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net_6lowpan_parameter_api.h File Reference

net_6lowpan_parameter_api.h File Reference

API for setting up 6LoWPAN network parameters. More...

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Data Structures

struct  nd_parameters_s
 6LoWPAN Neighbor Discovery parameters More...


int8_t net_6lowpan_nd_parameter_set (const nd_parameters_s *parameter_ptr)
 Function to change 6LoWPAN ND bootstrap parameters.
int8_t net_6lowpan_nd_timer_base_tick_set (uint8_t base_tick_x_100ms)
 Function to change 6LoWPAN bootstrap base tick 100ms multiplier.
void net_6lowpan_nd_parameter_read (nd_parameters_s *parameter_ptr)
 Function to read 6LoWPAN ND bootstrap parameters.

Detailed Description

API for setting up 6LoWPAN network parameters.

6LoWPAN Default timer values

  • Timer values are specified in ticks
  • Default 6LoWPAN ND Bootstrap tick is 1 tick = 100ms
  • Default Random value 0x1f = [0..3.1] seconds.
  • Default RS retry counter 3.
  • Default RS retry interval is 15 + random --> [1.5..4.6] seconds.
  • Default NS retry counter 5.
  • Default NS retry interval is 100 + random + backoff --> [10.0..13.1+10.0*retry] seconds.
  • Default NS retry linear backoff is 100.
  • Default RA transmit interval is 150, exponentially backed off --> 15.0, 30.0, 60.0 seconds.
  • Default RA transmit counter is 5.
  • Default NS forward timeout is 300 --> 30.0 seconds.

random and interval values

  • Random parameter + NS or RS minimum interval must sum to less than 0xFFFF.
  • Random maximums are manipulated as bit masks, so must be (2^n)-1.

Definition in file net_6lowpan_parameter_api.h.

Function Documentation

void net_6lowpan_nd_parameter_read ( nd_parameters_s parameter_ptr )

Function to read 6LoWPAN ND bootstrap parameters.

parameter_ptrOutput pointer for ND parameters.
int8_t net_6lowpan_nd_parameter_set ( const nd_parameters_s parameter_ptr )

Function to change 6LoWPAN ND bootstrap parameters.

Note: This function should be called after net_init_core() and definitely before creating any 6LoWPAN interface.

For future compatibility, to support extensions to this structure, read the current parameters using net_6lowpan_timer_parameter_read(), modify known fields, then set.

parameter_ptrPointer for ND parameters.
0, Change OK.
-1, Invalid values.
-2, 6LoWPAN interface already active.
int8_t net_6lowpan_nd_timer_base_tick_set ( uint8_t  base_tick_x_100ms )

Function to change 6LoWPAN bootstrap base tick 100ms multiplier.

Note: This function MUST be called after net_init_core(). Do not change this unless you really want 6LoWPAN bootstrap working slower than normally.

This only affects the bootstrap timers.

base_tick_x_100msTick resolution in 100ms units. Max value 10 --> 10 times slower functionality
0, Change OK.
-1, Invalid value (<1 or >10).