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Exporter Class Reference

Exporter Class Reference

Inherited by AtmelStudio, CMSIS, CoIDE, DS5_5, EmBitz, GNUARMEclipse, IAR, KDS, LPCXpresso, Makefile, SimplicityV3, Uvision, and ZIP.

Public Member Functions

def __init__
def get_toolchain
def add_config
def flags
def get_source_paths
def gen_file
def make_key
def group_project_files
def build
def generate
def is_target_supported

Detailed Description

Exporter base class

This class is meant to be extended by individual exporters, and provides a
few helper methods for implementing an exporter with either jinja2 or

Definition at line 40 of file exporters.py.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def __init__ (   self,
  extra_symbols = None,
  resources = None 
Initialize an instance of class exporter
Positional arguments:
target        - the target mcu/board for this project
export_dir    - the directory of the exported project files
project_name  - the name of the project
toolchain     - an instance of class toolchain

Keyword arguments:
extra_symbols - a list of extra macros for the toolchain
resources     - an instance of class Resources

Definition at line 55 of file exporters.py.

Member Function Documentation

def add_config (   self )
Add the containgin directory of mbed_config.h to include dirs

Definition at line 87 of file exporters.py.

def build (   project_name,
  log_name = 'build_log.txt',
  cleanup = True 
Invoke exporters build command within a subprocess.
This method is assumed to be executed at the same level as exporter
project files and project source code.
See uvision/__init__.py, iar/__init__.py, and makefile/__init__.py for
example implemenation.

Positional Arguments:
project_name - the name of the project to build; often required by
exporter's build command.

Keyword Args:
log_name - name of the build log to create. Written and printed out,
deleted if cleanup = True
cleanup - a boolean dictating whether exported project files and
build log are removed after build

Returns -1 on failure and 0 on success

Reimplemented in Makefile, and Uvision.

Definition at line 173 of file exporters.py.

def flags (   self )
Returns a dictionary of toolchain flags.
Keys of the dictionary are:
cxx_flags    - c++ flags
c_flags      - c flags
ld_flags     - linker flags
asm_flags    - assembler flags
common_flags - common options

Definition at line 96 of file exporters.py.

def gen_file (   self,
Generates a project file from a template using jinja

Definition at line 133 of file exporters.py.

def generate (   self )
Generate an IDE/tool specific project file

Reimplemented in Eclipse, Makefile, Arm, Sw4STM32, Uvision, and VSCode.

Definition at line 195 of file exporters.py.

def get_source_paths (   self )
Returns a list of the directories where source files are contained

Definition at line 124 of file exporters.py.

def get_toolchain (   self )
A helper getter function that we should probably eliminate

Definition at line 83 of file exporters.py.

def group_project_files (   self,
Group the source files by their encompassing directory
Positional Arguments:
sources - array of source locations

Returns a dictionary of {group name: list of source locations}

Definition at line 162 of file exporters.py.

def is_target_supported (   cls,
Query support for a particular target

NOTE: override this method if your exporter does not provide a static list of targets

Positional Arguments:
target_name - the name of the target.

Reimplemented in Makefile, and Uvision.

Definition at line 200 of file exporters.py.

def make_key (   self,
From a source file, extract group name
Positional Arguments:
src - the src's location

Definition at line 148 of file exporters.py.