System Management code

Dependencies:   CANBuffer mbed SystemManagement mbed-rtos

Dependents:   SystemManagement

System Management code for Penn Electric Racing


Controls Fans and Pumps via instruction from CAN Messages, ramps them up over time to prevent damage

Turns on/off DC-DC converter via instruction from CAN Messages

diff -r 000000000000 -r e516fcccccda SysMngmt.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SysMngmt.cpp	Wed Oct 01 12:52:26 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+    Reads CAN Messages and various data inputs, outputs using Xbee radio modules
+    Revised Sept 30, 2014: Began analyzing and commenting program, trying to figure out what the hell it does (Martin Deng)
+RTCStore store;
+CANBuffer RecieveBuffer(CAN1, MEDIUM);
+XBee250x XbeeTx;
+//Possible problems in IMD coz change of counter
+//Possible problems in BatteryStatus coz change in library
+Attach Ticker every 10msec to 
+Get IMD
+Poll Switches
+Temperature Read
+Get Battery State
+End Ticker Send message through CAN
+CAN interrupt Rx Interrupt
+Recieve CAN message into a buffer. Return
+Buffer values(as long as !empty) -> SD Card, Xbee -> remove element
+extern "C" void CAN_IRQHandler(void)
+    CANMessage Rxmsg;
+    RecieveBuffer.add(Rxmsg);
+extern "C" void TIMER2_IRQHandler(void)
+    if((LPC_TIM2->IR & 0x01) == 0x01) // if MR0 interrupt
+    {
+        //printf("Every 1ms\n\r");
+        LPC_TIM2->IR |= 1 << 0; // Clear MR0 interrupt flag
+        BATA_msec=(((Bat_I_Ratio*3.3) - BAT_ISENSE_OFFSET_V)/BAT_ISENSE_INCREMENT);
+        BATmA_Hr+=(BATA_msec*MSEC_HRS);
+        store.write(BATmA_Hr,0);
+        DCA_msec=(((DC_I_Ratio*3.3) - DC_DC_ISENSE_OFFSET_V)/DC_DC_ISENSE_INCREMENT);
+        store.write(DCA_msec,1);
+        LPC_TIM2->TCR       |=  (1<<1);                     //Reset Timer1
+        LPC_TIM2->TCR       &=  ~(1<<1);                     //Re Enable Timer1   
+    }
+void Poll()
+    uint16_t Rxpoll;
+    uint16_t recv,temp,i=0;              //Test
+    char Result[4]={0};
+    Rxpoll=PollSwitch();
+    Result[0]=(char)(Rxpoll&0x00ff);
+    Result[1]=(char)((Rxpoll&0xff00)>>8);    
+    CANMessage Txmsg(410,Result,sizeof(Result));
+    CAN_SysM.write(Txmsg);
+    //Test
+    recv=(((uint16_t)[1]<<8) | (0x00ff&(uint16_t)[0]));
+    printf("Recv:%d\n\r",recv);
+    while(i <= 12)
+    {
+        temp=recv;
+        if(((temp & (1 << i))>>i)==1)
+            pc.printf("Switch OFF:%d\n\r",i);
+        ++i;
+    }
+void Temp()
+    float DC_DC_Temperature, Coolant1_Temperature, Coolant2_Temperature, ChargerFET_Temperature;
+    float Resistance;
+    float Vadc;
+    int i;
+    ftc send, recv;
+    recv.FLOAT=0.0;
+    send.FLOAT=0.0;
+    Resistance=((float)R10K*Vadc)/((float)VDD + Vadc);
+    DC_DC_Temperature=ReadTemp(TR_NXFT15XH103FA_Map, Resistance, TABLE_SIZE_NXFT15XH103FA); 
+    send.FLOAT=DC_DC_Temperature;
+    CANMessage Txmsg_DC_DC(450,send.C_FLOAT,sizeof(send.C_FLOAT));
+    CAN_SysM.write(Txmsg_DC_DC);
+    for(i=0; i<4;i++)
+        recv.C_FLOAT[i][i];
+    pc.printf("DC_DC:%f\n\r",recv.FLOAT);
+    Resistance=((float)R10K*Vadc)/((float)VDD + Vadc);
+    ChargerFET_Temperature=ReadTemp(TR_NXFT15XH103FA_Map, Resistance, TABLE_SIZE_NXFT15XH103FA);       
+    send.FLOAT=ChargerFET_Temperature;
+    CANMessage Txmsg_ChargerFET(451,send.C_FLOAT,sizeof(send.C_FLOAT));
+    CAN_SysM.write(Txmsg_ChargerFET);
+    for(i=0; i<4;i++)
+        recv.C_FLOAT[i][i];
+    pc.printf("ChargerFET:%f\n\r",recv.FLOAT);
+    Resistance=((float)R10K*Vadc)/((float)VDD + Vadc);
+    Coolant1_Temperature=ReadTemp(TR_NTCLP00E3103H_Map, Resistance, TABLE_SIZE_NTCLP00E3103H);
+    send.FLOAT=Coolant1_Temperature;
+    CANMessage Txmsg_Coolant1(452,send.C_FLOAT,sizeof(send.C_FLOAT));
+    CAN_SysM.write(Txmsg_Coolant1);
+    //Control Fans
+    for(i=0; i<4;i++)
+        recv.C_FLOAT[i][i];
+    pc.printf("Coolant1:%f\n\r",recv.FLOAT);
+    Resistance=((float)R10K*Vadc)/((float)VDD + Vadc);
+    Coolant2_Temperature=ReadTemp(TR_NTCLP00E3103H_Map, Resistance, TABLE_SIZE_NTCLP00E3103H);   
+    send.FLOAT=Coolant2_Temperature;
+    CANMessage Txmsg_Coolant2(453,send.C_FLOAT,sizeof(send.C_FLOAT));
+    CAN_SysM.write(Txmsg_Coolant2);
+    //Control Fans
+    for(i=0; i<4;i++)
+        recv.C_FLOAT[i][i];
+    pc.printf("Coolant2:%f\n\r",recv.FLOAT);
+void IMD()
+    IMD_Measurement_Output IMD_Signal;
+    char status[4];
+    ftc send;
+    IMD_Signal=Get_Measurement();
+    send.FLOAT=IMD_Signal.Frequency;
+    CANMessage Txmsg_Frequency(421,send.C_FLOAT,sizeof(send.C_FLOAT));
+    CAN_SysM.write(Txmsg_Frequency);
+    send.FLOAT=IMD_Signal.Duty_Cycle;
+    CANMessage Txmsg_DutyCycle(422,send.C_FLOAT,sizeof(send.C_FLOAT));
+    CAN_SysM.write(Txmsg_DutyCycle);
+    status[0]=Result.Encoded_Status;
+    CANMessage Txmsg_Status(423,status,sizeof(status));
+    CAN_SysM.write(Txmsg_Status);
+void Battery()
+    RTCStore reg;
+    ftc send;
+    CANMessage Txmsg_BATmA_Hr(440,send.C_FLOAT,sizeof(send.C_FLOAT));
+    CAN_SysM.write(Txmsg_BATmA_Hr);
+    CANMessage Txmsg_DCA_msec(442,send.C_FLOAT,sizeof(send.C_FLOAT));     
+    CAN_SysM.write(Txmsg_DCA_msec);
+    Activates a whole crapload of functions and pins on the chip
+void Init()
+    /* 
+        Timers to call various functions at different intervals
+        These things behave weirdly when wait(ms) is involved. Probably have to rewrite
+    */
+    //ReadIMD.attach(&IMD,0.1);
+    //PollSDSwitch.attach(&Poll,0.1);
+    //ReadTemperature.attach(&Temp,0.1);
+    //ReadBatteryState.attach(&Battery,0.1);
+    /*
+        Initialize Timer2 for Battery State
+        LPC_SC                      0x400F C000 (System Control)
+        ->PCONP                     0x400F C0C4 (Power Control for Peripherals Register) 
+        |= (1<<22)                  22 Bit (Timer 2 power/clock control bit)
+        ->PCLKSEL1                  Peripheral Clock Selection register 1 (controls rate of clock signal supplied to peripheral)
+        |= ((1<<12) | (1<<13));     12:13 Bits (Peripheral Clock Selection for TIMER2)
+        LPC_TIM2                    0x4009 0000 (Timer 2)
+        ->TCR                       0x4009 0004 (Timer Control Register)
+        |= (1<<0);                  0 Bit (Counter Enable)
+        ->MR0                       0x4009 0018 (Match Register)
+        ->MCR                       0x4009 0014 (Match Control Register)
+    */
+    LPC_SC->PCONP       |= (1<<22);                     //PoewerOn Timer/Counter2
+    LPC_SC->PCLKSEL1    |= ((1<<12) | (1<<13));         //Prescale Timer2 CCLK/8  
+    LPC_TIM2->TCR       |=  (1<<0);                     //Enable Timer2
+    LPC_TIM2->MR0       =   11999;                      // 1msec
+    LPC_TIM2->MCR       |=  (1<<0);
+    NVIC_SetPriority(TIMER0_IRQn,200);                  //IMD Capture Interrupt
+    NVIC_SetPriority(TIMER1_IRQn,200);                  //IMD 1msec sampling Interrupt
+    NVIC_SetPriority(TIMER2_IRQn,1);                    //Battery 1msec sampling Interrupt
+    NVIC_SetPriority(TIMER3_IRQn,255);                  //mbed Timer/Ticker/Wait Interrupt
+    NVIC_SetPriority(CAN_IRQn,2);
+    NVIC_EnableIRQ(TIMER2_IRQn);                        //Enable TIMER2 IRQ 
+    CAN_SysM.mode(CAN::GlobalTest);
+    //NVIC_EnableIRQ(CAN_IRQn);
+    //NVIC_EnableIRQ(CANActivity_IRQn);
+    Main Loop: Currently reads CANMessages from Can interface (Pins: rd = p30, td = p29)
+    Send CANMessage data through XBee radio transmitters
+int main() {
+    CANMessage Rxmsg;    
+    Init();
+    while(1)
+    {
+        if(
+            RecieveBuffer.txWrite(Rxmsg);
+        while(RecieveBuffer.rxRead(Rxmsg))
+        {
+           XbeeTx.send(Rxmsg);
+        }    
+        //Poll();
+        //Temp();
+        //Battery();
+    }
+    //Temp();
+    //IMD();
+    //Battery();