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Microseconds Ticker Functions

Microseconds Ticker Functions


ticker_irq_handler_type set_us_ticker_irq_handler (ticker_irq_handler_type ticker_irq_handler)
 Set ticker IRQ handler.
const ticker_data_tget_us_ticker_data (void)
 Get ticker's data.
void us_ticker_irq_handler (void)
 The wrapper for ticker_irq_handler, to pass us ticker's data.
void us_ticker_init (void)
 Initialize the ticker.
uint32_t us_ticker_read (void)
 Read the current counter.
void us_ticker_set_interrupt (timestamp_t timestamp)
 Set interrupt for specified timestamp.
void us_ticker_disable_interrupt (void)
 Disable us ticker interrupt.
void us_ticker_clear_interrupt (void)
 Clear us ticker interrupt.
void us_ticker_fire_interrupt (void)
 Set pending interrupt that should be fired right away.
const ticker_info_tus_ticker_get_info (void)
 Get frequency and counter bits of this ticker.

Function Documentation

const ticker_data_t* get_us_ticker_data ( void   )

Get ticker's data.

The low power ticker data

Definition at line 37 of file mbed_us_ticker_api.c.

ticker_irq_handler_type set_us_ticker_irq_handler ( ticker_irq_handler_type  ticker_irq_handler )

Set ticker IRQ handler.

ticker_irq_handlerIRQ handler to be connected
previous ticker IRQ handler
by default IRQ handler is set to ticker_irq_handler()
this function is primarily for testing purposes and it's not required part of HAL implementation

Definition at line 42 of file mbed_us_ticker_api.c.

void us_ticker_clear_interrupt ( void   )

Clear us ticker interrupt.

void us_ticker_disable_interrupt ( void   )

Disable us ticker interrupt.

void us_ticker_fire_interrupt ( void   )

Set pending interrupt that should be fired right away.

The ticker should be initialized prior calling this function.

const ticker_info_t* us_ticker_get_info ( void   )

Get frequency and counter bits of this ticker.

void us_ticker_init ( void   )

Initialize the ticker.

void us_ticker_irq_handler ( void   )

The wrapper for ticker_irq_handler, to pass us ticker's data.

Definition at line 51 of file mbed_us_ticker_api.c.

uint32_t us_ticker_read ( void   )

Read the current counter.

The current timer's counter value in microseconds
void us_ticker_set_interrupt ( timestamp_t  timestamp )

Set interrupt for specified timestamp.

timestampThe time in microseconds to be set