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lwip_snmp_mib2_ip.c File Reference

lwip_snmp_mib2_ip.c File Reference

Management Information Base II (RFC1213) IP objects and functions. More...

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static snmp_err_t ip_set_test (struct snmp_node_instance *instance, u16_t len, void *value)
 Test ip object value before setting.
static snmp_err_t ip_AddrTable_get_cell_value_core (struct netif *netif, const u32_t *column, union snmp_variant_value *value, u32_t *value_len)

Detailed Description

Management Information Base II (RFC1213) IP objects and functions.

Definition in file lwip_snmp_mib2_ip.c.

Function Documentation

static snmp_err_t ip_AddrTable_get_cell_value_core ( struct netif netif,
const u32_t *  column,
union snmp_variant_value value,
u32_t *  value_len 
) [static]

Definition at line 210 of file lwip_snmp_mib2_ip.c.

static snmp_err_t ip_set_test ( struct snmp_node_instance instance,
u16_t  len,
void *  value 
) [static]

Test ip object value before setting.

instancenode instance
lenreturn value space (in bytes)
valuepoints to (varbind) space to copy value from.
we allow set if the value matches the hardwired value, otherwise return badvalue.

Definition at line 157 of file lwip_snmp_mib2_ip.c.