Jan Mader
- Committer:
- madjan01
- Date:
- 2021-05-12
- Revision:
- 7:3b3a2c158803
- Parent:
- 6:9b34fadd6628
- Child:
- 8:2ae54c6a9dc6
File content as of revision 7:3b3a2c158803:
#include "mbed.h" #include "platform/mbed_thread.h" #include "SDBlockDevice.h" #include "FATFileSystem.h" #include "EncoderCounter.h" #include "Servo.h" #include "SpeedController.h" #include "RangeFinder.h" using namespace std::chrono; DigitalIn user_button(USER_BUTTON); DigitalOut led(LED1); // create servo objects Servo servo_0(PA_6); //Infrarotsensor DigitalIn pirlinks(PB_12); DigitalIn pirhinten(PC_7); //pc_6 puuty besetzt DigitalIn pirrechts(PB_7); //pc_8 DigitalIn pirvorne(PA_1); //pc-9 //im moment nich eingebaut // DigitalIn ultrarechts(PB_1); // DigitalIn ultralinks(PB_13); //immer eins behoben // DigitalIn ultravorne(PC_3); //DigitalIn ultrahinten(PA_9);// immer eins behoben //Output //Servo DigitalOut pumpe(PB_6); DigitalOut summer(PA_0); // Groove Ultrasonic Ranger V2.0 // https://ch.rs-online.com/web/p/entwicklungstools-sensorik/1743238/?cm_mmc=CH-PLA-DS3A-_-google-_-CSS_CH_DE_Raspberry_Pi_%26_Arduino_und_Entwicklungstools_Whoop-_-(CH:Whoop!)+Entwicklungstools+Sensorik-_-1743238&matchtype=&pla-306637898829&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpdqDBhCSARIsAEUJ0hOLQOOaw_2-Ob03u4YGwXthQPeSyjaazFqNuMkTIT8Ie18B1pD7P9AaAn18EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds /* create range finder object (ultra sonic distance sensor) */ RangeFinder ultrarechts(PB_1, 5782.0f, 0.02f, 17500); // 1/Ts_ms = 20 Hz parametrization RangeFinder ultralinks(PB_13, 5782.0f, 0.02f, 17500); // 1/Ts_ms = 20 Hz parametrization RangeFinder ultravorne(PC_3, 5782.0f, 0.02f, 17500); // 1/Ts_ms = 20 Hz parametrization RangeFinder ultrahinten(PA_9, 5782.0f, 0.02f, 17500); // 1/Ts_ms = 20 Hz parametrization /* input your stuff here */ Timer loop_timer; int Ts_ms = 500; char CZustand = 0; int spritz = 3000; //spritzzeit float fhelp = 0.0f; /*Interrupt*/ /* class Counter { public: Counter(PinName pin) : _interrupt(pin) { // create the InterruptIn on the pin specified to Counter _interrupt.rise(this, &Counter::increment); // attach increment function of this counter instance } void increment() { _count++; } int read() { return _count; } private: InterruptIn _interrupt; volatile int _count; }; */ int main() { servo_0.Enable(1500,20000); while (true) { loop_timer.reset(); /* if(user_button == 0) { printf("nicht aktiv"); CZustand = 0; }*/ /* ------------- start hacking ------------- -------------*/ if(CZustand == 0) // Aufstarten { //servo_0.SetPosition(1000); printf("Grundposition\n"); thread_sleep_for(100); CZustand = 1; } if(CZustand == 1)// Warten { led = 0; //printf("Warten\n"); if(pirrechts == 1) { CZustand = 2; printf("erkennt\n"); thread_sleep_for(100); //servo_0.SetPosition(2000); } if(pirvorne == 1) { CZustand = 4; } if(pirlinks == 1) { CZustand = 3; } if(pirhinten == 1) { printf("pirhinten\n"); CZustand = 5; } } else{ } if(CZustand == 2)//rechts erkennt { led = 1; printf("rechts\n"); servo_0.SetPosition(2100); //1250 if(ultrarechts.read_cm() < 200) { fhelp = ultrarechts.read_cm(); printf("%f;",fhelp); CZustand = 6; } else{ CZustand = 0; } thread_sleep_for(100); } if(CZustand == 3)//links erkennt { printf("links\n"); servo_0.SetPosition(1000); if(ultralinks.read_cm() < 200) { fhelp = ultralinks.read_cm(); printf("%3.3f;\r\n",fhelp); CZustand = 6; } else{ CZustand = 0; //thread_sleep_for(100); } thread_sleep_for(100); } if(CZustand == 4)//vorne erkennt { printf("vorne\n"); servo_0.SetPosition(1500); if(ultravorne.read_cm() < 200) { CZustand = 6; } else{ CZustand = 0; thread_sleep_for(100); } thread_sleep_for(100); } if(CZustand == 5)//hinten erkennt { printf("hinten\n"); servo_0.SetPosition(2450); if(ultrahinten.read_cm() < 200) { CZustand = 6; } else{ CZustand = 0; } thread_sleep_for(100); } if(CZustand == 6)//spritzen { printf("spritzen"); summer = 1; pumpe = 1; thread_sleep_for(spritz); // Spritzzeit summer = 0; pumpe = 0; CZustand = 0; servo_0.SetPosition(1500); } /* ------------- stop hacking ------------- -------------*/ int T_loop_ms = duration_cast<milliseconds>(loop_timer.elapsed_time()).count(); int dT_loop_ms = Ts_ms - T_loop_ms; thread_sleep_for(dT_loop_ms); } }