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00001 // based on
00003 #ifndef ADXL345_H
00004 #define ADXL345_H
00006 #include "mbed.h"
00007 #include "I2C_Sensor.h"
00009 #define ADXL345_I2C_ADDRESS    0xA6
00010 //the ADXL345 7-bit address is 0x53 when ALT ADDRESS is low as it is on the sparkfun chip: when ALT ADDRESS is high the address is 0x1D
00011 //when ALT ADDRESS pin is high:  
00012 //#define ADXL345_I2C_ADDRESS    0x3A 
00014 // register addresses
00015 #define ADXL345_DEVID_REG          0x00
00016 #define ADXL345_THRESH_TAP_REG     0x1D
00017 #define ADXL345_OFSX_REG           0x1E
00018 #define ADXL345_OFSY_REG           0x1F
00019 #define ADXL345_OFSZ_REG           0x20
00020 #define ADXL345_DUR_REG            0x21
00021 #define ADXL345_LATENT_REG         0x22
00022 #define ADXL345_WINDOW_REG         0x23
00023 #define ADXL345_THRESH_ACT_REG     0x24
00024 #define ADXL345_THRESH_INACT_REG   0x25
00025 #define ADXL345_TIME_INACT_REG     0x26
00026 #define ADXL345_ACT_INACT_CTL_REG  0x27
00027 #define ADXL345_THRESH_FF_REG      0x28
00028 #define ADXL345_TIME_FF_REG        0x29
00029 #define ADXL345_TAP_AXES_REG       0x2A
00030 #define ADXL345_ACT_TAP_STATUS_REG 0x2B
00031 #define ADXL345_BW_RATE_REG        0x2C
00032 #define ADXL345_POWER_CTL_REG      0x2D
00033 #define ADXL345_INT_ENABLE_REG     0x2E
00034 #define ADXL345_INT_MAP_REG        0x2F
00035 #define ADXL345_INT_SOURCE_REG     0x30
00036 #define ADXL345_DATA_FORMAT_REG    0x31
00037 #define ADXL345_DATAX0_REG         0x32
00038 #define ADXL345_DATAX1_REG         0x33
00039 #define ADXL345_DATAY0_REG         0x34
00040 #define ADXL345_DATAY1_REG         0x35
00041 #define ADXL345_DATAZ0_REG         0x36
00042 #define ADXL345_DATAZ1_REG         0x37
00043 #define ADXL345_FIFO_CTL           0x38
00044 #define ADXL345_FIFO_STATUS        0x39
00046 #define ADXL345_X           0x00
00047 #define ADXL345_Y           0x01
00048 #define ADXL345_Z           0x02
00050 typedef char byte;
00052 class ADXL345 : public I2C_Sensor
00053 {
00054     public:
00055         ADXL345(PinName sda, PinName scl);                  // constructor, uses I2C_Sensor class
00056         void read();                                // read all axis to array
00058         float offset[3];                                    // offset that's subtracted from every measurement
00059         void calibrate(int times, float separation_time);   // calibration from 'times' measurements with 'separation_time' time between (get an offset while not moving)
00061     private:
00062         void readraw();
00063 };
00065 #endif