
Dependencies:   images mbed

Fork of display by madhu sudhana

--- a/main.cpp	Sat Feb 28 20:26:45 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Jun 13 11:34:37 2018 +0000
@@ -23,34 +23,85 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "ili9163lcd.h"
+#include "stdint.h"
 ILI9163 TFT(D2,D3,D4,D5,D6);
 int main()
-    TFT.lcdInitialise(LCD_ORIENTATION2);
-    TFT.lcdClearDisplay(Black);
-    TFT.lcdLine(0, 0, 127, 127, White);
-    TFT.lcdLine(0, 127, 127, 0, White);
-    TFT.lcdCircle(64, 64, 32, Red);
-    TFT.lcdCircle(64, 64, 40, Blue);
-    TFT.lcdCircle(64, 64, 48, Green);
-    TFT.lcdFilledRectangle(62, 62, 65, 65, Green);
-    TFT.set_font((unsigned char*)font11x16); 
-    TFT.lcdPutS("Hallo", TFT.lcdTextX(2), TFT.lcdTextY(0),Black, White);
-    //TFT.lcdPutS("Hello World!", TFT.lcdTextX(4), TFT.lcdTextY(0), Blue, Cyan);  // Vordergund, Hintergrund
-    TFT.set_font((unsigned char*)font5x8);
-    TFT.lcdPutS("The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog 0123456789", TFT.lcdTextX(0), TFT.lcdTextY(4), Black, Magenta);
+   int X=DarkGreen;
+    TFT.lcdInitialise(LCD_ORIENTATION0);
+      TFT.lcdClearDisplay(X);
+    wait_ms(300);
+   TFT.lcdLine(0, 0, 127, 127, Red);
+      wait_ms(300);
+    TFT.lcdLine(0, 127, 127, 0, Red);
+   wait_ms(300);
+    TFT.lcdCircle(64, 64, 32, Red);
+   wait_ms(300);
+    TFT.lcdCircle(64, 64, 40, Blue);
+   wait_ms(300);
+    TFT.lcdCircle(64, 64, 48, Green);
+  wait_ms(300);
+    TFT.lcdFilledRectangle(62, 62, 65, 65, Green);
+    wait_ms(300);
+    TFT.lcdClearDisplay(X);
+    TFT.set_font((unsigned char*)font11x16); 
+  TFT.lcdPutS("SENSESEMI", TFT.lcdTextX(1), TFT.lcdTextY(2),White,Blue);
+    //TFT.lcdPutS("Hello World!", TFT.lcdTextX(4), TFT.lcdTextY(0), Blue, Cyan);  // Vordergund, Hintergrund
+    wait_ms(300);
+    TFT.set_font((unsigned char*)font12x12);
+     TFT.lcdClearDisplay(X);
+   TFT.lcdPutS("The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog 0123456789", TFT.lcdTextX(0), TFT.lcdTextY(4), White, Red);
+   wait_ms(300);
+    TFT.lcdClearDisplay(X);
+    TFT.lcdPutS("BP=120          ECG=78  SUGAR=80", TFT.lcdTextX(2), TFT.lcdTextY(4), White, Red);
+ wait_ms(300);
+  TFT.lcdInitialise(LCD_ORIENTATION1);
+ TFT.set_font((unsigned char*)font12x12);
+     TFT.lcdClearDisplay(White);
+   TFT.lcdPutS("The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog 0123456789", TFT.lcdTextX(0), TFT.lcdTextY(4), White, Red);
+   wait_ms(300);
+    TFT.lcdClearDisplay(White);
+    TFT.lcdPutS("BP=120          ECG=78  SUGAR=80", TFT.lcdTextX(2), TFT.lcdTextY(4), White, Red);
+    wait_ms(300);
+     TFT.lcdClearDisplay(White);
+         TFT.lcdInitialise(LCD_ORIENTATION2);
+        TFT.set_font((unsigned char*)font12x12);
+     TFT.lcdClearDisplay(White);
+     wait_ms(300);
+   TFT.lcdPutS("The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog 0123456789", TFT.lcdTextX(0), TFT.lcdTextY(4), White, Red);
+   wait_ms(300);
+    TFT.lcdClearDisplay(White);
+    TFT.lcdPutS("BP=120          ECG=78  SUGAR=80", TFT.lcdTextX(2), TFT.lcdTextY(4), White, Red);
+    wait_ms(300);
+     TFT.lcdClearDisplay(White);
+         TFT.lcdInitialise(LCD_ORIENTATION3);
+        TFT.set_font((unsigned char*)font12x12);
+     TFT.lcdClearDisplay(White);
+     wait_ms(300);
+   TFT.lcdPutS("The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog 0123456789", TFT.lcdTextX(0), TFT.lcdTextY(4), White,Red);
+   wait_ms(300);
+    TFT.lcdClearDisplay(White);
+    TFT.lcdPutS("BP=120          ECG=78  SUGAR=80", TFT.lcdTextX(2), TFT.lcdTextY(4), White, Red);
+    wait_ms(300);
+     TFT.lcdClearDisplay(White);
+     wait_ms(300);
+ //   TFT.lcdWriteData(NXP_whole_bmp[i], NXP_whole_bmp[i+1]);// for bit mapping