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Hook Class Reference

Hook Class Reference

Public Member Functions

def hook_add_compiler
def hook_add_linker
def hook_add_assembler
def hook_add_binary
def hook_cmdline_compiler
def hook_cmdline_linker
def hook_cmdline_assembler
def hook_cmdline_binary
def get_cmdline_compiler
def get_cmdline_linker
def get_cmdline_assembler
def get_cmdline_binary

Detailed Description

A compiler class that may be hooked

Definition at line 62 of file hooks.py.

Member Function Documentation

def get_cmdline_assembler (   self,
Get the assmebler command line after running all hooks

Positional arguments:
cmdline - the initial command line

Definition at line 197 of file hooks.py.

def get_cmdline_binary (   self,
Get the binary command line after running all hooks

Positional arguments:
cmdline - the initial command line

Definition at line 205 of file hooks.py.

def get_cmdline_compiler (   self,
Get the compiler command line after running all hooks

Positional arguments:
cmdline - the initial command line

Definition at line 181 of file hooks.py.

def get_cmdline_linker (   self,
Get the linker command line after running all hooks

Positional arguments:
cmdline - the initial command line

Definition at line 189 of file hooks.py.

def hook_add_assembler (   self,
Add a hook to the assemble

Positional Arguments:
hook_step - one of the _HOOK_STEPS
function - the function to add to the list of hooks

Definition at line 105 of file hooks.py.

def hook_add_binary (   self,
Add a hook to the elf to binary tool

Positional Arguments:
hook_step - one of the _HOOK_STEPS
function - the function to add to the list of hooks

Definition at line 114 of file hooks.py.

def hook_add_compiler (   self,
Add a hook to the compiler

Positional Arguments:
hook_step - one of the _HOOK_STEPS
function - the function to add to the list of hooks

Definition at line 87 of file hooks.py.

def hook_add_linker (   self,
Add a hook to the linker

Positional Arguments:
hook_step - one of the _HOOK_STEPS
function - the function to add to the list of hooks

Definition at line 96 of file hooks.py.

def hook_cmdline_assembler (   self,
Add a hook to the assembler command line

Positional arguments:
function - the function to call

Definition at line 152 of file hooks.py.

def hook_cmdline_binary (   self,
Add a hook to the elf to bin tool command line

Positional arguments:
function - the function to call

Definition at line 160 of file hooks.py.

def hook_cmdline_compiler (   self,
Add a hook to the compiler command line

Positional arguments:
function - the function to call

Definition at line 136 of file hooks.py.

def hook_cmdline_linker (   self,
Add a hook to the linker command line

Positional arguments:
function - the function to call

Definition at line 144 of file hooks.py.