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mbedtls_ssl_config Struct Reference

mbedtls_ssl_config Struct Reference

SSL/TLS configuration to be shared between mbedtls_ssl_context structures. More...

#include <ssl.h>

Data Fields

const int * ciphersuite_list [4]
void(* f_dbg )(void *, int, const char *, int, const char *)
 Callback for printing debug output.
void * p_dbg
int(* f_rng )(void *, unsigned char *, size_t)
 Callback for getting (pseudo-)random numbers.
void * p_rng
int(* f_get_cache )(void *, mbedtls_ssl_session *)
 Callback to retrieve a session from the cache.
int(* f_set_cache )(void *, const mbedtls_ssl_session *)
 Callback to store a session into the cache.
void * p_cache
int(* f_sni )(void *, mbedtls_ssl_context *, const unsigned char *, size_t)
 Callback for setting cert according to SNI extension.
void * p_sni
int(* f_vrfy )(void *, mbedtls_x509_crt *, int, uint32_t *)
 Callback to customize X.509 certificate chain verification.
void * p_vrfy
int(* f_psk )(void *, mbedtls_ssl_context *, const unsigned char *, size_t)
 Callback to retrieve PSK key from identity.
void * p_psk
int(* f_cookie_write )(void *, unsigned char **, unsigned char *, const unsigned char *, size_t)
 Callback to create & write a cookie for ClientHello veirifcation.
int(* f_cookie_check )(void *, const unsigned char *, size_t, const unsigned char *, size_t)
 Callback to verify validity of a ClientHello cookie.
void * p_cookie
int(* f_ticket_write )(void *, const mbedtls_ssl_session *, unsigned char *, const unsigned char *, size_t *, uint32_t *)
 Callback to create & write a session ticket.
int(* f_ticket_parse )(void *, mbedtls_ssl_session *, unsigned char *, size_t)
 Callback to parse a session ticket into a session structure.
void * p_ticket
int(* f_export_keys )(void *, const unsigned char *, const unsigned char *, size_t, size_t, size_t)
 Callback to export key block and master secret.
void * p_export_keys
const mbedtls_x509_crt_profilecert_profile
mbedtls_ssl_key_cert * key_cert
const int * sig_hashes
const mbedtls_ecp_group_id * curve_list
mbedtls_mpi dhm_P
mbedtls_mpi dhm_G
unsigned char * psk
size_t psk_len
unsigned char * psk_identity
size_t psk_identity_len
const char ** alpn_list
uint32_t read_timeout
uint32_t hs_timeout_min
uint32_t hs_timeout_max
int renego_max_records
unsigned char renego_period [8]
unsigned int badmac_limit
unsigned int dhm_min_bitlen
unsigned char max_major_ver
unsigned char max_minor_ver
unsigned char min_major_ver
unsigned char min_minor_ver
unsigned int endpoint: 1
unsigned int transport: 1
unsigned int authmode: 2
unsigned int allow_legacy_renegotiation: 2
unsigned int arc4_disabled: 1
unsigned int mfl_code: 3
unsigned int encrypt_then_mac: 1
unsigned int extended_ms: 1
unsigned int anti_replay: 1
unsigned int cbc_record_splitting: 1
unsigned int disable_renegotiation: 1
unsigned int trunc_hmac: 1
unsigned int session_tickets: 1
unsigned int fallback: 1
unsigned int cert_req_ca_list: 1

Detailed Description

SSL/TLS configuration to be shared between mbedtls_ssl_context structures.

Definition at line 586 of file ssl.h.

Field Documentation


Definition at line 725 of file ssl.h.

const char** alpn_list

ordered list of protocols

Definition at line 682 of file ssl.h.

unsigned int anti_replay

detect and prevent replay?

Definition at line 739 of file ssl.h.

unsigned int arc4_disabled

blacklist RC4 ciphersuites?

Definition at line 727 of file ssl.h.

unsigned int authmode


Definition at line 723 of file ssl.h.

unsigned int badmac_limit

limit of records with a bad MAC

Definition at line 705 of file ssl.h.

trusted CAs

Definition at line 657 of file ssl.h.

trusted CAs CRLs

Definition at line 658 of file ssl.h.

unsigned int cbc_record_splitting

do cbc record splitting

Definition at line 742 of file ssl.h.

verification profile

Definition at line 655 of file ssl.h.

unsigned int cert_req_ca_list

enable sending CA list in Certificate Request messages?

Definition at line 757 of file ssl.h.

const int* ciphersuite_list[4]

allowed ciphersuites per version

Definition at line 594 of file ssl.h.

const mbedtls_ecp_group_id* curve_list

allowed curves

Definition at line 666 of file ssl.h.

generator for DHM

Definition at line 671 of file ssl.h.

unsigned int dhm_min_bitlen

min. bit length of the DHM prime

Definition at line 709 of file ssl.h.

prime modulus for DHM

Definition at line 670 of file ssl.h.

unsigned int disable_renegotiation

disable renegotiation?

Definition at line 745 of file ssl.h.

unsigned int encrypt_then_mac

negotiate encrypt-then-mac?

Definition at line 733 of file ssl.h.

unsigned int endpoint

0: client, 1: server

Definition at line 721 of file ssl.h.

unsigned int extended_ms

negotiate extended master secret?

Definition at line 736 of file ssl.h.

int(* f_cookie_check)(void *, const unsigned char *, size_t, const unsigned char *, size_t)

Callback to verify validity of a ClientHello cookie.

Definition at line 633 of file ssl.h.

int(* f_cookie_write)(void *, unsigned char **, unsigned char *, const unsigned char *, size_t)

Callback to create & write a cookie for ClientHello veirifcation.

Definition at line 630 of file ssl.h.

void(* f_dbg)(void *, int, const char *, int, const char *)

Callback for printing debug output.

Definition at line 597 of file ssl.h.

int(* f_export_keys)(void *, const unsigned char *, const unsigned char *, size_t, size_t, size_t)

Callback to export key block and master secret.

Definition at line 649 of file ssl.h.

int(* f_get_cache)(void *, mbedtls_ssl_session *)

Callback to retrieve a session from the cache.

Definition at line 605 of file ssl.h.

int(* f_psk)(void *, mbedtls_ssl_context *, const unsigned char *, size_t)

Callback to retrieve PSK key from identity.

Definition at line 624 of file ssl.h.

int(* f_rng)(void *, unsigned char *, size_t)

Callback for getting (pseudo-)random numbers.

Definition at line 601 of file ssl.h.

int(* f_set_cache)(void *, const mbedtls_ssl_session *)

Callback to store a session into the cache.

Definition at line 607 of file ssl.h.

int(* f_sni)(void *, mbedtls_ssl_context *, const unsigned char *, size_t)

Callback for setting cert according to SNI extension.

Definition at line 612 of file ssl.h.

int(* f_ticket_parse)(void *, mbedtls_ssl_session *, unsigned char *, size_t)

Callback to parse a session ticket into a session structure.

Definition at line 643 of file ssl.h.

int(* f_ticket_write)(void *, const mbedtls_ssl_session *, unsigned char *, const unsigned char *, size_t *, uint32_t *)

Callback to create & write a session ticket.

Definition at line 640 of file ssl.h.

int(* f_vrfy)(void *, mbedtls_x509_crt *, int, uint32_t *)

Callback to customize X.509 certificate chain verification.

Definition at line 618 of file ssl.h.

unsigned int fallback

is this a fallback?

Definition at line 754 of file ssl.h.

uint32_t hs_timeout_max

maximum value of the handshake retransmission timeout (ms)

Definition at line 694 of file ssl.h.

uint32_t hs_timeout_min

initial value of the handshake retransmission timeout (ms)

Definition at line 692 of file ssl.h.

mbedtls_ssl_key_cert* key_cert

own certificate/key pair(s)

Definition at line 656 of file ssl.h.

unsigned char max_major_ver

max. major version used

Definition at line 712 of file ssl.h.

unsigned char max_minor_ver

max. minor version used

Definition at line 713 of file ssl.h.

unsigned int mfl_code

desired fragment length

Definition at line 730 of file ssl.h.

unsigned char min_major_ver

min. major version used

Definition at line 714 of file ssl.h.

unsigned char min_minor_ver

min. minor version used

Definition at line 715 of file ssl.h.

void* p_cache

context for cache callbacks

Definition at line 608 of file ssl.h.

void* p_cookie

context for the cookie callbacks

Definition at line 635 of file ssl.h.

void* p_dbg

context for the debug function

Definition at line 598 of file ssl.h.

context for key export callback

Definition at line 651 of file ssl.h.

void* p_psk

context for PSK callback

Definition at line 625 of file ssl.h.

void* p_rng

context for the RNG function

Definition at line 602 of file ssl.h.

void* p_sni

context for SNI callback

Definition at line 613 of file ssl.h.

void* p_ticket

context for the ticket callbacks

Definition at line 644 of file ssl.h.

void* p_vrfy

context for X.509 verify calllback

Definition at line 619 of file ssl.h.

unsigned char* psk

pre-shared key

Definition at line 675 of file ssl.h.

unsigned char* psk_identity

identity for PSK negotiation

Definition at line 677 of file ssl.h.

length of identity

Definition at line 678 of file ssl.h.

size_t psk_len

length of the pre-shared key

Definition at line 676 of file ssl.h.

uint32_t read_timeout

timeout for mbedtls_ssl_read (ms)

Definition at line 689 of file ssl.h.

grace period for renegotiation

Definition at line 699 of file ssl.h.

unsigned char renego_period[8]

value of the record counters that triggers renegotiation

Definition at line 700 of file ssl.h.

unsigned int session_tickets

use session tickets?

Definition at line 751 of file ssl.h.

const int* sig_hashes

allowed signature hashes

Definition at line 662 of file ssl.h.

unsigned int transport

stream (TLS) or datagram (DTLS)

Definition at line 722 of file ssl.h.

unsigned int trunc_hmac

negotiate truncated hmac?

Definition at line 748 of file ssl.h.