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ccm_globals_t Struct Reference

ccm_globals_t Struct Reference

CCM global structure. The structure is used for configuring NONCE, adata and data before calling ccm_process_run(). More...

#include <ccmLIB.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t exp_nonce [15]
 CCM NONCE buffer Nonce.
uint8_t * data_ptr
 Pointer to data IN.
uint16_t data_len
 Length of data IN.
const uint8_t * adata_ptr
 Pointer to authentication data.
uint16_t adata_len
 Length of authentication data.
uint8_t mic_len
 ccm_sec_init() sets here the length of MIC.
uint8_t * mic
 Encrypt process writes MIC.

Detailed Description

CCM global structure. The structure is used for configuring NONCE, adata and data before calling ccm_process_run().

Definition at line 77 of file ccmLIB.h.

Field Documentation

uint16_t adata_len

Length of authentication data.

Definition at line 82 of file ccmLIB.h.

const uint8_t* adata_ptr

Pointer to authentication data.

Definition at line 81 of file ccmLIB.h.

uint16_t data_len

Length of data IN.

Definition at line 80 of file ccmLIB.h.

uint8_t* data_ptr

Pointer to data IN.

Definition at line 79 of file ccmLIB.h.

uint8_t exp_nonce[15]

CCM NONCE buffer Nonce.

Definition at line 78 of file ccmLIB.h.

uint8_t* mic

Encrypt process writes MIC.

Decrypt reads it and compares it with the MIC obtained from data.

Definition at line 84 of file ccmLIB.h.

uint8_t mic_len

ccm_sec_init() sets here the length of MIC.

Definition at line 83 of file ccmLIB.h.