mbed library sources

Fork of mbed-src by mbed official

--- a/targets/cmsis/TARGET_Atmel/TARGET_SAM21/utils/cmsis/samd21/include/instance/ins_tcc0.h	Tue Aug 18 15:00:09 2015 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _SAMD21_TCC0_INSTANCE_
-#define _SAMD21_TCC0_INSTANCE_
-/* ========== Register definition for TCC0 peripheral ========== */
-#if (defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__))
-#define REG_TCC0_CTRLA             (0x42002000U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Control A */
-#define REG_TCC0_CTRLBCLR          (0x42002004U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Control B Clear */
-#define REG_TCC0_CTRLBSET          (0x42002005U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Control B Set */
-#define REG_TCC0_SYNCBUSY          (0x42002008U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Synchronization Busy */
-#define REG_TCC0_FCTRLA            (0x4200200CU) /**< \brief (TCC0) Recoverable Fault A Configuration */
-#define REG_TCC0_FCTRLB            (0x42002010U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Recoverable Fault B Configuration */
-#define REG_TCC0_WEXCTRL           (0x42002014U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Waveform Extension Configuration */
-#define REG_TCC0_DRVCTRL           (0x42002018U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Driver Control */
-#define REG_TCC0_DBGCTRL           (0x4200201EU) /**< \brief (TCC0) Debug Control */
-#define REG_TCC0_EVCTRL            (0x42002020U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Event Control */
-#define REG_TCC0_INTENCLR          (0x42002024U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Interrupt Enable Clear */
-#define REG_TCC0_INTENSET          (0x42002028U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Interrupt Enable Set */
-#define REG_TCC0_INTFLAG           (0x4200202CU) /**< \brief (TCC0) Interrupt Flag Status and Clear */
-#define REG_TCC0_STATUS            (0x42002030U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Status */
-#define REG_TCC0_COUNT             (0x42002034U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Count */
-#define REG_TCC0_PATT              (0x42002038U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Pattern */
-#define REG_TCC0_WAVE              (0x4200203CU) /**< \brief (TCC0) Waveform Control */
-#define REG_TCC0_PER               (0x42002040U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Period */
-#define REG_TCC0_CC0               (0x42002044U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Compare and Capture 0 */
-#define REG_TCC0_CC1               (0x42002048U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Compare and Capture 1 */
-#define REG_TCC0_CC2               (0x4200204CU) /**< \brief (TCC0) Compare and Capture 2 */
-#define REG_TCC0_CC3               (0x42002050U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Compare and Capture 3 */
-#define REG_TCC0_PATTB             (0x42002064U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Pattern Buffer */
-#define REG_TCC0_WAVEB             (0x42002068U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Waveform Control Buffer */
-#define REG_TCC0_PERB              (0x4200206CU) /**< \brief (TCC0) Period Buffer */
-#define REG_TCC0_CCB0              (0x42002070U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Compare and Capture Buffer 0 */
-#define REG_TCC0_CCB1              (0x42002074U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Compare and Capture Buffer 1 */
-#define REG_TCC0_CCB2              (0x42002078U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Compare and Capture Buffer 2 */
-#define REG_TCC0_CCB3              (0x4200207CU) /**< \brief (TCC0) Compare and Capture Buffer 3 */
-#define REG_TCC0_CTRLA             (*(RwReg  *)0x42002000U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Control A */
-#define REG_TCC0_CTRLBCLR          (*(RwReg8 *)0x42002004U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Control B Clear */
-#define REG_TCC0_CTRLBSET          (*(RwReg8 *)0x42002005U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Control B Set */
-#define REG_TCC0_SYNCBUSY          (*(RoReg  *)0x42002008U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Synchronization Busy */
-#define REG_TCC0_FCTRLA            (*(RwReg  *)0x4200200CU) /**< \brief (TCC0) Recoverable Fault A Configuration */
-#define REG_TCC0_FCTRLB            (*(RwReg  *)0x42002010U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Recoverable Fault B Configuration */
-#define REG_TCC0_WEXCTRL           (*(RwReg  *)0x42002014U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Waveform Extension Configuration */
-#define REG_TCC0_DRVCTRL           (*(RwReg  *)0x42002018U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Driver Control */
-#define REG_TCC0_DBGCTRL           (*(RwReg8 *)0x4200201EU) /**< \brief (TCC0) Debug Control */
-#define REG_TCC0_EVCTRL            (*(RwReg  *)0x42002020U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Event Control */
-#define REG_TCC0_INTENCLR          (*(RwReg  *)0x42002024U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Interrupt Enable Clear */
-#define REG_TCC0_INTENSET          (*(RwReg  *)0x42002028U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Interrupt Enable Set */
-#define REG_TCC0_INTFLAG           (*(RwReg  *)0x4200202CU) /**< \brief (TCC0) Interrupt Flag Status and Clear */
-#define REG_TCC0_STATUS            (*(RwReg  *)0x42002030U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Status */
-#define REG_TCC0_COUNT             (*(RwReg  *)0x42002034U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Count */
-#define REG_TCC0_PATT              (*(RwReg16*)0x42002038U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Pattern */
-#define REG_TCC0_WAVE              (*(RwReg  *)0x4200203CU) /**< \brief (TCC0) Waveform Control */
-#define REG_TCC0_PER               (*(RwReg  *)0x42002040U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Period */
-#define REG_TCC0_CC0               (*(RwReg  *)0x42002044U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Compare and Capture 0 */
-#define REG_TCC0_CC1               (*(RwReg  *)0x42002048U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Compare and Capture 1 */
-#define REG_TCC0_CC2               (*(RwReg  *)0x4200204CU) /**< \brief (TCC0) Compare and Capture 2 */
-#define REG_TCC0_CC3               (*(RwReg  *)0x42002050U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Compare and Capture 3 */
-#define REG_TCC0_PATTB             (*(RwReg16*)0x42002064U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Pattern Buffer */
-#define REG_TCC0_WAVEB             (*(RwReg  *)0x42002068U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Waveform Control Buffer */
-#define REG_TCC0_PERB              (*(RwReg  *)0x4200206CU) /**< \brief (TCC0) Period Buffer */
-#define REG_TCC0_CCB0              (*(RwReg  *)0x42002070U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Compare and Capture Buffer 0 */
-#define REG_TCC0_CCB1              (*(RwReg  *)0x42002074U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Compare and Capture Buffer 1 */
-#define REG_TCC0_CCB2              (*(RwReg  *)0x42002078U) /**< \brief (TCC0) Compare and Capture Buffer 2 */
-#define REG_TCC0_CCB3              (*(RwReg  *)0x4200207CU) /**< \brief (TCC0) Compare and Capture Buffer 3 */
-#endif /* (defined(__ASSEMBLY__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__)) */
-/* ========== Instance parameters for TCC0 peripheral ========== */
-#define TCC0_CC_NUM                 4        // Number of Compare/Capture units
-#define TCC0_DITHERING              1        // Dithering feature implemented
-#define TCC0_DMAC_ID_MC_0           14
-#define TCC0_DMAC_ID_MC_1           15
-#define TCC0_DMAC_ID_MC_2           16
-#define TCC0_DMAC_ID_MC_3           17
-#define TCC0_DMAC_ID_MC_LSB         14
-#define TCC0_DMAC_ID_MC_MSB         17
-#define TCC0_DMAC_ID_MC_SIZE        4
-#define TCC0_DMAC_ID_OVF            13       // DMA overflow/underflow/retrigger trigger
-#define TCC0_DTI                    1        // Dead-Time-Insertion feature implemented
-#define TCC0_EXT                    31       // (@_DITHERING*16+@_PG*8+@_SWAP*4+@_DTI*2+@_OTMX*1)
-#define TCC0_GCLK_ID                26       // Index of Generic Clock
-#define TCC0_OTMX                   1        // Output Matrix feature implemented
-#define TCC0_OW_NUM                 8        // Number of Output Waveforms
-#define TCC0_PG                     1        // Pattern Generation feature implemented
-#define TCC0_SIZE                   24
-#define TCC0_SWAP                   1        // DTI outputs swap feature implemented
-#define TCC0_TYPE                   0        // TCC type 0 : NA, 1 : Master, 2 : Slave
-#endif /* _SAMD21_TCC0_INSTANCE_ */