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_FlashJournalHeader Struct Reference

_FlashJournalHeader Struct Reference

Meta-data placed at the head of a Journal. More...

#include <flash_journal.h>

Data Fields

uint32_t version
 Journal-header specific magic code.
uint64_t totalSize
 Revision number for this generic journal header.
uint32_t sizeofHeader
 Total space (in bytes) occupied by the journal, including the header.
uint32_t journalOffset
 The size of the journal header; this is expected to be larger than this generic header.
uint32_t checksum
 Offset from the start of the journal header to the actual logged journal.

Detailed Description

Meta-data placed at the head of a Journal.

The actual header would be an extension of this generic header, and would depend on the implementation strategy. Initialization algorithms can expect to find this generic header at the start of every Journal.

Definition at line 93 of file flash_journal.h.

Field Documentation

uint32_t checksum

Offset from the start of the journal header to the actual logged journal.

Definition at line 101 of file flash_journal.h.

uint32_t journalOffset

The size of the journal header; this is expected to be larger than this generic header.

Definition at line 100 of file flash_journal.h.

uint32_t sizeofHeader

Total space (in bytes) occupied by the journal, including the header.

Both 'mtdOffset' and 'mtdOffset + totalSize' should lie on erase boundaries.

Definition at line 99 of file flash_journal.h.

uint64_t totalSize

Revision number for this generic journal header.

Definition at line 96 of file flash_journal.h.

uint32_t version

Journal-header specific magic code.

Definition at line 95 of file flash_journal.h.