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00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (c) 2016-2017 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
00003  *
00004  * SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
00005  *
00006  * Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00007  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00008  *
00009  * https://www.mbed.com/licenses/PBL-1.0
00010  *
00011  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
00012  *
00013  */
00015 /**
00016  * \file fhss_api.h
00017  * \brief
00018  */
00020 #ifndef FHSS_API_H
00021 #define FHSS_API_H
00024 #ifdef __cplusplus
00025 extern "C" {
00026 #endif
00028 typedef struct fhss_api fhss_api_t;
00029 typedef struct fhss_callback fhss_callback_t;
00031 /**
00032  * @brief FHSS frame types.
00033  */
00034 #define FHSS_SYNCH_FRAME            0   /**< FHSS synchronization frame */
00035 #define FHSS_SYNCH_REQUEST_FRAME    1   /**< FHSS synchronization request frame */
00036 #define FHSS_DATA_FRAME             2   /**< FHSS data frame */
00038 /**
00039  * @brief FHSS synchronization info length.
00040  */
00041 #define FHSS_SYNCH_INFO_LENGTH      21
00043 /**
00044  * @brief FHSS states.
00045  */
00046 typedef enum
00047 {
00050 } fhss_states;
00052 /**
00053  * @brief FHSS is broadcast channel. Checks if current channel is broadcast channel.
00054  * @param api FHSS instance.
00055  * @return false if unicast channel, true if broadcast channel.
00056  */
00057 typedef bool fhss_is_broadcast_channel(const fhss_api_t *api);
00059 /**
00060  * @brief FHSS queue check. Checks if broadcast queue must be used instead of unicast queue.
00061  * @param api FHSS instance.
00062  * @param is_broadcast_addr Destination address type of packet (true if broadcast address).
00063  * @param frame_type Frame type of packet (Frames types are defined by FHSS api).
00064  * @return false if unicast queue, true if broadcast queue.
00065  */
00066 typedef bool fhss_use_broadcast_queue(const fhss_api_t *api, bool is_broadcast_addr, int frame_type);
00068 /**
00069  * @brief FHSS TX handle. Set destination channel and write synchronization info.
00070  * @param api FHSS instance.
00071  * @param is_broadcast_addr Destination address type of packet (true if broadcast address).
00072  * @param destination_address Destination MAC address.
00073  * @param frame_type Frame type of packet (Frames types are defined by FHSS api).
00074  * @param synch_info Pointer to where FHSS synchronization info is written (if synch frame).
00075  * @param frame_length MSDU length of the frame.
00076  * @param phy_header_length PHY header length.
00077  * @param phy_tail_length PHY tail length.
00078  * @return  0 Success.
00079  * @return -1 Transmission of the packet is currently not allowed, try again.
00080  * @return -2 Invalid api.
00081  * @return -3 Broadcast packet on Unicast channel (not allowed), push packet back to queue.
00082  * @return -4 Synchronization info missing.
00083  */
00084 typedef int fhss_tx_handle(const fhss_api_t *api, bool is_broadcast_addr, uint8_t *destination_address, int frame_type, uint8_t *synch_info, uint16_t frame_length, uint8_t phy_header_length, uint8_t phy_tail_length);
00086 /**
00087  * @brief Check TX permission.
00088  * @param api FHSS instance.
00089  * @param is_broadcast_addr Destination address type of packet (true if broadcast address).
00090  * @param handle Handle of the data request.
00091  * @param frame_type Frame type of packet (Frames types are defined by FHSS api).
00092  * @param frame_length MSDU length of the frame.
00093  * @param phy_header_length PHY header length.
00094  * @param phy_tail_length PHY tail length.
00095  * @return false if transmission is denied, true if transmission is allowed.
00096  */
00097 typedef bool fhss_check_tx_conditions(const fhss_api_t *api, bool is_broadcast_addr, uint8_t handle, int frame_type, uint16_t frame_length, uint8_t phy_header_length, uint8_t phy_tail_length);
00099 /**
00100  * @brief Notification of received FHSS synch or synch request frame.
00101  * @param api FHSS instance.
00102  * @param pan_id Source PAN id of the received frame (FHSS_SYNCH_FRAME only).
00103  * @param source_address Source address of the received frame (FHSS_SYNCH_FRAME only).
00104  * @param timestamp Timestamp of reception (FHSS_SYNCH_FRAME only).
00105  * @param synch_info Pointer to synchronization info (FHSS_SYNCH_FRAME only).
00106  * @param frame_type Frame type of packet (Frames types are defined by FHSS api).
00107  */
00108 typedef void fhss_receive_frame(const fhss_api_t *api, uint16_t pan_id, uint8_t *source_address, uint32_t timestamp, uint8_t *synch_info, int frame_type);
00110 /**
00111  * @brief Data TX done callback.
00112  * @param api FHSS instance.
00113  * @param waiting_ack MAC is waiting Acknowledgement for this frame.
00114  * @param tx_completed TX completed (Ack received or no more retries left (if unicast frame)).
00115  * @param handle Handle of the data request.
00116  */
00117 typedef void fhss_data_tx_done(const fhss_api_t *api, bool waiting_ack, bool tx_completed, uint8_t handle);
00119 /**
00120  * @brief Data TX or CCA failed callback.
00121  * @param api FHSS instance.
00122  * @param handle Handle of the data request.
00123  * @return true if frame has to be queued for retransmission, false otherwise.
00124  */
00125 typedef bool fhss_data_tx_fail(const fhss_api_t *api, uint8_t handle);
00127 /**
00128  * @brief Change synchronization state.
00129  * @param api FHSS instance.
00130  * @param fhss_state FHSS state (FHSS states are defined by FHSS api).
00131  * @param pan_id PAN id of the network FHSS synchronizes with.
00132  */
00133 typedef void fhss_synch_state_set(const fhss_api_t *api, fhss_states fhss_state, uint16_t pan_id);
00135 /**
00136  * @brief Read timestamp.
00137  * @param api FHSS instance.
00138  * @return Timestamp to be written in received frame.
00139  */
00140 typedef uint32_t fhss_read_timestamp(const fhss_api_t *api);
00142 /**
00143  * @brief Get retransmission period. FHSS uses different retry periods for different destinations.
00144  * @param api FHSS instance.
00145  * @param destination_address Destination MAC address.
00146  * @param phy_mtu PHY MTU size.
00147  * @return Retransmission period.
00148  */
00149 typedef uint16_t fhss_get_retry_period(const fhss_api_t *api, uint8_t *destination_address, uint16_t phy_mtu);
00151 /**
00152  * @brief Initialize MAC functions.
00153  * @param api FHSS instance.
00154  * @param callbacks MAC functions to be called from FHSS.
00155  * @return  0 Success.
00156  * @return -1 Invalid parameters.
00157  */
00158 typedef int fhss_init_callbacks(const fhss_api_t *api, fhss_callback_t *callbacks);
00160 /**
00161  * \brief Struct fhss_api defines interface between software MAC and FHSS.
00162  * Application creates fhss_api_s object by calling FHSS creator function.
00163  * Then object is passed to software MAC which then initialises it's own callback functions.
00164  */
00165 struct fhss_api {
00166     fhss_is_broadcast_channel *is_broadcast_channel;    /**< FHSS is broadcast channel. */
00167     fhss_use_broadcast_queue *use_broadcast_queue;      /**< FHSS queue check. */
00168     fhss_tx_handle *tx_handle;                          /**< FHSS TX handle. */
00169     fhss_check_tx_conditions *check_tx_conditions;      /**< Check TX permission. */
00170     fhss_receive_frame *receive_frame;                  /**< Notification of received FHSS synch or synch request frame. */
00171     fhss_data_tx_done *data_tx_done;                    /**< Data TX done callback. */
00172     fhss_data_tx_fail *data_tx_fail;                    /**< Data TX or CCA failed callback. */
00173     fhss_synch_state_set *synch_state_set;              /**< Change synchronization state. */
00174     fhss_read_timestamp *read_timestamp;                /**< Read timestamp. */
00175     fhss_get_retry_period *get_retry_period;            /**< Get retransmission period. */
00176     fhss_init_callbacks *init_callbacks;                /**< Initialize MAC functions. */
00177 };
00179 /**
00180  * @brief Read MAC TX queue size.
00181  * @param fhss_api FHSS instance.
00182  * @param broadcast_queue Queue type to be read (true if broadcast queue).
00183  * @return Queue size (number of frames queued).
00184  */
00185 typedef uint16_t mac_read_tx_queue_size(const fhss_api_t *fhss_api, bool broadcast_queue);
00187 /**
00188  * @brief Read MAC address.
00189  * @param fhss_api FHSS instance.
00190  * @param mac_address MAC address pointer.
00191  * @return  0 Success.
00192  * @return -1 Invalid parameters.
00193  */
00194 typedef int mac_read_mac_address(const fhss_api_t *fhss_api, uint8_t *mac_address);
00196 /**
00197  * @brief Read PHY datarate.
00198  * @param fhss_api FHSS instance.
00199  * @return PHY datarate.
00200  */
00201 typedef uint32_t mac_read_datarate(const fhss_api_t *fhss_api);
00203 /**
00204  * @brief Change channel.
00205  * @param fhss_api FHSS instance.
00206  * @param channel_number Channel number.
00207  * @return  0 Success.
00208  * @return -1 Invalid parameters.
00209  */
00210 typedef int mac_change_channel(const fhss_api_t *fhss_api, uint8_t channel_number);
00212 /**
00213  * @brief Send FHSS frame.
00214  * @param fhss_api FHSS instance.
00215  * @param frame_type Frame type of packet (Frames types are defined by FHSS api).
00216  * @return  0 Success.
00217  * @return -1 Invalid parameters.
00218  */
00219 typedef int mac_send_fhss_frame(const fhss_api_t *fhss_api, int frame_type);
00221 /**
00222  * @brief Send notification when FHSS synchronization is lost.
00223  * @param fhss_api FHSS instance.
00224  * @return  0 Success.
00225  * @return -1 Invalid parameters.
00226  */
00227 typedef int mac_synch_lost_notification(const fhss_api_t *fhss_api);
00229 /**
00230  * @brief Poll TX queue.
00231  * @param fhss_api FHSS instance.
00232  * @return  0 Success.
00233  * @return -1 Invalid parameters.
00234  */
00235 typedef int mac_tx_poll(const fhss_api_t *fhss_api);
00237 /**
00238  * @brief Broadcast channel notification from FHSS.
00239  * @param fhss_api FHSS instance.
00240  * @param broadcast_time Remaining broadcast time.
00241  * @return  0 Success.
00242  * @return -1 Invalid parameters.
00243  */
00244 typedef int mac_broadcast_notify(const fhss_api_t *fhss_api, uint32_t broadcast_time);
00246 /**
00247  * @brief Read coordinator MAC address.
00248  * @param fhss_api FHSS instance.
00249  * @param mac_address MAC address pointer.
00250  * @return  0 Success.
00251  * @return -1 Invalid parameters.
00252  */
00253 typedef int mac_read_coordinator_mac_address(const fhss_api_t *fhss_api, uint8_t *mac_address);
00255 /**
00256  * \brief Struct fhss_callback defines functions that software MAC needs to implement.
00257  * Function pointers are passed to FHSS using fhss_init_callbacks function.
00258  */
00259 struct fhss_callback {
00260     mac_read_tx_queue_size *read_tx_queue_size;                 /**< Read MAC TX queue size. */
00261     mac_read_mac_address *read_mac_address;                     /**< Read MAC address. */
00262     mac_read_datarate *read_datarate;                           /**< Read PHY datarate. */
00263     mac_change_channel *change_channel;                         /**< Change channel. */
00264     mac_send_fhss_frame *send_fhss_frame;                       /**< Send FHSS frame. */
00265     mac_synch_lost_notification *synch_lost_notification;       /**< Send notification when FHSS synchronization is lost. */
00266     mac_tx_poll *tx_poll;                                       /**< Poll TX queue. */
00267     mac_broadcast_notify *broadcast_notify;                     /**< Broadcast channel notification from FHSS. */
00268     mac_read_coordinator_mac_address *read_coord_mac_address;   /**< Read coordinator MAC address. */
00269 };
00271 #ifdef __cplusplus
00272 }
00273 #endif
00275 #endif // FHSS_API_H