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00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
00003  *
00004  * SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
00005  *
00006  * Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00007  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00008  *
00009  * https://www.mbed.com/licenses/PBL-1.0
00010  *
00011  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
00012  *
00013  */
00014 #ifndef CCMLIB_H_
00015 #define CCMLIB_H_
00017 #include "ns_types.h"
00019 /**
00020  *
00021  * \file ccmLIB.h
00022  * \brief CCM Library API.
00023  *
00024  *  \section ccm-api CCM Library API:
00025  *  - ccm_sec_init(), A function to init CCM library.
00026  *  - ccm_process_run(), A function to run configured CCM process.
00027  *
00028  *  \section ccm-instruction CCM process sequence:
00029  *  1. Init CCM library by, ccm key, ccm_sec_init()
00030  *      - security level
00031  *      - 128-bit CCM key
00032  *      - mode: AES_CCM_ENCRYPT or AES_CCM_DECRYPT
00033  *      - CCM L parameter: 2 or 3 depending on the nonce length (802.15.4 use 2 and TLS security use 3)
00034  *  2. Define ADATA pointer and length, if returned global structure mic_len field is > 0
00035  *  3. Set data pointer and length
00036  *  4. Do configured CCM process ccm_process_run()
00037  *  5. Check return value:
00038  *      -If 0 Process ok
00039  *      -< 0 MIC fail or parameter fail
00040  *
00041  *  \section ccm-mutex CCM Mutex for Multi Thread System
00042  *  If you are running a multi thread system and the CCM library will be used for multiple thread, do the following:
00043  *  1. Add compiler flag to library build process CCM_USE_MUTEX.
00044  *  2. Define OS-specific mutex at the application.
00045  *  3. Implement arm_ccm_mutex_lock() arm_ccm_mutex_unlock() function for using the generated and initialized mutex.
00046  */
00047 #ifdef __cplusplus
00048 extern "C" {
00049 #endif
00050 #define AES_NO_SECURITY                 0x00    /**< No security */
00051 #define AES_SECURITY_LEVEL_MIC32        0x01    /**< MIC32 */
00052 #define AES_SECURITY_LEVEL_MIC64        0x02    /**< MIC64 */
00053 #define AES_SECURITY_LEVEL_MIC128       0x03    /**< MIC128 */
00054 #define AES_SECURITY_LEVEL_ENC          0x04    /**< ENC */
00055 #define AES_SECURITY_LEVEL_ENC_MIC32    0x05    /**< ENC_MIC32 */
00056 #define AES_SECURITY_LEVEL_ENC_MIC64    0x06    /**< ENC_MIC64 */
00057 #define AES_SECURITY_LEVEL_ENC_MIC128   0x07    /**< ENC_MIC128 */
00059 #define AES_CCM_ENCRYPT                 0x00    /**< Encryption mode */
00060 #define AES_CCM_DECRYPT                 0x01    /**< Decryption mode */
00063 /**
00064  * \brief A function for locking CCM mutex if the OS is multi thread. If you are using single thread create an empty function.
00065  */
00066 extern void arm_ccm_mutex_lock(void);
00067 /**
00068  * \brief A function for unlocking CCM mutex if the OS is multi thread. If you are using single thread create an empty function
00069  */
00070 extern void arm_ccm_mutex_unlock(void);
00072 /*!
00073  * \struct ccm_globals_t
00074  * \brief CCM global structure.
00075  * The structure is used for configuring NONCE, adata and data before calling ccm_process_run().
00076  */
00077 typedef struct {
00078     uint8_t exp_nonce[15];  /**< CCM NONCE buffer Nonce. */
00079     uint8_t *data_ptr;      /**< Pointer to data IN. */
00080     uint16_t data_len;      /**< Length of data IN. */
00081     const uint8_t *adata_ptr;   /**< Pointer to authentication data. */
00082     uint16_t adata_len;     /**< Length of authentication data. */
00083     uint8_t mic_len;        /**< ccm_sec_init() sets here the length of MIC. */
00084     uint8_t *mic;           /**< Encrypt process writes MIC. Decrypt reads it and compares it with the MIC obtained from data. */
00085 } ccm_globals_t;
00087 /**
00088  * \brief A function to initialize the CCM library.
00089  * \param sec_level Used CCM security level (0-7).
00090  * \param ccm_key Pointer to 128-key.
00091  * \param mode AES_CCM_ENCRYPT or AES_CCM_DECRYPT.
00092  * \param ccm_l Can be 2 or 3. 2 when NONCE length is 13 and 3 when 12. (NONCE length = (15-ccm_l))
00093  *
00094  * \return Pointer to Global CCM parameter buffer.
00095  * \return 0 When parameter fails or CCM is busy.
00096  */
00097 extern ccm_globals_t *ccm_sec_init(uint8_t sec_level, const uint8_t *ccm_key, uint8_t mode, uint8_t ccm_l);
00099 /**
00100  * \brief A function to run the configured CCM process.
00101  * When AES_CCM_ENCRYPT mode is selected and MIC is needed, the library saves MIC right after the encrypted data.
00102  * \param ccm_params CCM parameters
00103  *
00104  * \return 0 CCM process OK and when AES_CCM_DECRYPT mode was selected also MIC was correct.
00105  * \return -1 Init not called or data or adata pointers or lengths are zero.
00106  * \return -2 Null pointer given to function.
00107  */
00108 extern int8_t ccm_process_run(ccm_globals_t *ccm_params);
00109 #ifdef __cplusplus
00110 }
00111 #endif
00113 #endif /* CCMLIB_H_ */