Rtos API example

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed-os/tools/test/examples/update.py	Sat Feb 23 12:13:36 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# This script is used to update the version of mbed-os used within a specified set of example
+# applications. The list of examples to be updated lives in the examples.json file and is 
+# shared with the examples.py script. Logging is used to provide varying levels of output
+# during execution.
+# There are two modes that can be used:
+# 1) Update the ARMmbed/master branch of the specified example
+#    This is done by updating a user fork of the example and then raising a pull request
+#    against ARMmbed/master.
+# 2) Update a different ARMmbed branch of the specified example
+#    A branch to update is specified. If it doesn't already exist then it is first created.
+#    This branch will be updated and the change automatically pushed. The new branch will 
+#    be created from the specified source branch.
+# The modes are controlled via configuration data in the json file.
+# E.g.
+#   "update-config" : {
+#      "help" : "Update each example repo with a version of mbed-os identified by the tag",
+#      "via-fork" : {
+#        "help" : "-f cmd line option. Update a fork",
+#        "github-user" : "adbridge"          
+#      },
+#      "via-branch" : {
+#        "help" : "-b cmd line option. Update dst branch, created from src branch",
+#        "src-branch" : "mbed-os-5.5.0-rc1-oob",
+#        "dst-branch" : "mbed-os-5.5.0-rc2-oob"    
+#      },
+#      "tag" : "mbed-os-5.5.0-rc2"
+# Command usage:
+# update.py -c <config file> - T <github_token> -f -b -s
+# Where:
+# -c <config file> - Optional path to an examples file.
+#                    If not proved the default is 'examples.json'
+# -T <github_token> - GitHub token for secure access (required)
+# -f                 - Update forked repos. This will use the 'github-user' parameter in
+#                      the 'via-fork' section.
+# -b                 - Update branched repos. This will use the "src-branch" and 
+#                      "dst-branch" parameters in the 'via-branch' section. The destination
+#                      branch is created from the source branch (if it doesn't already exist).
+# -s               - Show the status of any pull requests with a tag matching that in the 
+#                    json config file
+# The options -f, -b and -s are mutually exlusive. Only one can be specified.
+import os
+from os.path import dirname, abspath, basename, join
+import sys
+import logging
+import argparse
+import json
+import subprocess
+import shutil
+import stat
+import re
+from github import Github, GithubException
+from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader, StrictUndefined
+from jinja2.environment import Environment
+ROOT = abspath(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__file__)))))
+sys.path.insert(0, ROOT)
+import examples_lib as lib
+from examples_lib import SUPPORTED_TOOLCHAINS
+userlog = logging.getLogger("Update")
+# Set logging level
+# Everything is output to the log file
+logfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'update.log')
+fh = logging.FileHandler(logfile)
+# create console handler with a higher log level
+ch = logging.StreamHandler()
+formatter = logging.Formatter('%(name)s: %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
+# add the handlers to the logger
+def run_cmd(command, exit_on_failure=False):
+    """ Run a system command returning a status result
+    This is just a wrapper for the run_cmd_with_output() function, but
+    only returns the status of the call.
+    Args:
+    command - system command as a list of tokens
+    exit_on_failure - If True exit the program on failure (default = False)
+    Returns:
+    return_code - True/False indicating the success/failure of the command
+    """
+    return_code, _ = run_cmd_with_output(command, exit_on_failure)       
+    return return_code
+def run_cmd_with_output(command, exit_on_failure=False):
+    """ Run a system command returning a status result and any command output
+    Passes a command to the system and returns a True/False result once the 
+    command has been executed, indicating success/failure. If the command was 
+    successful then the output from the command is returned to the caller.
+    Commands are passed as a string. 
+    E.g. The command 'git remote -v' would be passed in as "git remote -v"
+    Args:
+    command - system command as a string
+    exit_on_failure - If True exit the program on failure (default = False)
+    Returns:
+    return_code - True/False indicating the success/failure of the command
+    output - The output of the command if it was successful, else empty string
+    """
+    text = '[Exec] ' + command
+    userlog.debug(text)
+    returncode = 0
+    output = ""
+    try:
+        output = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True)
+    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+        text = "The command " + str(command) + "failed with return code: " + str(e.returncode)
+        userlog.warning(text)
+        returncode = e.returncode
+        if exit_on_failure:
+            sys.exit(1)
+    return returncode, output
+def rmtree_readonly(directory):
+    """ Deletes a readonly directory tree.
+    Args:
+    directory - tree to delete
+    """
+    def remove_readonly(func, path, _):
+        os.chmod(path, stat.S_IWRITE)
+        func(path)
+    shutil.rmtree(directory, onerror=remove_readonly)
+def find_all_examples(path):
+    """ Search the path for examples
+    Description:
+    Searches the path specified for sub-example folders, ie those containing an
+    mbed-os.lib file. If found adds the path to the sub-example to a list which is 
+    then returned.
+    Args:
+    path - path to search.
+    examples - (returned) list of paths to example directories.
+    """
+    examples = []
+    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
+        if 'mbed-os.lib' in files:
+            examples += [root]
+    return examples
+def upgrade_single_example(example, tag, directory, ref):
+    """ Update the mbed-os version for a single example
+    Description:
+    Updates the mbed-os.lib file in the example specified to correspond to the 
+    version specified by the GitHub tag supplied. Also deals with 
+    multiple sub-examples in the GitHub repo, updating them in the same way.
+    Args:
+    example - json example object containing the GitHub repo to update.
+    tag - GitHub tag corresponding to a version of mbed-os to upgrade to.
+    directory - directory path for the example.
+    ref - SHA corresponding to the supplied tag
+    returns - True if the upgrade was successful, False otherwise.
+    """
+    cwd = os.getcwd()
+    os.chdir(directory)
+    return_code = False
+    if os.path.isfile("mbed-os.lib"):
+        # Rename command will fail on some OS's if the target file already exist,
+        # so ensure if it does, it is deleted first.
+        if os.path.isfile("mbed-os.lib_bak"):
+            os.remove("mbed-os.lib_bak")
+        os.rename("mbed-os.lib", "mbed-os.lib_bak")
+    else:
+        userlog.error("Failed to backup mbed-os.lib prior to updating.")
+        return False
+    # mbed-os.lib file contains one line with the following format
+    # e.g. https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/#0789928ee7f2db08a419fa4a032fffd9bd477aa7
+    lib_re = re.compile('https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/#[A-Za-z0-9]+')
+    updated = False
+    # Scan through mbed-os.lib line by line
+    with open('mbed-os.lib_bak', 'r') as ip, open('mbed-os.lib', 'w') as op:
+        for line in ip:
+            opline = line
+            regexp = lib_re.match(line)
+            if regexp:
+                opline = 'https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/#' + ref
+                updated = True
+            op.write(opline)
+    if updated:
+        # Setup and run the git add command
+        cmd = "git add mbed-os.lib"
+        return_code = run_cmd(cmd)
+    os.chdir(cwd)
+    return not return_code
+def prepare_fork(arm_example):
+    """ Synchronises a cloned fork to ensure it is up to date with the original. 
+    Description:
+    This function sets a fork of an ARMmbed repo to be up to date with the 
+    repo it was forked from. It does this by hard resetting to the ARMmbed
+    master branch.    
+    Args:
+    arm_example - Full GitHub repo path for original example 
+    """
+    logstr = "In: " + os.getcwd()
+    userlog.debug(logstr)
+    for cmd in ["git remote add armmbed " + str(arm_example),
+                "git fetch armmbed",
+                "git reset --hard armmbed/master",
+                "git push -f origin"]:
+        run_cmd(cmd, exit_on_failure=True)
+def prepare_branch(src, dst):
+    """ Set up at branch ready for use in updating examples 
+    Description:
+    This function checks whether or not the supplied dst branch exists.
+    If it does not, the branch is created from the src and pushed to the origin.
+    The branch is then switched to.
+    Args:
+    src - branch to create the dst branch from
+    dst - branch to update
+    """
+    userlog.debug("Preparing branch: %s", dst)
+    # Check if branch already exists or not.
+    # We can use the 'git branch -r' command. This returns all the remote branches for
+    # the current repo.
+    # The output consists of a list of lines of the form:
+    # origin/<branch>
+    # From these we need to extract just the branch names to a list and then check if 
+    # the specified dst exists in that list
+    branches = []
+    cmd = "git branch -r"
+    _, output = run_cmd_with_output(cmd, exit_on_failure=True)
+    branches = [line.split('/')[1] for line in output.split('\n') if 'origin' in line and not '->' in line]
+    if not dst in branches:
+        # OOB branch does not exist thus create it, first ensuring we are on 
+        # the src branch and then check it out
+        for cmd in ["git checkout " + str(src),
+                    "git checkout -b " + str(dst),
+                    "git push -u origin " + str(dst)]:
+            run_cmd(cmd, exit_on_failure=True)
+    else: 
+        cmd = "git checkout " + str(dst)
+        run_cmd(cmd, exit_on_failure=True)
+def upgrade_example(github, example, tag, ref, user, src, dst, template):
+    """ Upgrade all versions of mbed-os.lib found in the specified example repo
+    Description:
+    Clone a version of the example specified and upgrade all versions of 
+    mbed-os.lib found within its tree.  The version cloned and how it 
+    is upgraded depends on the user, src and dst settings.
+    1) user == None 
+       The destination branch will be updated with the version of mbed-os 
+       idenfied by the tag. If the destination branch does not exist then it
+       will be created from the source branch.
+    2) user != None 
+       The master branch of a fork of the example will be updated with the 
+       version of mbed-os identified by the tag.
+    Args:
+    github - GitHub instance to allow internal git commands to be run
+    example - json example object containing the GitHub repo to update.
+    tag - GitHub tag corresponding to a version of mbed-os to upgrade to.
+    ref - SHA corresponding to the tag
+    user - GitHub user name 
+    src - branch to create the dst branch from
+    dst - branch to update
+    returns True if the upgrade was successful, False otherwise
+    """
+    # If a user has not been specified then branch update will be used and thus
+    # the git user will be ARMmbed.        
+    if not user:
+        user = 'ARMmbed'
+    ret = False
+    userlog.info("Updating example '%s'", example['name'])
+    userlog.debug("User: %s", user)
+    userlog.debug("Src branch: %s", (src or "None"))
+    userlog.debug("Dst branch: %s", (dst or "None"))
+    cwd = os.getcwd()
+    update_repo = "https://github.com/" + user + '/' + example['name'] 
+    userlog.debug("Update repository: %s", update_repo)
+    # Clone the example repo
+    clone_cmd = "git clone " +  str(update_repo)
+    return_code = run_cmd(clone_cmd)
+    if not return_code:
+        # Find all examples
+        example_directories = find_all_examples(example['name'])
+        os.chdir(example['name'])
+        # If the user is ARMmbed then a branch is used.
+        if user == 'ARMmbed':
+            prepare_branch(src, dst)    
+        else:          
+            prepare_fork(example['github'])
+        for example_directory in example_directories:
+            if not upgrade_single_example(example, tag, os.path.relpath(example_directory, example['name']), ref):
+                os.chdir(cwd)
+                return False
+        # Setup and run the commit command
+        commit_cmd = "git commit -m \"Updating mbed-os to " + tag + "\""
+        return_code = run_cmd(commit_cmd)
+        if not return_code:
+            # Setup and run the push command
+            push_cmd = "git push origin"
+            return_code = run_cmd(push_cmd)
+            if not return_code:
+                # If the user is not ARMmbed then a fork is being used
+                if user != 'ARMmbed': 
+                    upstream_repo = 'ARMmbed/'+ example['name']
+                    userlog.debug("Upstream repository: %s", upstream_repo)
+                    # Check access to mbed-os repo
+                    try:
+                        repo = github.get_repo(upstream_repo, False)
+                    except:
+                        userlog.error("Upstream repo: %s, does not exist - skipping", upstream_repo)
+                        return False
+                    jinja_loader = FileSystemLoader(template)
+                    jinja_environment = Environment(loader=jinja_loader,
+                                                    undefined=StrictUndefined)
+                    pr_body = jinja_environment.get_template("pr.tmpl").render(tag=tag)
+                    # Raise a PR from release-candidate to master
+                    user_fork = user + ':master' 
+                    try:
+                        pr = repo.create_pull(title='Updating mbed-os to ' + tag, head=user_fork, base='master', body=pr_body)
+                        ret = True
+                    except GithubException as e:
+                        # Default to False
+                         userlog.error("Pull request creation failed with error: %s", e)
+                else:
+                    ret = True                    
+            else:
+                userlog.error("Git push command failed.")
+        else:
+            userlog.error("Git commit command failed.")
+    else:
+        userlog.error("Git clone %s failed", update_repo)
+    os.chdir(cwd)
+    return ret
+def create_work_directory(path):
+    """ Create a new directory specified in 'path', overwrite if the directory already 
+        exists.
+    Args:
+    path - directory path to be created. 
+    """
+    if os.path.exists(path):
+        userlog.info("'%s' directory already exists. Deleting...", path)
+        rmtree_readonly(path)
+    os.makedirs(path)
+def check_update_status(examples, github, tag):
+    """ Check the status of previously raised update pull requests
+    Args:
+    examples - list of examples which should have had PRs raised against them. 
+    github - github rest API instance
+    tag - release tag used for the update
+    """
+    for example in examples:
+        repo_name = ''.join(['ARMmbed/', example['name']])
+        try:
+            repo = github.get_repo(repo_name, False)
+        except Exception as exc:
+            text = "Cannot access: " + str(repo_name)
+            userlog.error(text)
+            userlog.exception(exc)
+            sys.exit(1)
+        # Create the full repository filter component
+        org_str = ''.join(['repo:ARMmbed/', example['name']])
+        filt = ' '.join([org_str, 'is:pr', tag])        
+        merged = False
+        issues = github.search_issues(query=(filt))
+        pr_list = [repo.get_pull(issue.number) for issue in issues]
+        # Should only be one matching PR but just in case, go through paginated list  
+        for pr in pr_list:
+            if pr.merged:
+                userlog.info("%s - '%s': MERGED", example['name'], pr.title)
+            elif pr.state == 'open':
+                userlog.info("%s - '%s': PENDING", example['name'], pr.title)
+            elif pr.state == 'closed':
+                userlog.info("%s - '%s': CLOSED NOT MERGED", example['name'], pr.title)
+            else:
+                userlog.error("%s: Cannot find a pull request for %s", example['name'], tag)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__,
+                                     formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
+    parser.add_argument('-c', '--config_file', help="Path to the configuration file (default is 'examples.json')", default='examples.json')
+    parser.add_argument('-T', '--github_token', help="GitHub token for secure access")
+    exclusive = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
+    exclusive.add_argument('-f', '--fork', help="Update a fork", action='store_true')
+    exclusive.add_argument('-b', '--branch', help="Update a branch", action='store_true')
+    exclusive.add_argument('-s', '--status', help="Show examples update status", action='store_true')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    # Load the config file
+    with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), args.config_file)) as config:
+        if not config:
+            userlog.error("Failed to load config file '%s'", args.config_file)
+            sys.exit(1)
+        json_data = json.load(config)
+    github = Github(args.github_token)
+    config = json_data['update-config']
+    tag = config['tag']
+    user = None
+    src = "master"
+    dst = None
+    if args.status:
+        # This option should only be called after an update has been performed
+        check_update_status(json_data['examples'], github, tag)
+        exit(0)
+    # Create working directory
+    create_work_directory('examples')
+    if args.fork:
+        user = config['via-fork']['github-user']
+    elif args.branch:
+        src = config['via-branch']['src-branch']
+        dst = config['via-branch']['dst-branch']
+    else:
+        userlog.error("Must specify either -f or -b command line option")
+        exit(1)    
+    # Get the github sha corresponding to the specified mbed-os tag
+    cmd = "git rev-list -1 " + tag
+    return_code, ref = run_cmd_with_output(cmd) 
+    if return_code:
+        userlog.error("Could not obtain SHA for tag: %s",  tag)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    # Loop through the examples
+    failures = []
+    successes = []
+    results = {}
+    template = dirname(abspath(__file__))
+    os.chdir('examples')
+    for example in json_data['examples']:
+        # Determine if this example should be updated and if so update any found 
+        # mbed-os.lib files. 
+        result = upgrade_example(github, example, tag, ref, user, src, dst, template)
+        if result:
+            successes += [example['name']]
+        else:
+            failures += [example['name']]
+    os.chdir('../')
+    # Finish the script and report the results
+    userlog.info("Finished updating examples")
+    if successes:
+        for success in successes:
+            userlog.info(" SUCCEEDED: %s", success)
+    if failures:
+        for fail in failures:
+            userlog.info(" FAILED: %s", fail)