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00001 /**
00002  * @file
00003  * MDNS responder implementation
00004  *
00005  * @defgroup mdns MDNS
00006  * @ingroup apps
00007  *
00008  * RFC 6762 - Multicast DNS\n
00009  * RFC 6763 - DNS-Based Service Discovery\n
00010  * 
00011  * @verbinclude mdns.txt
00012  * 
00013  * Things left to implement:
00014  * -------------------------
00015  *
00016  * - Probing/conflict resolution
00017  * - Sending goodbye messages (zero ttl) - shutdown, DHCP lease about to expire, DHCP turned off...
00018  * - Checking that source address of unicast requests are on the same network
00019  * - Limiting multicast responses to 1 per second per resource record
00020  * - Fragmenting replies if required
00021  * - Subscribe to netif address/link change events and act on them (currently needs to be done manually)
00022  * - Handling multi-packet known answers
00023  * - Individual known answer detection for all local IPv6 addresses
00024  * - Dynamic size of outgoing packet
00025  */
00027 /*
00028  * Copyright (c) 2015 Verisure Innovation AB
00029  * All rights reserved.
00030  *
00031  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
00032  * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
00033  *
00034  * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
00035  *    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
00036  * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
00037  *    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
00038  *    and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
00039  * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
00040  *    derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
00041  *
00051  * OF SUCH DAMAGE.
00052  *
00053  * This file is part of the lwIP TCP/IP stack.
00054  *
00055  * Author: Erik Ekman <erik@kryo.se>
00056  *
00057  */
00059 #include "lwip/apps/mdns.h"
00060 #include "lwip/apps/mdns_priv.h"
00061 #include "lwip/netif.h"
00062 #include "lwip/udp.h"
00063 #include "lwip/ip_addr.h"
00064 #include "lwip/mem.h"
00065 #include "lwip/prot/dns.h"
00067 #include <string.h>
00071 #if (LWIP_IPV4 && !LWIP_IGMP)
00072   #error "If you want to use MDNS with IPv4, you have to define LWIP_IGMP=1 in your lwipopts.h"
00073 #endif
00074 #if (LWIP_IPV6 && !LWIP_IPV6_MLD)
00075 #error "If you want to use MDNS with IPv6, you have to define LWIP_IPV6_MLD=1 in your lwipopts.h"
00076 #endif
00077 #if (!LWIP_UDP)
00078   #error "If you want to use MDNS, you have to define LWIP_UDP=1 in your lwipopts.h"
00079 #endif
00081 #if LWIP_IPV4
00082 #include "lwip/igmp.h"
00083 /* IPv4 multicast group */
00084 static const ip_addr_t v4group = DNS_MQUERY_IPV4_GROUP_INIT;
00085 #endif
00087 #if LWIP_IPV6
00088 #include "lwip/mld6.h"
00089 /* IPv6 multicast group FF02::FB */
00090 static const ip_addr_t v6group = DNS_MQUERY_IPV6_GROUP_INIT;
00091 #endif
00093 #define MDNS_PORT 5353
00094 #define MDNS_TTL  255
00096 /* Stored offsets to beginning of domain names
00097  * Used for compression.
00098  */
00099 #define NUM_DOMAIN_OFFSETS 10
00100 #define DOMAIN_JUMP_SIZE 2
00101 #define DOMAIN_JUMP 0xc000
00103 static u8_t mdns_netif_client_id;
00104 static struct udp_pcb *mdns_pcb;
00106 #define NETIF_TO_HOST(netif) (struct mdns_host*)(netif_get_client_data(netif, mdns_netif_client_id))
00108 #define TOPDOMAIN_LOCAL "local"
00110 #define REVERSE_PTR_TOPDOMAIN "arpa"
00111 #define REVERSE_PTR_V4_DOMAIN "in-addr"
00112 #define REVERSE_PTR_V6_DOMAIN "ip6"
00114 #define SRV_PRIORITY 0
00115 #define SRV_WEIGHT   0
00117 /* Payload size allocated for each outgoing UDP packet */
00118 #define OUTPACKET_SIZE 500
00120 /* Lookup from hostname -> IPv4 */
00121 #define REPLY_HOST_A            0x01
00122 /* Lookup from IPv4/v6 -> hostname */
00123 #define REPLY_HOST_PTR_V4       0x02
00124 /* Lookup from hostname -> IPv6 */
00125 #define REPLY_HOST_AAAA         0x04
00126 /* Lookup from hostname -> IPv6 */
00127 #define REPLY_HOST_PTR_V6       0x08
00129 /* Lookup for service types */
00130 #define REPLY_SERVICE_TYPE_PTR  0x10
00131 /* Lookup for instances of service */
00132 #define REPLY_SERVICE_NAME_PTR  0x20
00133 /* Lookup for location of service instance */
00134 #define REPLY_SERVICE_SRV       0x40
00135 /* Lookup for text info on service instance */
00136 #define REPLY_SERVICE_TXT       0x80
00138 static const char *dnssd_protos[] = {
00139     "_udp", /* DNSSD_PROTO_UDP */
00140     "_tcp", /* DNSSD_PROTO_TCP */
00141 };
00143 /** Description of a service */
00144 struct mdns_service {
00145   /** TXT record to answer with */
00146   struct mdns_domain txtdata;
00147   /** Name of service, like 'myweb' */
00148   char name[MDNS_LABEL_MAXLEN + 1];
00149   /** Type of service, like '_http' */
00150   char service[MDNS_LABEL_MAXLEN + 1];
00151   /** Callback function and userdata
00152    * to update txtdata buffer */
00153   service_get_txt_fn_t txt_fn;
00154   void *txt_userdata;
00155   /** TTL in seconds of SRV/TXT replies */
00156   u32_t dns_ttl;
00157   /** Protocol, TCP or UDP */
00158   u16_t proto;
00159   /** Port of the service */
00160   u16_t port;
00161 };
00163 /** Description of a host/netif */
00164 struct mdns_host {
00165   /** Hostname */
00166   char name[MDNS_LABEL_MAXLEN + 1];
00167   /** Pointer to services */
00168   struct mdns_service *services[MDNS_MAX_SERVICES];
00169   /** TTL in seconds of A/AAAA/PTR replies */
00170   u32_t dns_ttl;
00171 };
00173 /** Information about received packet */
00174 struct mdns_packet {
00175   /** Sender IP/port */
00176   ip_addr_t source_addr;
00177   u16_t source_port;
00178   /** If packet was received unicast */
00179   u16_t recv_unicast;
00180   /** Netif that received the packet */
00181   struct netif *netif;
00182   /** Packet data */
00183   struct pbuf *pbuf;
00184   /** Current parsing offset in packet */
00185   u16_t parse_offset;
00186   /** Identifier. Used in legacy queries */
00187   u16_t tx_id;
00188   /** Number of questions in packet,
00189    *  read from packet header */
00190   u16_t questions;
00191   /** Number of unparsed questions */
00192   u16_t questions_left;
00193   /** Number of answers in packet,
00194    *  (sum of normal, authorative and additional answers)
00195    *  read from packet header */
00196   u16_t answers;
00197   /** Number of unparsed answers */
00198   u16_t answers_left;
00199 };
00201 /** Information about outgoing packet */
00202 struct mdns_outpacket {
00203   /** Netif to send the packet on */
00204   struct netif *netif;
00205   /** Packet data */
00206   struct pbuf *pbuf;
00207   /** Current write offset in packet */
00208   u16_t write_offset;
00209   /** Identifier. Used in legacy queries */
00210   u16_t tx_id;
00211   /** Destination IP/port if sent unicast */
00212   ip_addr_t dest_addr;
00213   u16_t dest_port;
00214   /** Number of questions written */
00215   u16_t questions;
00216   /** Number of normal answers written */
00217   u16_t answers;
00218   /** Number of additional answers written */
00219   u16_t additional;
00220   /** Offsets for written domain names in packet.
00221    *  Used for compression */
00222   u16_t domain_offsets[NUM_DOMAIN_OFFSETS];
00223   /** If all answers in packet should set cache_flush bit */
00224   u8_t cache_flush;
00225   /** If reply should be sent unicast */
00226   u8_t unicast_reply;
00227   /** If legacy query. (tx_id needed, and write
00228    *  question again in reply before answer) */
00229   u8_t legacy_query;
00230   /* Reply bitmask for host information */
00231   u8_t host_replies;
00232   /* Bitmask for which reverse IPv6 hosts to answer */
00233   u8_t host_reverse_v6_replies;
00234   /* Reply bitmask per service */
00235   u8_t serv_replies[MDNS_MAX_SERVICES];
00236 };
00238 /** Domain, type and class.
00239  *  Shared between questions and answers */
00240 struct mdns_rr_info {
00241   struct mdns_domain domain;
00242   u16_t type;
00243   u16_t klass;
00244 };
00246 struct mdns_question {
00247   struct mdns_rr_info info;
00248   /** unicast reply requested */
00249   u16_t unicast;
00250 };
00252 struct mdns_answer {
00253   struct mdns_rr_info info;
00254   /** cache flush command bit */
00255   u16_t cache_flush;
00256   /* Validity time in seconds */
00257   u32_t ttl;
00258   /** Length of variable answer */
00259   u16_t rd_length;
00260   /** Offset of start of variable answer in packet */
00261   u16_t rd_offset;
00262 };
00264 /**
00265  * Add a label part to a domain
00266  * @param domain The domain to add a label to
00267  * @param label The label to add, like &lt;hostname&gt;, 'local', 'com' or ''
00268  * @param len The length of the label
00269  * @return ERR_OK on success, an err_t otherwise if label too long
00270  */
00271 err_t
00272 mdns_domain_add_label(struct mdns_domain *domain, const char *label, u8_t len)
00273 {
00274   if (len > MDNS_LABEL_MAXLEN) {
00275     return ERR_VAL;
00276   }
00277   if (len > 0 && (1 + len + domain->length >= MDNS_DOMAIN_MAXLEN)) {
00278     return ERR_VAL;
00279   }
00280   /* Allow only zero marker on last byte */
00281   if (len == 0 && (1 + domain->length > MDNS_DOMAIN_MAXLEN)) {
00282     return ERR_VAL;
00283   }
00284   domain->name[domain->length] = len;
00285   domain->length++;
00286   if (len) {
00287     MEMCPY(&domain->name[domain->length], label, len);
00288     domain->length += len;
00289   }
00290   return ERR_OK;
00291 }
00293 /**
00294  * Internal readname function with max 6 levels of recursion following jumps
00295  * while decompressing name
00296  */
00297 static u16_t
00298 mdns_readname_loop(struct pbuf *p, u16_t offset, struct mdns_domain *domain, unsigned depth)
00299 {
00300   u8_t c;
00302   do {
00303     if (depth > 5) {
00304       /* Too many jumps */
00305       return MDNS_READNAME_ERROR;
00306     }
00308     c = pbuf_get_at(p, offset);
00309     offset++;
00311     /* is this a compressed label? */
00312     if((c & 0xc0) == 0xc0) {
00313       u16_t jumpaddr;
00314       if (offset >= p->tot_len) {
00315         /* Make sure both jump bytes fit in the packet */
00316         return MDNS_READNAME_ERROR;
00317       }
00318       jumpaddr = (((c & 0x3f) << 8) | (pbuf_get_at(p, offset) & 0xff));
00319       offset++;
00320       if (jumpaddr >= SIZEOF_DNS_HDR && jumpaddr < p->tot_len) {
00321         u16_t res;
00322       /* Recursive call, maximum depth will be checked */
00323         res = mdns_readname_loop(p, jumpaddr, domain, depth + 1);
00324         /* Dont return offset since new bytes were not read (jumped to somewhere in packet) */
00325         if (res == MDNS_READNAME_ERROR) {
00326           return res;
00327         }
00328       } else {
00329         return MDNS_READNAME_ERROR;
00330       }
00331       break;
00332     }
00334     /* normal label */
00335     if (c <= MDNS_LABEL_MAXLEN) {
00336       u8_t label[MDNS_LABEL_MAXLEN];
00337       err_t res;
00339       if (c + domain->length >= MDNS_DOMAIN_MAXLEN) {
00340         return MDNS_READNAME_ERROR;
00341       }
00342       if (c != 0) {
00343         if (pbuf_copy_partial(p, label, c, offset) != c) {
00344           return MDNS_READNAME_ERROR;
00345         }
00346         offset += c;
00347       }
00348       res = mdns_domain_add_label(domain, (char *) label, c);
00349       if (res != ERR_OK) {
00350         return MDNS_READNAME_ERROR;
00351       }
00352     } else {
00353       /* bad length byte */
00354       return MDNS_READNAME_ERROR;
00355     }
00356   } while (c != 0);
00358   return offset;
00359 }
00361 /**
00362  * Read possibly compressed domain name from packet buffer
00363  * @param p The packet
00364  * @param offset start position of domain name in packet
00365  * @param domain The domain name destination
00366  * @return The new offset after the domain, or MDNS_READNAME_ERROR
00367  *         if reading failed
00368  */
00369 u16_t
00370 mdns_readname(struct pbuf *p, u16_t offset, struct mdns_domain *domain)
00371 {
00372   memset(domain, 0, sizeof(struct mdns_domain));
00373   return mdns_readname_loop(p, offset, domain, 0);
00374 }
00376 /**
00377  * Print domain name to debug output
00378  * @param domain The domain name
00379  */
00380 static void
00381 mdns_domain_debug_print(struct mdns_domain *domain)
00382 {
00383   u8_t *src = domain->name;
00384   u8_t i;
00386   while (*src) {
00387     u8_t label_len = *src;
00388     src++;
00389     for (i = 0; i < label_len; i++) {
00390       LWIP_DEBUGF(MDNS_DEBUG, ("%c", src[i]));
00391     }
00392     src += label_len;
00393     LWIP_DEBUGF(MDNS_DEBUG, ("."));
00394   }
00395 }
00397 /**
00398  * Return 1 if contents of domains match (case-insensitive)
00399  * @param a Domain name to compare 1
00400  * @param b Domain name to compare 2
00401  * @return 1 if domains are equal ignoring case, 0 otherwise
00402  */
00403 int
00404 mdns_domain_eq(struct mdns_domain *a, struct mdns_domain *b)
00405 {
00406   u8_t *ptra, *ptrb;
00407   u8_t len;
00408   int res;
00410   if (a->length != b->length) {
00411     return 0;
00412   }
00414   ptra = a->name;
00415   ptrb = b->name;
00416   while (*ptra && *ptrb && ptra < &a->name[a->length]) {
00417     if (*ptra != *ptrb) {
00418       return 0;
00419     }
00420     len = *ptra;
00421     ptra++;
00422     ptrb++;
00423     res = lwip_strnicmp((char *) ptra, (char *) ptrb, len);
00424     if (res != 0) {
00425       return 0;
00426     }
00427     ptra += len;
00428     ptrb += len;
00429   }
00430   if (*ptra != *ptrb && ptra < &a->name[a->length]) {
00431     return 0;
00432   }
00433   return 1;
00434 }
00436 /**
00437  * Call user supplied function to setup TXT data
00438  * @param service The service to build TXT record for
00439  */
00440 static void
00441 mdns_prepare_txtdata(struct mdns_service *service)
00442 {
00443   memset(&service->txtdata, 0, sizeof(struct mdns_domain));
00444   if (service->txt_fn) {
00445     service->txt_fn(service, service->txt_userdata);
00446   }
00447 }
00449 #if LWIP_IPV4
00450 /**
00451  * Build domain for reverse lookup of IPv4 address
00452  * like for
00453  * @param domain Where to write the domain name
00454  * @param addr Pointer to an IPv4 address to encode
00455  * @return ERR_OK if domain was written, an err_t otherwise
00456  */
00457 static err_t
00458 mdns_build_reverse_v4_domain(struct mdns_domain *domain, const ip4_addr_t *addr)
00459 {
00460   int i;
00461   err_t res;
00462   const u8_t *ptr;
00463   if (!domain || !addr) {
00464     return ERR_ARG;
00465   }
00466   memset(domain, 0, sizeof(struct mdns_domain));
00467   ptr = (const u8_t *) addr;
00468   for (i = sizeof(ip4_addr_t) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
00469     char buf[4];
00470     u8_t val = ptr[i];
00472     lwip_itoa(buf, sizeof(buf), val);
00473     res = mdns_domain_add_label(domain, buf, (u8_t)strlen(buf));
00474     LWIP_ERROR("mdns_build_reverse_v4_domain: Failed to add label", (res == ERR_OK), return res);
00475   }
00476   res = mdns_domain_add_label(domain, REVERSE_PTR_V4_DOMAIN, (u8_t)(sizeof(REVERSE_PTR_V4_DOMAIN)-1));
00477   LWIP_ERROR("mdns_build_reverse_v4_domain: Failed to add label", (res == ERR_OK), return res);
00478   res = mdns_domain_add_label(domain, REVERSE_PTR_TOPDOMAIN, (u8_t)(sizeof(REVERSE_PTR_TOPDOMAIN)-1));
00479   LWIP_ERROR("mdns_build_reverse_v4_domain: Failed to add label", (res == ERR_OK), return res);
00480   res = mdns_domain_add_label(domain, NULL, 0);
00481   LWIP_ERROR("mdns_build_reverse_v4_domain: Failed to add label", (res == ERR_OK), return res);
00483   return ERR_OK;
00484 }
00485 #endif
00487 #if LWIP_IPV6
00488 /**
00489  * Build domain for reverse lookup of IP address
00490  * like b.a. for 2001:db8::567:89ab
00491  * @param domain Where to write the domain name
00492  * @param addr Pointer to an IPv6 address to encode
00493  * @return ERR_OK if domain was written, an err_t otherwise
00494  */
00495 static err_t
00496 mdns_build_reverse_v6_domain(struct mdns_domain *domain, const ip6_addr_t *addr)
00497 {
00498   int i;
00499   err_t res;
00500   const u8_t *ptr;
00501   if (!domain || !addr) {
00502     return ERR_ARG;
00503   }
00504   memset(domain, 0, sizeof(struct mdns_domain));
00505   ptr = (const u8_t *) addr;
00506   for (i = sizeof(ip6_addr_t) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
00507     char buf;
00508     u8_t byte = ptr[i];
00509     int j;
00510     for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
00511       if ((byte & 0x0F) < 0xA) {
00512         buf = '0' + (byte & 0x0F);
00513       } else {
00514         buf = 'a' + (byte & 0x0F) - 0xA;
00515       }
00516       res = mdns_domain_add_label(domain, &buf, sizeof(buf));
00517       LWIP_ERROR("mdns_build_reverse_v6_domain: Failed to add label", (res == ERR_OK), return res);
00518       byte >>= 4;
00519     }
00520   }
00521   res = mdns_domain_add_label(domain, REVERSE_PTR_V6_DOMAIN, (u8_t)(sizeof(REVERSE_PTR_V6_DOMAIN)-1));
00522   LWIP_ERROR("mdns_build_reverse_v6_domain: Failed to add label", (res == ERR_OK), return res);
00523   res = mdns_domain_add_label(domain, REVERSE_PTR_TOPDOMAIN, (u8_t)(sizeof(REVERSE_PTR_TOPDOMAIN)-1));
00524   LWIP_ERROR("mdns_build_reverse_v6_domain: Failed to add label", (res == ERR_OK), return res);
00525   res = mdns_domain_add_label(domain, NULL, 0);
00526   LWIP_ERROR("mdns_build_reverse_v6_domain: Failed to add label", (res == ERR_OK), return res);
00528   return ERR_OK;
00529 }
00530 #endif
00532 /* Add .local. to domain */
00533 static err_t
00534 mdns_add_dotlocal(struct mdns_domain *domain)
00535 {
00536   err_t res = mdns_domain_add_label(domain, TOPDOMAIN_LOCAL, (u8_t)(sizeof(TOPDOMAIN_LOCAL)-1));
00537   LWIP_ERROR("mdns_add_dotlocal: Failed to add label", (res == ERR_OK), return res);
00538   return mdns_domain_add_label(domain, NULL, 0);
00539 }
00541 /**
00542  * Build the <hostname>.local. domain name
00543  * @param domain Where to write the domain name
00544  * @param mdns TMDNS netif descriptor.
00545  * @return ERR_OK if domain <hostname>.local. was written, an err_t otherwise
00546  */
00547 static err_t
00548 mdns_build_host_domain(struct mdns_domain *domain, struct mdns_host *mdns)
00549 {
00550   err_t res;
00551   memset(domain, 0, sizeof(struct mdns_domain));
00552   LWIP_ERROR("mdns_build_host_domain: mdns != NULL", (mdns != NULL), return ERR_VAL);
00553   res = mdns_domain_add_label(domain, mdns->name, (u8_t)strlen(mdns->name));
00554   LWIP_ERROR("mdns_build_host_domain: Failed to add label", (res == ERR_OK), return res);
00555   return mdns_add_dotlocal(domain);
00556 }
00558 /**
00559  * Build the lookup-all-services special DNS-SD domain name
00560  * @param domain Where to write the domain name
00561  * @return ERR_OK if domain _services._dns-sd._udp.local. was written, an err_t otherwise
00562  */
00563 static err_t
00564 mdns_build_dnssd_domain(struct mdns_domain *domain)
00565 {
00566   err_t res;
00567   memset(domain, 0, sizeof(struct mdns_domain));
00568   res = mdns_domain_add_label(domain, "_services", (u8_t)(sizeof("_services")-1));
00569   LWIP_ERROR("mdns_build_dnssd_domain: Failed to add label", (res == ERR_OK), return res);
00570   res = mdns_domain_add_label(domain, "_dns-sd", (u8_t)(sizeof("_dns-sd")-1));
00571   LWIP_ERROR("mdns_build_dnssd_domain: Failed to add label", (res == ERR_OK), return res);
00572   res = mdns_domain_add_label(domain, dnssd_protos[DNSSD_PROTO_UDP], (u8_t)strlen(dnssd_protos[DNSSD_PROTO_UDP]));
00573   LWIP_ERROR("mdns_build_dnssd_domain: Failed to add label", (res == ERR_OK), return res);
00574   return mdns_add_dotlocal(domain);
00575 }
00577 /**
00578  * Build domain name for a service
00579  * @param domain Where to write the domain name
00580  * @param service The service struct, containing service name, type and protocol
00581  * @param include_name Whether to include the service name in the domain
00582  * @return ERR_OK if domain was written. If service name is included,
00583  *         <name>.<type>.<proto>.local. will be written, otherwise <type>.<proto>.local.
00584  *         An err_t is returned on error.
00585  */
00586 static err_t
00587 mdns_build_service_domain(struct mdns_domain *domain, struct mdns_service *service, int include_name)
00588 {
00589   err_t res;
00590   memset(domain, 0, sizeof(struct mdns_domain));
00591   if (include_name) {
00592     res = mdns_domain_add_label(domain, service->name, (u8_t)strlen(service->name));
00593     LWIP_ERROR("mdns_build_service_domain: Failed to add label", (res == ERR_OK), return res);
00594   }
00595   res = mdns_domain_add_label(domain, service->service, (u8_t)strlen(service->service));
00596   LWIP_ERROR("mdns_build_service_domain: Failed to add label", (res == ERR_OK), return res);
00597   res = mdns_domain_add_label(domain, dnssd_protos[service->proto], (u8_t)strlen(dnssd_protos[service->proto]));
00598   LWIP_ERROR("mdns_build_service_domain: Failed to add label", (res == ERR_OK), return res);
00599   return mdns_add_dotlocal(domain);
00600 }
00602 /**
00603  * Check which replies we should send for a host/netif based on question
00604  * @param netif The network interface that received the question
00605  * @param rr Domain/type/class from a question
00606  * @param reverse_v6_reply Bitmask of which IPv6 addresses to send reverse PTRs for
00607  *                         if reply bit has REPLY_HOST_PTR_V6 set
00608  * @return Bitmask of which replies to send
00609  */
00610 static int
00611 check_host(struct netif *netif, struct mdns_rr_info *rr, u8_t *reverse_v6_reply)
00612 {
00613   err_t res;
00614   int replies = 0;
00615   struct mdns_domain mydomain;
00617   LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(reverse_v6_reply); /* if ipv6 is disabled */
00619   if (rr->klass != DNS_RRCLASS_IN && rr->klass != DNS_RRCLASS_ANY) {
00620     /* Invalid class */
00621     return replies;
00622   }
00624   /* Handle PTR for our addresses */
00625   if (rr->type == DNS_RRTYPE_PTR || rr->type == DNS_RRTYPE_ANY) {
00626 #if LWIP_IPV6
00627     int i;
00628     for (i = 0; i < LWIP_IPV6_NUM_ADDRESSES; i++) {
00629       if (ip6_addr_isvalid(netif_ip6_addr_state(netif, i))) {
00630         res = mdns_build_reverse_v6_domain(&mydomain, netif_ip6_addr(netif, i));
00631         if (res == ERR_OK && mdns_domain_eq(&rr->domain, &mydomain)) {
00632           replies |= REPLY_HOST_PTR_V6;
00633           /* Mark which addresses where requested */
00634           if (reverse_v6_reply) {
00635             *reverse_v6_reply |= (1 << i);
00636           }
00637         }
00638       }
00639     }
00640 #endif
00641 #if LWIP_IPV4
00642     if (!ip4_addr_isany_val(*netif_ip4_addr(netif))) {
00643       res = mdns_build_reverse_v4_domain(&mydomain, netif_ip4_addr(netif));
00644       if (res == ERR_OK && mdns_domain_eq(&rr->domain, &mydomain)) {
00645         replies |= REPLY_HOST_PTR_V4;
00646       }
00647     }
00648 #endif
00649   }
00651   res = mdns_build_host_domain(&mydomain, NETIF_TO_HOST(netif));
00652   /* Handle requests for our hostname */
00653   if (res == ERR_OK && mdns_domain_eq(&rr->domain, &mydomain)) {
00654     /* TODO return NSEC if unsupported protocol requested */
00655 #if LWIP_IPV4
00656     if (!ip4_addr_isany_val(*netif_ip4_addr(netif))
00657         && (rr->type == DNS_RRTYPE_A || rr->type == DNS_RRTYPE_ANY)) {
00658       replies |= REPLY_HOST_A;
00659     }
00660 #endif
00661 #if LWIP_IPV6
00662     if (rr->type == DNS_RRTYPE_AAAA || rr->type == DNS_RRTYPE_ANY) {
00663       replies |= REPLY_HOST_AAAA;
00664     }
00665 #endif
00666   }
00668   return replies;
00669 }
00671 /**
00672  * Check which replies we should send for a service based on question
00673  * @param service A registered MDNS service
00674  * @param rr Domain/type/class from a question
00675  * @return Bitmask of which replies to send
00676  */
00677 static int
00678 check_service(struct mdns_service *service, struct mdns_rr_info *rr)
00679 {
00680   err_t res;
00681   int replies = 0;
00682   struct mdns_domain mydomain;
00684   if (rr->klass != DNS_RRCLASS_IN && rr->klass != DNS_RRCLASS_ANY) {
00685     /* Invalid class */
00686     return 0;
00687   }
00689   res = mdns_build_dnssd_domain(&mydomain);
00690   if (res == ERR_OK && mdns_domain_eq(&rr->domain, &mydomain) &&
00691       (rr->type == DNS_RRTYPE_PTR || rr->type == DNS_RRTYPE_ANY)) {
00692     /* Request for all service types */
00693     replies |= REPLY_SERVICE_TYPE_PTR;
00694   }
00696   res = mdns_build_service_domain(&mydomain, service, 0);
00697   if (res == ERR_OK && mdns_domain_eq(&rr->domain, &mydomain) &&
00698       (rr->type == DNS_RRTYPE_PTR || rr->type == DNS_RRTYPE_ANY)) {
00699     /* Request for the instance of my service */
00700     replies |= REPLY_SERVICE_NAME_PTR;
00701   }
00703   res = mdns_build_service_domain(&mydomain, service, 1);
00704   if (res == ERR_OK && mdns_domain_eq(&rr->domain, &mydomain)) {
00705     /* Request for info about my service */
00706     if (rr->type == DNS_RRTYPE_SRV || rr->type == DNS_RRTYPE_ANY) {
00707       replies |= REPLY_SERVICE_SRV;
00708     }
00709     if (rr->type == DNS_RRTYPE_TXT || rr->type == DNS_RRTYPE_ANY) {
00710       replies |= REPLY_SERVICE_TXT;
00711     }
00712   }
00714   return replies;
00715 }
00717 /**
00718  * Return bytes needed to write before jump for best result of compressing supplied domain
00719  * against domain in outpacket starting at specified offset.
00720  * If a match is found, offset is updated to where to jump to
00721  * @param pbuf Pointer to pbuf with the partially constructed DNS packet
00722  * @param offset Start position of a domain written earlier. If this location is suitable
00723  *               for compression, the pointer is updated to where in the domain to jump to.
00724  * @param domain The domain to write
00725  * @return Number of bytes to write of the new domain before writing a jump to the offset.
00726  *         If compression can not be done against this previous domain name, the full new
00727  *         domain length is returned.
00728  */
00729 u16_t
00730 mdns_compress_domain(struct pbuf *pbuf, u16_t *offset, struct mdns_domain *domain)
00731 {
00732   struct mdns_domain target;
00733   u16_t target_end;
00734   u8_t target_len;
00735   u8_t writelen = 0;
00736   u8_t *ptr;
00737   if (pbuf == NULL) {
00738     return domain->length;
00739   }
00740   target_end = mdns_readname(pbuf, *offset, &target);
00741   if (target_end == MDNS_READNAME_ERROR) {
00742     return domain->length;
00743   }
00744   target_len = (u8_t)(target_end - *offset);
00745   ptr = domain->name;
00746   while (writelen < domain->length) {
00747     u8_t domainlen = (u8_t)(domain->length - writelen);
00748     u8_t labellen;
00749     if (domainlen <= target.length && domainlen > DOMAIN_JUMP_SIZE) {
00750       /* Compare domains if target is long enough, and we have enough left of the domain */
00751       u8_t targetpos = (u8_t)(target.length - domainlen);
00752       if ((targetpos + DOMAIN_JUMP_SIZE) >= target_len) {
00753         /* We are checking at or beyond a jump in the original, stop looking */
00754         break;
00755       }
00756       if (target.length >= domainlen &&
00757           memcmp(&domain->name[writelen], &target.name[targetpos], domainlen) == 0) {
00758         *offset += targetpos;
00759         return writelen;
00760       }
00761     }
00762     /* Skip to next label in domain */
00763     labellen = *ptr;
00764     writelen += 1 + labellen;
00765     ptr += 1 + labellen;
00766   }
00767   /* Nothing found */
00768   return domain->length;
00769 }
00771 /**
00772  * Write domain to outpacket. Compression will be attempted,
00773  * unless domain->skip_compression is set.
00774  * @param outpkt The outpacket to write to
00775  * @param domain The domain name to write
00776  * @return ERR_OK on success, an err_t otherwise
00777  */
00778 static err_t
00779 mdns_write_domain(struct mdns_outpacket *outpkt, struct mdns_domain *domain)
00780 {
00781   int i;
00782   err_t res;
00783   u16_t writelen = domain->length;
00784   u16_t jump_offset = 0;
00785   u16_t jump;
00787   if (!domain->skip_compression) {
00788     for (i = 0; i < NUM_DOMAIN_OFFSETS; ++i) {
00789       u16_t offset = outpkt->domain_offsets[i];
00790       if (offset) {
00791         u16_t len = mdns_compress_domain(outpkt->pbuf, &offset, domain);
00792         if (len < writelen) {
00793           writelen = len;
00794           jump_offset = offset;
00795         }
00796       }
00797     }
00798   }
00800   if (writelen) {
00801     /* Write uncompressed part of name */
00802     res = pbuf_take_at(outpkt->pbuf, domain->name, writelen, outpkt->write_offset);
00803     if (res != ERR_OK) {
00804       return res;
00805     }
00807     /* Store offset of this new domain */
00808     for (i = 0; i < NUM_DOMAIN_OFFSETS; ++i) {
00809       if (outpkt->domain_offsets[i] == 0) {
00810         outpkt->domain_offsets[i] = outpkt->write_offset;
00811         break;
00812       }
00813     }
00815     outpkt->write_offset += writelen;
00816   }
00817   if (jump_offset) {
00818     /* Write jump */
00819     jump = lwip_htons(DOMAIN_JUMP | jump_offset);
00820     res = pbuf_take_at(outpkt->pbuf, &jump, DOMAIN_JUMP_SIZE, outpkt->write_offset);
00821     if (res != ERR_OK) {
00822       return res;
00823     }
00824     outpkt->write_offset += DOMAIN_JUMP_SIZE;
00825   }
00826   return ERR_OK;
00827 }
00829 /**
00830  * Write a question to an outpacket
00831  * A question contains domain, type and class. Since an answer also starts with these fields this function is also
00832  * called from mdns_add_answer().
00833  * @param outpkt The outpacket to write to
00834  * @param domain The domain name the answer is for
00835  * @param type The DNS type of the answer (like 'AAAA', 'SRV')
00836  * @param klass The DNS type of the answer (like 'IN')
00837  * @param unicast If highest bit in class should be set, to instruct the responder to
00838  *                reply with a unicast packet
00839  * @return ERR_OK on success, an err_t otherwise
00840  */
00841 static err_t
00842 mdns_add_question(struct mdns_outpacket *outpkt, struct mdns_domain *domain, u16_t type, u16_t klass, u16_t unicast)
00843 {
00844   u16_t question_len;
00845   u16_t field16;
00846   err_t res;
00848   if (!outpkt->pbuf) {
00849     /* If no pbuf is active, allocate one */
00850     outpkt->pbuf = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_TRANSPORT, OUTPACKET_SIZE, PBUF_RAM);
00851     if (!outpkt->pbuf) {
00852       return ERR_MEM;
00853     }
00854     outpkt->write_offset = SIZEOF_DNS_HDR;
00855   }
00857   /* Worst case calculation. Domain string might be compressed */
00858   question_len = domain->length + sizeof(type) + sizeof(klass);
00859   if (outpkt->write_offset + question_len > outpkt->pbuf->tot_len) {
00860     /* No space */
00861     return ERR_MEM;
00862   }
00864   /* Write name */
00865   res = mdns_write_domain(outpkt, domain);
00866   if (res != ERR_OK) {
00867     return res;
00868   }
00870   /* Write type */
00871   field16 = lwip_htons(type);
00872   res = pbuf_take_at(outpkt->pbuf, &field16, sizeof(field16), outpkt->write_offset);
00873   if (res != ERR_OK) {
00874     return res;
00875   }
00876   outpkt->write_offset += sizeof(field16);
00878   /* Write class */
00879   if (unicast) {
00880     klass |= 0x8000;
00881   }
00882   field16 = lwip_htons(klass);
00883   res = pbuf_take_at(outpkt->pbuf, &field16, sizeof(field16), outpkt->write_offset);
00884   if (res != ERR_OK) {
00885     return res;
00886   }
00887   outpkt->write_offset += sizeof(field16);
00889   return ERR_OK;
00890 }
00892 /**
00893  * Write answer to reply packet.
00894  * buf or answer_domain can be null. The rd_length written will be buf_length +
00895  * size of (compressed) domain. Most uses will need either buf or answer_domain,
00896  * special case is SRV that starts with 3 u16 and then a domain name.
00897  * @param reply The outpacket to write to
00898  * @param domain The domain name the answer is for
00899  * @param type The DNS type of the answer (like 'AAAA', 'SRV')
00900  * @param klass The DNS type of the answer (like 'IN')
00901  * @param cache_flush If highest bit in class should be set, to instruct receiver that
00902  *                    this reply replaces any earlier answer for this domain/type/class
00903  * @param ttl Validity time in seconds to send out for IP address data in DNS replies
00904  * @param buf Pointer to buffer of answer data
00905  * @param buf_length Length of variable data
00906  * @param answer_domain A domain to write after any buffer data as answer
00907  * @return ERR_OK on success, an err_t otherwise
00908  */
00909 static err_t
00910 mdns_add_answer(struct mdns_outpacket *reply, struct mdns_domain *domain, u16_t type, u16_t klass, u16_t cache_flush,
00911                 u32_t ttl, const u8_t *buf, size_t buf_length, struct mdns_domain *answer_domain)
00912 {
00913   u16_t answer_len;
00914   u16_t field16;
00915   u16_t rdlen_offset;
00916   u16_t answer_offset;
00917   u32_t field32;
00918   err_t res;
00920   if (!reply->pbuf) {
00921     /* If no pbuf is active, allocate one */
00922     reply->pbuf = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_TRANSPORT, OUTPACKET_SIZE, PBUF_RAM);
00923     if (!reply->pbuf) {
00924       return ERR_MEM;
00925     }
00926     reply->write_offset = SIZEOF_DNS_HDR;
00927   }
00929   /* Worst case calculation. Domain strings might be compressed */
00930   answer_len = domain->length + sizeof(type) + sizeof(klass) + sizeof(ttl) + sizeof(field16)/*rd_length*/;
00931   if (buf) {
00932     answer_len += (u16_t)buf_length;
00933   }
00934   if (answer_domain) {
00935     answer_len += answer_domain->length;
00936   }
00937   if (reply->write_offset + answer_len > reply->pbuf->tot_len) {
00938     /* No space */
00939     return ERR_MEM;
00940   }
00942   /* Answer starts with same data as question, then more fields */
00943   mdns_add_question(reply, domain, type, klass, cache_flush);
00945   /* Write TTL */
00946   field32 = lwip_htonl(ttl);
00947   res = pbuf_take_at(reply->pbuf, &field32, sizeof(field32), reply->write_offset);
00948   if (res != ERR_OK) {
00949     return res;
00950   }
00951   reply->write_offset += sizeof(field32);
00953   /* Store offsets and skip forward to the data */
00954   rdlen_offset = reply->write_offset;
00955   reply->write_offset += sizeof(field16);
00956   answer_offset = reply->write_offset;
00958   if (buf) {
00959     /* Write static data */
00960     res = pbuf_take_at(reply->pbuf, buf, (u16_t)buf_length, reply->write_offset);
00961     if (res != ERR_OK) {
00962       return res;
00963     }
00964     reply->write_offset += (u16_t)buf_length;
00965   }
00967   if (answer_domain) {
00968     /* Write name answer (compressed if possible) */
00969     res = mdns_write_domain(reply, answer_domain);
00970     if (res != ERR_OK) {
00971       return res;
00972     }
00973   }
00975   /* Write rd_length after when we know the answer size */
00976   field16 = lwip_htons(reply->write_offset - answer_offset);
00977   res = pbuf_take_at(reply->pbuf, &field16, sizeof(field16), rdlen_offset);
00979   return res;
00980 }
00982 /**
00983  * Helper function for mdns_read_question/mdns_read_answer
00984  * Reads a domain, type and class from the packet
00985  * @param pkt The MDNS packet to read from. The parse_offset field will be
00986  *            incremented to point to the next unparsed byte.
00987  * @param info The struct to fill with domain, type and class
00988  * @return ERR_OK on success, an err_t otherwise
00989  */
00990 static err_t
00991 mdns_read_rr_info(struct mdns_packet *pkt, struct mdns_rr_info *info)
00992 {
00993   u16_t field16, copied;
00994   pkt->parse_offset = mdns_readname(pkt->pbuf, pkt->parse_offset, &info->domain);
00995   if (pkt->parse_offset == MDNS_READNAME_ERROR) {
00996     return ERR_VAL;
00997   }
00999   copied = pbuf_copy_partial(pkt->pbuf, &field16, sizeof(field16), pkt->parse_offset);
01000   if (copied != sizeof(field16)) {
01001     return ERR_VAL;
01002   }
01003   pkt->parse_offset += copied;
01004   info->type = lwip_ntohs(field16);
01006   copied = pbuf_copy_partial(pkt->pbuf, &field16, sizeof(field16), pkt->parse_offset);
01007   if (copied != sizeof(field16)) {
01008     return ERR_VAL;
01009   }
01010   pkt->parse_offset += copied;
01011   info->klass = lwip_ntohs(field16);
01013   return ERR_OK;
01014 }
01016 /**
01017  * Read a question from the packet.
01018  * All questions have to be read before the answers.
01019  * @param pkt The MDNS packet to read from. The questions_left field will be decremented
01020  *            and the parse_offset will be updated.
01021  * @param question The struct to fill with question data
01022  * @return ERR_OK on success, an err_t otherwise
01023  */
01024 static err_t
01025 mdns_read_question(struct mdns_packet *pkt, struct mdns_question *question)
01026 {
01027   /* Safety check */
01028   if (pkt->pbuf->tot_len < pkt->parse_offset) {
01029     return ERR_VAL;
01030   }
01032   if (pkt->questions_left) {
01033     err_t res;
01034     pkt->questions_left--;
01036     memset(question, 0, sizeof(struct mdns_question));
01037     res = mdns_read_rr_info(pkt, &question->info);
01038     if (res != ERR_OK) {
01039       return res;
01040     }
01042     /* Extract unicast flag from class field */
01043     question->unicast = question->info.klass & 0x8000;
01044     question->info.klass &= 0x7FFF;
01046     return ERR_OK;
01047   }
01048   return ERR_VAL;
01049 }
01051 /**
01052  * Read an answer from the packet
01053  * The variable length reply is not copied, its pbuf offset and length is stored instead.
01054  * @param pkt The MDNS packet to read. The answers_left field will be decremented and
01055  *            the parse_offset will be updated.
01056  * @param answer The struct to fill with answer data
01057  * @return ERR_OK on success, an err_t otherwise
01058  */
01059 static err_t
01060 mdns_read_answer(struct mdns_packet *pkt, struct mdns_answer *answer)
01061 {
01062   /* Read questions first */
01063   if (pkt->questions_left) {
01064     return ERR_VAL;
01065   }
01067   /* Safety check */
01068   if (pkt->pbuf->tot_len < pkt->parse_offset) {
01069     return ERR_VAL;
01070   }
01072   if (pkt->answers_left) {
01073     u16_t copied, field16;
01074     u32_t ttl;
01075     err_t res;
01076     pkt->answers_left--;
01078     memset(answer, 0, sizeof(struct mdns_answer));
01079     res = mdns_read_rr_info(pkt, &answer->info);
01080     if (res != ERR_OK) {
01081       return res;
01082     }
01084     /* Extract cache_flush flag from class field */
01085     answer->cache_flush = answer->info.klass & 0x8000;
01086     answer->info.klass &= 0x7FFF;
01088     copied = pbuf_copy_partial(pkt->pbuf, &ttl, sizeof(ttl), pkt->parse_offset);
01089     if (copied != sizeof(ttl)) {
01090       return ERR_VAL;
01091     }
01092     pkt->parse_offset += copied;
01093     answer->ttl = lwip_ntohl(ttl);
01095     copied = pbuf_copy_partial(pkt->pbuf, &field16, sizeof(field16), pkt->parse_offset);
01096     if (copied != sizeof(field16)) {
01097       return ERR_VAL;
01098     }
01099     pkt->parse_offset += copied;
01100     answer->rd_length = lwip_ntohs(field16);
01102     answer->rd_offset = pkt->parse_offset;
01103     pkt->parse_offset += answer->rd_length;
01105     return ERR_OK;
01106   }
01107   return ERR_VAL;
01108 }
01110 #if LWIP_IPV4
01111 /** Write an IPv4 address (A) RR to outpacket */
01112 static err_t
01113 mdns_add_a_answer(struct mdns_outpacket *reply, u16_t cache_flush, struct netif *netif)
01114 {
01115   struct mdns_domain host;
01116   mdns_build_host_domain(&host, NETIF_TO_HOST(netif));
01117   LWIP_DEBUGF(MDNS_DEBUG, ("MDNS: Responding with A record\n"));
01118   return mdns_add_answer(reply, &host, DNS_RRTYPE_A, DNS_RRCLASS_IN, cache_flush, (NETIF_TO_HOST(netif))->dns_ttl, (const u8_t *) netif_ip4_addr(netif), sizeof(ip4_addr_t), NULL);
01119 }
01121 /** Write a -> hostname.local PTR RR to outpacket */
01122 static err_t
01123 mdns_add_hostv4_ptr_answer(struct mdns_outpacket *reply, u16_t cache_flush, struct netif *netif)
01124 {
01125   struct mdns_domain host, revhost;
01126   mdns_build_host_domain(&host, NETIF_TO_HOST(netif));
01127   mdns_build_reverse_v4_domain(&revhost, netif_ip4_addr(netif));
01128   LWIP_DEBUGF(MDNS_DEBUG, ("MDNS: Responding with v4 PTR record\n"));
01129   return mdns_add_answer(reply, &revhost, DNS_RRTYPE_PTR, DNS_RRCLASS_IN, cache_flush, (NETIF_TO_HOST(netif))->dns_ttl, NULL, 0, &host);
01130 }
01131 #endif
01133 #if LWIP_IPV6
01134 /** Write an IPv6 address (AAAA) RR to outpacket */
01135 static err_t
01136 mdns_add_aaaa_answer(struct mdns_outpacket *reply, u16_t cache_flush, struct netif *netif, int addrindex)
01137 {
01138   struct mdns_domain host;
01139   mdns_build_host_domain(&host, NETIF_TO_HOST(netif));
01140   LWIP_DEBUGF(MDNS_DEBUG, ("MDNS: Responding with AAAA record\n"));
01141   return mdns_add_answer(reply, &host, DNS_RRTYPE_AAAA, DNS_RRCLASS_IN, cache_flush, (NETIF_TO_HOST(netif))->dns_ttl, (const u8_t *) netif_ip6_addr(netif, addrindex), sizeof(ip6_addr_t), NULL);
01142 }
01144 /** Write a x.y.z.ip6.arpa -> hostname.local PTR RR to outpacket */
01145 static err_t
01146 mdns_add_hostv6_ptr_answer(struct mdns_outpacket *reply, u16_t cache_flush, struct netif *netif, int addrindex)
01147 {
01148   struct mdns_domain host, revhost;
01149   mdns_build_host_domain(&host, NETIF_TO_HOST(netif));
01150   mdns_build_reverse_v6_domain(&revhost, netif_ip6_addr(netif, addrindex));
01151   LWIP_DEBUGF(MDNS_DEBUG, ("MDNS: Responding with v6 PTR record\n"));
01152   return mdns_add_answer(reply, &revhost, DNS_RRTYPE_PTR, DNS_RRCLASS_IN, cache_flush, (NETIF_TO_HOST(netif))->dns_ttl, NULL, 0, &host);
01153 }
01154 #endif
01156 /** Write an all-services -> servicetype PTR RR to outpacket */
01157 static err_t
01158 mdns_add_servicetype_ptr_answer(struct mdns_outpacket *reply, struct mdns_service *service)
01159 {
01160   struct mdns_domain service_type, service_dnssd;
01161   mdns_build_service_domain(&service_type, service, 0);
01162   mdns_build_dnssd_domain(&service_dnssd);
01163   LWIP_DEBUGF(MDNS_DEBUG, ("MDNS: Responding with service type PTR record\n"));
01164   return mdns_add_answer(reply, &service_dnssd, DNS_RRTYPE_PTR, DNS_RRCLASS_IN, 0, service->dns_ttl, NULL, 0, &service_type);
01165 }
01167 /** Write a servicetype -> servicename PTR RR to outpacket */
01168 static err_t
01169 mdns_add_servicename_ptr_answer(struct mdns_outpacket *reply, struct mdns_service *service)
01170 {
01171   struct mdns_domain service_type, service_instance;
01172   mdns_build_service_domain(&service_type, service, 0);
01173   mdns_build_service_domain(&service_instance, service, 1);
01174   LWIP_DEBUGF(MDNS_DEBUG, ("MDNS: Responding with service name PTR record\n"));
01175   return mdns_add_answer(reply, &service_type, DNS_RRTYPE_PTR, DNS_RRCLASS_IN, 0, service->dns_ttl, NULL, 0, &service_instance);
01176 }
01178 /** Write a SRV RR to outpacket */
01179 static err_t
01180 mdns_add_srv_answer(struct mdns_outpacket *reply, u16_t cache_flush, struct mdns_host *mdns, struct mdns_service *service)
01181 {
01182   struct mdns_domain service_instance, srvhost;
01183   u16_t srvdata[3];
01184   mdns_build_service_domain(&service_instance, service, 1);
01185   mdns_build_host_domain(&srvhost, mdns);
01186   if (reply->legacy_query) {
01187     /* RFC 6762 section 18.14:
01188      * In legacy unicast responses generated to answer legacy queries,
01189      * name compression MUST NOT be performed on SRV records.
01190      */
01191     srvhost.skip_compression = 1;
01192   }
01193   srvdata[0] = lwip_htons(SRV_PRIORITY);
01194   srvdata[1] = lwip_htons(SRV_WEIGHT);
01195   srvdata[2] = lwip_htons(service->port);
01196   LWIP_DEBUGF(MDNS_DEBUG, ("MDNS: Responding with SRV record\n"));
01197   return mdns_add_answer(reply, &service_instance, DNS_RRTYPE_SRV, DNS_RRCLASS_IN, cache_flush, service->dns_ttl,
01198                          (const u8_t *) &srvdata, sizeof(srvdata), &srvhost);
01199 }
01201 /** Write a TXT RR to outpacket */
01202 static err_t
01203 mdns_add_txt_answer(struct mdns_outpacket *reply, u16_t cache_flush, struct mdns_service *service)
01204 {
01205   struct mdns_domain service_instance;
01206   mdns_build_service_domain(&service_instance, service, 1);
01207   mdns_prepare_txtdata(service);
01208   LWIP_DEBUGF(MDNS_DEBUG, ("MDNS: Responding with TXT record\n"));
01209   return mdns_add_answer(reply, &service_instance, DNS_RRTYPE_TXT, DNS_RRCLASS_IN, cache_flush, service->dns_ttl,
01210                          (u8_t *) &service->txtdata.name, service->txtdata.length, NULL);
01211 }
01213 /**
01214  * Setup outpacket as a reply to the incoming packet
01215  */
01216 static void
01217 mdns_init_outpacket(struct mdns_outpacket *out, struct mdns_packet *in)
01218 {
01219   memset(out, 0, sizeof(struct mdns_outpacket));
01220   out->cache_flush = 1;
01221   out->netif = in->netif;
01223   /* Copy source IP/port to use when responding unicast, or to choose
01224    * which pcb to use for multicast (IPv4/IPv6)
01225    */
01226   SMEMCPY(&out->dest_addr, &in->source_addr, sizeof(ip_addr_t));
01227   out->dest_port = in->source_port;
01229   if (in->source_port != MDNS_PORT) {
01230     out->unicast_reply = 1;
01231     out->cache_flush = 0;
01232     if (in->questions == 1) {
01233       out->legacy_query = 1;
01234       out->tx_id = in->tx_id;
01235     }
01236   }
01238   if (in->recv_unicast) {
01239     out->unicast_reply = 1;
01240   }
01241 }
01243 /**
01244  * Send chosen answers as a reply
01245  *
01246  * Add all selected answers (first write will allocate pbuf)
01247  * Add additional answers based on the selected answers
01248  * Send the packet
01249  */
01250 static void
01251 mdns_send_outpacket(struct mdns_outpacket *outpkt)
01252 {
01253   struct mdns_service *service;
01254   err_t res;
01255   int i;
01256   struct mdns_host* mdns = NETIF_TO_HOST(outpkt->netif);
01258   /* Write answers to host questions */
01259 #if LWIP_IPV4
01260   if (outpkt->host_replies & REPLY_HOST_A) {
01261     res = mdns_add_a_answer(outpkt, outpkt->cache_flush, outpkt->netif);
01262     if (res != ERR_OK) {
01263       goto cleanup;
01264     }
01265     outpkt->answers++;
01266   }
01267   if (outpkt->host_replies & REPLY_HOST_PTR_V4) {
01268     res = mdns_add_hostv4_ptr_answer(outpkt, outpkt->cache_flush, outpkt->netif);
01269     if (res != ERR_OK) {
01270       goto cleanup;
01271     }
01272     outpkt->answers++;
01273   }
01274 #endif
01275 #if LWIP_IPV6
01276   if (outpkt->host_replies & REPLY_HOST_AAAA) {
01277     int addrindex;
01278     for (addrindex = 0; addrindex < LWIP_IPV6_NUM_ADDRESSES; ++addrindex) {
01279       if (ip6_addr_isvalid(netif_ip6_addr_state(outpkt->netif, addrindex))) {
01280         res = mdns_add_aaaa_answer(outpkt, outpkt->cache_flush, outpkt->netif, addrindex);
01281         if (res != ERR_OK) {
01282           goto cleanup;
01283         }
01284         outpkt->answers++;
01285       }
01286     }
01287   }
01288   if (outpkt->host_replies & REPLY_HOST_PTR_V6) {
01289     u8_t rev_addrs = outpkt->host_reverse_v6_replies;
01290     int addrindex = 0;
01291     while (rev_addrs) {
01292       if (rev_addrs & 1) {
01293         res = mdns_add_hostv6_ptr_answer(outpkt, outpkt->cache_flush, outpkt->netif, addrindex);
01294         if (res != ERR_OK) {
01295           goto cleanup;
01296         }
01297         outpkt->answers++;
01298       }
01299       addrindex++;
01300       rev_addrs >>= 1;
01301     }
01302   }
01303 #endif
01305   /* Write answers to service questions */
01306   for (i = 0; i < MDNS_MAX_SERVICES; ++i) {
01307     service = mdns->services[i];
01308     if (!service) {
01309       continue;
01310     }
01312     if (outpkt->serv_replies[i] & REPLY_SERVICE_TYPE_PTR) {
01313       res = mdns_add_servicetype_ptr_answer(outpkt, service);
01314       if (res != ERR_OK) {
01315         goto cleanup;
01316       }
01317       outpkt->answers++;
01318     }
01320     if (outpkt->serv_replies[i] & REPLY_SERVICE_NAME_PTR) {
01321       res = mdns_add_servicename_ptr_answer(outpkt, service);
01322       if (res != ERR_OK) {
01323         goto cleanup;
01324       }
01325       outpkt->answers++;
01326     }
01328     if (outpkt->serv_replies[i] & REPLY_SERVICE_SRV) {
01329       res = mdns_add_srv_answer(outpkt, outpkt->cache_flush, mdns, service);
01330       if (res != ERR_OK) {
01331         goto cleanup;
01332       }
01333       outpkt->answers++;
01334     }
01336     if (outpkt->serv_replies[i] & REPLY_SERVICE_TXT) {
01337       res = mdns_add_txt_answer(outpkt, outpkt->cache_flush, service);
01338       if (res != ERR_OK) {
01339         goto cleanup;
01340       }
01341       outpkt->answers++;
01342     }
01343   }
01345   /* All answers written, add additional RRs */
01346   for (i = 0; i < MDNS_MAX_SERVICES; ++i) {
01347     service = mdns->services[i];
01348     if (!service) {
01349       continue;
01350     }
01352     if (outpkt->serv_replies[i] & REPLY_SERVICE_NAME_PTR) {
01353       /* Our service instance requested, include SRV & TXT
01354        * if they are already not requested. */
01355       if (!(outpkt->serv_replies[i] & REPLY_SERVICE_SRV)) {
01356         res = mdns_add_srv_answer(outpkt, outpkt->cache_flush, mdns, service);
01357         if (res != ERR_OK) {
01358           goto cleanup;
01359         }
01360         outpkt->additional++;
01361       }
01363       if (!(outpkt->serv_replies[i] & REPLY_SERVICE_TXT)) {
01364         res = mdns_add_txt_answer(outpkt, outpkt->cache_flush, service);
01365         if (res != ERR_OK) {
01366           goto cleanup;
01367         }
01368         outpkt->additional++;
01369       }
01370     }
01372     /* If service instance, SRV, record or an IP address is requested,
01373      * supply all addresses for the host
01374      */
01375     if ((outpkt->serv_replies[i] & (REPLY_SERVICE_NAME_PTR | REPLY_SERVICE_SRV)) ||
01376         (outpkt->host_replies & (REPLY_HOST_A | REPLY_HOST_AAAA))) {
01377 #if LWIP_IPV6
01378       if (!(outpkt->host_replies & REPLY_HOST_AAAA)) {
01379         int addrindex;
01380         for (addrindex = 0; addrindex < LWIP_IPV6_NUM_ADDRESSES; ++addrindex) {
01381           if (ip6_addr_isvalid(netif_ip6_addr_state(outpkt->netif, addrindex))) {
01382             res = mdns_add_aaaa_answer(outpkt, outpkt->cache_flush, outpkt->netif, addrindex);
01383             if (res != ERR_OK) {
01384               goto cleanup;
01385             }
01386             outpkt->additional++;
01387           }
01388         }
01389       }
01390 #endif
01391 #if LWIP_IPV4
01392       if (!(outpkt->host_replies & REPLY_HOST_A)) {
01393         res = mdns_add_a_answer(outpkt, outpkt->cache_flush, outpkt->netif);
01394         if (res != ERR_OK) {
01395           goto cleanup;
01396         }
01397         outpkt->additional++;
01398       }
01399 #endif
01400     }
01401   }
01403   if (outpkt->pbuf) {
01404     const ip_addr_t *mcast_destaddr;
01405     struct dns_hdr hdr;
01407     /* Write header */
01408     memset(&hdr, 0, sizeof(hdr));
01409     hdr.flags1 = DNS_FLAG1_RESPONSE | DNS_FLAG1_AUTHORATIVE;
01410     hdr.numanswers = lwip_htons(outpkt->answers);
01411     hdr.numextrarr = lwip_htons(outpkt->additional);
01412     if (outpkt->legacy_query) {
01413       hdr.numquestions = lwip_htons(1);
01414       hdr.id = lwip_htons(outpkt->tx_id);
01415     }
01416     pbuf_take(outpkt->pbuf, &hdr, sizeof(hdr));
01418     /* Shrink packet */
01419     pbuf_realloc(outpkt->pbuf, outpkt->write_offset);
01421     if (IP_IS_V6_VAL(outpkt->dest_addr)) {
01422 #if LWIP_IPV6
01423       mcast_destaddr = &v6group;
01424 #endif
01425     } else {
01426 #if LWIP_IPV4
01427       mcast_destaddr = &v4group;
01428 #endif
01429     }
01430     /* Send created packet */
01431     LWIP_DEBUGF(MDNS_DEBUG, ("MDNS: Sending packet, len=%d, unicast=%d\n", outpkt->write_offset, outpkt->unicast_reply));
01432     if (outpkt->unicast_reply) {
01433       udp_sendto_if(mdns_pcb, outpkt->pbuf, &outpkt->dest_addr, outpkt->dest_port, outpkt->netif);
01434     } else {
01435       udp_sendto_if(mdns_pcb, outpkt->pbuf, mcast_destaddr, MDNS_PORT, outpkt->netif);
01436     }
01437   }
01439 cleanup:
01440   if (outpkt->pbuf) {
01441     pbuf_free(outpkt->pbuf);
01442     outpkt->pbuf = NULL;
01443   }
01444 }
01446 /**
01447  * Send unsolicited answer containing all our known data
01448  * @param netif The network interface to send on
01449  * @param destination The target address to send to (usually multicast address)
01450  */
01451 static void
01452 mdns_announce(struct netif *netif, const ip_addr_t *destination)
01453 {
01454   struct mdns_outpacket announce;
01455   int i;
01456   struct mdns_host* mdns = NETIF_TO_HOST(netif);
01458   memset(&announce, 0, sizeof(announce));
01459   announce.netif = netif;
01460   announce.cache_flush = 1;
01461 #if LWIP_IPV4
01462   if (!ip4_addr_isany_val(*netif_ip4_addr(netif)))
01463     announce.host_replies = REPLY_HOST_A | REPLY_HOST_PTR_V4;
01464 #endif
01465 #if LWIP_IPV6
01466   for (i = 0; i < LWIP_IPV6_NUM_ADDRESSES; ++i) {
01467     if (ip6_addr_isvalid(netif_ip6_addr_state(netif, i))) {
01468       announce.host_replies |= REPLY_HOST_AAAA | REPLY_HOST_PTR_V6;
01469       announce.host_reverse_v6_replies |= (1 << i);
01470     }
01471   }
01472 #endif
01474   for (i = 0; i < MDNS_MAX_SERVICES; i++) {
01475     struct mdns_service *serv = mdns->services[i];
01476     if (serv) {
01477       announce.serv_replies[i] = REPLY_SERVICE_TYPE_PTR | REPLY_SERVICE_NAME_PTR |
01479     }
01480   }
01482   announce.dest_port = MDNS_PORT;
01483   SMEMCPY(&announce.dest_addr, destination, sizeof(announce.dest_addr));
01484   mdns_send_outpacket(&announce);
01485 }
01487 /**
01488  * Handle question MDNS packet
01489  * 1. Parse all questions and set bits what answers to send
01490  * 2. Clear pending answers if known answers are supplied
01491  * 3. Put chosen answers in new packet and send as reply
01492  */
01493 static void
01494 mdns_handle_question(struct mdns_packet *pkt)
01495 {
01496   struct mdns_service *service;
01497   struct mdns_outpacket reply;
01498   int replies = 0;
01499   int i;
01500   err_t res;
01501   struct mdns_host* mdns = NETIF_TO_HOST(pkt->netif);
01503   mdns_init_outpacket(&reply, pkt);
01505   while (pkt->questions_left) {
01506     struct mdns_question q;
01508     res = mdns_read_question(pkt, &q);
01509     if (res != ERR_OK) {
01510       LWIP_DEBUGF(MDNS_DEBUG, ("MDNS: Failed to parse question, skipping query packet\n"));
01511       return;
01512     }
01514     LWIP_DEBUGF(MDNS_DEBUG, ("MDNS: Query for domain "));
01515     mdns_domain_debug_print(&q.info.domain);
01516     LWIP_DEBUGF(MDNS_DEBUG, (" type %d class %d\n", q.info.type, q.info.klass));
01518     if (q.unicast) {
01519       /* Reply unicast if any question is unicast */
01520       reply.unicast_reply = 1;
01521     }
01523     reply.host_replies |= check_host(pkt->netif, &q.info, &reply.host_reverse_v6_replies);
01524     replies |= reply.host_replies;
01526     for (i = 0; i < MDNS_MAX_SERVICES; ++i) {
01527       service = mdns->services[i];
01528       if (!service) {
01529         continue;
01530       }
01531       reply.serv_replies[i] |= check_service(service, &q.info);
01532       replies |= reply.serv_replies[i];
01533     }
01535     if (replies && reply.legacy_query) {
01536       /* Add question to reply packet (legacy packet only has 1 question) */
01537       res = mdns_add_question(&reply, &q.info.domain, q.info.type, q.info.klass, 0);
01538       if (res != ERR_OK) {
01539         goto cleanup;
01540       }
01541     }
01542   }
01544   /* Handle known answers */
01545   while (pkt->answers_left) {
01546     struct mdns_answer ans;
01547     u8_t rev_v6;
01548     int match;
01550     res = mdns_read_answer(pkt, &ans);
01551     if (res != ERR_OK) {
01552       LWIP_DEBUGF(MDNS_DEBUG, ("MDNS: Failed to parse answer, skipping query packet\n"));
01553       goto cleanup;
01554     }
01556     LWIP_DEBUGF(MDNS_DEBUG, ("MDNS: Known answer for domain "));
01557     mdns_domain_debug_print(&ans.info.domain);
01558     LWIP_DEBUGF(MDNS_DEBUG, (" type %d class %d\n", ans.info.type, ans.info.klass));
01561     if (ans.info.type == DNS_RRTYPE_ANY || ans.info.klass == DNS_RRCLASS_ANY) {
01562       /* Skip known answers for ANY type & class */
01563       continue;
01564     }
01566     rev_v6 = 0;
01567     match = reply.host_replies & check_host(pkt->netif, &ans.info, &rev_v6);
01568     if (match && (ans.ttl > (mdns->dns_ttl / 2))) {
01569       /* The RR in the known answer matches an RR we are planning to send,
01570        * and the TTL is less than half gone.
01571        * If the payload matches we should not send that answer.
01572        */
01573       if (ans.info.type == DNS_RRTYPE_PTR) {
01574         /* Read domain and compare */
01575         struct mdns_domain known_ans, my_ans;
01576         u16_t len;
01577         len = mdns_readname(pkt->pbuf, ans.rd_offset, &known_ans);
01578         res = mdns_build_host_domain(&my_ans, mdns);
01579         if (len != MDNS_READNAME_ERROR && res == ERR_OK && mdns_domain_eq(&known_ans, &my_ans)) {
01580 #if LWIP_IPV4
01581           if (match & REPLY_HOST_PTR_V4) {
01582               LWIP_DEBUGF(MDNS_DEBUG, ("MDNS: Skipping known answer: v4 PTR\n"));
01583               reply.host_replies &= ~REPLY_HOST_PTR_V4;
01584           }
01585 #endif
01586 #if LWIP_IPV6
01587           if (match & REPLY_HOST_PTR_V6) {
01588               LWIP_DEBUGF(MDNS_DEBUG, ("MDNS: Skipping known answer: v6 PTR\n"));
01589               reply.host_reverse_v6_replies &= ~rev_v6;
01590               if (reply.host_reverse_v6_replies == 0) {
01591                 reply.host_replies &= ~REPLY_HOST_PTR_V6;
01592               }
01593           }
01594 #endif
01595         }
01596       } else if (match & REPLY_HOST_A) {
01597 #if LWIP_IPV4
01598         if (ans.rd_length == sizeof(ip4_addr_t) &&
01599             pbuf_memcmp(pkt->pbuf, ans.rd_offset, netif_ip4_addr(pkt->netif), ans.rd_length) == 0) {
01600           LWIP_DEBUGF(MDNS_DEBUG, ("MDNS: Skipping known answer: A\n"));
01601           reply.host_replies &= ~REPLY_HOST_A;
01602         }
01603 #endif
01604       } else if (match & REPLY_HOST_AAAA) {
01605 #if LWIP_IPV6
01606         if (ans.rd_length == sizeof(ip6_addr_t) &&
01607             /* TODO this clears all AAAA responses if first addr is set as known */
01608             pbuf_memcmp(pkt->pbuf, ans.rd_offset, netif_ip6_addr(pkt->netif, 0), ans.rd_length) == 0) {
01609           LWIP_DEBUGF(MDNS_DEBUG, ("MDNS: Skipping known answer: AAAA\n"));
01610           reply.host_replies &= ~REPLY_HOST_AAAA;
01611         }
01612 #endif
01613       }
01614     }
01616     for (i = 0; i < MDNS_MAX_SERVICES; ++i) {
01617       service = mdns->services[i];
01618       if (!service) {
01619         continue;
01620       }
01621       match = reply.serv_replies[i] & check_service(service, &ans.info);
01622       if (match && (ans.ttl > (service->dns_ttl / 2))) {
01623         /* The RR in the known answer matches an RR we are planning to send,
01624          * and the TTL is less than half gone.
01625          * If the payload matches we should not send that answer.
01626          */
01627         if (ans.info.type == DNS_RRTYPE_PTR) {
01628           /* Read domain and compare */
01629           struct mdns_domain known_ans, my_ans;
01630           u16_t len;
01631           len = mdns_readname(pkt->pbuf, ans.rd_offset, &known_ans);
01632           if (len != MDNS_READNAME_ERROR) {
01633             if (match & REPLY_SERVICE_TYPE_PTR) {
01634               res = mdns_build_service_domain(&my_ans, service, 0);
01635               if (res == ERR_OK && mdns_domain_eq(&known_ans, &my_ans)) {
01636                 LWIP_DEBUGF(MDNS_DEBUG, ("MDNS: Skipping known answer: service type PTR\n"));
01637                 reply.serv_replies[i] &= ~REPLY_SERVICE_TYPE_PTR;
01638               }
01639             }
01640             if (match & REPLY_SERVICE_NAME_PTR) {
01641               res = mdns_build_service_domain(&my_ans, service, 1);
01642               if (res == ERR_OK && mdns_domain_eq(&known_ans, &my_ans)) {
01643                 LWIP_DEBUGF(MDNS_DEBUG, ("MDNS: Skipping known answer: service name PTR\n"));
01644                 reply.serv_replies[i] &= ~REPLY_SERVICE_NAME_PTR;
01645               }
01646             }
01647           }
01648         } else if (match & REPLY_SERVICE_SRV) {
01649           /* Read and compare to my SRV record */
01650           u16_t field16, len, read_pos;
01651           struct mdns_domain known_ans, my_ans;
01652           read_pos = ans.rd_offset;
01653           do {
01654             /* Check priority field */
01655             len = pbuf_copy_partial(pkt->pbuf, &field16, sizeof(field16), read_pos);
01656             if (len != sizeof(field16) || lwip_ntohs(field16) != SRV_PRIORITY) {
01657               break;
01658             }
01659             read_pos += len;
01660             /* Check weight field */
01661             len = pbuf_copy_partial(pkt->pbuf, &field16, sizeof(field16), read_pos);
01662             if (len != sizeof(field16) || lwip_ntohs(field16) != SRV_WEIGHT) {
01663               break;
01664             }
01665             read_pos += len;
01666             /* Check port field */
01667             len = pbuf_copy_partial(pkt->pbuf, &field16, sizeof(field16), read_pos);
01668             if (len != sizeof(field16) || lwip_ntohs(field16) != service->port) {
01669               break;
01670             }
01671             read_pos += len;
01672             /* Check host field */
01673             len = mdns_readname(pkt->pbuf, read_pos, &known_ans);
01674             mdns_build_host_domain(&my_ans, mdns);
01675             if (len == MDNS_READNAME_ERROR || !mdns_domain_eq(&known_ans, &my_ans)) {
01676               break;
01677             }
01678             LWIP_DEBUGF(MDNS_DEBUG, ("MDNS: Skipping known answer: SRV\n"));
01679             reply.serv_replies[i] &= ~REPLY_SERVICE_SRV;
01680           } while (0);
01681         } else if (match & REPLY_SERVICE_TXT) {
01682           mdns_prepare_txtdata(service);
01683           if (service->txtdata.length == ans.rd_length &&
01684               pbuf_memcmp(pkt->pbuf, ans.rd_offset, service->txtdata.name, ans.rd_length) == 0) {
01685             LWIP_DEBUGF(MDNS_DEBUG, ("MDNS: Skipping known answer: TXT\n"));
01686             reply.serv_replies[i] &= ~REPLY_SERVICE_TXT;
01687           }
01688         }
01689       }
01690     }
01691   }
01693   mdns_send_outpacket(&reply);
01695 cleanup:
01696   if (reply.pbuf) {
01697     /* This should only happen if we fail to alloc/write question for legacy query */
01698     pbuf_free(reply.pbuf);
01699     reply.pbuf = NULL;
01700   }
01701 }
01703 /**
01704  * Handle response MDNS packet
01705  * Only prints debug for now. Will need more code to do conflict resolution.
01706  */
01707 static void
01708 mdns_handle_response(struct mdns_packet *pkt)
01709 {
01710   /* Ignore all questions */
01711   while (pkt->questions_left) {
01712     struct mdns_question q;
01713     err_t res;
01715     res = mdns_read_question(pkt, &q);
01716     if (res != ERR_OK) {
01717       LWIP_DEBUGF(MDNS_DEBUG, ("MDNS: Failed to parse question, skipping response packet\n"));
01718       return;
01719     }
01720   }
01722   while (pkt->answers_left) {
01723     struct mdns_answer ans;
01724     err_t res;
01726     res = mdns_read_answer(pkt, &ans);
01727     if (res != ERR_OK) {
01728       LWIP_DEBUGF(MDNS_DEBUG, ("MDNS: Failed to parse answer, skipping response packet\n"));
01729       return;
01730     }
01732     LWIP_DEBUGF(MDNS_DEBUG, ("MDNS: Answer for domain "));
01733     mdns_domain_debug_print(&ans.info.domain);
01734     LWIP_DEBUGF(MDNS_DEBUG, (" type %d class %d\n", ans.info.type, ans.info.klass));
01735   }
01736 }
01738 /**
01739  * Receive input function for MDNS packets.
01740  * Handles both IPv4 and IPv6 UDP pcbs.
01741  */
01742 static void
01743 mdns_recv(void *arg, struct udp_pcb *pcb, struct pbuf *p, const ip_addr_t *addr, u16_t port)
01744 {
01745   struct dns_hdr hdr;
01746   struct mdns_packet packet;
01747   struct netif *recv_netif = ip_current_input_netif();
01748   u16_t offset = 0;
01750   LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(arg);
01751   LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(pcb);
01753   LWIP_DEBUGF(MDNS_DEBUG, ("MDNS: Received IPv%d MDNS packet, len %d\n", IP_IS_V6(addr)? 6 : 4, p->tot_len));
01755   if (NETIF_TO_HOST(recv_netif) == NULL) {
01756     /* From netif not configured for MDNS */
01757     goto dealloc;
01758   }
01760   if (pbuf_copy_partial(p, &hdr, SIZEOF_DNS_HDR, offset) < SIZEOF_DNS_HDR) {
01761     /* Too small */
01762     goto dealloc;
01763   }
01764   offset += SIZEOF_DNS_HDR;
01766   if (DNS_HDR_GET_OPCODE(&hdr)) {
01767     /* Ignore non-standard queries in multicast packets (RFC 6762, section 18.3) */
01768     goto dealloc;
01769   }
01771   memset(&packet, 0, sizeof(packet));
01772   SMEMCPY(&packet.source_addr, addr, sizeof(packet.source_addr));
01773   packet.source_port = port;
01774   packet.netif = recv_netif;
01775   packet.pbuf = p;
01776   packet.parse_offset = offset;
01777   packet.tx_id = lwip_ntohs(hdr.id);
01778   packet.questions = packet.questions_left = lwip_ntohs(hdr.numquestions);
01779   packet.answers = packet.answers_left = lwip_ntohs(hdr.numanswers) + lwip_ntohs(hdr.numauthrr) + lwip_ntohs(hdr.numextrarr);
01781 #if LWIP_IPV6
01782   if (IP_IS_V6(ip_current_dest_addr())) {
01783     if (!ip_addr_cmp(ip_current_dest_addr(), &v6group)) {
01784       packet.recv_unicast = 1;
01785     }
01786   }
01787 #endif
01788 #if LWIP_IPV4
01789   if (!IP_IS_V6(ip_current_dest_addr())) {
01790     if (!ip_addr_cmp(ip_current_dest_addr(), &v4group)) {
01791       packet.recv_unicast = 1;
01792     }
01793   }
01794 #endif
01796   if (hdr.flags1 & DNS_FLAG1_RESPONSE) {
01797     mdns_handle_response(&packet);
01798   } else {
01799     mdns_handle_question(&packet);
01800   }
01802 dealloc:
01803   pbuf_free(p);
01804 }
01806 /**
01807  * @ingroup mdns
01808  * Initiate MDNS responder. Will open UDP sockets on port 5353
01809  */
01810 void
01811 mdns_resp_init(void)
01812 {
01813   err_t res;
01815   mdns_pcb = udp_new_ip_type(IPADDR_TYPE_ANY);
01816   LWIP_ASSERT("Failed to allocate pcb", mdns_pcb != NULL);
01818   udp_set_multicast_ttl(mdns_pcb, MDNS_TTL);
01819 #else
01820   mdns_pcb->ttl = MDNS_TTL;
01821 #endif
01822   res = udp_bind(mdns_pcb, IP_ANY_TYPE, MDNS_PORT);
01823   LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(res); /* in case of LWIP_NOASSERT */
01824   LWIP_ASSERT("Failed to bind pcb", res == ERR_OK);
01825   udp_recv(mdns_pcb, mdns_recv, NULL);
01827   mdns_netif_client_id = netif_alloc_client_data_id();
01828 }
01830 /**
01831  * @ingroup mdns
01832  * Announce IP settings have changed on netif.
01833  * Call this in your callback registered by netif_set_status_callback().
01834  * This function may go away in the future when netif supports registering
01835  * multiple callback functions.
01836  * @param netif The network interface where settings have changed.
01837  */
01838 void
01839 mdns_resp_netif_settings_changed(struct netif *netif)
01840 {
01841   LWIP_ERROR("mdns_resp_netif_ip_changed: netif != NULL", (netif != NULL), return);
01843   if (NETIF_TO_HOST(netif) == NULL) {
01844     return;
01845   }
01847   /* Announce on IPv6 and IPv4 */
01848 #if LWIP_IPV6
01849    mdns_announce(netif, IP6_ADDR_ANY);
01850 #endif
01851 #if LWIP_IPV4
01852    mdns_announce(netif, IP4_ADDR_ANY);
01853 #endif
01854 }
01856 /**
01857  * @ingroup mdns
01858  * Activate MDNS responder for a network interface and send announce packets.
01859  * @param netif The network interface to activate.
01860  * @param hostname Name to use. Queries for &lt;hostname&gt;.local will be answered
01861  *                 with the IP addresses of the netif. The hostname will be copied, the
01862  *                 given pointer can be on the stack.
01863  * @param dns_ttl Validity time in seconds to send out for IP address data in DNS replies
01864  * @return ERR_OK if netif was added, an err_t otherwise
01865  */
01866 err_t
01867 mdns_resp_add_netif(struct netif *netif, const char *hostname, u32_t dns_ttl)
01868 {
01869   err_t res;
01870   struct mdns_host* mdns;
01872   LWIP_ERROR("mdns_resp_add_netif: netif != NULL", (netif != NULL), return ERR_VAL);
01873   LWIP_ERROR("mdns_resp_add_netif: Hostname too long", (strlen(hostname) <= MDNS_LABEL_MAXLEN), return ERR_VAL);
01875   LWIP_ASSERT("mdns_resp_add_netif: Double add", NETIF_TO_HOST(netif) == NULL);
01876   mdns = (struct mdns_host *) mem_malloc(sizeof(struct mdns_host));
01877   LWIP_ERROR("mdns_resp_add_netif: Alloc failed", (mdns != NULL), return ERR_MEM);
01879   netif_set_client_data(netif, mdns_netif_client_id, mdns);
01881   memset(mdns, 0, sizeof(struct mdns_host));
01882   MEMCPY(&mdns->name, hostname, LWIP_MIN(MDNS_LABEL_MAXLEN, strlen(hostname)));
01883   mdns->dns_ttl = dns_ttl;
01885   /* Join multicast groups */
01886 #if LWIP_IPV4
01887   res = igmp_joingroup_netif(netif, ip_2_ip4(&v4group));
01888   if (res != ERR_OK) {
01889     goto cleanup;
01890   }
01891 #endif
01892 #if LWIP_IPV6
01893   res = mld6_joingroup_netif(netif, ip_2_ip6(&v6group));
01894   if (res != ERR_OK) {
01895     goto cleanup;
01896   }
01897 #endif
01899   mdns_resp_netif_settings_changed(netif);
01900   return ERR_OK;
01902 cleanup:
01903   mem_free(mdns);
01904   netif_set_client_data(netif, mdns_netif_client_id, NULL);
01905   return res;
01906 }
01908 /**
01909  * @ingroup mdns
01910  * Stop responding to MDNS queries on this interface, leave multicast groups,
01911  * and free the helper structure and any of its services.
01912  * @param netif The network interface to remove.
01913  * @return ERR_OK if netif was removed, an err_t otherwise
01914  */
01915 err_t
01916 mdns_resp_remove_netif(struct netif *netif)
01917 {
01918   int i;
01919   struct mdns_host* mdns;
01921   LWIP_ASSERT("mdns_resp_remove_netif: Null pointer", netif);
01922   mdns = NETIF_TO_HOST(netif);
01923   LWIP_ERROR("mdns_resp_remove_netif: Not an active netif", (mdns != NULL), return ERR_VAL);
01925   for (i = 0; i < MDNS_MAX_SERVICES; i++) {
01926     struct mdns_service *service = mdns->services[i];
01927     if (service) {
01928       mem_free(service);
01929     }
01930   }
01932   /* Leave multicast groups */
01933 #if LWIP_IPV4
01934   igmp_leavegroup_netif(netif, ip_2_ip4(&v4group));
01935 #endif
01936 #if LWIP_IPV6
01937   mld6_leavegroup_netif(netif, ip_2_ip6(&v6group));
01938 #endif
01940   mem_free(mdns);
01941   netif_set_client_data(netif, mdns_netif_client_id, NULL);
01942   return ERR_OK;
01943 }
01945 /**
01946  * @ingroup mdns
01947  * Add a service to the selected network interface.
01948  * @param netif The network interface to publish this service on
01949  * @param name The name of the service
01950  * @param service The service type, like "_http"
01951  * @param proto The service protocol, DNSSD_PROTO_TCP for TCP ("_tcp") and DNSSD_PROTO_UDP
01952  *              for others ("_udp")
01953  * @param port The port the service listens to
01954  * @param dns_ttl Validity time in seconds to send out for service data in DNS replies
01955  * @param txt_fn Callback to get TXT data. Will be called each time a TXT reply is created to
01956  *               allow dynamic replies.
01957  * @param txt_data Userdata pointer for txt_fn
01958  * @return ERR_OK if the service was added to the netif, an err_t otherwise
01959  */
01960 err_t
01961 mdns_resp_add_service(struct netif *netif, const char *name, const char *service, enum mdns_sd_proto proto, u16_t port, u32_t dns_ttl, service_get_txt_fn_t txt_fn, void *txt_data)
01962 {
01963   int i;
01964   int slot = -1;
01965   struct mdns_service *srv;
01966   struct mdns_host* mdns;
01968   LWIP_ASSERT("mdns_resp_add_service: netif != NULL", netif);
01969   mdns = NETIF_TO_HOST(netif);
01970   LWIP_ERROR("mdns_resp_add_service: Not an mdns netif", (mdns != NULL), return ERR_VAL);
01972   LWIP_ERROR("mdns_resp_add_service: Name too long", (strlen(name) <= MDNS_LABEL_MAXLEN), return ERR_VAL);
01973   LWIP_ERROR("mdns_resp_add_service: Service too long", (strlen(service) <= MDNS_LABEL_MAXLEN), return ERR_VAL);
01974   LWIP_ERROR("mdns_resp_add_service: Bad proto (need TCP or UDP)", (proto == DNSSD_PROTO_TCP || proto == DNSSD_PROTO_UDP), return ERR_VAL);
01976   for (i = 0; i < MDNS_MAX_SERVICES; i++) {
01977     if (mdns->services[i] == NULL) {
01978       slot = i;
01979       break;
01980     }
01981   }
01982   LWIP_ERROR("mdns_resp_add_service: Service list full (increase MDNS_MAX_SERVICES)", (slot >= 0), return ERR_MEM);
01984   srv = (struct mdns_service*)mem_malloc(sizeof(struct mdns_service));
01985   LWIP_ERROR("mdns_resp_add_service: Alloc failed", (srv != NULL), return ERR_MEM);
01987   memset(srv, 0, sizeof(struct mdns_service));
01989   MEMCPY(&srv->name, name, LWIP_MIN(MDNS_LABEL_MAXLEN, strlen(name)));
01990   MEMCPY(&srv->service, service, LWIP_MIN(MDNS_LABEL_MAXLEN, strlen(service)));
01991   srv->txt_fn = txt_fn;
01992   srv->txt_userdata = txt_data;
01993   srv->proto = (u16_t)proto;
01994   srv->port = port;
01995   srv->dns_ttl = dns_ttl;
01997   mdns->services[slot] = srv;
01999   /* Announce on IPv6 and IPv4 */
02000 #if LWIP_IPV6
02001   mdns_announce(netif, IP6_ADDR_ANY);
02002 #endif
02003 #if LWIP_IPV4
02004   mdns_announce(netif, IP4_ADDR_ANY);
02005 #endif
02007   return ERR_OK;
02008 }
02010 /**
02011  * @ingroup mdns
02012  * Call this function from inside the service_get_txt_fn_t callback to add text data.
02013  * Buffer for TXT data is 256 bytes, and each field is prefixed with a length byte.
02014  * @param service The service provided to the get_txt callback
02015  * @param txt String to add to the TXT field.
02016  * @param txt_len Length of string
02017  * @return ERR_OK if the string was added to the reply, an err_t otherwise
02018  */
02019 err_t
02020 mdns_resp_add_service_txtitem(struct mdns_service *service, const char *txt, u8_t txt_len)
02021 {
02022   LWIP_ASSERT("mdns_resp_add_service_txtitem: service != NULL", service);
02024   /* Use a mdns_domain struct to store txt chunks since it is the same encoding */
02025   return mdns_domain_add_label(&service->txtdata, txt, txt_len);
02026 }
02028 #endif /* LWIP_MDNS_RESPONDER */