mbed library sources

Fork of mbed-src by mbed official

--- a/targets/hal/TARGET_Atmel/TARGET_SAM21/drivers/tc/tc_sam_d_r/tc.c	Tue Aug 18 15:00:09 2015 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,638 +0,0 @@
-#include "tc.h"
-//#if TC_ASYNC == true // TEMP: Commented by V
-#  include "tc_interrupt.h"
-#  include <system_interrupt.h>
-/** \internal
- * Converts a given TC index to its interrupt vector index.
- */
-#  define _TC_INTERRUPT_VECT_NUM(n, unused) \
-#if !defined(__DOXYGEN__)
-#  define _TC_GCLK_ID(n,unused)           TPASTE3(TC,n,_GCLK_ID)   ,
-#  define _TC_PM_APBCMASK(n,unused)       TPASTE2(PM_APBCMASK_TC,n) ,
- * \internal Find the index of given TC module instance.
- *
- * \param[in] TC module instance pointer.
- *
- * \return Index of the given TC module instance.
- */
-uint8_t _tc_get_inst_index(
-    Tc *const hw)
-    /* List of available TC modules. */
-    Tc *const tc_modules[TC_INST_NUM] = TC_INSTS;
-    /* Find index for TC instance. */
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TC_INST_NUM; i++) {
-        if (hw == tc_modules[i]) {
-            return i;
-        }
-    }
-    /* Invalid data given. */
-    Assert(false);
-    return 0;
- * \brief Initializes a hardware TC module instance.
- *
- * Enables the clock and initializes the TC module, based on the given
- * configuration values.
- *
- * \param[in,out] module_inst  Pointer to the software module instance struct
- * \param[in]     hw           Pointer to the TC hardware module
- * \param[in]     config       Pointer to the TC configuration options struct
- *
- * \return Status of the initialization procedure.
- *
- * \retval STATUS_OK           The module was initialized successfully
- * \retval STATUS_BUSY         Hardware module was busy when the
- *                             initialization procedure was attempted
- * \retval STATUS_INVALID_ARG  An invalid configuration option or argument
- *                             was supplied
- * \retval STATUS_ERR_DENIED   Hardware module was already enabled, or the
- *                             hardware module is configured in 32-bit
- *                             slave mode
- */
-enum status_code tc_init(
-    struct tc_module *const module_inst,
-    Tc *const hw,
-    const struct tc_config *const config)
-    /* Sanity check arguments */
-    Assert(hw);
-    Assert(module_inst);
-    Assert(config);
-    /* Temporary variable to hold all updates to the CTRLA
-     * register before they are written to it */
-    uint16_t ctrla_tmp = 0;
-    /* Temporary variable to hold all updates to the CTRLBSET
-     * register before they are written to it */
-    uint8_t ctrlbset_tmp = 0;
-    /* Temporary variable to hold all updates to the CTRLC
-     * register before they are written to it */
-    uint8_t ctrlc_tmp = 0;
-    /* Temporary variable to hold TC instance number */
-    uint8_t instance = _tc_get_inst_index(hw);
-    /* Array of GLCK ID for different TC instances */
-    uint8_t inst_gclk_id[] = TC_INST_GCLK_ID;
-    /* Array of PM APBC mask bit position for different TC instances */
-    uint16_t inst_pm_apbmask[] = TC_INST_PM_APBCMASK;
-    struct system_pinmux_config pin_config;
-    struct system_gclk_chan_config gclk_chan_config;
-//#if TC_ASYNC == true // TEMP: Commented by V
-    /* Initialize parameters */
-    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < TC_CALLBACK_N; i++) {
-        module_inst->callback[i]        = NULL;
-    }
-    module_inst->register_callback_mask     = 0x00;
-    module_inst->enable_callback_mask       = 0x00;
-    /* Register this instance for callbacks*/
-    _tc_instances[instance] = module_inst;
-    /* Associate the given device instance with the hardware module */
-    module_inst->hw = hw;
-#if SAMD10 || SAMD11
-    /* Check if even numbered TC modules are being configured in 32-bit
-     * counter size. Only odd numbered counters are allowed to be
-     * configured in 32-bit counter size.
-     */
-    if ((config->counter_size == TC_COUNTER_SIZE_32BIT) &&
-            !((instance + TC_INSTANCE_OFFSET) & 0x01)) {
-        Assert(false);
-        return STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG;
-    }
-    /* Check if odd numbered TC modules are being configured in 32-bit
-     * counter size. Only even numbered counters are allowed to be
-     * configured in 32-bit counter size.
-     */
-    if ((config->counter_size == TC_COUNTER_SIZE_32BIT) &&
-            ((instance + TC_INSTANCE_OFFSET) & 0x01)) {
-        Assert(false);
-        return STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG;
-    }
-    /* Make the counter size variable in the module_inst struct reflect
-     * the counter size in the module
-     */
-    module_inst->counter_size = config->counter_size;
-    if (hw->COUNT8.CTRLA.reg & TC_CTRLA_SWRST) {
-        /* We are in the middle of a reset. Abort. */
-        return STATUS_BUSY;
-    }
-    if (hw->COUNT8.STATUS.reg & TC_STATUS_SLAVE) {
-        /* Module is used as a slave */
-        return STATUS_ERR_DENIED;
-    }
-    if (hw->COUNT8.CTRLA.reg & TC_CTRLA_ENABLE) {
-        /* Module must be disabled before initialization. Abort. */
-        return STATUS_ERR_DENIED;
-    }
-    /* Set up the TC PWM out pin for channel 0 */
-    if (config->pwm_channel[0].enabled) {
-        system_pinmux_get_config_defaults(&pin_config);
-        pin_config.mux_position = config->pwm_channel[0].pin_mux;
-        pin_config.direction = SYSTEM_PINMUX_PIN_DIR_OUTPUT;
-        system_pinmux_pin_set_config(
-            config->pwm_channel[0].pin_out, &pin_config);
-    }
-    /* Set up the TC PWM out pin for channel 1 */
-    if (config->pwm_channel[1].enabled) {
-        system_pinmux_get_config_defaults(&pin_config);
-        pin_config.mux_position = config->pwm_channel[1].pin_mux;
-        pin_config.direction = SYSTEM_PINMUX_PIN_DIR_OUTPUT;
-        system_pinmux_pin_set_config(
-            config->pwm_channel[1].pin_out, &pin_config);
-    }
-    /* Enable the user interface clock in the PM */
-    system_apb_clock_set_mask(SYSTEM_CLOCK_APB_APBC,
-                              inst_pm_apbmask[instance]);
-    /* Enable the slave counter if counter_size is 32-bit */
-    if ((config->counter_size == TC_COUNTER_SIZE_32BIT)) {
-        /* Enable the user interface clock in the PM */
-        system_apb_clock_set_mask(SYSTEM_CLOCK_APB_APBC,
-                                  inst_pm_apbmask[instance + 1]);
-    }
-    /* Setup clock for module */
-    system_gclk_chan_get_config_defaults(&gclk_chan_config);
-    gclk_chan_config.source_generator = config->clock_source;
-    system_gclk_chan_set_config(inst_gclk_id[instance], &gclk_chan_config);
-    system_gclk_chan_enable(inst_gclk_id[instance]);
-    /* Set ctrla register */
-    ctrla_tmp =
-        (uint32_t)config->counter_size |
-        (uint32_t)config->wave_generation |
-        (uint32_t)config->reload_action |
-        (uint32_t)config->clock_prescaler;
-    if (config->run_in_standby) {
-        ctrla_tmp |= TC_CTRLA_RUNSTDBY;
-    }
-    /* Write configuration to register */
-    while (tc_is_syncing(module_inst)) {
-        /* Wait for sync */
-    }
-    hw->COUNT8.CTRLA.reg = ctrla_tmp;
-    /* Set ctrlb register */
-    if (config->oneshot) {
-        ctrlbset_tmp = TC_CTRLBSET_ONESHOT;
-    }
-    if (config->count_direction) {
-        ctrlbset_tmp |= TC_CTRLBSET_DIR;
-    }
-    /* Clear old ctrlb configuration */
-    while (tc_is_syncing(module_inst)) {
-        /* Wait for sync */
-    }
-    hw->COUNT8.CTRLBCLR.reg = 0xFF;
-    /* Check if we actually need to go into a wait state. */
-    if (ctrlbset_tmp) {
-        while (tc_is_syncing(module_inst)) {
-            /* Wait for sync */
-        }
-        /* Write configuration to register */
-        hw->COUNT8.CTRLBSET.reg = ctrlbset_tmp;
-    }
-    /* Set ctrlc register*/
-    ctrlc_tmp = config->waveform_invert_output;
-    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_COMPARE_CAPTURE_CHANNELS; i++) {
-        if (config->enable_capture_on_channel[i] == true) {
-            ctrlc_tmp |= (TC_CTRLC_CPTEN(1) << i);
-        }
-    }
-    /* Write configuration to register */
-    while (tc_is_syncing(module_inst)) {
-        /* Wait for sync */
-    }
-    hw->COUNT8.CTRLC.reg = ctrlc_tmp;
-    /* Write configuration to register */
-    while (tc_is_syncing(module_inst)) {
-        /* Wait for sync */
-    }
-    /* Switch for TC counter size  */
-    switch (module_inst->counter_size) {
-        case TC_COUNTER_SIZE_8BIT:
-            while (tc_is_syncing(module_inst)) {
-                /* Wait for sync */
-            }
-            hw->COUNT8.COUNT.reg =
-                config->counter_8_bit.value;
-            while (tc_is_syncing(module_inst)) {
-                /* Wait for sync */
-            }
-            hw->COUNT8.PER.reg =
-                config->counter_8_bit.period;
-            while (tc_is_syncing(module_inst)) {
-                /* Wait for sync */
-            }
-            hw->COUNT8.CC[0].reg =
-                config->counter_8_bit.compare_capture_channel[0];
-            while (tc_is_syncing(module_inst)) {
-                /* Wait for sync */
-            }
-            hw->COUNT8.CC[1].reg =
-                config->counter_8_bit.compare_capture_channel[1];
-            return STATUS_OK;
-        case TC_COUNTER_SIZE_16BIT:
-            while (tc_is_syncing(module_inst)) {
-                /* Wait for sync */
-            }
-            hw->COUNT16.COUNT.reg
-                = config->counter_16_bit.value;
-            while (tc_is_syncing(module_inst)) {
-                /* Wait for sync */
-            }
-            hw->COUNT16.CC[0].reg =
-                config->counter_16_bit.compare_capture_channel[0];
-            while (tc_is_syncing(module_inst)) {
-                /* Wait for sync */
-            }
-            hw->COUNT16.CC[1].reg =
-                config->counter_16_bit.compare_capture_channel[1];
-            return STATUS_OK;
-        case TC_COUNTER_SIZE_32BIT:
-            while (tc_is_syncing(module_inst)) {
-                /* Wait for sync */
-            }
-            hw->COUNT32.COUNT.reg
-                = config->counter_32_bit.value;
-            while (tc_is_syncing(module_inst)) {
-                /* Wait for sync */
-            }
-            hw->COUNT32.CC[0].reg =
-                config->counter_32_bit.compare_capture_channel[0];
-            while (tc_is_syncing(module_inst)) {
-                /* Wait for sync */
-            }
-            hw->COUNT32.CC[1].reg =
-                config->counter_32_bit.compare_capture_channel[1];
-            return STATUS_OK;
-    }
-    Assert(false);
- * \brief Sets TC module count value.
- *
- * Sets the current timer count value of a initialized TC module. The
- * specified TC module may be started or stopped.
- *
- * \param[in] module_inst  Pointer to the software module instance struct
- * \param[in] count        New timer count value to set
- *
- * \return Status of the count update procedure.
- *
- * \retval STATUS_OK               The timer count was updated successfully
- * \retval STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG  An invalid timer counter size was specified
- */
-enum status_code tc_set_count_value(
-    const struct tc_module *const module_inst,
-    const uint32_t count)
-    /* Sanity check arguments */
-    Assert(module_inst);
-    Assert(module_inst->hw);
-    /* Get a pointer to the module's hardware instance*/
-    Tc *const tc_module = module_inst->hw;
-    while (tc_is_syncing(module_inst)) {
-        /* Wait for sync */
-    }
-    /* Write to based on the TC counter_size */
-    switch (module_inst->counter_size) {
-        case TC_COUNTER_SIZE_8BIT:
-            tc_module->COUNT8.COUNT.reg  = (uint8_t)count;
-            return STATUS_OK;
-        case TC_COUNTER_SIZE_16BIT:
-            tc_module->COUNT16.COUNT.reg = (uint16_t)count;
-            return STATUS_OK;
-        case TC_COUNTER_SIZE_32BIT:
-            tc_module->COUNT32.COUNT.reg = (uint32_t)count;
-            return STATUS_OK;
-        default:
-            return STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG;
-    }
- * \brief Get TC module count value.
- *
- * Retrieves the current count value of a TC module. The specified TC module
- * may be started or stopped.
- *
- * \param[in] module_inst  Pointer to the software module instance struct
- *
- * \return Count value of the specified TC module.
- */
-uint32_t tc_get_count_value(
-    const struct tc_module *const module_inst)
-    /* Sanity check arguments */
-    Assert(module_inst);
-    Assert(module_inst->hw);
-    /* Get a pointer to the module's hardware instance */
-    Tc *const tc_module = module_inst->hw;
-    while (tc_is_syncing(module_inst)) {
-        /* Wait for sync */
-    }
-    /* Read from based on the TC counter size */
-    switch (module_inst->counter_size) {
-        case TC_COUNTER_SIZE_8BIT:
-            return (uint32_t)tc_module->COUNT8.COUNT.reg;
-        case TC_COUNTER_SIZE_16BIT:
-            return (uint32_t)tc_module->COUNT16.COUNT.reg;
-        case TC_COUNTER_SIZE_32BIT:
-            return tc_module->COUNT32.COUNT.reg;
-    }
-    Assert(false);
-    return 0;
- * \brief Gets the TC module capture value.
- *
- * Retrieves the capture value in the indicated TC module capture channel.
- *
- * \param[in]  module_inst    Pointer to the software module instance struct
- * \param[in]  channel_index  Index of the Compare Capture channel to read
- *
- * \return Capture value stored in the specified timer channel.
- */
-uint32_t tc_get_capture_value(
-    const struct tc_module *const module_inst,
-    const enum tc_compare_capture_channel channel_index)
-    /* Sanity check arguments */
-    Assert(module_inst);
-    Assert(module_inst->hw);
-    /* Get a pointer to the module's hardware instance */
-    Tc *const tc_module = module_inst->hw;
-    while (tc_is_syncing(module_inst)) {
-        /* Wait for sync */
-    }
-    /* Read out based on the TC counter size */
-    switch (module_inst->counter_size) {
-        case TC_COUNTER_SIZE_8BIT:
-            if (channel_index <
-                return tc_module->COUNT8.CC[channel_index].reg;
-            }
-        case TC_COUNTER_SIZE_16BIT:
-            if (channel_index <
-                return tc_module->COUNT16.CC[channel_index].reg;
-            }
-        case TC_COUNTER_SIZE_32BIT:
-            if (channel_index <
-                return tc_module->COUNT32.CC[channel_index].reg;
-            }
-    }
-    Assert(false);
-    return 0;
- * \brief Sets a TC module compare value.
- *
- * Writes a compare value to the given TC module compare/capture channel.
- *
- * \param[in]  module_inst    Pointer to the software module instance struct
- * \param[in]  channel_index  Index of the compare channel to write to
- * \param[in]  compare        New compare value to set
- *
- * \return Status of the compare update procedure.
- *
- * \retval  STATUS_OK               The compare value was updated successfully
- * \retval  STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG  An invalid channel index was supplied
- */
-enum status_code tc_set_compare_value(
-    const struct tc_module *const module_inst,
-    const enum tc_compare_capture_channel channel_index,
-    const uint32_t compare)
-    /* Sanity check arguments */
-    Assert(module_inst);
-    Assert(module_inst->hw);
-    /* Get a pointer to the module's hardware instance */
-    Tc *const tc_module = module_inst->hw;
-    while (tc_is_syncing(module_inst)) {
-        /* Wait for sync */
-    }
-    /* Read out based on the TC counter size */
-    switch (module_inst->counter_size) {
-        case TC_COUNTER_SIZE_8BIT:
-            if (channel_index <
-                tc_module->COUNT8.CC[channel_index].reg  =
-                    (uint8_t)compare;
-                return STATUS_OK;
-            }
-        case TC_COUNTER_SIZE_16BIT:
-            if (channel_index <
-                tc_module->COUNT16.CC[channel_index].reg =
-                    (uint16_t)compare;
-                return STATUS_OK;
-            }
-        case TC_COUNTER_SIZE_32BIT:
-            if (channel_index <
-                tc_module->COUNT32.CC[channel_index].reg =
-                    (uint32_t)compare;
-                return STATUS_OK;
-            }
-    }
- * \brief Resets the TC module.
- *
- * Resets the TC module, restoring all hardware module registers to their
- * default values and disabling the module. The TC module will not be
- * accessible while the reset is being performed.
- *
- * \note When resetting a 32-bit counter only the master TC module's instance
- *       structure should be passed to the function.
- *
- * \param[in]  module_inst    Pointer to the software module instance struct
- *
- * \return Status of the procedure.
- * \retval STATUS_OK                   The module was reset successfully
- * \retval STATUS_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DEV  A 32-bit slave TC module was passed to
- *                                     the function. Only use reset on master
- *                                     TC.
- */
-enum status_code tc_reset(
-    const struct tc_module *const module_inst)
-    /* Sanity check arguments  */
-    Assert(module_inst);
-    Assert(module_inst->hw);
-    /* Get a pointer to the module hardware instance */
-    TcCount8 *const tc_module = &(module_inst->hw->COUNT8);
-    if (tc_module->STATUS.reg & TC_STATUS_SLAVE) {
-    }
-    /* Disable this module if it is running */
-    if (tc_module->CTRLA.reg & TC_CTRLA_ENABLE) {
-        tc_disable(module_inst);
-        while (tc_is_syncing(module_inst)) {
-            /* wait while module is disabling */
-        }
-    }
-    /* Reset this TC module */
-    tc_module->CTRLA.reg  |= TC_CTRLA_SWRST;
-    return STATUS_OK;
- * \brief Set the timer TOP/period value.
- *
- * For 8-bit counter size this function writes the top value to the period
- * register.
- *
- * For 16- and 32-bit counter size this function writes the top value to
- * Capture Compare register 0. The value in this register can not be used for
- * any other purpose.
- *
- * \note This function is designed to be used in PWM or frequency
- *       match modes only. When the counter is set to 16- or 32-bit counter
- *       size. In 8-bit counter size it will always be possible to change the
- *       top value even in normal mode.
- *
- * \param[in]  module_inst   Pointer to the software module instance struct
- * \param[in]  top_value     New timer TOP value to set
- *
- * \return Status of the TOP set procedure.
- *
- * \retval STATUS_OK              The timer TOP value was updated successfully
- * \retval STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG The configured TC module counter size in the
- *                                module instance is invalid.
- */
-enum status_code tc_set_top_value (
-    const struct tc_module *const module_inst,
-    const uint32_t top_value)
-    Assert(module_inst);
-    Assert(module_inst->hw);
-    Assert(top_value);
-    Tc *const tc_module = module_inst->hw;
-    while (tc_is_syncing(module_inst)) {
-        /* Wait for sync */
-    }
-    switch (module_inst->counter_size) {
-        case TC_COUNTER_SIZE_8BIT:
-            tc_module->COUNT8.PER.reg    = (uint8_t)top_value;
-            return STATUS_OK;
-        case TC_COUNTER_SIZE_16BIT:
-            tc_module->COUNT16.CC[0].reg = (uint16_t)top_value;
-            return STATUS_OK;
-        case TC_COUNTER_SIZE_32BIT:
-            tc_module->COUNT32.CC[0].reg = (uint32_t)top_value;
-            return STATUS_OK;
-        default:
-            Assert(false);
-            return STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG;
-    }