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Debug functions

Debug functions


static void debug (const char *format,...)
 Output a debug message.
static void debug_if (int condition, const char *format,...)
 Conditionally output a debug message.

Function Documentation

static void debug ( const char *  format,
) [static]

Output a debug message.

formatprintf-style format string, followed by variables

Definition at line 40 of file mbed_debug.h.

static void debug_if ( int  condition,
const char *  format,
) [static]

Conditionally output a debug message.

NOTE: If the condition is constant false (== 0) and the compiler optimization level is greater than 0, then the whole function will be compiled away.

conditionoutput only if condition is true (!= 0)
formatprintf-style format string, followed by variables

Definition at line 58 of file mbed_debug.h.