mbed library sources

Fork of mbed-src by mbed official

Fri Jul 17 09:15:10 2015 +0100
Synchronized with git revision e7144f83a8d75df80c4877936b6ffe552b0be9e6

Full URL: https://github.com/mbedmicro/mbed/commit/e7144f83a8d75df80c4877936b6ffe552b0be9e6/

More API implementation for SAMR21

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UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 1 #ifndef DMA_H_INCLUDED
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 2 #define DMA_H_INCLUDED
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 3
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 4 #ifdef __cplusplus
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 5 extern "C" {
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 6 #endif
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 7
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 8 /**
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 9 * \defgroup asfdoc_sam0_dma_group SAM Direct Memory Access Controller Driver (DMAC)
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 10 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 11 * This driver for Atmel庐 | SMART SAM devices provides an interface for the configuration
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 12 * and management of the Direct Memory Access Controller(DMAC) module within
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 13 * the device. The DMAC can transfer data between memories and peripherals, and
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 14 * thus off-load these tasks from the CPU. The module supports peripheral to
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 15 * peripheral, peripheral to memory, memory to peripheral, and memory to memory
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 16 * transfers.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 17 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 18 * The following peripherals are used by the DMAC Driver:
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 19 * - DMAC (Direct Memory Access Controller)
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 20 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 21 * The following devices can use this module:
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 22 * - Atmel | SMART SAM D21
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 23 * - Atmel | SMART SAM R21
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 24 * - Atmel | SMART SAM D10/D11
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 25 * - Atmel | SMART SAM L21
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 26 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 27 * The outline of this documentation is as follows:
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 28 * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_dma_prerequisites
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 29 * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_dma_module_overview
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 30 * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_dma_special_considerations
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 31 * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_dma_extra_info
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 32 * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_dma_examples
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 33 * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_dma_api_overview
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 34 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 35 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 36 * \section asfdoc_sam0_dma_prerequisites Prerequisites
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 37 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 38 * There are no prerequisites for this module.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 39 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 40 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 41 * \section asfdoc_sam0_dma_module_overview Module Overview
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 42 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 43 * SAM devices with DMAC enables high data transfer rates with minimum
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 44 * CPU intervention and frees up CPU time. With access to all peripherals,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 45 * the DMAC can handle automatic transfer of data to/from modules.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 46 * It supports static and incremental addressing for both source and
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 47 * destination.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 48 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 49 * The DMAC when used with Event System or peripheral triggers, provides a
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 50 * considerable advantage by reducing the power consumption and performing
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 51 * data transfer in the background.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 52 * For example if the ADC is configured to generate an event, it can trigger
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 53 * the DMAC to transfer the data into another peripheral or into SRAM.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 54 * The CPU can remain in sleep during this time to reduce power consumption.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 55 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 56 * The DMAC module has 12 channels. The DMA channel
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 57 * operation can be suspended at any time by software, by events
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 58 * from event system, or after selectable descriptor execution. The operation
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 59 * can be resumed by software or by events from event system.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 60 * The DMAC driver for SAM supports four types of transfers such as
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 61 * peripheral to peripheral, peripheral to memory, memory to peripheral, and
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 62 * memory to memory.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 63 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 64 * The basic transfer unit is a beat which is defined as a single bus access.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 65 * There can be multiple beats in a single block transfer and multiple block
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 66 * transfers in a DMA transaction.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 67 * DMA transfer is based on descriptors, which holds transfer properties
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 68 * such as the source and destination addresses, transfer counter, and other
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 69 * additional transfer control information.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 70 * The descriptors can be static or linked. When static, a single block transfer
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 71 * is performed. When linked, a number of transfer descriptors can be used to
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 72 * enable multiple block transfers within a single DMA transaction.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 73 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 74 * The implementation of the DMA driver is based on the idea that DMA channel
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 75 * is a finite resource of entities with the same abilities. A DMA channel resource
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 76 * is able to move a defined set of data from a source address to destination
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 77 * address triggered by a transfer trigger. On the SAM devices there are 12
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 78 * DMA resources available for allocation. Each of these DMA resources can trigger
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 79 * interrupt callback routines and peripheral events.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 80 * The other main features are
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 81 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 82 * - Selectable transfer trigger source
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 83 * - Software
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 84 * - Event System
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 85 * - Peripheral
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 86 * - Event input and output is supported for the four lower channels
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 87 * - Four level channel priority
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 88 * - Optional interrupt generation on transfer complete, channel error or channel suspend
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 89 * - Supports multi-buffer or circular buffer mode by linking multiple descriptors
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 90 * - Beat size configurable as 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 91 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 92 * A simplified block diagram of the DMA Resource can be seen in
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 93 * \ref asfdoc_sam0_dma_module_block_diagram "the figure below".
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 94 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 95 * \anchor asfdoc_sam0_dma_module_block_diagram
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 96 * \dot
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 97 * digraph overview {
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 98 * splines = false;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 99 * rankdir=LR;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 100 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 101 * mux1 [label="Transfer Trigger", shape=box];
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 102 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 103 * dma [label="DMA Channel", shape=polygon, sides=6, orientation=60, style=filled, fillcolor=darkolivegreen1, height=1, width=1];
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 104 * descriptor [label="Transfer Descriptor", shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=lightblue];
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 105 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 106 * mux1 -> dma;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 107 * descriptor -> dma;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 108 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 109 * interrupt [label="Interrupt", shape=box];
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 110 * events [label="Events", shape=box];
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 111 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 112 * dma:e -> interrupt:w;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 113 * dma:e -> events:w;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 114 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 115 * {rank=same; descriptor dma}
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 116 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 117 * }
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 118 * \enddot
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 119 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 120 * \subsection asfdoc_sam0_dma_features Driver Feature Macro Definition
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 121 * <table>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 122 * <tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 123 * <th>Driver Feature Macro</th>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 124 * <th>Supported devices</th>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 125 * </tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 126 * <tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 127 * <td>FEATURE_DMA_CHANNEL_STANDBY</td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 128 * <td>SAML21</td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 129 * </tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 130 * </table>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 131 * \note The specific features are only available in the driver when the
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 132 * selected device supports those features.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 133 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 134 * \subsection asfdoc_sam0_dma_module_overview_dma_transf_term Terminology Used in DMAC Transfers
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 135 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 136 * <table border="0" cellborder="1" cellspacing="0" >
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 137 * <tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 138 * <th> Name </th> <th> Description </th>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 139 * </tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 140 * <tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 141 * <td > Beat </td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 142 * <td > It is a single bus access by the DMAC.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 143 * Configurable as 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 144 * </td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 145 * </tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 146 * <tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 147 * <td > Burst </td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 148 * <td> It is a transfer of n-beats (n=1,4,8,16).
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 149 * For the DMAC module in SAM, the burst size is one beat.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 150 * Arbitration takes place each time a burst transfer is completed
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 151 * </td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 152 * </tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 153 * <tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 154 * <td > Block transfer </td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 155 * <td> A single block transfer is a configurable number of (1 to 64k)
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 156 * beat transfers
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 157 * </td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 158 * </tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 159 * </table>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 160 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 161 * \subsection asfdoc_sam0_dma_module_overview_dma_channels DMA Channels
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 162 * The DMAC in each device consists of several DMA channels, which
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 163 * along with the transfer descriptors defines the data transfer properties.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 164 * - The transfer control descriptor defines the source and destination
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 165 * addresses, source and destination address increment settings, the
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 166 * block transfer count and event output condition selection
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 167 * - Dedicated channel registers control the peripheral trigger source,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 168 * trigger mode settings, event input actions, and channel priority level
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 169 * settings
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 170 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 171 * With a successful DMA resource allocation, a dedicated
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 172 * DMA channel will be assigned. The channel will be occupied until the
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 173 * DMA resource is freed. A DMA resource handle is used to identify the specific
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 174 * DMA resource.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 175 * When there are multiple channels with active requests, the arbiter prioritizes
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 176 * the channels requesting access to the bus.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 177 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 178 * \subsection asfdoc_sam0_dma_module_overview_dma_trigger DMA Triggers
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 179 * DMA transfer can be started only when a DMA transfer request is acknowledged/granted by the arbiter. A
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 180 * transfer request can be triggered from software, peripheral, or an event. There
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 181 * are dedicated source trigger selections for each DMA channel usage.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 182
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 183 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 184 * \subsection asfdoc_sam0_dma_module_overview_dma_transfer_descriptor DMA Transfer Descriptor
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 185 * The transfer descriptor resides in the SRAM and
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 186 * defines these channel properties.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 187 * <table border="0" cellborder="1" cellspacing="0" >
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 188 * <tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 189 * <th> Field name </th> <th> Field width </th>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 190 * </tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 191 * <tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 192 * <td > Descriptor Next Address </td> <td > 32 bits </td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 193 * </tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 194 * <tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 195 * <td > Destination Address </td> <td> 32 bits </td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 196 * </tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 197 * <tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 198 * <td > Source Address </td> <td> 32 bits </td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 199 * </tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 200 * <tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 201 * <td > Block Transfer Counter </td> <td> 16 bits </td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 202 * </tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 203 * <tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 204 * <td > Block Transfer Control </td> <td> 16 bits </td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 205 * </tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 206 * </table>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 207 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 208 * Before starting a transfer, at least one descriptor should be configured.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 209 * After a successful allocation of a DMA channel, the transfer descriptor can
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 210 * be added with a call to \ref dma_add_descriptor(). If there is a transfer
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 211 * descriptor already allocated to the DMA resource, the descriptor will
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 212 * be linked to the next descriptor address.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 213 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 214 * \subsection asfdoc_sam0_dma_module_overview_dma_output DMA Interrupts/Events
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 215 * Both an interrupt callback and an peripheral event can be triggered by the
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 216 * DMA transfer. Three types of callbacks are supported by the DMA driver:
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 217 * transfer complete, channel suspend, and transfer error. Each of these callback
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 218 * types can be registered and enabled for each channel independently through
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 219 * the DMA driver API.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 220 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 221 * The DMAC module can also generate events on transfer complete. Event
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 222 * generation is enabled through the DMA channel, event channel configuration,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 223 * and event user multiplexing is done through the events driver.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 224 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 225 * The DMAC can generate events in the below cases:
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 226 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 227 * - When a block transfer is complete
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 228 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 229 * - When each beat transfer within a block transfer is complete
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 230 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 231 * \section asfdoc_sam0_dma_special_considerations Special Considerations
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 232 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 233 * There are no special considerations for this module.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 234 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 235 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 236 * \section asfdoc_sam0_dma_extra_info Extra Information
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 237 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 238 * For extra information, see \ref asfdoc_sam0_dma_extra. This includes:
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 239 * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_dma_extra_acronyms
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 240 * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_dma_extra_dependencies
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 241 * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_dma_extra_errata
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 242 * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_dma_extra_history
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 243 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 244 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 245 * \section asfdoc_sam0_dma_examples Examples
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 246 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 247 * For a list of examples related to this driver, see
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 248 * \ref asfdoc_sam0_dma_exqsg.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 249 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 250 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 251 * \section asfdoc_sam0_dma_api_overview API Overview
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 252 * @{
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 253 */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 254
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 255 #include <compiler.h>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 256 #include "conf_dma.h"
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 257
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 258 #if (SAML21)
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 259 #define FEATURE_DMA_CHANNEL_STANDBY
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 260 #endif
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 261
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 262 /** DMA invalid channel number. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 263 #define DMA_INVALID_CHANNEL 0xff
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 264
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 265 /** ExInitial description section. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 266 extern DmacDescriptor descriptor_section[CONF_MAX_USED_CHANNEL_NUM];
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 267
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 268 /** DMA priority level. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 269 enum dma_priority_level {
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 270 /** Priority level 0. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 271 DMA_PRIORITY_LEVEL_0,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 272 /** Priority level 1. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 273 DMA_PRIORITY_LEVEL_1,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 274 /** Priority level 2. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 275 DMA_PRIORITY_LEVEL_2,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 276 /** Priority level 3. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 277 DMA_PRIORITY_LEVEL_3,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 278 };
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 279
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 280 /** DMA input actions. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 281 enum dma_event_input_action {
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 282 /** No action. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 283 DMA_EVENT_INPUT_NOACT,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 284 /** Normal transfer and periodic transfer trigger. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 285 DMA_EVENT_INPUT_TRIG,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 286 /** Conditional transfer trigger. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 287 DMA_EVENT_INPUT_CTRIG,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 288 /** Conditional block transfer. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 289 DMA_EVENT_INPUT_CBLOCK,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 290 /** Channel suspend operation. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 291 DMA_EVENT_INPUT_SUSPEND,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 292 /** Channel resume operation. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 293 DMA_EVENT_INPUT_RESUME,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 294 /** Skip next block suspend action. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 295 DMA_EVENT_INPUT_SSKIP,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 296 };
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 297
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 298 /**
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 299 * Address increment step size. These bits select the address increment step
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 300 * size. The setting apply to source or destination address, depending on
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 301 * STEPSEL setting.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 302 */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 303 enum dma_address_increment_stepsize {
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 304 /** The address is incremented by (beat size * 1). */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 305 DMA_ADDRESS_INCREMENT_STEP_SIZE_1 = 0,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 306 /** The address is incremented by (beat size * 2). */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 307 DMA_ADDRESS_INCREMENT_STEP_SIZE_2,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 308 /** The address is incremented by (beat size * 4). */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 309 DMA_ADDRESS_INCREMENT_STEP_SIZE_4,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 310 /** The address is incremented by (beat size * 8). */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 311 DMA_ADDRESS_INCREMENT_STEP_SIZE_8,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 312 /** The address is incremented by (beat size * 16). */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 313 DMA_ADDRESS_INCREMENT_STEP_SIZE_16,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 314 /** The address is incremented by (beat size * 32). */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 315 DMA_ADDRESS_INCREMENT_STEP_SIZE_32,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 316 /** The address is incremented by (beat size * 64). */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 317 DMA_ADDRESS_INCREMENT_STEP_SIZE_64,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 318 /** The address is incremented by (beat size * 128). */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 319 DMA_ADDRESS_INCREMENT_STEP_SIZE_128,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 320 };
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 321
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 322 /**
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 323 * DMA step selection. This bit determines whether the step size setting
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 324 * is applied to source or destination address.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 325 */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 326 enum dma_step_selection {
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 327 /** Step size settings apply to the destination address. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 328 DMA_STEPSEL_DST = 0,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 329 /** Step size settings apply to the source address. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 330 DMA_STEPSEL_SRC,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 331 };
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 332
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 333 /** The basic transfer unit in DMAC is a beat, which is defined as a
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 334 * single bus access. Its size is configurable and applies to both read
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 335 * and write. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 336 enum dma_beat_size {
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 337 /** 8-bit access. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 338 DMA_BEAT_SIZE_BYTE = 0,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 339 /** 16-bit access. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 340 DMA_BEAT_SIZE_HWORD,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 341 /** 32-bit access. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 342 DMA_BEAT_SIZE_WORD,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 343 };
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 344
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 345 /**
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 346 * Block action definitions.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 347 */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 348 enum dma_block_action {
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 349 /** No action. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 350 DMA_BLOCK_ACTION_NOACT = 0,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 351 /** Channel in normal operation and sets transfer complete interrupt flag
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 352 * after block transfer. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 353 DMA_BLOCK_ACTION_INT,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 354 /** Trigger channel suspend after block transfer and sets channel
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 355 * suspend interrupt flag once the channel is suspended. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 356 DMA_BLOCK_ACTION_SUSPEND,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 357 /** Sets transfer complete interrupt flag after a block transfer and
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 358 * trigger channel suspend. The channel suspend interrupt flag will be set
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 359 * once the channel is suspended. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 360 DMA_BLOCK_ACTION_BOTH,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 361 };
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 362
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 363 /** Event output selection. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 364 enum dma_event_output_selection {
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 365 /** Event generation disable. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 366 DMA_EVENT_OUTPUT_DISABLE = 0,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 367 /** Event strobe when block transfer complete. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 368 DMA_EVENT_OUTPUT_BLOCK,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 369 /** Event output reserved. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 370 DMA_EVENT_OUTPUT_RESERVED,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 371 /** Event strobe when beat transfer complete. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 372 DMA_EVENT_OUTPUT_BEAT,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 373 };
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 374
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 375 /** DMA trigger action type. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 376 enum dma_transfer_trigger_action {
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 377 /** Perform a block transfer when triggered. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 378 DMA_TRIGGER_ACTON_BLOCK = DMAC_CHCTRLB_TRIGACT_BLOCK_Val,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 379 /** Perform a beat transfer when triggered. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 380 DMA_TRIGGER_ACTON_BEAT = DMAC_CHCTRLB_TRIGACT_BEAT_Val,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 381 /** Perform a transaction when triggered. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 383 };
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 384
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 385 /**
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 386 * Callback types for DMA callback driver.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 387 */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 388 enum dma_callback_type {
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 389 /** Callback for transfer complete. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 390 DMA_CALLBACK_TRANSFER_DONE,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 391 /** Callback for any of transfer errors. A transfer error is flagged
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 392 * if a bus error is detected during an AHB access or when the DMAC
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 393 * fetches an invalid descriptor. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 394 DMA_CALLBACK_TRANSFER_ERROR,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 395 /** Callback for channel suspend. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 396 DMA_CALLBACK_CHANNEL_SUSPEND,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 397 /** Number of available callbacks. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 398 DMA_CALLBACK_N,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 399 };
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 400
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 401 /**
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 402 * DMA transfer descriptor configuration. When the source or destination address
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 403 * increment is enabled, the addresses stored into the configuration structure
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 404 * must correspond to the end of the transfer.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 405 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 406 */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 407 struct dma_descriptor_config {
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 408 /** Descriptor valid flag used to identify whether a descriptor is
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 409 valid or not. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 410 bool descriptor_valid;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 411 /** This is used to generate an event on specific transfer action in
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 412 a channel. Supported only in four lower channels. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 413 enum dma_event_output_selection event_output_selection;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 414 /** Action taken when a block transfer is completed. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 415 enum dma_block_action block_action;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 416 /** Beat size is configurable as 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 417 enum dma_beat_size beat_size;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 418 /** Used for enabling the source address increment. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 419 bool src_increment_enable;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 420 /** Used for enabling the destination address increment. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 421 bool dst_increment_enable;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 422 /** This bit selects whether the source or destination address is
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 423 using the step size settings. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 424 enum dma_step_selection step_selection;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 425 /** The step size for source/destination address increment.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 426 The next address is calculated
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 427 as next_addr = addr + (2^step_size * beat size). */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 428 enum dma_address_increment_stepsize step_size;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 429 /** It is the number of beats in a block. This count value is
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 430 * decremented by one after each beat data transfer. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 431 uint16_t block_transfer_count;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 432 /** Transfer source address. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 433 uint32_t source_address;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 434 /** Transfer destination address. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 435 uint32_t destination_address;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 436 /** Set to zero for static descriptors. This must have a valid memory
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 437 address for linked descriptors. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 438 uint32_t next_descriptor_address;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 439 };
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 440
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 441 /** Configurations for DMA events. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 442 struct dma_events_config {
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 443 /** Event input actions. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 444 enum dma_event_input_action input_action;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 445 /** Enable DMA event output. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 446 bool event_output_enable;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 447 };
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 448
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 449 /** DMA configurations for transfer. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 450 struct dma_resource_config {
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 451 /** DMA transfer priority. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 452 enum dma_priority_level priority;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 453 /**DMA peripheral trigger index. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 454 uint8_t peripheral_trigger;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 455 /** DMA trigger action. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 456 enum dma_transfer_trigger_action trigger_action;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 457 #ifdef FEATURE_DMA_CHANNEL_STANDBY
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 458 /** Keep DMA channel enabled in standby sleep mode if true. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 459 bool run_in_standby;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 460 #endif
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 461 /** DMA events configurations. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 462 struct dma_events_config event_config;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 463 };
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 464
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 465 /** Forward definition of the DMA resource. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 466 struct dma_resource;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 467 /** Type definition for a DMA resource callback function. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 468 typedef void (*dma_callback_t)(const struct dma_resource *const resource);
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 469
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 470 /** Structure for DMA transfer resource. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 471 struct dma_resource {
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 472 /** Allocated DMA channel ID. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 473 uint8_t channel_id;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 474 /** Array of callback functions for DMA transfer job. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 475 dma_callback_t callback[DMA_CALLBACK_N];
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 476 /** Bit mask for enabled callbacks. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 477 uint8_t callback_enable;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 478 /** Status of the last job. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 479 volatile enum status_code job_status;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 480 /** Transferred data size. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 481 uint32_t transfered_size;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 482 /** DMA transfer descriptor. */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 483 DmacDescriptor* descriptor;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 484 };
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 485
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 486 /**
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 487 * \brief Get DMA resource status.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 488 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 489 * \param[in] resource Pointer to the DMA resource
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 490 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 491 * \return Status of the DMA resource.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 492 */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 493 static inline enum status_code dma_get_job_status(struct dma_resource *resource)
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 494 {
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 495 Assert(resource);
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 496
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 497 return resource->job_status;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 498 }
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 499
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 500 /**
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 501 * \brief Check if the given DMA resource is busy.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 502 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 503 * \param[in] resource Pointer to the DMA resource
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 504 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 505 * \return Status which indicates whether the DMA resource is busy.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 506 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 507 * \retval true The DMA resource has an on-going transfer
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 508 * \retval false The DMA resource is not busy
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 509 */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 510 static inline bool dma_is_busy(struct dma_resource *resource)
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 511 {
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 512 Assert(resource);
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 513
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 514 return (resource->job_status == STATUS_BUSY);
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 515 }
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 516
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 517 /**
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 518 * \brief Enable a callback function for a dedicated DMA resource.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 519 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 520 * \param[in] resource Pointer to the DMA resource
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 521 * \param[in] type Callback function type
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 522 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 523 */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 524 static inline void dma_enable_callback(struct dma_resource *resource,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 525 enum dma_callback_type type)
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 526 {
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 527 Assert(resource);
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 528
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 529 resource->callback_enable |= 1 << type;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 530 }
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 531
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 532 /**
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 533 * \brief Disable a callback function for a dedicated DMA resource.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 534 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 535 * \param[in] resource Pointer to the DMA resource
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 536 * \param[in] type Callback function type
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 537 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 538 */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 539 static inline void dma_disable_callback(struct dma_resource *resource,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 540 enum dma_callback_type type)
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 541 {
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 542 Assert(resource);
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 543
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 544 resource->callback_enable &= ~(1 << type);
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 545 }
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 546
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 547 /**
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 548 * \brief Register a callback function for a dedicated DMA resource.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 549 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 550 * There are three types of callback functions, which can be registered:
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 551 * - Callback for transfer complete
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 552 * - Callback for transfer error
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 553 * - Callback for channel suspend
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 554 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 555 * \param[in] resource Pointer to the DMA resource
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 556 * \param[in] callback Pointer to the callback function
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 557 * \param[in] type Callback function type
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 558 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 559 */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 560 static inline void dma_register_callback(struct dma_resource *resource,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 561 dma_callback_t callback, enum dma_callback_type type)
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 562 {
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 563 Assert(resource);
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 564
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 565 resource->callback[type] = callback;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 566 }
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 567
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 568 /**
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 569 * \brief Unregister a callback function for a dedicated DMA resource.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 570 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 571 * There are three types of callback functions:
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 572 * - Callback for transfer complete
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 573 * - Callback for transfer error
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 574 * - Callback for channel suspend
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 575 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 576 * The application can unregister any of the callback functions which
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 577 * are already registered and are no longer needed.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 578 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 579 * \param[in] resource Pointer to the DMA resource
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 580 * \param[in] type Callback function type
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 581 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 582 */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 583 static inline void dma_unregister_callback(struct dma_resource *resource,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 584 enum dma_callback_type type)
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 585 {
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 586 Assert(resource);
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 587
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 588 resource->callback[type] = NULL;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 589 }
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 590
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 591 /**
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 592 * \brief Will set a software trigger for resource.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 593 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 594 * This function is used to set a software trigger on the DMA channel
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 595 * associated with resource. If a trigger is already pending no new trigger
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 596 * will be generated for the channel.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 597 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 598 * \param[in] resource Pointer to the DMA resource
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 599 */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 600 static inline void dma_trigger_transfer(struct dma_resource *resource)
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 601 {
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 602 Assert(resource);
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 603
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 604 DMAC->SWTRIGCTRL.reg |= (1 << resource->channel_id);
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 605 }
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 606
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 607 /**
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 608 * \brief Initializes DMA transfer configuration with predefined default values.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 609 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 610 * This function will initialize a given DMA descriptor configuration structure to
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 611 * a set of known default values. This function should be called on
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 612 * any new instance of the configuration structure before being
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 613 * modified by the user application.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 614 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 615 * The default configuration is as follows:
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 616 * \li Set the descriptor as valid
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 617 * \li Disable event output
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 618 * \li No block action
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 619 * \li Set beat size as byte
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 620 * \li Enable source increment
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 621 * \li Enable destination increment
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 622 * \li Step size is applied to the destination address
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 623 * \li Address increment is beat size multiplied by 1
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 624 * \li Default transfer size is set to 0
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 625 * \li Default source address is set to NULL
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 626 * \li Default destination address is set to NULL
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 627 * \li Default next descriptor not available
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 628 * \param[out] config Pointer to the configuration
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 629 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 630 */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 631 static inline void dma_descriptor_get_config_defaults(struct dma_descriptor_config *config)
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 632 {
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 633 Assert(config);
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 634
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 635 /* Set descriptor as valid */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 636 config->descriptor_valid = true;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 637 /* Disable event output */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 638 config->event_output_selection = DMA_EVENT_OUTPUT_DISABLE;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 639 /* No block action */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 640 config->block_action = DMA_BLOCK_ACTION_NOACT;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 641 /* Set beat size to one byte */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 642 config->beat_size = DMA_BEAT_SIZE_BYTE;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 643 /* Enable source increment */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 644 config->src_increment_enable = true;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 645 /* Enable destination increment */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 646 config->dst_increment_enable = true;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 647 /* Step size is applied to the destination address */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 648 config->step_selection = DMA_STEPSEL_DST;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 649 /* Address increment is beat size multiplied by 1*/
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 650 config->step_size = DMA_ADDRESS_INCREMENT_STEP_SIZE_1;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 651 /* Default transfer size is set to 0 */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 652 config->block_transfer_count = 0;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 653 /* Default source address is set to NULL */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 654 config->source_address = (uint32_t)NULL;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 655 /* Default destination address is set to NULL */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 656 config->destination_address = (uint32_t)NULL;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 657 /** Next descriptor address set to 0 */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 658 config->next_descriptor_address = 0;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 659 }
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 660
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 661 /**
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 662 * \brief Update DMA descriptor.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 663 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 664 * This function can update the descriptor of an allocated DMA resource.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 665 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 666 */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 667 static inline void dma_update_descriptor(struct dma_resource *resource,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 668 DmacDescriptor* descriptor)
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 669 {
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 670 Assert(resource);
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 671
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 672 resource->descriptor = descriptor;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 673 }
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 674
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 675 /**
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 676 * \brief Reset DMA descriptor.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 677 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 678 * This function will clear the DESCADDR register of an allocated DMA resource.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 679 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 680 */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 681 static inline void dma_reset_descriptor(struct dma_resource *resource)
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 682 {
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 683 Assert(resource);
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 684
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 685 resource->descriptor = NULL;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 686 }
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 687
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 688 void dma_get_config_defaults(struct dma_resource_config *config);
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 689 enum status_code dma_allocate(struct dma_resource *resource,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 690 struct dma_resource_config *config);
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 691 enum status_code dma_free(struct dma_resource *resource);
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 692 enum status_code dma_start_transfer_job(struct dma_resource *resource);
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 693 void dma_abort_job(struct dma_resource *resource);
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 694 void dma_suspend_job(struct dma_resource *resource);
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 695 void dma_resume_job(struct dma_resource *resource);
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 696 void dma_descriptor_create(DmacDescriptor* descriptor,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 697 struct dma_descriptor_config *config);
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 698 enum status_code dma_add_descriptor(struct dma_resource *resource,
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 699 DmacDescriptor* descriptor);
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 700
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 701 /** @} */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 702
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 703 /**
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 704 * \page asfdoc_sam0_dma_extra Extra Information for DMAC Driver
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 705 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 706 * \section asfdoc_sam0_dma_extra_acronyms Acronyms
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 707 * Below is a table listing the acronyms used in this module, along with their
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 708 * intended meanings.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 709 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 710 * <table>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 711 * <tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 712 * <th>Acronym</th>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 713 * <th>Description</th>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 714 * </tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 715 * <tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 716 * <td>DMA</td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 717 * <td>Direct Memory Access</td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 718 * </tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 719 * <tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 720 * <td>DMAC</td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 721 * <td>Direct Memory Access Controller </td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 722 * </tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 723 * <tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 724 * <td>CPU</td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 725 * <td>Central Processing Unit</td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 726 * </tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 727 * </table>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 728 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 729 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 730 * \section asfdoc_sam0_dma_extra_dependencies Dependencies
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 731 * This driver has the following dependencies:
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 732 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 733 * - \ref asfdoc_sam0_system_clock_group "System Clock Driver"
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 734 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 735 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 736 * \section asfdoc_sam0_dma_extra_errata Errata
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 737 * There are no errata related to this driver.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 738 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 739 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 740 * \section asfdoc_sam0_dma_extra_history Module History
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 741 * An overview of the module history is presented in the table below, with
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 742 * details on the enhancements and fixes made to the module since its first
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 743 * release. The current version of this corresponds to the newest version in
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 744 * the table.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 745 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 746 * <table>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 747 * <tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 748 * <th>Changelog</th>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 749 * </tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 750 * <tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 751 * <td>Add SAM L21 support</td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 752 * </tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 753 * <tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 754 * <td>Initial Release</td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 755 * </tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 756 * </table>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 757 */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 758
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 759 /**
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 760 * \page asfdoc_sam0_dma_exqsg Examples for DMAC Driver
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 761 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 762 * This is a list of the available Quick Start Guides (QSGs) and example
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 763 * applications for \ref asfdoc_sam0_dma_group. QSGs are simple examples with
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 764 * step-by-step instructions to configure and use this driver in a selection of
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 765 * use cases. Note that QSGs can be compiled as a standalone application or be
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 766 * added to the user application.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 767 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 768 * - \subpage asfdoc_sam0_dma_basic_use_case
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 769 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 770 * \note More DMA usage examples are available in peripheral QSGs.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 771 * A quick start guide for TC/TCC
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 772 * shows the usage of DMA event trigger; SERCOM SPI/USART/I<SUP>2</SUP>C has example for
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 773 * DMA transfer from peripheral to memory or from memory to peripheral;
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 774 * ADC/DAC shows peripheral to peripheral transfer.
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 775 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 776 * \page asfdoc_sam0_dma_document_revision_history Document Revision History
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 777 *
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 778 * <table>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 779 * <tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 780 * <th>Doc. Rev.</td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 781 * <th>Date</td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 782 * <th>Comments</td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 783 * </tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 784 * <tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 785 * <td>C</td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 786 * <td>11/2014</td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 787 * <td>Added SAML21 support</td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 788 * </tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 789 * <tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 790 * <td>B</td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 791 * <td>12/2014</td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 792 * <td>Added SAMR21 and SAMD10/D11 support</td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 793 * </tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 794 * <tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 795 * <td>A</td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 796 * <td>02/2014</td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 797 * <td>Initial release</td>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 798 * </tr>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 799 * </table>
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 800 */
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 801
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 802 #ifdef __cplusplus
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 803 }
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 804 #endif
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 805
mbed_official 579:53297373a894 806 #endif /* DMA_H_INCLUDED */