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00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
00003  *
00004  * SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
00005  *
00006  * Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00007  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00008  *
00009  * https://www.mbed.com/licenses/PBL-1.0
00010  *
00011  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
00012  *
00013  */
00015 #ifndef DHCP_SERVICE_API_H_
00016 #define DHCP_SERVICE_API_H_
00018 #include <ns_types.h>
00019 /**
00020  * \file dhcp_service_api.h
00021  * \brief DHCP server connection interfaces
00022  *
00023  * \section dhcp-service DHCP Service Instance
00024  * - dhcp_service_init(), Initializes a DHCP service.
00025  * - dhcp_service_delete(), Removes the DHCP service.
00026  *
00027  * \section dhcp-msg DHCP Service Messages
00028  * - dhcp_service_send_req(), Sends out DHCP request messages.
00029  * - dhcp_service_send_resp(), Sends out DHCP response messages.
00030  *
00031  * \section dhcp-tim DHCP Service Timers (retry timers)
00032  * - dhcp_service_send_req(), Sends out DHCP request messages.
00033  * - dhcp_service_set_retry_timers(), Sets the retransmission parameters.
00034  * - dhcp_service_req_remove(), Stops retrying and retransmissions.
00035  * - dhcp_service_timer_tick(), Indicates if a timeout occurred.
00036  *
00037  */
00039 /** Defines Debug Trace String for DHCP service */
00042 /*
00043  * Return values for callbacks
00044  */
00046 /** Message belongs to someone else. */
00047 #define RET_MSG_NOT_MINE 0
00048 /** Message is handled. */
00049 #define RET_MSG_ACCEPTED 1
00050 /** Message is not the final one and needs to hold on a bit. */
00051 #define RET_MSG_WAIT_ANOTHER -1
00052 /** Message is unexpected or corrupted. */
00053 #define RET_MSG_CORRUPTED -2
00055 /** \name DHCP options */
00056 ///@{
00057 #define TX_OPT_NONE                     0x00    /**< No options. */
00058 #define TX_OPT_USE_SHORT_ADDR           0x01    /**< Use short addresses. */
00059 #define TX_OPT_MULTICAST_HOP_LIMIT_64   0x02    /**< Use multicast hop limit of 64. */
00060 ///@}
00062 /**
00063  * /enum dhcp_instance_type
00064  * /brief DHCP instance types.
00065  */
00066 typedef enum dhcp_instance_type
00067 {
00070 } dhcp_instance_type_e;
00072 /**
00073  * \brief DHCP Service receive callback.
00074  *
00075  * When the DHCP service receives a DHCP message it will go through a list of registered DHCP services instances
00076  * until some instance acknowledges that the message belongs to it.
00077  * \param instance_id An instance of registered server.
00078  * \param msg_tr_id The message transaction ID.
00079  * \param msg_name Message type.
00080  * \param msg_ptr An allocated message pointer. Should not deallocate unless RET_MSG_ACCEPTED returned (then responsibility of client).
00081  * \param msg_len The length of the message.
00082  *
00083  * Return values
00084  * \return RET_MSG_ACCEPTED - Message is handled.
00085  * \return RET_MSG_CORRUPTED - Message is corrupted.
00086  * \return RET_MSG_NOT_MINE - Message belongs to someone else.
00087  */
00089 typedef int (dhcp_service_receive_req_cb)(uint16_t instance_id, uint32_t msg_tr_id, uint8_t msg_name, uint8_t *msg_ptr, uint16_t msg_len);
00091 /**
00092  * \brief DHCP Service Message Response callback.
00093  *
00094  * When the DHCP service receives a response to a DHCP message, this callback receives it.
00095  *
00096  * \param instance_id An instance of a registered server.
00097  * \param ptr A pointer for the client object.
00098  * \param msg_name Message type.
00099  * \param msg_ptr An allocated message pointer. Should not deallocate unless RET_MSG_ACCEPTED returned (then responsibility of client).
00100  * \param msg_len The length of the message.
00101  *
00102  * Return values
00103  * \return RET_MSG_ACCEPTED - Message is handled
00104  * \return RET_MSG_WAIT_ANOTHER - This message was not the last one for this transaction and a new reply is expected.
00105  */
00107 typedef int (dhcp_service_receive_resp_cb)(uint16_t instance_id, void *ptr, uint8_t msg_name,  uint8_t *msg_ptr, uint16_t msg_len);
00110 /**
00111  * \brief Initialize a new DHCP service instance.
00112  *
00113  * Creates and shares the socket for other DHCP services.
00114  *
00115  * \param interface_id Interface for the new DHCP instance.
00116  * \param instance_type The type of the new DHCP instance.
00117  * \param receive_req_cb A callback function to receive DHCP messages.
00118  *
00119  * \return Instance ID that is used to identify the service.
00120  */
00122 uint16_t dhcp_service_init(int8_t interface_id, dhcp_instance_type_e instance_type, dhcp_service_receive_req_cb *receive_req_cb);
00124 /**
00125 * \brief Deletes a server instance.
00126 *
00127 * Removes all data related to this instance.
00128 *
00129 * \param instance The instance ID of the registered server.
00130 */
00131 void dhcp_service_delete(uint16_t instance);
00133 /**
00134 * \brief Sends a DHCP response message.
00135 *
00136 * \param msg_tr_id The message transaction ID.
00137 * \param options Options for this request.
00138 * \param msg_ptr An allocated message pointer. Should not deallocate unless RET_MSG_ACCEPTED returned (then responsibility of client).
00139 * \param msg_len The length of the message.
00140 *
00141 * \return 0, if everything went fine.
00142 * \return -1, if error occurred.
00143 */
00144 int dhcp_service_send_resp(uint32_t msg_tr_id, uint8_t options, uint8_t *msg_ptr, uint16_t msg_len);
00147 /**
00148  * \brief Sends DHCP request message.
00149  *
00150  * Service takes care of retransmissions.
00151  *
00152  * \param instance_id The instance ID of the registered server.
00153  * \param options Options for this request.
00154  * \param ptr A void pointer to the client object.
00155  * \param addr The address of the server.
00156  * \param msg_ptr An allocated message pointer. This pointer is the responsibility of the service after this call.
00157  * \param msg_len The length of the message.
00158  * \param receive_resp_cb Callback pointer
00159  *
00160  * \return Transaction ID of the DHCP transaction
00161  * \return 0, if error occurred.
00162  */
00163 uint32_t dhcp_service_send_req(uint16_t instance_id, uint8_t options, void *ptr, const uint8_t addr[static 16], uint8_t *msg_ptr, uint16_t msg_len, dhcp_service_receive_resp_cb *receive_resp_cb);
00165 /**
00166  * \brief Setting retransmission parameters.
00167  *
00168  * Sets the retransmission parameters for this transaction.
00169  *
00170  * \param msg_tr_id The message transaction ID.
00171  * \param timeout_init An initial timeout value.
00172  * \param timeout_max The maximum timeout value when initial timeout is doubled with every retry.
00173  * \param retrans_max The maximum number of retries after which an error is received.
00174  *
00175  */
00176 void dhcp_service_set_retry_timers(uint32_t msg_tr_id, uint16_t timeout_init, uint16_t timeout_max, uint8_t retrans_max);
00178 /**
00179  * \brief Stops transactions for a message (retransmissions).
00180  *
00181  * Clears off sending retransmissions for a particular message transaction by finding it via its message transaction ID.
00182  *
00183  * \param msg_tr_id The message transaction ID.
00184  *
00185  */
00186 void dhcp_service_req_remove(uint32_t msg_tr_id);
00188 /**
00189  * \brief Timer tick function for retransmissions.
00190  *
00191  * Retransmission timer ticks should be increased with 100ms interval, if necessary. One tick is one millisecond.
00192  *
00193  */
00194 bool dhcp_service_timer_tick(uint16_t ticks);
00197 #endif //DHCP_SERVICE_API_H_