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api_msg_msg Struct Reference

api_msg_msg Struct Reference

This struct includes everything that is necessary to execute a function for a netconn in another thread context (mainly used to process netconns in the tcpip_thread context to be thread safe). More...

#include <api_msg.h>

Data Fields

struct netconnconn
 The netconn which to process - always needed: it includes the semaphore which is used to block the application thread until the function finished.
err_t err
 The return value of the function executed in tcpip_thread.
struct netbuf * b
 used for do_send

Detailed Description

This struct includes everything that is necessary to execute a function for a netconn in another thread context (mainly used to process netconns in the tcpip_thread context to be thread safe).

Definition at line 61 of file LPC1768/lwip/include/lwip/api_msg.h.

Field Documentation

struct netbuf* b

used for do_send

Definition at line 70 of file LPC1768/lwip/include/lwip/api_msg.h.

struct netconn * conn

The netconn which to process - always needed: it includes the semaphore which is used to block the application thread until the function finished.

Definition at line 64 of file LPC1768/lwip/include/lwip/api_msg.h.

err_t err

The return value of the function executed in tcpip_thread.

Definition at line 66 of file LPC1768/lwip/include/lwip/api_msg.h.