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CallChain Class Reference

Group one or more functions in an instance of a CallChain, then call them in sequence using CallChain::call(). More...

#include <CallChain.h>

Inherits NonCopyable< CallChain >.

Public Member Functions

 MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ("mbed-os-5.6","This class is not part of the ""public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future.") CallChain(int size
 Create an empty chain.
 MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ("mbed-os-5.6","This class is not part of the ""public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future.") pFunctionPointer_t add(Callback< void()> func)
 Add a function at the end of the chain.
template<typename T , typename M >
 MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ("mbed-os-5.1","The add function does not support cv-qualifiers. Replaced by ""add(callback(obj, method)).") pFunctionPointer_t add(T *obj
 Add a function at the end of the chain.
template<typename T , typename M >
 MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ("mbed-os-5.1","The add_front function does not support cv-qualifiers. Replaced by ""add_front(callback(obj, method)).") pFunctionPointer_t add_front(T *obj
 Add a function at the beginning of the chain.
 MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ("mbed-os-5.6","This class is not part of the ""public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future.") pFunctionPointer_t get(int i) const
 Get a function object from the chain.
 MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ("mbed-os-5.6","This class is not part of the ""public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future.") int find(pFunctionPointer_t f) const
 Look for a function object in the call chain.
 MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ("mbed-os-5.6","This class is not part of the ""public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future.") void clear()
 Clear the call chain (remove all functions in the chain).
 MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ("mbed-os-5.6","This class is not part of the ""public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future.") bool remove(pFunctionPointer_t f)
 Remove a function object from the chain.
 MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ("mbed-os-5.6","This class is not part of the ""public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future.") void call()
 Call all the functions in the chain in sequence.

Private Member Functions

 MBED_DEPRECATED ("Invalid copy construction of a NonCopyable resource.") NonCopyable(const NonCopyable &)
 NonCopyable copy constructor.
 MBED_DEPRECATED ("Invalid copy assignment of a NonCopyable resource.") NonCopyable &operator
 NonCopyable copy assignment operator.

Detailed Description

Group one or more functions in an instance of a CallChain, then call them in sequence using CallChain::call().

Used mostly by the interrupt chaining code, but can be used for other purposes.

Synchronization level: Not protected


 #include "mbed.h"

 CallChain chain;

 void first(void) {
     printf("'first' function.\n");

 void second(void) {
     printf("'second' function.\n");

 class Test {
     void f(void) {
         printf("A::f (class member).\n");

 int main() {
     Test test;

     chain.add(&test, &Test::f);

Definition at line 74 of file CallChain.h.

Member Function Documentation

MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ( "mbed-os-5.6"  ,
"This class is not part of the ""public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future."   

Create an empty chain.

size(optional) Initial size of the chain
MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ( "mbed-os-5.6"  ,
"This class is not part of the ""public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future."   

Call all the functions in the chain in sequence.

MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ( "mbed-os-5.6"  ,
"This class is not part of the ""public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future."   

Remove a function object from the chain.

  • f the function object to remove
true if the function object was found and removed, false otherwise.
MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ( "mbed-os-5.6"  ,
"This class is not part of the ""public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future."   

Clear the call chain (remove all functions in the chain).

MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ( "mbed-os-5.6"  ,
"This class is not part of the ""public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future."   
) const

Look for a function object in the call chain.

fthe function object to search
The index of the function object if found, -1 otherwise.
MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ( "mbed-os-5.6"  ,
"This class is not part of the ""public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future."   
) const

Get a function object from the chain.

ifunction object index
The function object at position 'i' in the chain
MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ( "mbed-os-5.1"  ,
"The add_front function does not support cv-qualifiers. Replaced by ""add_front(callback(obj, method))."   

Add a function at the beginning of the chain.

objpointer to the object to call the member function on
methodpointer to the member function to be called
The function object created for 'tptr' and 'mptr'
MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ( "mbed-os-5.1"  ,
"The add function does not support cv-qualifiers. Replaced by ""add(callback(obj, method))."   

Add a function at the end of the chain.

objpointer to the object to call the member function on
methodpointer to the member function to be called
The function object created for 'obj' and 'method'
MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ( "mbed-os-5.6"  ,
"This class is not part of the ""public API of mbed-os and is being removed in the future."   

Add a function at the end of the chain.

funcA pointer to a void function
The function object created for 'func'