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net_mle_api.h File Reference

net_mle_api.h File Reference

6LoWPAN MLE options control API More...

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int8_t arm_nwk_6lowpan_mle_router_lifetime_set (int8_t interface_id, uint16_t lifetime)
 Set default MLE neighbor lifetime for a router.
int8_t arm_nwk_6lowpan_mle_host_lifetime_set (int8_t interface_id, uint16_t lifetime)
 Set default MLE neighbor lifetime for a host.
int8_t arm_nwk_6lowpan_mle_neighbor_limits_set (int8_t interface_id, uint16_t lower_threshold, uint16_t upper_threshold, uint16_t max)
 Set MLE neighbor list limits.
int8_t arm_nwk_6lowpan_mle_token_bucket_settings_set (int8_t interface_id, uint8_t size, uint8_t rate, uint8_t count)
 Set MLE message token bucket settings.

Detailed Description

6LoWPAN MLE options control API

Definition in file net_mle_api.h.

Function Documentation

int8_t arm_nwk_6lowpan_mle_host_lifetime_set ( int8_t  interface_id,
uint16_t  lifetime 

Set default MLE neighbor lifetime for a host.

interface_idInterface ID.
lifetimeLifetime in seconds. 64 to 2560.
0, Lifetime update OK.
< 0, Lifetime update fail.
int8_t arm_nwk_6lowpan_mle_neighbor_limits_set ( int8_t  interface_id,
uint16_t  lower_threshold,
uint16_t  upper_threshold,
uint16_t  max 

Set MLE neighbor list limits.

The MLE neighbor limits configuration settings limit the number of neighbors added to the MLE neighbor list.

If the number of neighbors reaches the lower threshold, MLE starts to limit addition of new neighbors. Multicast MLE messages from unknown neighbors are ignored (ignore probability is randomized). The value must be smaller than the upper threshold and maximum value.

If the number of neighbors reaches the upper threshold, MLE stops adding new neighbors based on the multicast MLE messages. Only nodes that select this node for a parent during the bootstrap will be accepted. The value must be smaller than or the same as the maximum value.

If the number of neighbors reaches the maximum value, no new neighbors are added.

If the MLE neighbor list limits are not used, all values must be set to 0.

interface_idInterface ID.
lower_thresholdLower threshold. 5 to 499. 0 limits not used.
upper_thresholdUpper threshold. 5 to 500. 0 limits not used.
maxMaximum number of neighbors. 5 to 500. 0 limits not used.
0, Limits update OK.
< 0, Limits update fail.
int8_t arm_nwk_6lowpan_mle_router_lifetime_set ( int8_t  interface_id,
uint16_t  lifetime 

Set default MLE neighbor lifetime for a router.

interface_idInterface ID.
lifetimeLifetime in seconds. 64 to 2560.
0, Lifetime update OK.
< 0, Lifetime update fail.
int8_t arm_nwk_6lowpan_mle_token_bucket_settings_set ( int8_t  interface_id,
uint8_t  size,
uint8_t  rate,
uint8_t  count 

Set MLE message token bucket settings.

The MLE message token bucket limits the MLE message sending rate. The token bucket size controls the bucket size. The token bucket rate controls the rate in which new tokens are added. The count defines how many tokens at a time are added to the bucket.

The rate is entered in multiplies of 0.1 second minimum interval (for example, if rate is 3 and count is 4 then 4 new tokens are added to bucket every 0.3 seconds).

If the token bucket is not used, all values must be set to 0.

interface_idInterface ID.
sizeBucket size. 1 to 255. 0 token bucket not used.
rateToken rate. 1 to 255. 0 token bucket not used.
countToken count. 1 to 255. 0 token bucket not used.
0, Token bucket settings update OK.
< 0, Token bucket settings update fail.