Fork of Freetronics_16x2_LCD class for HD4478 based LCDs with Cyrillic symbols like WH1602 etc. Use puts() for latin and cyrillic texts, symbols. ( ° included)

Fork of Freetronics_16x2_LCD by Components

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/freetronicsLCDShieldRus.cpp	Thu Nov 27 12:00:09 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "freetronicsLCDShieldRus.h"
+#define PULSE_E     wait(0.000001f);    \
+                    _e = 0;             \
+                    wait(0.000001f);    \
+                    _e = 1;
+freetronicsLCDShieldRus::freetronicsLCDShieldRus (PinName rs, PinName e, PinName d0, PinName d1, PinName d2, PinName d3, PinName bl, PinName a0)
+    : _rs(rs), _e(e), _d(d0, d1, d2, d3), _bl(bl), _a0(a0)
+    // Class constructor
+    // Init the display, wait 15ms to insure the power is up
+    _e = true;
+    _rs = false;
+    wait(0.015f);
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+        writeByte(0x3);
+        wait(0.00164f);  // this command takes 1.64ms, so wait for it
+    }
+    writeByte(0x2);     // 4-bit mode
+    writeCommand(0x28); // Function set 001 BW N F - -
+    writeCommand(0x0C); // Display on/off controll 0000 1 D C B (D(isplay) On/Off C(ursor) On/Off B(link) On/Off
+    writeCommand(0x6);  // Cursor Direction and Display Shift : 0000 01 CD S (CD 0-left, 1-right S(hift) 0-no, 1-yes
+    cls();
+    // Set the PWM period to 20ms
+    _bl.period_ms(1);
+    _bl.write(0.0);
+void freetronicsLCDShieldRus::setCursorPosition (int line, int col)
+    // Set the new cursorposition
+    writeCommand(0x80 + (line * 0x40) + col);
+void freetronicsLCDShieldRus::setBackLight (bool blStatus)
+    // Switch the backlight on (true) or off (false)
+    _bl = (blStatus) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
+void freetronicsLCDShieldRus::setBackLight (float blIntensity)
+    // Switch the backlight on (true) or off (false)
+    _bl = blIntensity;
+void freetronicsLCDShieldRus::setCursor (bool cStatus, bool blink)
+    int tmp = 0;
+    if (blink) tmp = 0x01;
+    if (cStatus) tmp |= 0x02;
+    writeCommand(0x0C + tmp);
+void freetronicsLCDShieldRus::shift(bool direction)
+    if(direction == LEFT) shiftLeft();
+    else shiftRight();
+void freetronicsLCDShieldRus::shiftLeft(void)
+    writeCommand(0x18 + 0x04);
+void freetronicsLCDShieldRus::shiftRight(void)
+    writeCommand(0x18);
+void freetronicsLCDShieldRus::cls(void)
+    // Clear the display and place the cursor at 0, 0
+    writeCommand(0x01);
+    wait(0.00164f);
+void freetronicsLCDShieldRus::home(void)
+    // Undo shift operations and place cursor at 0,0
+    writeCommand(0x02);
+    wait(0.00164f);
+void freetronicsLCDShieldRus::writeCGRAM (char address, const char *ptr, char nbytes)
+    // Write the address only once, it is autoincremented
+    writeCommand(0x40 | address);
+    // Write the data
+    for(int i = 0; i < nbytes; i++) {
+        writeData(*ptr++);
+    }
+// Low level output functions
+void freetronicsLCDShieldRus::writeByte (int byte)
+    // Split the byte in high and low nibble, write high nibble first
+    _d = byte >> 4;
+    PULSE_E;
+    _d = byte >> 0;
+    PULSE_E;
+    // Most instructions take 40us
+    wait(0.000040f);
+void freetronicsLCDShieldRus::writeData (int data)
+    _rs = true;
+    writeByte(data);
+void freetronicsLCDShieldRus::writeCommand (int command)
+    _rs = false;
+    writeByte(command);
+unsigned  char  ROM1602Cyr_table[]=
+  0x41,0xa0,0x42,0xa1,0xe0,0x45,0xa3,0xa4,
+  0xa5,0xa6,0x4b,0xa7,0x4d,0x48,0x4f,0xa8,
+  0x50,0x43,0x54,0xa9,0xaa,0x58,0xe1,0xab,
+  0xac,0xe2,0xad,0xae,0x62,0xaf,0xb0,0xb1,
+  0x61,0xb2,0xb3,0xb4,0xe3,0x65,0xb6,0xb7,
+  0xb8,0xb9,0xba,0xbb,0xbc,0xbd,0x6f,0xbe,
+  0x70,0x63,0xbf,0x79,0xe4,0x78,0xe5,0xc0,
+  0xc1,0xe6,0xc2,0xc3,0xc4,0xc5,0xc6,0xc7,
+int freetronicsLCDShieldRus::puts(const char *str){
+  int shift=0;
+  int outchar=0;
+  bool grad_sign = false;
+    while( *str ) {
+        if (*str>0x80){ // UTF-8 handler;
+            if (*str==0xd0)shift=0x90;
+            if (*str==0xd1)shift=0x50;
+            if (*str==0xc2)grad_sign = true;
+            else grad_sign = false;
+            *str++; 
+            outchar=ROM1602Cyr_table[*str-shift];
+            if (*str==0x91&shift==0x50)outchar=0xb5; //ё  
+            if (*str==0x81&shift==0x90)outchar=0xa2; //Ё  
+            if (*str==0xb0&grad_sign==true)outchar=0xef; //° Alt+0176
+            putc(outchar);
+            //putc(0xef);
+            *str++;
+        }
+    else putc( *str++ );
+    }
+         // <instanceName>.writeCGRAM (0x00, &CGRAM_DATA[0], 8);
+float freetronicsLCDShieldRus::readButton(void)
+    return(;
+// Virtual functions for stream
+int freetronicsLCDShieldRus::_putc(int value)
+    writeData(value);
+    return value;
+int freetronicsLCDShieldRus::_getc()
+    return -1;
\ No newline at end of file