Game of Life project for the LPC1768 microcontroller.

Dependencies:   N5110 mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r 909e5e22905c main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Jul 18 10:05:17 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "N5110.h"
+#include "tone.h"
+#define PI 3.14159265359 //constant for the music part of the program
+N5110 lcd(PTC9,PTC0,PTC7,PTD2,PTD1,PTC11);//nokia screen connections
+BusOut display(p22,p23,p24,p25,p26,p27,p28,p29);//bus connections for the cell counter display
+char nextstep[84][48];//array for the next screen after applying to the first screen the rules of life
+char step[84][48];//array for the first screen where the rules of life will be applyied
+DigitalIn stopbutton(PTB9);//stop button 
+DigitalIn resetbutton(PTD0);//reset button
+DigitalIn startgame(PTC17);//button for starting the game
+AnalogIn brightness(PTC12);//potentiometer connection for controling the nokia LEDs brightness
+AnalogIn speed(PTB2);//potentiometer for controling the speed of the game of life
+int i;//variable i
+int j;//variable j
+int cellcounter=0;//variable cell counter set to 0.This variable will count the alive cells in the screen
+char neigbours();//variable that counts the number of neighbours a cell has
+BusOut leds(PTA1,PTA2,PTC2,PTC3);//LEDS bus of the mbed that will be synchronized with the music pattern
+Timer noteTimer;  // timer for note duration
+AnalogOut aout(PTC10);  // DAC on pin 18 for the music output
+void init_array();  // function to initialise sample array
+void tone(float frequency,float duration);  // play a tone of set frequency for given duration
+int n = 32;  // number of samples for the music pattern
+float y[32]; // array to store samples in the music pattern
+float BPM = 100.0;  // beats per minute of the song
+//LEDs specific pattern that will be synchronized with each note of the song
+int leds_values[66]={
+    1,2,4,8,4,2,1,
+    9,6,9,15,8,12,14,
+    15,7,3,1,3,7,
+    15,14,12,8,9,6,
+   15,9,6,15,9,6,
+    15,7,3,1,3,7,15,14,12,
+    8,15,7,3,1,3,7,
+    15,14,12,8,1,2,4,8,
+    0,1,3,7,15,0,
+  1,3,7,15};
+//note array that will be synchronized with the LEDs pattern and with the note duration. The song is the imperial march from StarWars
+float note_array[66] = {
+    };
+    float note_duration[66]={//beats of the song, that is, the duration each note will have
+        2,2,2,3,7,2,3,7,1,2,
+        2,2,3,7,2,3,7,1,2,3,
+        7,2,4,4,8,8,4,4,2,
+       4,2,8,8,4,8,2,3,7,
+        2,3,8,1,2,3,7,2,4,
+        4,8,8,4,4,2,4,4,8,
+        8,4,4,2,3,8,2,3,8,1,};
+//here it comes the function for the counter and checker of the neighbours that will have each cell
+//it checks everyone around the cell (i,j), and if the neighbour is alive the number of neighbours is one more (n++)
+char neighbours(int i,int j){
+   char n=0;
+        if (lcd.getPixel(i-1,j-1)){
+        n++;}
+        if (lcd.getPixel(i-1,j)){
+        n++;}
+        if (lcd.getPixel(i-1,j+1)){
+        n++;}
+        if (lcd.getPixel(i,j-1)){
+        n++;}
+        if (lcd.getPixel(i,j+1)){
+        n++;}
+        if (lcd.getPixel(i+1,j-1)){
+        n++;}
+        if(lcd.getPixel(i+1,j)){
+        n++;}
+        if(lcd.getPixel(i+1,j+1)){
+        n++;} 
+        return n;} //it finally returns the final value of the number of neighbours alive
+/*this function implemets the display counter of cells.Considering the counter is done in the code, depending on if the number is between some hundreds the
+display will show one number or other. Therefore, if the display shows 1 it means that there is between 100 and 200 cells alive. If the display shows 
+a 0 but with the decimal point on it means that 1000 cells are alive. The decimal point will indicates therefore that the number is higher or equals than
+1000.For instance if the display is 1 with decimal point it means that 1100 cells are alive.If the display shows an E it means that there are more than
+2000 cells alive (EXTREME).*/
+      void cell_counter(int cellcounter){
+                 if(cellcounter>2000){
+                 display=0x4F;}
+        else if(cellcounter>1900){
+                display=0xE7;}
+        else if(cellcounter>1800){
+                    display=0xFF;}
+        else if(cellcounter>1700){
+                    display=0x87;}
+        else if(cellcounter>1600){
+                    display=0xFD;}
+        else if(cellcounter>1500){
+                    display=0xED;}
+       else if(cellcounter>1400){
+                    display=0xE6;}
+        else if(cellcounter>1300){
+                    display=0xCF;}
+         else if(cellcounter>1200){
+                    display=0xDB;}
+         else if(cellcounter>1100){
+                   display=0x86;}
+          else if(cellcounter>1000){
+                    display=0xBF;}
+        else if(cellcounter>900){
+                     display=0x67;}
+        else if(cellcounter>800){
+                    display=0x7F;}
+        else if(cellcounter>700){
+                    display=0x07;}
+        else if(cellcounter>600){
+                    display=0x7D;}
+        else if(cellcounter>500){
+                   display=0x6D;}
+         else if(cellcounter>400){
+                  display=0x66;}
+        else if(cellcounter>300){
+                display=0x4F; }
+        else if(cellcounter>200){
+                display=0x5B;}
+        else if(cellcounter>100){
+                display=0x06;}
+        else if(cellcounter>0){
+              display=0x3F;}}
+  //function for initializing the music array                
+   void init_array()
+    // create LUT - loop through array and calculate sine wave samples
+    for (int i = 0; i < n ; i++) {
+        y[i] = 0.5 + 0.5*sin(i*2*PI/n);
+    }
+//function for the tone and note duration of the music application.It synchronize both of them.
+void tone(float frequency,float duration){
+    if (frequency > 0) {  // a frequency of 0 indicates no note played so only play a note if frequency is not 0
+        float dt = 1.0/(frequency*n) - (1.34e-6 + 1e-6);  // calculate time step - take into account DAC time and wait() offset
+        noteTimer.start(); // start timer
+        while( < duration) { // keep looping while timer less than duration
+            for (int i = 0; i < n ; i++) {  // loop through samples and output analog waveform
+                aout = y[i];
+                wait(dt); // leave appropriate delay for frequency
+            }
+        }
+        noteTimer.stop();  // stop the timer
+        noteTimer.reset(); // reset to 0
+    } else { // if no note played, have a simple delay
+        wait(duration);
+    }
+ int main(){
+    init_array(); // fill array with sine samples, initialize the music array
+    // calculate number of notes in array
+    //sizeof() returns number of BYTES in array,
+    // so divide by size of a float in BYTES to get number of elements
+    int notes = sizeof(note_array)/sizeof(float);//set the notes as an integer
+      lcd.init();//initialize the nokia screen
+      lcd.inverseMode();//set the nokia screen to an inversmode
+      //displays a welcome and shows my name in the screen for five seconds
+      lcd.printString("Welcome to",5,1);
+      lcd.printString("Game of Life",10,2);
+      lcd.printString("Enjoy it :)",5,3);
+      lcd.drawRect(0,5,84,0.5,1);
+      lcd.drawRect(0,33,84,0.5,1);
+      lcd.printString("MateoRandulfe",3,5);
+      lcd.refresh();
+      wait(5);
+      /*Shows in the screen the instructions for starting the game whenever the player wants. Meanwhile he does not press the button
+      for starting , the music with the LEDs pattern that I created will be playing and displaying.*/
+      lcd.clear();
+      lcd.printString("Press the",5,1);
+      lcd.printString("red button",5,2);
+      lcd.printString("for starting",5,3);
+      lcd.printString("Game of Life",5,4);
+      lcd.refresh();
+ while(startgame==0){//while the star game button is not pressed execute the music and LEDs feedback
+            // loop through notes
+        for(int i=0; i < notes; i++) {
+           //whenever the satar button will be pressed, the music will stop and the game will start
+            if(startgame==1){
+                break;}
+    //keep going with the music function            
+   // equalizer on LEDs
+            // play note
+            tone(note_array[i],60.0/(BPM*note_duration[i]));
+            // leave a short pause between notes
+            wait(60.0/(BPM*note_duration[i]));
+        }       
+        }
+       lcd.normalMode();//set nokia screen to normal mode again
+      while(1){//infinite loop
+   srand( time( NULL ) );//this makes the random function to be different each time it is applyied
+    //this two for loops will be really important along the code because they allow me to check every cell of the screen and to implement to every cell whatever I want
+      for(i=0;i<84;i++){
+           for(j=0;j<48;j++){
+             step[i][j]= rand()%2;//implement a random function that can be or 1 or 0 in the "x" cell of the screen
+             if(step[i][j]==1){//if the point (i,j) of the step array is equals to one, set that pixel on(alive)
+                lcd.setPixel(i,j);}
+                 else{//if it is a 0 in the array, set the pixel off(dead)
+                lcd.clearPixel(i,j);}
+                           }}
+     lcd.refresh();//refresh screen
+      wait(3);//wait 3 seconds untill the actual game starts in order to be able to check that the random function was implemented properly
+    /*while the reset button is not pressed,perform the game of life.If it is pressed it will finish the code and therefore,it will go the code flow 
+    to the original infinite loop,starting agalin the random seed so reseting the game*/ 
+     while (resetbutton==0){
+         if(stopbutton==0){
+    //while stop button is not pressed,game of life will be performing.If it is pressed it will stop the flow of the game of life and then when it will be realised again it will keep flowing
+         //apply to all the cells of the screen:
+         for ( i=0;i<84;i++){
+            for( j=0;j<48;j++){
+               //apply the neighbours counter function and stores each value for each cell during each loop in "n" variable
+                int n=neighbours(i,j);
+                                //HERE I APPLY THE GAME OF LIFE RULES
+                //I set as a one or a 0 in the next array in order not to affect the change flow to the upcoming cell checks.It stores the values obtained from the evaluation of the array step
+                //(original one) in the nextstep array as 0s or 1s
+                if(n>3){
+                    nextstep[i][j]=0;}
+                    if(n==3){
+                        nextstep[i][j]=1;}
+                        if(n==2){
+                            if(lcd.getPixel(i,j)){
+                                nextstep[i][j]=1;}
+                                else{
+                                    nextstep[i][j]=0;}}
+                                    if(n<2){
+                                        nextstep[i][j]=0;}}}
+                                        cellcounter=0;//set the counter of cells alive to 0
+                                        //aplying the following for each cell of the screen:
+                                        for(i=0;i<84;i++){
+                                            for(j=0;j<48;j++){
+//Here I translate the 0s and 1s of the arrays into pixels on(1s) or off(0s) and if the pixel is on for "x" cell of the screen the cell counter will add one more.
+                                                if(nextstep[i][j]==1){
+                                                    lcd.setPixel(i,j);
+                                                    cellcounter++;}
+                                                    else{
+                                                        lcd.clearPixel(i,j);}
+//I finally, in order to keep the flow of the game of life, change the next array to be the original one so that the array obtained after evaluating and apppying the rules of life to the original
+//array  will be now that original array after checking and changing every cell of the original array.
+                                                        step[i][j]=nextstep[i][j];
+                                                        }}
+//here, with this wait I implement the velocity of the game flow that will be controller with the potentiometer
+//I also set the controller with the potentiometer of the LEDs brightness of the nokia screen 
+//I finally apply the display counter of cells calling the function already explained
+                               }}} 
+                              }       
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