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BLEProtocol Namespace Reference

BLEProtocol Namespace Reference

Common namespace for types and constants used everywhere in BLE API. More...

Data Structures

struct  AddressType
 Container for the enumeration of BLE address types. More...
struct  Address_t
 BLE address representation. More...


typedef AddressType::Type AddressType_t
 Alias for AddressType::Type.
typedef uint8_t AddressBytes_t [ADDR_LEN]
 48-bit address, in LSB format.


static const size_t ADDR_LEN = 6
 Length (in octets) of the BLE MAC address.

Detailed Description

Common namespace for types and constants used everywhere in BLE API.

Typedef Documentation

typedef uint8_t AddressBytes_t[ADDR_LEN]

48-bit address, in LSB format.

Definition at line 92 of file BLEProtocol.h.

Alias for AddressType::Type.

Definition at line 82 of file BLEProtocol.h.

Variable Documentation

const size_t ADDR_LEN = 6 [static]

Length (in octets) of the BLE MAC address.

Definition at line 87 of file BLEProtocol.h.