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OS mode (TCPIP thread)

OS mode (TCPIP thread)

Use this mode if you run an OS on your system. More...


err_t tcpip_input (struct pbuf *p, struct netif *inp)
 Pass a received packet to tcpip_thread for input processing with ethernet_input or ip_input.
void tcpip_init (tcpip_init_done_fn initfunc, void *arg)
 Initialize this module:

  • initialize all sub modules
  • start the tcpip_thread.

Detailed Description

Use this mode if you run an OS on your system.

It is recommended to use an RTOS that correctly handles priority inversion and to use LWIP_TCPIP_CORE_LOCKING.
Porting: implement all functions in Porting (system abstraction layer).
You can use Callback-style APIs together with tcpip_callback, and all Sequential-style APIs.

Function Documentation

void tcpip_init ( tcpip_init_done_fn  initfunc,
void *  arg 

Initialize this module:

  • initialize all sub modules
  • start the tcpip_thread.

initfunca function to call when tcpip_thread is running and finished initializing
argargument to pass to initfunc

Definition at line 462 of file lwip_tcpip.c.

err_t tcpip_input ( struct pbuf p,
struct netif inp 

Pass a received packet to tcpip_thread for input processing with ethernet_input or ip_input.

Don't call directly, pass to netif_add() and call netif->input().

pthe received packet, p->payload pointing to the Ethernet header or to an IP header (if inp doesn't have NETIF_FLAG_ETHARP or NETIF_FLAG_ETHERNET flags)
inpthe network interface on which the packet was received

Definition at line 212 of file lwip_tcpip.c.