG_MONCLK_SSR_PWMCLK1 (0x09ul) // PWMCLK1 #define CRG_MONCLK_SSR_PWMCLK2 (0x0Aul) // PWMCLK2 #define CRG_MONCLK_SSR_PWMCLK3 (0x0Bul) // PWMCLK3 #define CRG_MONCLK_SSR_PWMCLK4 (0x0Cul) // PWMCLK4 #define CRG_MONCLK_SSR_PWMCLK5 (0x0Dul) // PWMCLK5 #define CRG_MONCLK_SSR_PWMCLK6 (0x0Eul) // PWMCLK6 #define CRG_MONCLK_SSR_PWMCLK7 (0x0Ful) // PWMCLK7 #define CRG_MONCLK_SSR_UARTCLK (0x10ul) // UARTCLK #define CRG_MONCLK_SSR_MII_RXCLK (0x11ul) // MII_RXCLK #define CRG_MONCLK_SSR_MII_TXCLK (0x12ul) // MII_TXCLK #define CRG_MONCLK_SSR_RTCCLK (0x13ul) // RTCCLK /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* UART */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ /****************** Bit definition for UART Data(UARTDR) register *************************/ #define UART_DR_OE (0x01ul << 11) // Overrun Error #define UART_DR_BE (0x01ul << 10) // Break Error #define UART_DR_PE (0x01ul << 9) // Parity Error #define UART_DR_FE (0x01ul << 8) // Framing Error //#define UART_DR_DR // ToDo /***************** Bit definition for UART Receive Status(UARTRSR) register ***************/ #define UARTR_SR_OE (0x01ul << 3) // Overrun Error #define UARTR_SR_BE (0x01ul << 2) // Break Error #define UARTR_SR_PE (0x01ul << 1) // Parity Error #define UARTR_SR_FE (0x01ul << 0) // Framing Error /***************** Bit definition for UART Error Clear(UARTECR) register ******************/ #define UARTE_CR_OE (0x01ul << 3) // Overrun Error #define UARTE_CR_BE (0x01ul << 2) // Break Error #define UARTE_CR_PE (0x01ul << 1) // Parity Error #define UARTE_CR_FE (0x01ul << 0) // Framing Error /****************** Bit definition for UART Flags(UARTFR) register ************************/ #define UART_FR_RI (0x01ul << 8) // Ring indicator #define UART_FR_TXFE (0x01ul << 7) // Transmit FIFO empty #define UART_FR_RXFF (0x01ul << 6) // Receive FIFO full #define UART_FR_TXFF (0x01ul << 5) // Transmit FIFO full #define UART_FR_RXFE (0x01ul << 4) // Receive FIFO empty #define UART_FR_BUSY (0x01ul << 3) // UART busy #define UART_FR_DCD (0x01ul << 2) // Data carrier detect #define UART_FR_DSR (0x01ul << 1) // Data set ready #define UART_FR_CTS (0x01ul << 0) // Clear to send /********** Bit definition for UART Low-power Counter(UARTILPR) register *******************/ #define UARTILPR_COUNTER (0xFFul << 0) // 8-bit low-power divisor value (0..255) /********************* Bit definition for Line Control(UARTLCR_H) register *****************/ #define UART_LCR_H_SPS (0x1ul << 7) // Stick parity select #define UART_LCR_H_WLEN(n) ((n & 0x3ul) << 5) // Word length ( 0=5bits, 1=6bits, 2=7bits, 3=8bits ) #define UART_LCR_H_FEN (0x1ul << 4) // Enable FIFOs #define UART_LCR_H_STP2 (0x1ul << 3) // Two stop bits select #define UART_LCR_H_EPS (0x1ul << 2) // Even parity select #define UART_LCR_H_PEN (0x1ul << 1) // Parity enable #define UART_LCR_H_BRK (0x1ul << 0) // Send break /********************* Bit definition for Contro(UARTCR) register *************************/ #define UART_CR_CTSEn (0x1ul << 15) // CTS hardware flow control enable #define UART_CR_RTSEn (0x1ul << 14) // RTS hardware flow control enable #define UART_CR_Out2 (0x1ul << 13) // Complement of Out2 modem status output #define UART_CR_Out1 (0x1ul << 12) // Complement of Out1 modem status output #define UART_CR_RTS (0x1ul << 11) // Request to send #define UART_CR_DTR (0x1ul << 10) // Data transmit ready #define UART_CR_RXE (0x1ul << 9) // Receive enable #define UART_CR_TXE (0x1ul << 8) // Transmit enable #define UART_CR_LBE (0x1ul << 7) // Loop-back enable #define UART_CR_SIRLP (0x1ul << 2) // IrDA SIR low power mode #define UART_CR_SIREN (0x1ul << 1) // SIR enable #define UART_CR_UARTEN (0x1ul << 0) // UART enable /******* Bit definition for Interrupt FIFO Level Select(UARTIFLS) register *****************/ #define UART_IFLS_RXIFLSEL(n) ((n & 0x7ul) << 3) // Receive interrupt FIFO level select(0=1/8 full, 1=1/4 full, 2=1/2 full, 3=3/4 full, 4=7/8 full) #define UART_IFLS_TXIFLSEL(n) ((n & 0x7ul) << 0) // Transmit interrupt FIFO level select(0=1/8 full, 1=1/4 full, 2=1/2 full, 3=3/4 full, 4=7/8 full) /******* Bit definition for Interrupt Mask Set/Clear(UARTIMSC) register ********************/ #define UART_IMSC_OEIM (0x1ul << 10) // Overrun error interrupt mask #define UART_IMSC_BEIM (0x1ul << 9) // Break error interrupt mask #define UART_IMSC_PEIM (0x1ul << 8) // Parity error interrupt mask #define UART_IMSC_FEIM (0x1ul << 7) // Framing error interrupt mask #define UART_IMSC_RTIM (0x1ul << 6) // Receive interrupt mask #define UART_IMSC_TXIM (0x1ul << 5) // Transmit interrupt mask #define UART_IMSC_RXIM (0x1ul << 4) // Receive interrupt mask #define UART_IMSC_DSRMIM (0x1ul << 3) // nUARTDSR modem interrupt mask #define UART_IMSC_DCDMIM (0x1ul << 2) // nUARTDCD modem interrupt mask #define UART_IMSC_CTSMIM (0x1ul << 1) // nUARTCTS modem interrupt mask #define UART_IMSC_RIMIM (0x1ul << 0) // nUARTRI modem interrupt mask /*************** Bit definition for Raw Interrupt Status(UARTRIS) register *****************/ #define UART_RIS_OEIM (0x1ul << 10) // Overrun error interrupt status #define UART_RIS_BEIM (0x1ul << 9) // Break error interrupt status #define UART_RIS_PEIM (0x1ul << 8) // Parity error interrupt status #define UART_RIS_FEIM (0x1ul << 7) // Framing error interrupt status #define UART_RIS_RTIM (0x1ul << 6) // Receive interrupt status #define UART_RIS_TXIM (0x1ul << 5) // Transmit interrupt status #define UART_RIS_RXIM (0x1ul << 4) // Receive interrupt status #define UART_RIS_DSRMIM (0x1ul << 3) // nUARTDSR modem interrupt status #define UART_RIS_DCDMIM (0x1ul << 2) // nUARTDCD modem interrupt status #define UART_RIS_CTSMIM (0x1ul << 1) // nUARTCTS modem interrupt status #define UART_RIS_RIMIM (0x1ul << 0) // nUARTRI modem interrupt status /************** Bit definition for Masked Interrupt Status(UARTMIS) register ****************/ #define UART_MIS_OEIM (0x1ul << 10) // Overrun error masked interrupt status #define UART_MIS_BEIM (0x1ul << 9) // Break error masked interrupt status #define UART_MIS_PEIM (0x1ul << 8) // Parity error masked interrupt status #define UART_MIS_FEIM (0x1ul << 7) // Framing error masked interrupt status #define UART_MIS_RTIM (0x1ul << 6) // Receive masked interrupt status #define UART_MIS_TXIM (0x1ul << 5) // Transmit masked interrupt status #define UART_MIS_RXIM (0x1ul << 4) // Receive masked interrupt status #define UART_MIS_DSRMIM (0x1ul << 3) // nUARTDSR modem masked interrupt status #define UART_MIS_DCDMIM (0x1ul << 2) // nUARTDCD modem masked interrupt status #define UART_MIS_CTSMIM (0x1ul << 1) // nUARTCTS modem masked interrupt status #define UART_MIS_RIMIM (0x1ul << 0) // nUARTRI modem masked interrupt status /*************** Bit definition for Interrupt Clear(UARTICR) register ************************/ #define UART_ICR_OEIM (0x1ul << 10) // Overrun error interrupt clear #define UART_ICR_BEIM (0x1ul << 9) // Break error interrupt clear #define UART_ICR_PEIM (0x1ul << 8) // Parity error interrupt clear #define UART_ICR_FEIM (0x1ul << 7) // Framing error interrupt clear #define UART_ICR_RTIM (0x1ul << 6) // Receive interrupt clear #define UART_ICR_TXIM (0x1ul << 5) // Transmit interrupt clear #define UART_ICR_RXIM (0x1ul << 4) // Receive interrupt clear #define UART_ICR_DSRMIM (0x1ul << 3) // nUARTDSR modem interrupt clear #define UART_ICR_DCDMIM (0x1ul << 2) // nUARTDCD modem interrupt clear #define UART_ICR_CTSMIM (0x1ul << 1) // nUARTCTS modem interrupt clear #define UART_ICR_RIMIM (0x1ul << 0) // nUARTRI modem interrupt clear /***************** Bit definition for DMA Control(UARTDMACR) register ************************/ #define UART_DMACR_DMAONERR (0x1ul << 2) // DMA on error #define UART_DMACR_TXDMAE (0x1ul << 1) // Transmit DMA enable #define UART_DMACR_RXDMAE (0x1ul << 0) // Receive DMA enable /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Simple UART */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ /***************** Bit definition for S_UART Data () register ************************/ #define S_UART_DATA (0xFFul << 0) /***************** Bit definition for S_UART State() register ************************/ #define S_UART_STATE_TX_BUF_OVERRUN (0x01ul << 2) // TX buffer overrun, wirte 1 to clear. #define S_UART_STATE_RX_BUF_FULL (0x01ul << 1) // RX buffer full, read only. #define S_UART_STATE_TX_BUF_FULL (0x01ul << 0) // TX buffer full, read only. /***************** Bit definition for S_UART Control() register ************************/ #define S_UART_CTRL_HIGH_SPEED_TEST (0x01ul << 6) // High-speed test mode for TX only. #define S_UART_CTRL_RX_OVERRUN_EN (0x01ul << 5) // RX overrun interrupt enable. #define S_UART_CTRL_TX_OVERRUN_EN (0x01ul << 4) // TX overrun interrupt enable. #define S_UART_CTRL_RX_INT_EN (0x01ul << 3) // RX interrupt enable. #define S_UART_CTRL_TX_INT_EN (0x01ul << 2) // TX interrupt enable. #define S_UART_CTRL_RX_EN (0x01ul << 1) // RX enable. #define S_UART_CTRL_TX_EN (0x01ul << 0) // TX enable. /***************** Bit definition for S_UART Interrupt() register ************************/ #define S_UART_INT_RX_OVERRUN (0x01ul << 3) // RX overrun interrupt. Wirte 1 to clear #define S_UART_INT_TX_OVERRUN (0x01ul << 2) // TX overrun interrupt. Write 1 to clear #define S_UART_INT_RX (0x01ul << 1) // RX interrupt. Write 1 to clear #define S_UART_INT_TX (0x01ul << 0) // TX interrupt. Write 1 to clear /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Analog Digital Register */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ /*********************** Bit definition for ADC_CTR ***********************/ //#define ADC_CTR_SAMSEL_ABNORMAL (0x0ul) // Abnormal Operation //#define ADC_CTR_SAMSEL_NORMAL (0x1ul) // Normal Operation #define ADC_CTR_PWD_NRMOP (0x1ul) // Active Operation #define ADC_CTR_PWD_PD (0x3ul) // Power down /*********************** Bit definition for ADC_CHSEL ***********************/ #define ADC_CHSEL_CH0 (0x0ul) // Channel 0 #define ADC_CHSEL_CH1 (0x1ul) // Channel 1 #define ADC_CHSEL_CH2 (0x2ul) // Channel 2 #define ADC_CHSEL_CH3 (0x3ul) // Channel 3 #define ADC_CHSEL_CH4 (0x4ul) // Channel 4 #define ADC_CHSEL_CH5 (0x5ul) // Channel 5 #define ADC_CHSEL_CH6 (0x6ul) // Channel 6 #define ADC_CHSEL_CH7 (0x7ul) // Channel 7 #define ADC_CHSEL_CH15 (0xful) // LDO output(1.5V) /*********************** Bit definition for ADC_START ***********************/ #define ADC_START_START (0x1ul) // ADC conversion start /*********************** Bit definition for ADC_DATA ***********************/ //ToDo (Readonly) /*********************** Bit definition for ADC_INT ***********************/ #define ADC_INT_MASK_DIS (0x0ul << 1) // Interrupt disable #define ADC_INT_MASK_ENA (0x1ul << 1) // Interrupt enable //ToDo (Readonly) /*********************** Bit definition for ADC_INTCLR ***********************/ #define ADC_INTCLEAR (0x1ul) // ADC Interrupt clear #define W7500x_ADC_BASE (W7500x_APB2_BASE + 0x00000000UL) #define ADC ((ADC_TypeDef *) W7500x_ADC_BASE) /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Dual Timer */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ /*********************** Bit definition for dualtimer ***********************/ #define DUALTIMER_TimerControl_TimerDIsable 0x0ul #define DUALTIMER_TimerControl_TimerEnable 0x1ul #define DUALTIMER_TimerControl_TimerEnable_Pos 7 #define DUALTIMER_TimerControl_FreeRunning 0x0ul #define DUALTIMER_TimerControl_Periodic 0x1ul #define DUALTIMER_TimerControl_TimerMode_Pos 6 #define DUALTIMER_TimerControl_IntDisable 0x0ul #define DUALTIMER_TimerControl_IntEnable 0x1ul #define DUALTIMER_TimerControl_IntEnable_Pos 5 #define DUALTIMER_TimerControl_Pre_1 0x0ul #define DUALTIMER_TimerControl_Pre_16 0x1ul #define DUALTIMER_TimerControl_Pre_256 0x2ul #define DUALTIMER_TimerControl_Pre_Pos 2 #define DUALTIMER_TimerControl_Size_16 0x0ul #define DUALTIMER_TimerControl_Size_32 0x1ul #define DUALTIMER_TimerControl_Size_Pos 1 #define DUALTIMER_TimerControl_Wrapping 0x0ul #define DUALTIMER_TimerControl_OneShot 0x1ul #define DUALTIMER_TimerControl_OneShot_Pos 0 /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* External Interrupt */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ /**************** Bit definition for Px_IER **************************/ #define EXTI_Px_INTPOR_RISING_EDGE (0x00ul << 0) #define EXTI_Px_INTPOR_FALLING_EDGE (0x01ul << 0) #define EXTI_Px_INTEN_DISABLE (0x00ul << 1) #define EXTI_Px_INTEN_ENABLE (0x01ul << 1) /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* GPIO */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ /**************** Bit definition for Px_AFSR **************************/ #define Px_AFSR_AF0 (0x00ul) #define Px_AFSR_AF1 (0x01ul) #define Px_AFSR_AF2 (0x02ul) #define Px_AFSR_AF3 (0x03ul) /**************** Bit definition for Px_PCR **************************/ #define Px_PCR_PUPD_DOWN (0x01ul << 0) // Pull Down #define Px_PCR_PUPD_UP (0x01ul << 1) // Pull Up #define Px_PCR_DS_HIGH (0x01ul << 2) // High Driving #define Px_PCR_OD (0x01ul << 3) // Open Drain #define Px_PCR_IE (0x01ul << 5) // Input Buffer Enable #define Px_PCR_CS_SUMMIT (0x01ul << 6) // Use Summit Trigger Input Buffer /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* I2C */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ /**************** Bit definition for I2C_CTR **************************/ #define I2C_CTR_COREEN (0x01ul << 7 ) // 0x80 #define I2C_CTR_INTEREN (0x01ul << 6 ) // 0x40 #define I2C_CTR_MODE (0x01ul << 5 ) // 0x20 #define I2C_CTR_ADDR10 (0x01ul << 4 ) // 0x10 #define I2C_CTR_CTRRWN (0x01ul << 3 ) // 0x08 #define I2C_CTR_CTEN (0x01ul << 2 ) // 0x04 /**************** Bit definition for I2C_CMDR **************************/ #define I2C_CMDR_STA (0x01ul << 7 ) // 0x80 #define I2C_CMDR_STO (0x01ul << 6 ) // 0x40 #define I2C_CMDR_ACK (0x01ul << 5 ) // 0x20 #define I2C_CMDR_RESTA (0x01ul << 4 ) // 0x10 /**************** Bit definition for I2C_ISCR **************************/ #define I2C_ISCR_RST (0x01ul << 1) // 0x01 /**************** Bit definition for I2C_SR **************************/ #define I2C_SR_TX (0x01ul << 9 ) // 0x200 #define I2C_SR_RX (0x01ul << 8 ) // 0x100 #define I2C_SR_ACKT (0x01ul << 7 ) // 0x080 #define I2C_SR_BT (0x01ul << 6 ) // 0x040 #define I2C_SR_SA (0x01ul << 5 ) // 0x020 #define I2C_SR_SB (0x01ul << 4 ) // 0x010 #define I2C_SR_AL (0x01ul << 3 ) // 0x008 #define I2C_SR_TO (0x01ul << 2 ) // 0x004 #define I2C_SR_SRW (0x01ul << 1 ) // 0x002 #define I2C_SR_ACKR (0x01ul << 0 ) // 0x001 /**************** Bit definition for I2C_ISR **************************/ #define I2C_ISR_STAE (0x01ul << 4 ) // 0x010 #define I2C_ISR_STOE (0x01ul << 3 ) // 0x008 #define I2C_ISR_TOE (0x01ul << 2 ) // 0x004 #define I2C_ISR_ACK_RXE (0x01ul << 1 ) // 0x002 #define I2C_ISR_ACK_TXE (0x01ul << 0 ) // 0x001 /**************** Bit definition for I2C_ISMR **************************/ #define I2C_ISR_STAEM (0x01ul << 4 ) // 0x010 #define I2C_ISR_STOEM (0x01ul << 3 ) // 0x008 #define I2C_ISR_TOEM (0x01ul << 2 ) // 0x004 #define I2C_ISR_ACK_RXEM (0x01ul << 1 ) // 0x002 #define I2C_ISR_ACK_TXEM (0x01ul << 0 ) // 0x001 /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* PWM */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Random number generator Register */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ /*********************** Bit definition for RNG_RUN ***********************/ #define RNG_RUN_STOP (0x0ul) // STOP RNG shift register #define RNG_RUN_RUN (0x1ul) // RUN RNG shift register /*********************** Bit definition for RNG_SEED ***********************/ //ToDo /*********************** Bit definition for RNG_CLKSEL ***********************/ #define RNG_CLKSEL_RNGCLK (0x0ul) // RNGCLK is source clock for rng shift register #define RNG_CLKSEL_APBCLK (0x1ul) // APBCLK is source clock for rng shift register /*********************** Bit definition for RNG_ENABLE ***********************/ #define RNG_MANUAL_DISABLE (0x0ul) // RNG disble #define RNG_MANUAL_ENABLE (0x1ul) // RNG enable /*********************** Bit definition for RNG_RN ***********************/ //ToDo /*********************** Bit definition for RNG_POLY ***********************/ //ToDo typedef enum { PAD_PA = 0, PAD_PB, PAD_PC, PAD_PD }PAD_Type; typedef enum { PAD_AF0 = Px_AFSR_AF0, PAD_AF1 = Px_AFSR_AF1, PAD_AF2 = Px_AFSR_AF2, PAD_AF3 = Px_AFSR_AF3 }PAD_AF_TypeDef; #if !defined (USE_HAL_DRIVER) #define USE_HAL_DRIVER #endif /* USE_HAL_DRIVER */ #if defined (USE_HAL_DRIVER) // #include "system_W7500x.h" // #include "W7500x_conf.h" #endif #ifdef USE_FULL_ASSERT #define assert_param(expr) ((expr) ? (void)0 : assert_failed((uint8_t *)__FILE__,__LINE__)) #else #define assert_param(expr) ((void)0) #endif /* USE_FULL_ASSERT */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* W7500x_H */ /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT Wiznet *****END OF FILE****/