mbed library sources

Fork of mbed-src by mbed official

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/targets/hal/TARGET_Atmel/TARGET_SAM21/drivers/rtc/rtc_sam_d_r/rtc_count.c	Fri Jul 17 09:15:10 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,728 @@
+#include "rtc_count.h"
+#include <gclk.h>
+#if !defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+struct rtc_module *_rtc_instance[RTC_INST_NUM];
+ * \brief Determines if the hardware module(s) are currently synchronizing to the bus.
+ *
+ * Checks to see if the underlying hardware peripheral module(s) are currently
+ * synchronizing across multiple clock domains to the hardware bus, This
+ * function can be used to delay further operations on a module until such time
+ * that it is ready, to prevent blocking delays for synchronization in the
+ * user application.
+ *
+ * \param[in]  module  RTC hardware module
+ *
+ * \return Synchronization status of the underlying hardware module(s).
+ *
+ * \retval true  if the module synchronization is ongoing
+ * \retval false if the module has completed synchronization
+ */
+static bool rtc_count_is_syncing(struct rtc_module *const module)
+    /* Sanity check arguments */
+    Assert(module);
+    Assert(module->hw);
+    Rtc *const rtc_module = module->hw;
+    if (rtc_module->MODE0.STATUS.reg & RTC_STATUS_SYNCBUSY) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+ * \brief Enables the RTC module.
+ *
+ * Enables the RTC module once it has been configured, ready for use. Most
+ * module configuration parameters cannot be altered while the module is enabled.
+ *
+ * \param[in,out]  module  RTC hardware module
+ */
+void rtc_count_enable(struct rtc_module *const module)
+    /* Sanity check arguments */
+    Assert(module);
+    Assert(module->hw);
+    Rtc *const rtc_module = module->hw;
+#if RTC_COUNT_ASYNC == true
+    system_interrupt_enable(SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_MODULE_RTC);
+    while (rtc_count_is_syncing(module)) {
+        /* Wait for synchronization */
+    }
+    /* Enable RTC module. */
+    rtc_module->MODE0.CTRL.reg |= RTC_MODE0_CTRL_ENABLE;
+ * \brief Disables the RTC module.
+ *
+ * Disables the RTC module.
+ *
+ * \param[in,out]  module  RTC hardware module
+ */
+void rtc_count_disable(struct rtc_module *const module)
+    /* Sanity check arguments */
+    Assert(module);
+    Assert(module->hw);
+    Rtc *const rtc_module = module->hw;
+#if RTC_COUNT_ASYNC == true
+    system_interrupt_disable(SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_MODULE_RTC);
+    while (rtc_count_is_syncing(module)) {
+        /* Wait for synchronization */
+    }
+    /* Disable RTC module. */
+    rtc_module->MODE0.CTRL.reg &= ~RTC_MODE0_CTRL_ENABLE;
+ * \brief Resets the RTC module.
+ * Resets the RTC to hardware defaults.
+ *
+ * \param[in,out]  module  Pointer to the software instance struct
+ */
+void rtc_count_reset(struct rtc_module *const module)
+    /* Sanity check arguments */
+    Assert(module);
+    Assert(module->hw);
+    Rtc *const rtc_module = module->hw;
+    /* Disable module before reset. */
+    rtc_count_disable(module);
+#if RTC_COUNT_ASYNC == true
+    module->registered_callback = 0;
+    module->enabled_callback    = 0;
+    while (rtc_count_is_syncing(module)) {
+        /* Wait for synchronization */
+    }
+    /* Initiate software reset. */
+    rtc_module->MODE0.CTRL.reg |= RTC_MODE0_CTRL_SWRST;
+ * \internal Applies the given configuration.
+ *
+ * Sets the configurations given from the configuration structure to the
+ * hardware module.
+ *
+ * \param[in,out]  module  Pointer to the software instance struct
+ * \param[in] config  Pointer to the configuration structure.
+ *
+ * \return Status of the configuration procedure.
+ * \retval STATUS_OK               RTC configurations was set successfully.
+ * \retval STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG  If invalid argument(s) were given.
+ */
+static enum status_code _rtc_count_set_config(
+    struct rtc_module *const module,
+    const struct rtc_count_config *const config)
+    /* Sanity check arguments */
+    Assert(module);
+    Assert(module->hw);
+    Rtc *const rtc_module = module->hw;
+    rtc_module->MODE0.CTRL.reg = RTC_MODE0_CTRL_MODE(0) | config->prescaler;
+    /* Set mode and clear on match if applicable. */
+    switch (config->mode) {
+        case RTC_COUNT_MODE_32BIT:
+            /* Set 32bit mode and clear on match if applicable. */
+            rtc_module->MODE0.CTRL.reg |= RTC_MODE0_CTRL_MODE(0);
+            /* Check if clear on compare match should be set. */
+            if (config->clear_on_match) {
+                /* Set clear on match. */
+                rtc_module->MODE0.CTRL.reg |= RTC_MODE0_CTRL_MATCHCLR;
+            }
+            /* Set compare values. */
+            for (uint8_t i = 0; i < RTC_NUM_OF_COMP32; i++) {
+                while (rtc_count_is_syncing(module)) {
+                    /* Wait for synchronization */
+                }
+                rtc_count_set_compare(module, config->compare_values[i],
+                                      (enum rtc_count_compare)i);
+            }
+            break;
+        case RTC_COUNT_MODE_16BIT:
+            /* Set 16bit mode. */
+            rtc_module->MODE1.CTRL.reg |= RTC_MODE1_CTRL_MODE(1);
+            /* Check if match on clear is set, and return invalid
+             * argument if set. */
+            if (config->clear_on_match) {
+                Assert(false);
+                return STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG;
+            }
+            /* Set compare values. */
+            for (uint8_t i = 0; i < RTC_NUM_OF_COMP16; i++) {
+                while (rtc_count_is_syncing(module)) {
+                    /* Wait for synchronization */
+                }
+                rtc_count_set_compare(module, config->compare_values[i],
+                                      (enum rtc_count_compare)i);
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            Assert(false);
+            return STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG;
+    }
+    /* Check to set continuously clock read update mode. */
+    if (config->continuously_update) {
+        /* Set continuously mode. */
+        rtc_module->MODE0.READREQ.reg |= RTC_READREQ_RCONT;
+    }
+    /* Return status OK if everything was configured. */
+    return STATUS_OK;
+ * \brief Initializes the RTC module with given configurations.
+ *
+ * Initializes the module, setting up all given configurations to provide
+ * the desired functionality of the RTC.
+ *
+ * \param[out] module  Pointer to the software instance struct
+ * \param[in]   hw      Pointer to hardware instance
+ * \param[in] config  Pointer to the configuration structure.
+ *
+ * \return Status of the initialization procedure.
+ * \retval STATUS_OK               If the initialization was run stressfully.
+ * \retval STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG  If invalid argument(s) were given.
+ */
+enum status_code rtc_count_init(
+    struct rtc_module *const module,
+    Rtc *const hw,
+    const struct rtc_count_config *const config)
+    /* Sanity check arguments */
+    Assert(module);
+    Assert(hw);
+    Assert(config);
+    /* Initialize device instance */
+    module->hw = hw;
+    /* Turn on the digital interface clock */
+    system_apb_clock_set_mask(SYSTEM_CLOCK_APB_APBA, PM_APBAMASK_RTC);
+    /* Set up GCLK */
+    struct system_gclk_chan_config gclk_chan_conf;
+    system_gclk_chan_get_config_defaults(&gclk_chan_conf);
+    gclk_chan_conf.source_generator = GCLK_GENERATOR_2;
+    system_gclk_chan_set_config(RTC_GCLK_ID, &gclk_chan_conf);
+    system_gclk_chan_enable(RTC_GCLK_ID);
+    /* Reset module to hardware defaults. */
+    rtc_count_reset(module);
+    /* Save conf_struct internally for continued use. */
+    module->mode                = config->mode;
+    module->continuously_update = config->continuously_update;
+#  if (RTC_INST_NUM == 1)
+    _rtc_instance[0] = module;
+#  else
+    /* Register this instance for callbacks*/
+    _rtc_instance[_rtc_get_inst_index(hw)] = module;
+#  endif
+    /* Set config and return status. */
+    return _rtc_count_set_config(module, config);
+ * \brief Set the current count value to desired value.
+ *
+ * Sets the value of the counter to the specified value.
+ *
+ * \param[in,out] module  Pointer to the software instance struct
+ * \param[in] count_value  The value to be set in count register.
+ *
+ * \return Status of setting the register.
+ * \retval STATUS_OK               If everything was executed correctly.
+ * \retval STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG  If invalid argument(s) were provided.
+ */
+enum status_code rtc_count_set_count(
+    struct rtc_module *const module,
+    const uint32_t count_value)
+    /* Sanity check arguments */
+    Assert(module);
+    Assert(module->hw);
+    Rtc *const rtc_module = module->hw;
+    while (rtc_count_is_syncing(module)) {
+        /* Wait for synchronization */
+    }
+    /* Set count according to mode */
+    switch(module->mode) {
+        case RTC_COUNT_MODE_32BIT:
+            /* Write value to register. */
+            rtc_module->MODE0.COUNT.reg = count_value;
+            break;
+        case RTC_COUNT_MODE_16BIT:
+            /* Check if 16-bit value is provided. */
+            if(count_value > 0xffff) {
+                return STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG;
+            }
+            /* Write value to register. */
+            rtc_module->MODE1.COUNT.reg = (uint32_t)count_value;
+            break;
+        default:
+            Assert(false);
+            return STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG;
+    }
+    return STATUS_OK;
+ * \brief Get the current count value.
+ *
+ * \param[in,out] module  Pointer to the software instance struct
+ *
+ * Returns the current count value.
+ *
+ * \return The current counter value as a 32-bit unsigned integer.
+ */
+uint32_t rtc_count_get_count(struct rtc_module *const module)
+    /* Sanity check arguments */
+    Assert(module);
+    Assert(module->hw);
+    Rtc *const rtc_module = module->hw;
+    /* Initialize return value. */
+    uint32_t ret_val;
+    /* Change of read method based on value of continuously_update value in
+     * the configuration structure. */
+    if(!(module->continuously_update)) {
+        /* Request read on count register. */
+        rtc_module->MODE0.READREQ.reg = RTC_READREQ_RREQ;
+        while (rtc_count_is_syncing(module)) {
+            /* Wait for synchronization */
+        }
+    }
+    /* Read value based on mode. */
+    switch (module->mode) {
+        case RTC_COUNT_MODE_32BIT:
+            /* Return count value in 32-bit mode. */
+            ret_val = rtc_module->MODE0.COUNT.reg;
+            break;
+        case RTC_COUNT_MODE_16BIT:
+            /* Return count value in 16-bit mode. */
+            ret_val = (uint32_t)rtc_module->MODE1.COUNT.reg;
+            break;
+        default:
+            Assert(false);
+            /* Counter not initialized. Assume counter value 0.*/
+            ret_val = 0;
+            break;
+    }
+    return ret_val;
+ * \brief Set the compare value for the specified compare.
+ *
+ * Sets the value specified by the implementer to the requested compare.
+ *
+ * \note Compare 4 and 5 are only available in 16-bit mode.
+ *
+ * \param[in,out] module  Pointer to the software instance struct
+ * \param[in] comp_value  The value to be written to the compare.
+ * \param[in] comp_index  Index of the compare to set.
+ *
+ * \return Status indicating if compare was successfully set.
+ * \retval STATUS_OK               If compare was successfully set.
+ * \retval STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG  If invalid argument(s) were provided.
+ * \retval STATUS_ERR_BAD_FORMAT   If the module was not initialized in a mode.
+ */
+enum status_code rtc_count_set_compare(
+    struct rtc_module *const module,
+    const uint32_t comp_value,
+    const enum rtc_count_compare comp_index)
+    /* Sanity check arguments */
+    Assert(module);
+    Assert(module->hw);
+    Rtc *const rtc_module = module->hw;
+    while (rtc_count_is_syncing(module)) {
+        /* Wait for synchronization */
+    }
+    /* Set compare values based on operation mode. */
+    switch (module->mode) {
+        case RTC_COUNT_MODE_32BIT:
+            /* Check sanity of comp_index. */
+            if ((uint32_t)comp_index > RTC_NUM_OF_COMP32) {
+                return STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG;
+            }
+            /* Set compare value for COMP. */
+            rtc_module->MODE0.COMP[comp_index].reg = comp_value;
+            break;
+        case RTC_COUNT_MODE_16BIT:
+            /* Check sanity of comp_index. */
+            if ((uint32_t)comp_index > RTC_NUM_OF_COMP16) {
+                return STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG;
+            }
+            /* Check that 16-bit value is provided. */
+            if (comp_value > 0xffff) {
+                Assert(false);
+                return STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG;
+            }
+            /* Set compare value for COMP. */
+            rtc_module->MODE1.COMP[comp_index].reg = comp_value & 0xffff;
+            break;
+        default:
+            Assert(false);
+            return STATUS_ERR_BAD_FORMAT;
+    }
+    /* Return status if everything is OK. */
+    return STATUS_OK;
+ * \brief Get the current compare value of specified compare.
+ *
+ * Retrieves the current value of the specified compare.
+ *
+ * \note Compare 4 and 5 are only available in 16-bit mode.
+ *
+ * \param[in,out] module  Pointer to the software instance struct
+ * \param[out] comp_value  Pointer to 32-bit integer that will be populated with
+ *                         the current compare value.
+ * \param[in]  comp_index  Index of compare to check.
+ *
+ * \return Status of the reading procedure.
+ * \retval STATUS_OK               If the value was read correctly.
+ * \retval STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG  If invalid argument(s) were provided.
+ * \retval STATUS_ERR_BAD_FORMAT   If the module was not initialized in a mode.
+ */
+enum status_code rtc_count_get_compare(
+    struct rtc_module *const module,
+    uint32_t *const comp_value,
+    const enum rtc_count_compare comp_index)
+    /* Sanity check arguments */
+    Assert(module);
+    Assert(module->hw);
+    Rtc *const rtc_module = module->hw;
+    switch (module->mode) {
+        case RTC_COUNT_MODE_32BIT:
+            /* Check sanity of comp_index. */
+            if ((uint32_t)comp_index > RTC_NUM_OF_COMP32) {
+                return STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG;
+            }
+            /* Get compare value for COMP. */
+            *comp_value = rtc_module->MODE0.COMP[comp_index].reg;
+            break;
+        case RTC_COUNT_MODE_16BIT:
+            /* Check sanity of comp_index. */
+            if ((uint32_t)comp_index > RTC_NUM_OF_COMP16) {
+                return STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG;
+            }
+            /* Get compare value for COMP. */
+            *comp_value = (uint32_t)rtc_module->MODE1.COMP[comp_index].reg;
+            break;
+        default:
+            Assert(false);
+            return STATUS_ERR_BAD_FORMAT;
+    }
+    /* Return status showing everything is OK. */
+    return STATUS_OK;
+ * \brief Retrieves the value of period.
+ *
+ * Retrieves the value of the period for the 16-bit mode counter.
+ *
+ * \note Only available in 16-bit mode.
+ *
+ * \param[in,out] module  Pointer to the software instance struct
+ * \param[out] period_value  Pointer to value for return argument.
+ *
+ * \return Status of getting the period value.
+ * \retval STATUS_OK                   If the period value was read correctly.
+ * \retval STATUS_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DEV  If incorrect mode was set.
+ */
+enum status_code rtc_count_get_period(
+    struct rtc_module *const module,
+    uint16_t *const period_value)
+    /* Sanity check arguments */
+    Assert(module);
+    Assert(module->hw);
+    Rtc *const rtc_module = module->hw;
+    /* Check that correct mode is set. */
+    if (module->mode != RTC_COUNT_MODE_16BIT) {
+    }
+    /* Returns the value. */
+    *period_value = rtc_module->MODE1.PER.reg;
+    return STATUS_OK;
+ * \brief Set the given value to the period.
+ *
+ * Sets the given value to the period.
+ *
+ * \note Only available in 16-bit mode.
+ *
+ * \param[in,out] module  Pointer to the software instance struct
+ * \param[in] period_value  The value to set to the period.
+ *
+ * \return Status of setting the period value.
+ * \retval STATUS_OK                   If the period was set correctly.
+ * \retval STATUS_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DEV  If module is not operated in 16-bit mode.
+ */
+enum status_code rtc_count_set_period(
+    struct rtc_module *const module,
+    const uint16_t period_value)
+    /* Sanity check arguments */
+    Assert(module);
+    Assert(module->hw);
+    Rtc *const rtc_module = module->hw;
+    /* Check that correct mode is set. */
+    if (module->mode != RTC_COUNT_MODE_16BIT) {
+    }
+    while (rtc_count_is_syncing(module)) {
+        /* Wait for synchronization */
+    }
+    /* Write value to register. */
+    rtc_module->MODE1.PER.reg = period_value;
+    return STATUS_OK;
+ * \brief Check if RTC compare match has occurred.
+ *
+ * Checks the compare flag to see if a match has occurred. The compare flag is
+ * set when there is a compare match between counter and the compare.
+ *
+ * \note Compare 4 and 5 are only available in 16-bit mode.
+ *
+ * \param[in,out] module  Pointer to the software instance struct
+ * \param[in] comp_index  Index of compare to check current flag.
+ */
+bool rtc_count_is_compare_match(
+    struct rtc_module *const module,
+    const enum rtc_count_compare comp_index)
+    /* Sanity check arguments */
+    Assert(module);
+    Assert(module->hw);
+    Rtc *const rtc_module = module->hw;
+    /* Check sanity. */
+    switch (module->mode) {
+        case RTC_COUNT_MODE_32BIT:
+            /* Check sanity for 32-bit mode. */
+            if (comp_index > RTC_NUM_OF_COMP32) {
+                return false;
+            }
+            break;
+        case RTC_COUNT_MODE_16BIT:
+            /* Check sanity for 16-bit mode. */
+            if (comp_index > RTC_NUM_OF_COMP16) {
+                return false;
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            Assert(false);
+            return false;
+    }
+    /* Set status of INTFLAG as return argument. */
+    return (rtc_module->MODE0.INTFLAG.reg & (1 << comp_index));
+ * \brief Clears RTC compare match flag.
+ *
+ * Clears the compare flag. The compare flag is set when there is a compare
+ * match between the counter and the compare.
+ *
+ * \note Compare 4 and 5 are only available in 16-bit mode.
+ *
+ * \param[in,out] module  Pointer to the software instance struct
+ * \param[in] comp_index  Index of compare to check current flag.
+ *
+ * \return Status indicating if flag was successfully cleared.
+ * \retval STATUS_OK               If flag was successfully cleared.
+ * \retval STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG  If invalid argument(s) were provided.
+ * \retval STATUS_ERR_BAD_FORMAT   If the module was not initialized in a mode.
+ */
+enum status_code rtc_count_clear_compare_match(
+    struct rtc_module *const module,
+    const enum rtc_count_compare comp_index)
+    /* Sanity check arguments */
+    Assert(module);
+    Assert(module->hw);
+    Rtc *const rtc_module = module->hw;
+    /* Check sanity. */
+    switch (module->mode) {
+        case RTC_COUNT_MODE_32BIT:
+            /* Check sanity for 32-bit mode. */
+            if (comp_index > RTC_NUM_OF_COMP32) {
+                return STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG;
+            }
+            break;
+        case RTC_COUNT_MODE_16BIT:
+            /* Check sanity for 16-bit mode. */
+            if (comp_index > RTC_NUM_OF_COMP16) {
+                return STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG;
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            Assert(false);
+            return STATUS_ERR_BAD_FORMAT;
+    }
+    /* Clear INTFLAG. */
+    rtc_module->MODE0.INTFLAG.reg = RTC_MODE1_INTFLAG_CMP(1 << comp_index);
+    return STATUS_OK;
+ * \brief Calibrate for too-slow or too-fast oscillator.
+ *
+ * When used, the RTC will compensate for an inaccurate oscillator. The
+ * RTC module will add or subtract cycles from the RTC prescaler to adjust the
+ * frequency in approximately 1 PPM steps. The provided correction value should
+ * be between 0 and 127, allowing for a maximum 127 PPM correction.
+ *
+ * If no correction is needed, set value to zero.
+ *
+ * \note Can only be used when the RTC is operated in 1Hz.
+ *
+ * \param[in,out] module  Pointer to the software instance struct
+ * \param[in] value  Ranging from -127 to 127 used for the correction.
+ *
+ * \return Status of the calibration procedure.
+ * \retval STATUS_OK               If calibration was executed correctly.
+ * \retval STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG  If invalid argument(s) were provided.
+ */
+enum status_code rtc_count_frequency_correction(
+    struct rtc_module *const module,
+    const int8_t value)
+    /* Sanity check arguments */
+    Assert(module);
+    Assert(module->hw);
+    Rtc *const rtc_module = module->hw;
+    /* Check if valid argument. */
+    if (abs(value) > 0x7F) {
+        /* Value bigger than allowed, return invalid argument. */
+        return STATUS_ERR_INVALID_ARG;
+    }
+    uint32_t new_correction_value;
+    /* Load the new correction value as a positive value, sign added later */
+    new_correction_value = abs(value);
+    /* Convert to positive value and adjust register sign bit. */
+    if (value < 0) {
+        new_correction_value |= RTC_FREQCORR_SIGN;
+    }
+    while (rtc_count_is_syncing(module)) {
+        /* Wait for synchronization */
+    }
+    /* Set value. */
+    rtc_module->MODE0.FREQCORR.reg = new_correction_value;
+    return STATUS_OK;