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PackFlashAlgo Class Reference

PackFlashAlgo Class Reference

Public Member Functions

def __init__
def format_algo_data
def process_template

Detailed Description

Class to wrap a flash algo

This class is intended to provide easy access to the information
provided by a flash algorithm, such as symbols and the flash
algorithm itself.

Definition at line 52 of file flash_algo.py.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def __init__ (   self,
Construct a PackFlashAlgorithm from an ElfFileSimple

Definition at line 74 of file flash_algo.py.

Member Function Documentation

def format_algo_data (   self,
Return a string representing algo_data suitable for use in a template

The string is intended for use in a template.

:param spaces: The number of leading spaces for each line
:param group_size: number of elements per line (element type
    depends of format)
:param fmt: - format to create - can be either "hex" or "c"

Definition at line 112 of file flash_algo.py.

def process_template (   self,
  data_dict = None 
Generate output from the supplied template

All the public methods and fields of this class can be accessed from
the template via "algo".

:param template_path: Relative or absolute file path to the template
:param output_path: Relative or absolute file path to create
:param data_dict: Additional data to use when generating

Definition at line 144 of file flash_algo.py.