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ip_globals Struct Reference

ip_globals Struct Reference

Global variables of this module, kept in a struct for efficient access using base+index. More...

#include <ip.h>

Data Fields

struct netifcurrent_netif
 The interface that accepted the packet for the current callback invocation.
struct netifcurrent_input_netif
 The interface that received the packet for the current callback invocation.
struct ip_hdr * current_ip4_header
 Header of the input packet currently being processed.
struct ip6_hdrcurrent_ip6_header
 Header of the input IPv6 packet currently being processed.
u16_t current_ip_header_tot_len
 Total header length of current_ip4/6_header (i.e.
ip_addr_t current_iphdr_src
 Source IP address of current_header.
ip_addr_t current_iphdr_dest
 Destination IP address of current_header.

Detailed Description

Global variables of this module, kept in a struct for efficient access using base+index.

Definition at line 105 of file ip.h.

Field Documentation

The interface that received the packet for the current callback invocation.

Definition at line 110 of file ip.h.

struct ip_hdr* current_ip4_header

Header of the input packet currently being processed.

Definition at line 113 of file ip.h.

Header of the input IPv6 packet currently being processed.

Definition at line 117 of file ip.h.

Total header length of current_ip4/6_header (i.e.

after this, the UDP/TCP header starts)

Definition at line 120 of file ip.h.

Destination IP address of current_header.

Definition at line 124 of file ip.h.

Source IP address of current_header.

Definition at line 122 of file ip.h.

The interface that accepted the packet for the current callback invocation.

Definition at line 108 of file ip.h.