mbed library sources

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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/targets/cmsis/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F1/stm32f1xx_hal_dac.c	Thu Mar 12 14:30:49 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,929 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    stm32f1xx_hal_dac.c
+  * @author  MCD Application Team
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    15-December-2014
+  * @brief   DAC HAL module driver.
+  *         This file provides firmware functions to manage the following 
+  *         functionalities of the Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) peripheral:
+  *           + Initialization and de-initialization functions
+  *           + IO operation functions
+  *           + Peripheral Control functions
+  *           + Peripheral State and Errors functions      
+  *     
+  *
+  @verbatim      
+  ==============================================================================
+                      ##### DAC Peripheral features #####
+  ==============================================================================
+    [..]        
+      *** DAC Channels ***
+      ====================  
+    [..]  
+    The device integrates two 12-bit Digital Analog Converters that can 
+    be used independently or simultaneously (dual mode):
+      (#) DAC channel1 with DAC_OUT1 (PA4) as output
+      (#) DAC channel2 with DAC_OUT2 (PA5) as output
+      *** DAC Triggers ***
+      ====================
+    [..]
+    Digital to Analog conversion can be non-triggered using DAC_TRIGGER_NONE
+    and DAC_OUT1/DAC_OUT2 is available once writing to DHRx register. 
+    [..] 
+    Digital to Analog conversion can be triggered by:
+      (#) External event: EXTI Line 9 (any GPIOx_PIN_9) using DAC_TRIGGER_EXT_IT9.
+          The used pin (GPIOx_PIN_9) must be configured in input mode.
+      (#) Timers TRGO: TIM2, TIM4, TIM6, TIM7
+          For STM32F10x connectivity line devices and STM32F100x devices: TIM3
+          For STM32F10x high-density and XL-density devices: TIM8
+          For STM32F100x high-density value line devices: TIM15 as
+          replacement of TIM5.
+      (#) Software using DAC_TRIGGER_SOFTWARE
+      *** DAC Buffer mode feature ***
+      =============================== 
+      [..] 
+      Each DAC channel integrates an output buffer that can be used to 
+      reduce the output impedance, and to drive external loads directly
+      without having to add an external operational amplifier.
+      To enable, the output buffer use  
+      sConfig.DAC_OutputBuffer = DAC_OUTPUTBUFFER_ENABLE;
+      [..]           
+      (@) Refer to the device datasheet for more details about output 
+          impedance value with and without output buffer.
+      *** DAC connect feature ***
+      =============================== 
+      [..] 
+      Each DAC channel can be connected internally. 
+      To connect, use
+      sConfig.DAC_ConnectOnChipPeripheral = DAC_CHIPCONNECT_ENABLE;
+      *** GPIO configurations guidelines ***
+      =====================
+      [..] 
+      When a DAC channel is used (ex channel1 on PA4) and the other is not 
+      (ex channel1 on PA5 is configured in Analog and disabled).
+      Channel1 may disturb channel2 as coupling effect.
+      Note that there is no coupling on channel2 as soon as channel2 is turned on.
+      Coupling on adjacent channel could be avoided as follows:
+      when unused PA5 is configured as INPUT PULL-UP or DOWN. 
+      PA5 is configured in ANALOG just before it is turned on.     
+       *** DAC wave generation feature ***
+       =================================== 
+       [..]     
+       Both DAC channels can be used to generate
+         (#) Noise wave using HAL_DACEx_NoiseWaveGenerate()
+         (#) Triangle wave using HAL_DACEx_TriangleWaveGenerate()
+       *** DAC data format ***
+       =======================
+       [..]   
+       The DAC data format can be:
+         (#) 8-bit right alignment using DAC_ALIGN_8B_R
+         (#) 12-bit left alignment using DAC_ALIGN_12B_L
+         (#) 12-bit right alignment using DAC_ALIGN_12B_R
+       *** DAC data value to voltage correspondance ***  
+       ================================================ 
+       [..] 
+       The analog output voltage on each DAC channel pin is determined
+       by the following equation:
+       [..]
+       DAC_OUTx = VREF+ * DOR / 4095
+       (+) with  DOR is the Data Output Register
+       [..]
+          VEF+ is the input voltage reference (refer to the device datasheet)
+       [..]
+        e.g. To set DAC_OUT1 to 0.7V, use
+       (+) Assuming that VREF+ = 3.3V, DAC_OUT1 = (3.3 * 868) / 4095 = 0.7V
+       *** DMA requests  ***
+       =====================
+       [..]    
+       A DMA1 request can be generated when an external trigger (but not
+       a software trigger) occurs if DMA1 requests are enabled using
+       HAL_DAC_Start_DMA()
+       [..]
+       DMA requests are mapped as following:
+         (#) DAC channel1 :
+             For STM32F100x low-density, medium-density, high-density with DAC
+             DMA remap: 
+                            mapped on DMA1 channel3 which must be
+             already configured
+             For STM32F100x high-density without DAC DMA remap and other  
+             STM32F1 devices:
+                            mapped on DMA2 channel3 which must be
+             already configured
+         (#) DAC channel2 :
+             For STM32F100x low-density, medium-density, high-density with DAC
+             DMA remap: 
+                            mapped on DMA1 channel4 which must be
+             already configured
+             For STM32F100x high-density without DAC DMA remap and other  
+             STM32F1 devices:
+                            mapped on DMA2 channel4 which must be
+             already configured
+                      ##### How to use this driver #####
+  ==============================================================================
+    [..]          
+      (+) DAC APB clock must be enabled to get write access to DAC
+          registers using HAL_DAC_Init()
+      (+) Configure DAC_OUTx (DAC_OUT1: PA4, DAC_OUT2: PA5) in analog mode.
+      (+) Configure the DAC channel using HAL_DAC_ConfigChannel() function.
+      (+) Enable the DAC channel using HAL_DAC_Start() or HAL_DAC_Start_DMA functions
+     *** Polling mode IO operation ***
+     =================================
+     [..]    
+       (+) Start the DAC peripheral using HAL_DAC_Start() 
+       (+) To read the DAC last data output value, use the HAL_DAC_GetValue() function.
+       (+) Stop the DAC peripheral using HAL_DAC_Stop()
+     *** DMA mode IO operation ***    
+     ==============================
+     [..]    
+       (+) Start the DAC peripheral using HAL_DAC_Start_DMA(), at this stage the user specify the length 
+           of data to be transferred at each end of conversion
+       (+) At the middle of data transfer HAL_DACEx_ConvHalfCpltCallbackCh1()or HAL_DACEx_ConvHalfCpltCallbackCh2()  
+           function is executed and user can add his own code by customization of function pointer 
+           HAL_DAC_ConvHalfCpltCallbackCh1 or HAL_DAC_ConvHalfCpltCallbackCh2
+       (+) At The end of data transfer HAL_DAC_ConvCpltCallbackCh1()or HAL_DAC_ConvCpltCallbackCh2()  
+           function is executed and user can add his own code by customization of function pointer 
+           HAL_DAC_ConvCpltCallbackCh1 or HAL_DAC_ConvCpltCallbackCh2
+       (+) In case of transfer Error, HAL_DAC_ErrorCallbackCh1() or HAL_DACEx_ErrorCallbackCh2() function is executed and user can 
+           add his own code by customization of function pointer HAL_DAC_ErrorCallbackCh1 or HAL_DACEx_ErrorCallbackCh2
+       (+) For STM32F100x devices with specific feature: DMA underrun.             
+           In case of DMA underrun, DAC interruption triggers and execute internal function HAL_DAC_IRQHandler.
+           HAL_DAC_DMAUnderrunCallbackCh1()or HAL_DACEx_DMAUnderrunCallbackCh2()  
+           function is executed and user can add his own code by customization of function pointer 
+           HAL_DAC_DMAUnderrunCallbackCh1 or HAL_DACEx_DMAUnderrunCallbackCh2
+           add his own code by customization of function pointer HAL_DAC_ErrorCallbackCh1
+       (+) Stop the DAC peripheral using HAL_DAC_Stop_DMA()
+     *** DAC HAL driver macros list ***
+     ============================================= 
+     [..]
+       Below the list of most used macros in DAC HAL driver.
+      (+) __HAL_DAC_ENABLE : Enable the DAC peripheral (For STM32F100x devices with specific feature: DMA underrun)
+      (+) __HAL_DAC_DISABLE : Disable the DAC peripheral (For STM32F100x devices with specific feature: DMA underrun)
+      (+) __HAL_DAC_CLEAR_FLAG: Clear the DAC's pending flags (For STM32F100x devices with specific feature: DMA underrun)
+      (+) __HAL_DAC_GET_FLAG: Get the selected DAC's flag status (For STM32F100x devices with specific feature: DMA underrun)
+     [..]
+      (@) You can refer to the DAC HAL driver header file for more useful macros  
+ @endverbatim    
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @attention
+  *
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2014 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  *
+  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+  *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+  *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+  *      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+  *      and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+  *   3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
+  *      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+  *      without specific prior written permission.
+  *
+  *
+  ******************************************************************************
+  */ 
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "stm32f1xx_hal.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup DAC DAC
+  * @brief DAC driver modules
+  * @{
+  */ 
+#if defined (STM32F100xB) || defined (STM32F100xE) || defined (STM32F101xE) || defined (STM32F101xG) || defined (STM32F103xE) || defined (STM32F103xG) || defined (STM32F105xC) || defined (STM32F107xC)
+/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
+/* Exported functions -------------------------------------------------------*/
+/** @defgroup DAC_Exported_Functions DAC Exported Functions
+  * @{
+  */
+/** @defgroup DAC_Exported_Functions_Group1 Initialization and de-initialization functions 
+ *  @brief    Initialization and Configuration functions 
+ *
+  ==============================================================================
+              ##### Initialization and de-initialization functions #####
+  ==============================================================================
+    [..]  This section provides functions allowing to:
+      (+) Initialize and configure the DAC. 
+      (+) De-initialize the DAC. 
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief  Initializes the DAC peripheral according to the specified parameters
+  *         in the DAC_InitStruct.
+  * @param  hdac: pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *         the configuration information for the specified DAC.
+  * @retval HAL status
+  */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DAC_Init(DAC_HandleTypeDef* hdac)
+  /* Check DAC handle */
+  if(hdac == NULL)
+  {
+     return HAL_ERROR;
+  }
+  /* Check the parameters */
+  assert_param(IS_DAC_ALL_INSTANCE(hdac->Instance));
+  if(hdac->State == HAL_DAC_STATE_RESET)
+  {  
+    /* Allocate lock resource and initialize it */
+    hdac-> Lock = HAL_UNLOCKED;
+    /* Init the low level hardware */
+    HAL_DAC_MspInit(hdac);
+  }
+  /* Initialize the DAC state*/
+  hdac->State = HAL_DAC_STATE_BUSY;
+  /* Set DAC error code to none */
+  hdac->ErrorCode = HAL_DAC_ERROR_NONE;
+  /* Initialize the DAC state*/
+  hdac->State = HAL_DAC_STATE_READY;
+  /* Return function status */
+  return HAL_OK;
+  * @brief  Deinitializes the DAC peripheral registers to their default reset values.
+  * @param  hdac: pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *         the configuration information for the specified DAC.
+  * @retval HAL status
+  */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DAC_DeInit(DAC_HandleTypeDef* hdac)
+  /* Check DAC handle */
+  if(hdac == NULL)
+  {
+     return HAL_ERROR;
+  }
+  /* Check the parameters */
+  assert_param(IS_DAC_ALL_INSTANCE(hdac->Instance));
+  /* Change DAC state */
+  hdac->State = HAL_DAC_STATE_BUSY;
+  /* DeInit the low level hardware */
+  HAL_DAC_MspDeInit(hdac);
+  /* Set DAC error code to none */
+  hdac->ErrorCode = HAL_DAC_ERROR_NONE;
+  /* Change DAC state */
+  hdac->State = HAL_DAC_STATE_RESET;
+  /* Release Lock */
+  __HAL_UNLOCK(hdac);
+  /* Return function status */
+  return HAL_OK;
+  * @brief  Initializes the DAC MSP.
+  * @param  hdac: pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *         the configuration information for the specified DAC.
+  * @retval None
+  */
+__weak void HAL_DAC_MspInit(DAC_HandleTypeDef* hdac)
+  /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
+            the HAL_DAC_MspInit could be implemented in the user file
+   */ 
+  * @brief  DeInitializes the DAC MSP.
+  * @param  hdac: pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *         the configuration information for the specified DAC.  
+  * @retval None
+  */
+__weak void HAL_DAC_MspDeInit(DAC_HandleTypeDef* hdac)
+  /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
+            the HAL_DAC_MspDeInit could be implemented in the user file
+   */ 
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @defgroup DAC_Exported_Functions_Group2 IO operation functions
+ *  @brief    IO operation functions 
+ *
+  ==============================================================================
+             ##### IO operation functions #####
+  ==============================================================================  
+    [..]  This section provides functions allowing to:
+      (+) Start conversion.
+      (+) Stop conversion.
+      (+) Start conversion and enable DMA transfer.
+      (+) Stop conversion and disable DMA transfer.
+      (+) Get result of conversion.
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief  Enables DAC and starts conversion of channel.
+  * @param  hdac: pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *         the configuration information for the specified DAC.
+  * @param  Channel: The selected DAC channel. 
+  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
+  *            @arg DAC_CHANNEL_1: DAC Channel1 selected
+  *            @arg DAC_CHANNEL_2: DAC Channel2 selected
+  * @retval HAL status
+  */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DAC_Start(DAC_HandleTypeDef* hdac, uint32_t Channel)
+  /* Check the parameters */
+  assert_param(IS_DAC_CHANNEL(Channel));
+  /* Process locked */
+  __HAL_LOCK(hdac);
+  /* Change DAC state */
+  hdac->State = HAL_DAC_STATE_BUSY;
+  /* Enable the Peripharal */
+  __HAL_DAC_ENABLE(hdac, Channel);
+  if(Channel == DAC_CHANNEL_1)
+  {
+    /* Check if software trigger enabled */
+    if(HAL_IS_BIT_SET(hdac->Instance->CR, (DAC_CR_TEN1 | DAC_CR_TSEL1)))
+    {
+      /* Enable the selected DAC software conversion */
+      SET_BIT(hdac->Instance->SWTRIGR, DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG1);
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    /* Check if software trigger enabled */
+    if(HAL_IS_BIT_SET(hdac->Instance->CR, (DAC_CR_TEN2 | DAC_CR_TSEL2)))
+    {
+      /* Enable the selected DAC software conversion*/
+      SET_BIT(hdac->Instance->SWTRIGR, DAC_SWTRIGR_SWTRIG2);
+    }
+  }
+  /* Change DAC state */
+  hdac->State = HAL_DAC_STATE_READY;
+  /* Process unlocked */
+  __HAL_UNLOCK(hdac);
+  /* Return function status */
+  return HAL_OK;
+  * @brief  Disables DAC and stop conversion of channel.
+  * @param  hdac: pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *         the configuration information for the specified DAC.
+  * @param  Channel: The selected DAC channel. 
+  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
+  *            @arg DAC_CHANNEL_1: DAC Channel1 selected
+  *            @arg DAC_CHANNEL_2: DAC Channel2 selected  
+  * @retval HAL status
+  */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DAC_Stop(DAC_HandleTypeDef* hdac, uint32_t Channel)
+  /* Check the parameters */
+  assert_param(IS_DAC_CHANNEL(Channel));
+  /* Disable the Peripheral */
+  __HAL_DAC_DISABLE(hdac, Channel);
+  /* Change DAC state */
+  hdac->State = HAL_DAC_STATE_READY;
+  /* Return function status */
+  return HAL_OK;
+  * @brief  Enables DAC and starts conversion of channel.
+  *         Note: For STM32F100x devices with specific feature: DMA underrun.
+  *         On these devices, this function enables the interruption of DMA
+  *         underrun.
+  *         (refer to redefinition of this function in DAC extended file)
+  * @param  hdac: pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *         the configuration information for the specified DAC.
+  * @param  Channel: The selected DAC channel. 
+  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
+  *            @arg DAC_CHANNEL_1: DAC Channel1 selected
+  *            @arg DAC_CHANNEL_2: DAC Channel2 selected
+  * @param  pData: The destination peripheral Buffer address.
+  * @param  Length: The length of data to be transferred from memory to DAC peripheral
+  * @param  Alignment: Specifies the data alignment for DAC channel.
+  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
+  *            @arg DAC_ALIGN_8B_R: 8bit right data alignment selected
+  *            @arg DAC_ALIGN_12B_L: 12bit left data alignment selected
+  *            @arg DAC_ALIGN_12B_R: 12bit right data alignment selected
+  * @retval HAL status
+  */
+__weak HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DAC_Start_DMA(DAC_HandleTypeDef* hdac, uint32_t Channel, uint32_t* pData, uint32_t Length, uint32_t Alignment)
+  uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
+  /* Check the parameters */
+  assert_param(IS_DAC_CHANNEL(Channel));
+  assert_param(IS_DAC_ALIGN(Alignment));
+  /* Process locked */
+  __HAL_LOCK(hdac);
+  /* Change DAC state */
+  hdac->State = HAL_DAC_STATE_BUSY;
+  if(Channel == DAC_CHANNEL_1)
+  {
+    /* Set the DMA transfer complete callback for channel1 */
+    hdac->DMA_Handle1->XferCpltCallback = DAC_DMAConvCpltCh1;
+    /* Set the DMA half transfer complete callback for channel1 */
+    hdac->DMA_Handle1->XferHalfCpltCallback = DAC_DMAHalfConvCpltCh1;
+    /* Set the DMA error callback for channel1 */
+    hdac->DMA_Handle1->XferErrorCallback = DAC_DMAErrorCh1;
+    /* Enable the selected DAC channel1 DMA request */
+    SET_BIT(hdac->Instance->CR, DAC_CR_DMAEN1);
+    /* Case of use of channel 1 */
+    switch(Alignment)
+    {
+      case DAC_ALIGN_12B_R:
+        /* Get DHR12R1 address */
+        tmpreg = (uint32_t)&hdac->Instance->DHR12R1;
+        break;
+      case DAC_ALIGN_12B_L:
+        /* Get DHR12L1 address */
+        tmpreg = (uint32_t)&hdac->Instance->DHR12L1;
+        break;
+      case DAC_ALIGN_8B_R:
+        /* Get DHR8R1 address */
+        tmpreg = (uint32_t)&hdac->Instance->DHR8R1;
+        break;
+      default:
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    /* Set the DMA transfer complete callback for channel2 */
+    hdac->DMA_Handle2->XferCpltCallback = DAC_DMAConvCpltCh2;
+    /* Set the DMA half transfer complete callback for channel2 */
+    hdac->DMA_Handle2->XferHalfCpltCallback = DAC_DMAHalfConvCpltCh2;
+    /* Set the DMA error callback for channel2 */
+    hdac->DMA_Handle2->XferErrorCallback = DAC_DMAErrorCh2;
+    /* Enable the selected DAC channel2 DMA request */
+    SET_BIT(hdac->Instance->CR, DAC_CR_DMAEN2);
+    /* Case of use of channel 2 */
+    switch(Alignment)
+    {
+      case DAC_ALIGN_12B_R:
+        /* Get DHR12R2 address */
+        tmpreg = (uint32_t)&hdac->Instance->DHR12R2;
+        break;
+      case DAC_ALIGN_12B_L:
+        /* Get DHR12L2 address */
+        tmpreg = (uint32_t)&hdac->Instance->DHR12L2;
+        break;
+      case DAC_ALIGN_8B_R:
+        /* Get DHR8R2 address */
+        tmpreg = (uint32_t)&hdac->Instance->DHR8R2;
+        break;
+      default:
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Enable the DMA channel */
+  if(Channel == DAC_CHANNEL_1)
+  {
+    /* Enable the DMA channel */
+    HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hdac->DMA_Handle1, (uint32_t)pData, tmpreg, Length);
+  } 
+  else
+  {
+    /* Enable the DMA channel */
+    HAL_DMA_Start_IT(hdac->DMA_Handle2, (uint32_t)pData, tmpreg, Length);
+  }
+  /* Process Unlocked */
+  __HAL_UNLOCK(hdac);
+  /* Enable the Peripharal */
+  __HAL_DAC_ENABLE(hdac, Channel);
+  /* Return function status */
+  return HAL_OK;
+  * @brief  Disables DAC and stop conversion of channel.
+  *         Note: For STM32F100x devices with specific feature: DMA underrun.
+  *         On these devices, this function disables the interruption of DMA
+  *         underrun.
+  *         (refer to redefinition of this function in DAC extended file)
+  * @param  hdac: pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *         the configuration information for the specified DAC.
+  * @param  Channel: The selected DAC channel. 
+  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
+  *            @arg DAC_CHANNEL_1: DAC Channel1 selected
+  *            @arg DAC_CHANNEL_2: DAC Channel2 selected   
+  * @retval HAL status
+  */
+__weak HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DAC_Stop_DMA(DAC_HandleTypeDef* hdac, uint32_t Channel)
+  HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
+  /* Check the parameters */
+  assert_param(IS_DAC_CHANNEL(Channel));
+  /* Disable the selected DAC channel DMA request */
+  CLEAR_BIT(hdac->Instance->CR, DAC_CR_DMAEN1 << Channel);
+  /* Disable the Peripharal */
+  __HAL_DAC_DISABLE(hdac, Channel);
+  /* Disable the DMA Channel */
+  /* Channel1 is used */
+  if (Channel == DAC_CHANNEL_1)
+  {
+    status = HAL_DMA_Abort(hdac->DMA_Handle1);
+  }
+  else /* Channel2 is used for */
+  {
+    status = HAL_DMA_Abort(hdac->DMA_Handle2);
+  }
+  /* Check if DMA Channel effectively disabled */
+  if (status != HAL_OK)
+  {
+    /* Update ADC state machine to error */
+    hdac->State = HAL_DAC_STATE_ERROR;      
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    /* Change DAC state */
+    hdac->State = HAL_DAC_STATE_READY;
+  }
+  /* Return function status */
+  return status;
+  * @brief  Returns the last data output value of the selected DAC channel.
+  * @param  hdac: pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *         the configuration information for the specified DAC.
+  * @param  Channel: The selected DAC channel. 
+  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
+  *            @arg DAC_CHANNEL_1: DAC Channel1 selected
+  *            @arg DAC_CHANNEL_2: DAC Channel2 selected
+  * @retval The selected DAC channel data output value.
+  */
+uint32_t HAL_DAC_GetValue(DAC_HandleTypeDef* hdac, uint32_t Channel)
+  /* Check the parameters */
+  assert_param(IS_DAC_CHANNEL(Channel));
+  /* Returns the DAC channel data output register value */
+  if(Channel == DAC_CHANNEL_1)
+  {
+    return hdac->Instance->DOR1;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    return hdac->Instance->DOR2;
+  }
+  * @brief  Conversion complete callback in non blocking mode for Channel1 
+  * @param  hdac: pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *         the configuration information for the specified DAC.
+  * @retval None
+  */
+__weak void HAL_DAC_ConvCpltCallbackCh1(DAC_HandleTypeDef* hdac)
+  /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
+            the HAL_DAC_ConvCpltCallbackCh1 could be implemented in the user file
+   */
+  * @brief  Conversion half DMA transfer callback in non blocking mode for Channel1 
+  * @param  hdac: pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *         the configuration information for the specified DAC.
+  * @retval None
+  */
+__weak void HAL_DAC_ConvHalfCpltCallbackCh1(DAC_HandleTypeDef* hdac)
+  /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
+            the HAL_DAC_ConvHalfCpltCallbackCh1 could be implemented in the user file
+   */
+  * @brief  Error DAC callback for Channel1.
+  * @param  hdac: pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *         the configuration information for the specified DAC.
+  * @retval None
+  */
+__weak void HAL_DAC_ErrorCallbackCh1(DAC_HandleTypeDef *hdac)
+  /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
+            the HAL_DAC_ErrorCallbackCh1 could be implemented in the user file
+   */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @defgroup DAC_Exported_Functions_Group3 Peripheral Control functions
+ *  @brief    Peripheral Control functions 
+ *
+  ==============================================================================
+             ##### Peripheral Control functions #####
+  ==============================================================================  
+    [..]  This section provides functions allowing to:
+      (+) Configure channels. 
+      (+) Set the specified data holding register value for DAC channel.
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief  Configures the selected DAC channel.
+  * @param  hdac: pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *         the configuration information for the specified DAC.
+  * @param  sConfig: DAC configuration structure.
+  * @param  Channel: The selected DAC channel. 
+  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
+  *            @arg DAC_CHANNEL_1: DAC Channel1 selected
+  *            @arg DAC_CHANNEL_2: DAC Channel2 selected
+  * @retval HAL status
+  */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DAC_ConfigChannel(DAC_HandleTypeDef* hdac, DAC_ChannelConfTypeDef* sConfig, uint32_t Channel)
+  uint32_t tmpreg1 = 0;
+  /* Check the DAC parameters */
+  assert_param(IS_DAC_TRIGGER(sConfig->DAC_Trigger));
+  assert_param(IS_DAC_OUTPUT_BUFFER_STATE(sConfig->DAC_OutputBuffer));
+  assert_param(IS_DAC_CHANNEL(Channel));
+  /* Process locked */
+  __HAL_LOCK(hdac);
+  /* Change DAC state */
+  hdac->State = HAL_DAC_STATE_BUSY;
+  /* Configure for the selected DAC channel: buffer output, trigger */
+  /* Set TSELx and TENx bits according to DAC_Trigger value */
+  /* Set BOFFx bit according to DAC_OutputBuffer value */   
+  SET_BIT(tmpreg1, (sConfig->DAC_Trigger | sConfig->DAC_OutputBuffer));
+  /* Clear BOFFx, TENx, TSELx, WAVEx and MAMPx bits */  
+  /* Calculate CR register value depending on DAC_Channel */
+  MODIFY_REG(hdac->Instance->CR,
+             ((uint32_t)(DAC_CR_MAMP1 | DAC_CR_WAVE1 | DAC_CR_TSEL1 | DAC_CR_TEN1 | DAC_CR_BOFF1)) << Channel,
+             tmpreg1 << Channel);
+  /* Disable wave generation */
+  hdac->Instance->CR &= ~(DAC_CR_WAVE1 << Channel);
+  /* Change DAC state */
+  hdac->State = HAL_DAC_STATE_READY;
+  /* Process unlocked */
+  __HAL_UNLOCK(hdac);
+  /* Return function status */
+  return HAL_OK;
+  * @brief  Set the specified data holding register value for DAC channel.
+  * @param  hdac: pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *         the configuration information for the specified DAC.
+  * @param  Channel: The selected DAC channel. 
+  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
+  *            @arg DAC_CHANNEL_1: DAC Channel1 selected
+  *            @arg DAC_CHANNEL_2: DAC Channel2 selected  
+  * @param  Alignment: Specifies the data alignment.
+  *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
+  *            @arg DAC_ALIGN_8B_R: 8bit right data alignment selected
+  *            @arg DAC_ALIGN_12B_L: 12bit left data alignment selected
+  *            @arg DAC_ALIGN_12B_R: 12bit right data alignment selected
+  * @param  Data: Data to be loaded in the selected data holding register.
+  * @retval HAL status
+  */
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DAC_SetValue(DAC_HandleTypeDef* hdac, uint32_t Channel, uint32_t Alignment, uint32_t Data)
+  __IO uint32_t tmp = 0;
+  /* Check the parameters */
+  assert_param(IS_DAC_CHANNEL(Channel));
+  assert_param(IS_DAC_ALIGN(Alignment));
+  assert_param(IS_DAC_DATA(Data));
+  tmp = (uint32_t)hdac->Instance; 
+  if(Channel == DAC_CHANNEL_1)
+  {
+    tmp += DAC_DHR12R1_ALIGNMENT(Alignment);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    tmp += DAC_DHR12R2_ALIGNMENT(Alignment);
+  }
+  /* Set the DAC channel selected data holding register */
+  *(__IO uint32_t *) tmp = Data;
+  /* Return function status */
+  return HAL_OK;
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @defgroup DAC_Exported_Functions_Group4 Peripheral State and Errors functions
+ *  @brief   Peripheral State and Errors functions 
+ *
+  ==============================================================================
+            ##### Peripheral State and Errors functions #####
+  ==============================================================================  
+    [..]
+    This subsection provides functions allowing to
+      (+) Check the DAC state.
+      (+) Check the DAC Errors.
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief  return the DAC state
+  * @param  hdac: pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *         the configuration information for the specified DAC.
+  * @retval HAL state
+  */
+HAL_DAC_StateTypeDef HAL_DAC_GetState(DAC_HandleTypeDef* hdac)
+  /* Return DAC state */
+  return hdac->State;
+  * @brief  Return the DAC error code
+  * @param  hdac: pointer to a DAC_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *         the configuration information for the specified DAC.
+  * @retval DAC Error Code
+  */
+uint32_t HAL_DAC_GetError(DAC_HandleTypeDef *hdac)
+  return hdac->ErrorCode;
+  * @}
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @addtogroup DAC_Private_Functions
+  * @{
+  */
+  * @brief  DMA conversion complete callback. 
+  * @param  hdma: pointer to a DMA_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for the specified DMA module.
+  * @retval None
+  */
+void DAC_DMAConvCpltCh1(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma)   
+  DAC_HandleTypeDef* hdac = ( DAC_HandleTypeDef* )((DMA_HandleTypeDef* )hdma)->Parent;
+  HAL_DAC_ConvCpltCallbackCh1(hdac); 
+  hdac->State = HAL_DAC_STATE_READY;
+  * @brief  DMA half transfer complete callback. 
+  * @param  hdma: pointer to a DMA_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for the specified DMA module.
+  * @retval None
+  */
+void DAC_DMAHalfConvCpltCh1(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma)   
+    DAC_HandleTypeDef* hdac = ( DAC_HandleTypeDef* )((DMA_HandleTypeDef* )hdma)->Parent;
+    /* Conversion complete callback */
+    HAL_DAC_ConvHalfCpltCallbackCh1(hdac); 
+  * @brief  DMA error callback 
+  * @param  hdma: pointer to a DMA_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for the specified DMA module.
+  * @retval None
+  */
+void DAC_DMAErrorCh1(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma)   
+  DAC_HandleTypeDef* hdac = ( DAC_HandleTypeDef* )((DMA_HandleTypeDef* )hdma)->Parent;
+  /* Set DAC error code to DMA error */
+  hdac->ErrorCode |= HAL_DAC_ERROR_DMA;
+  HAL_DAC_ErrorCallbackCh1(hdac); 
+  hdac->State = HAL_DAC_STATE_READY;
+  * @}
+  */
+#endif /* STM32F100xB || STM32F100xE || STM32F101xE || STM32F101xG || STM32F103xE || STM32F103xG || STM32F105xC || STM32F107xC */
+  * @}
+  */
+  * @}
+  */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/