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lwip_setgetsockopt_data Struct Reference

lwip_setgetsockopt_data Struct Reference

This struct is used to pass data to the set/getsockopt_internal functions running in tcpip_thread context (only a void* is allowed) More...

#include <sockets.h>

Data Fields

int s
 socket index for which to change options
int level
 level of the option to process
int optname
 name of the option to process
 set: value to set the option to get: value of the option is stored here
socklen_t optlen
 size of *optval
err_t err
 if an error occurs, it is temporarily stored here
void * completed_sem
 semaphore to wake up the calling task

Detailed Description

This struct is used to pass data to the set/getsockopt_internal functions running in tcpip_thread context (only a void* is allowed)

Definition at line 119 of file sockets.h.

Field Documentation

semaphore to wake up the calling task

Definition at line 141 of file sockets.h.

if an error occurs, it is temporarily stored here

Definition at line 139 of file sockets.h.

int level

level of the option to process

Definition at line 123 of file sockets.h.

socklen_t optlen

size of *optval

Definition at line 137 of file sockets.h.

int optname

name of the option to process

Definition at line 125 of file sockets.h.


set: value to set the option to get: value of the option is stored here

Definition at line 129 of file sockets.h.

int s

socket index for which to change options

Definition at line 121 of file sockets.h.