This is the Tiny Vector Matrix Expression Templates library found at It is the fastest and most compact matrix lib out there (for < 10x10 matricies). I have done some minor tweaks to make it compile for mbed. For examples and hints on how to use, see:

Dependents:   Eurobot_2012_Secondary

Embed: (wiki syntax)

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AliasProxy< E > Class Template Reference

AliasProxy< E > Class Template Reference

Assign proxy for alias Matrices and Vectors. More...

#include <tvmet/AliasProxy.h>


AliasProxy< E > alias (E &expr)
 Simplify syntax for alias Matrices and Vectors, where aliasing left hand values appear in the expression.

Detailed Description

template<class E>
class tvmet::AliasProxy< E >

Assign proxy for alias Matrices and Vectors.

A short lived object to provide simplified alias syntax. Only the friend function alias is allowed to create such a object. The proxy calls the appropriate member alias_xyz() which have to use temporaries to avoid overlapping memory regions.

See also:
Some Notes alias
Thanks to ublas-dev group, where the principle idea comes from.

Definition at line 67 of file AliasProxy.h.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

AliasProxy<E> alias ( E &  expr ) [friend]

Simplify syntax for alias Matrices and Vectors, where aliasing left hand values appear in the expression.

 typedef tvmet::Matrix<double, 10, 10>  matrix_type;
 matrix_type                    m;
 alias(m) += trans(m);
See also:
Some Notes alias

Definition at line 49 of file AliasProxy.h.