Rtos API example

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00001 from urllib2 import urlopen, URLError
00002 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
00003 from os.path import join, dirname, basename
00004 from os import makedirs
00005 from errno import EEXIST
00006 from threading import Thread
00007 from Queue import Queue
00008 from re import compile, sub
00009 from sys import stderr, stdout
00010 from itertools import takewhile
00011 import argparse
00012 from json import dump, load
00013 from zipfile import ZipFile
00014 from tempfile import gettempdir
00015 import warnings
00016 from distutils.version import LooseVersion
00018 warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")
00020 from fuzzywuzzy import process
00022 RootPackURL = "http://www.keil.com/pack/index.idx"
00024 LocalPackDir = dirname(__file__)
00025 LocalPackIndex = join(LocalPackDir, "index.json")
00026 LocalPackAliases = join(LocalPackDir, "aliases.json")
00029 protocol_matcher = compile("\w*://")
00030 def strip_protocol(url) :
00031     return protocol_matcher.sub("", str(url))
00033 def largest_version(content) :
00034     return sorted([t['version'] for t in content.package.releases('release')],
00035                   reverse=True, key=lambda v: LooseVersion(v))[0]
00037 def do_queue(Class, function, interable) :
00038     q = Queue()
00039     threads = [Class(q, function) for each in range(20)]
00040     for each in threads :
00041         each.setDaemon(True)
00042         each.start()
00043     for thing in interable :
00044         q.put(thing)
00045     q.join()
00047 class Reader (Thread) :
00048     def __init__(self, queue, func) :
00049         Thread.__init__(self)
00050         self.queue = queue
00051         self.func = func
00052     def run(self) :
00053         while True :
00054             url = self.queue.get()
00055             self.func(url)
00056             self.queue.task_done()
00059 class Cache  () :
00060     """ The Cache object is the only relevant API object at the moment
00062     Constructing the Cache object does not imply any caching.
00063     A user of the API must explicitly call caching functions.
00065     :param silent: A boolean that, when True, significantly reduces the printing of this Object
00066     :type silent: bool
00067     :param no_timeouts: A boolean that, when True, disables the default connection timeout and low speed timeout for downloading things.
00068     :type no_timeouts: bool
00069     """
00070     def __init__ (self, silent, no_timeouts) :
00071         self.silent  = silent
00072         self.counter  = 0
00073         self.total  = 1
00074         self._index  = {}
00075         self._aliases  = {}
00076         self.urls  = None
00077         self.no_timeouts  = no_timeouts
00078         self.data_path  = gettempdir()
00080     def display_counter (self, message) :
00081         stdout.write("{} {}/{}\r".format(message, self.counter , self.total ))
00082         stdout.flush()
00084     def cache_file  (self, url) :
00085         """Low level interface to caching a single file.
00087         :param url: The URL to cache.
00088         :type url: str
00089         :rtype: None
00090         """
00091         if not self.silent  : print("Caching {}...".format(url))
00092         dest = join(self.data_path , strip_protocol(url))
00093         try :
00094             makedirs(dirname(dest))
00095         except OSError as exc :
00096             if exc.errno == EEXIST : pass
00097             else : raise
00098         try:
00099             with open(dest, "wb+") as fd :
00100                 fd.write(urlopen(url).read())
00101         except URLError as e:
00102             stderr.write(e.reason)
00103         self.counter  += 1
00104         self.display_counter ("Caching Files")
00106     def pdsc_to_pack  (self, url) :
00107         """Find the URL of the specified pack file described by a PDSC.
00109         The PDSC is assumed to be cached and is looked up in the cache by its URL.
00111         :param url: The url used to look up the PDSC.
00112         :type url: str
00113         :return: The url of the PACK file.
00114         :rtype: str
00115         """
00116         content = self.pdsc_from_cache (url)
00117         new_url = content.package.url.get_text()
00118         if not new_url.endswith("/") :
00119             new_url = new_url + "/"
00120         return (new_url + content.package.vendor.get_text() + "." +
00121                 content.package.find('name').get_text() + "." +
00122                 largest_version(content) + ".pack")
00124     def cache_pdsc_and_pack (self, url) :
00125         self.cache_file (url)
00126         try :
00127             self.cache_file (self.pdsc_to_pack (url))
00128         except AttributeError :
00129             stderr.write("[ ERROR ] {} does not appear to be a conforming .pdsc file\n".format(url))
00130             self.counter  += 1
00132     def get_urls (self):
00133         """Extract the URLs of all know PDSC files.
00135         Will pull the index from the internet if it is not cached.
00137         :return: A list of all PDSC URLs
00138         :rtype: [str]
00139         """
00140         if not self.urls  :
00141             try : root_data = self.pdsc_from_cache (RootPackURL)
00142             except IOError : root_data = self.cache_and_parse (RootPackURL)
00143             self.urls  = ["/".join([pdsc.get('url').strip("/"),
00144                                    pdsc.get('name').strip("/")])
00145                          for pdsc in root_data.find_all("pdsc")]
00146         return self.urls 
00148     def _extract_dict(self, device, filename, pack) :
00149         to_ret = dict(pdsc_file=filename, pack_file=pack)
00150         try : to_ret["memory"] = dict([(m["id"], dict(start=m["start"],
00151                                                       size=m["size"]))
00152                                        for m in device("memory")])
00153         except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e : pass
00154         try: algorithms = device("algorithm")
00155         except:
00156             try: algorithms = device.parent("algorithm")
00157             except: pass
00158         else:
00159             if not algorithms:
00160                 try: algorithms = device.parent("algorithm")
00161                 except: pass
00162         try : to_ret["algorithm"] = dict([(algo.get("name").replace('\\','/'),
00163                                            dict(start=algo["start"],
00164                                                 size=algo["size"],
00165                                                 ramstart=algo.get("ramstart",None),
00166                                                 ramsize=algo.get("ramsize",None),
00167                                                 default=algo.get("default",1)))
00168                                        for algo in algorithms])
00169         except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e: pass
00170         try: to_ret["debug"] = device.parent.parent.debug["svd"]
00171         except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e : pass
00172         try: to_ret["debug"] = device.parent.debug["svd"]
00173         except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e : pass
00174         try: to_ret["debug"] = device.debug["svd"]
00175         except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e : pass
00177         to_ret["compile"] = {}
00178         try: compile_l1 = device.parent("compile")
00179         except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e : compile_l1 = []
00180         try: compile_l2 = device.parent.parent("compile")
00181         except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e : compile_l2 = []
00182         compile = compile_l2 + compile_l1
00183         for c in compile:
00184             try: to_ret["compile"]["header"] = c["header"]
00185             except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e : pass
00186             try: to_ret["compile"]["define"] =  c["define"]
00187             except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e : pass
00189         try: to_ret["core"] = device.parent.processor['dcore']
00190         except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e : pass
00191         try: to_ret["core"] = device.parent.parent.processor['dcore']
00192         except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e : pass
00194         to_ret["processor"] = {}
00195         try: proc_l1 = device("processor")
00196         except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e: proc_l1 = []
00197         try: proc_l2 = device.parent("processor")
00198         except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e: proc_l2 = []
00199         try: proc_l3 = device.parent.parent("processor")
00200         except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e: proc_l3 = []
00201         proc = proc_l3 + proc_l2 + proc_l1
00202         for p in proc:
00203             try: to_ret["processor"]["fpu"] = p['dfpu']
00204             except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e: pass
00205             try: to_ret["processor"]["endianness"] = p['dendian']
00206             except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e: pass
00207             try: to_ret["processor"]["clock"] = p['dclock']
00208             except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e: pass
00210         try: to_ret["vendor"] = device.parent['dvendor']
00211         except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e: pass
00212         try: to_ret["vendor"] = device.parent.parent['dvendor']
00213         except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e: pass
00215         if not to_ret["processor"]:
00216             del to_ret["processor"]
00218         if not to_ret["compile"]:
00219             del to_ret["compile"]
00221         to_ret['debug-interface'] = []
00223         return to_ret
00225     def _generate_index_helper(self, d) :
00226         try :
00227             pack = self.pdsc_to_pack (d)
00228             self._index .update(dict([(dev['dname'], self._extract_dict (dev, d, pack)) for dev in
00229                                     (self.pdsc_from_cache (d)("device"))]))
00230         except AttributeError as e :
00231             stderr.write("[ ERROR ] file {}\n".format(d))
00232             print(e)
00233         self.counter  += 1
00234         self.display_counter ("Generating Index")
00236     def _generate_aliases_helper(self, d) :
00237         try :
00238             mydict = []
00239             for dev in self.pdsc_from_cache (d)("board"):
00240                 try :
00241                     mydict.append((dev['name'], dev.mounteddevice['dname']))
00242                 except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError) as e:
00243                     pass
00244             self._aliases .update(dict(mydict))
00245         except (AttributeError, TypeError) as e :
00246             pass
00247         self.counter  += 1
00248         self.display_counter ("Scanning for Aliases")
00250     def get_flash_algorthim_binary (self, device_name, all=False) :
00251         """Retrieve the flash algorithm file for a particular part.
00253         Assumes that both the PDSC and the PACK file associated with that part are in the cache.
00255         :param device_name: The exact name of a device
00256         :param all: Return an iterator of all flash algos for this device
00257         :type device_name: str
00258         :return: A file-like object that, when read, is the ELF file that describes the flashing algorithm
00259         :return: A file-like object that, when read, is the ELF file that describes the flashing algorithm.
00260                  When "all" is set to True then an iterator for file-like objects is returned
00261         :rtype: ZipExtFile or ZipExtFile iterator if all is True
00262         """
00263         device = self.index [device_name]
00264         pack = self.pack_from_cache (device)
00265         algo_itr = (pack.open(path) for path in device['algorithm'].keys())
00266         return algo_itr if all else algo_itr.next()
00268     def get_svd_file (self, device_name) :
00269         """Retrieve the flash algorithm file for a particular part.
00271         Assumes that both the PDSC and the PACK file associated with that part are in the cache.
00273         :param device_name: The exact name of a device
00274         :type device_name: str
00275         :return: A file-like object that, when read, is the ELF file that describes the flashing algorithm
00276         :rtype: ZipExtFile
00277         """
00278         device = self.index [device_name]
00279         pack = self.pack_from_cache (device)
00280         return pack.open(device['debug'])
00282     def generate_index(self) :
00283         self._index  = {}
00284         self.counter  = 0
00285         do_queue(Reader, self._generate_index_helper , self.get_urls ())
00286         with open(LocalPackIndex, "wb+") as out:
00287             self._index ["version"] = "0.1.0"
00288             dump(self._index , out)
00289         stdout.write("\n")
00291     def generate_aliases(self) :
00292         self._aliases  = {}
00293         self.counter  = 0
00294         do_queue(Reader, self._generate_aliases_helper , self.get_urls ())
00295         with open(LocalPackAliases, "wb+") as out:
00296             dump(self._aliases , out)
00297         stdout.write("\n")
00299     def find_device(self, match) :
00300         choices = process.extract(match, self.index .keys(), limit=len(self.index ))
00301         choices = sorted([(v, k) for k, v in choices], reverse=True)
00302         if choices : choices = list(takewhile(lambda t: t[0] == choices[0][0], choices))
00303         return [(v, self.index [v]) for k,v in choices]
00305     def dump_index_to_file(self, file) :
00306         with open(file, "wb+") as out:
00307             dump(self.index , out)
00309     @property
00310     def index (self) :
00311         """An index of most of the important data in all cached PDSC files.
00313         :Example:
00315         >>> from ArmPackManager import Cache
00316         >>> a = Cache()
00317         >>> a.index["LPC1768"]
00318         {u'algorithm': {u'RAMsize': u'0x0FE0',
00319                 u'RAMstart': u'0x10000000',
00320                 u'name': u'Flash/LPC_IAP_512.FLM',
00321                 u'size': u'0x80000',
00322                 u'start': u'0x00000000'},
00323          u'compile': [u'Device/Include/LPC17xx.h', u'LPC175x_6x'],
00324          u'debug': u'SVD/LPC176x5x.svd',
00325          u'pdsc_file': u'http://www.keil.com/pack/Keil.LPC1700_DFP.pdsc',
00326          u'memory': {u'IRAM1': {u'size': u'0x8000', u'start': u'0x10000000'},
00327                      u'IRAM2': {u'size': u'0x8000', u'start': u'0x2007C000'},
00328                      u'IROM1': {u'size': u'0x80000', u'start': u'0x00000000'}}}
00331         """
00332         if not self._index  :
00333             with open(LocalPackIndex) as i :
00334                 self._index  = load(i)
00335         return self._index 
00336     @property
00337     def aliases (self) :
00338         """An index of most of the important data in all cached PDSC files.
00340         :Example:
00342         >>> from ArmPackManager import Cache
00343         >>> a = Cache()
00344         >>> a.index["LPC1768"]
00345         {u'algorithm': {u'RAMsize': u'0x0FE0',
00346                 u'RAMstart': u'0x10000000',
00347                 u'name': u'Flash/LPC_IAP_512.FLM',
00348                 u'size': u'0x80000',
00349                 u'start': u'0x00000000'},
00350          u'compile': [u'Device/Include/LPC17xx.h', u'LPC175x_6x'],
00351          u'debug': u'SVD/LPC176x5x.svd',
00352          u'pdsc_file': u'http://www.keil.com/pack/Keil.LPC1700_DFP.pdsc',
00353          u'memory': {u'IRAM1': {u'size': u'0x8000', u'start': u'0x10000000'},
00354                      u'IRAM2': {u'size': u'0x8000', u'start': u'0x2007C000'},
00355                      u'IROM1': {u'size': u'0x80000', u'start': u'0x00000000'}}}
00358         """
00359         if not self._aliases  :
00360             with open(LocalPackAliases) as i :
00361                 self._aliases  = load(i)
00362         return self._aliases 
00364     def cache_everything (self) :
00365         """Cache every PACK and PDSC file known.
00367         Generates an index afterwards.
00369         .. note:: This process may use 4GB of drive space and take upwards of 10 minutes to complete.
00370         """
00371         self.cache_pack_list (self.get_urls ())
00372         self.generate_index ()
00373         self.generate_aliases ()
00375     def cache_descriptors (self) :
00376         """Cache every PDSC file known.
00378         Generates an index afterwards.
00380         .. note:: This process may use 11MB of drive space and take upwards of 1 minute.
00381         """
00382         self.cache_descriptor_list (self.get_urls ())
00383         self.generate_index ()
00384         self.generate_aliases ()
00386     def cache_descriptor_list (self, list) :
00387         """Cache a list of PDSC files.
00389         :param list: URLs of PDSC files to cache.
00390         :type list: [str]
00391         """
00392         self.total  = len(list)
00393         self.display_counter ("Caching Files")
00394         do_queue(Reader, self.cache_file , list)
00395         stdout.write("\n")
00397     def cache_pack_list (self, list) :
00398         """Cache a list of PACK files, referenced by their PDSC URL
00400         :param list: URLs of PDSC files to cache.
00401         :type list: [str]
00402         """
00403         self.total  = len(list) * 2
00404         self.display_counter ("Caching Files")
00405         do_queue(Reader, self.cache_pdsc_and_pack , list)
00406         stdout.write("\n")
00408     def pdsc_from_cache (self, url) :
00409         """Low level inteface for extracting a PDSC file from the cache.
00411         Assumes that the file specified is a PDSC file and is in the cache.
00413         :param url: The URL of a PDSC file.
00414         :type url: str
00415         :return: A parsed representation of the PDSC file.
00416         :rtype: BeautifulSoup
00417         """
00418         dest = join(self.data_path , strip_protocol(url))
00419         with open(dest, "r") as fd :
00420             return BeautifulSoup(fd, "html.parser")
00422     def pack_from_cache (self, device) :
00423         """Low level inteface for extracting a PACK file from the cache.
00425         Assumes that the file specified is a PACK file and is in the cache.
00427         :param url: The URL of a PACK file.
00428         :type url: str
00429         :return: A parsed representation of the PACK file.
00430         :rtype: ZipFile
00431         """
00432         return ZipFile(join(self.data_path ,
00433                             strip_protocol(device['pack_file'])))
00435     def gen_dict_from_cache() :
00436         pdsc_files = pdsc_from_cache(RootPackUrl)
00438     def cache_and_parse (self, url) :
00439         """A low level shortcut that Caches and Parses a PDSC file.
00441         :param url: The URL of the PDSC file.
00442         :type url: str
00443         :return: A parsed representation of the PDSC file.
00444         :rtype: BeautifulSoup
00445         """
00446         self.cache_file (url)
00447         return self.pdsc_from_cache (url)