Test 1-wire , working wtih parasite power and few sensors with mixed power supply.

Dependencies:   mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Mon May 10 08:14:32 2010 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

crc8.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
crc8.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
onewire.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
onewire.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 1197076b78f4 crc8.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/crc8.cpp	Mon May 10 08:14:32 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#define CRC8INIT	0x00
+#define CRC8POLY	0x18              //0X18 = X^8+X^5+X^4+X^0
+uint8_t	crc8 ( uint8_t *data_in, uint16_t number_of_bytes_to_read )
+	uint8_t	 crc;
+	uint16_t loop_count;
+	uint8_t  bit_counter;
+	uint8_t  data;
+	uint8_t  feedback_bit;
+	crc = CRC8INIT;
+	for (loop_count = 0; loop_count != number_of_bytes_to_read; loop_count++)
+	{
+		data = data_in[loop_count];
+		bit_counter = 8;
+		do {
+			feedback_bit = (crc ^ data) & 0x01;
+			if ( feedback_bit == 0x01 ) {
+				crc = crc ^ CRC8POLY;
+			}
+			crc = (crc >> 1) & 0x7F;
+			if ( feedback_bit == 0x01 ) {
+				crc = crc | 0x80;
+			}
+			data = data >> 1;
+			bit_counter--;
+		} while (bit_counter > 0);
+	}
+	return crc;
diff -r 000000000000 -r 1197076b78f4 crc8.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/crc8.h	Mon May 10 08:14:32 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+uint8_t	crc8 (uint8_t* data_in, uint16_t number_of_bytes_to_read);
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 1197076b78f4 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon May 10 08:14:32 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "onewire.h"
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
+BYTE search_sensors(void) {
+    BYTE i;
+    BYTE diff, nSensors;
+    printf( "Scanning Bus for DS18X20\n" );
+    nSensors = 0;
+    for ( diff = OW_SEARCH_FIRST;
+            diff != OW_LAST_DEVICE && nSensors < MAXSENSORS ; ) {
+        DS18X20_find_sensor( &diff, &id[0] );
+        if ( diff == OW_PRESENCE_ERR ) {
+            printf( "No Sensor found\n" );
+            break;
+        }
+        if ( diff == OW_DATA_ERR ) {
+            printf( "Bus Error\n" );
+            break;
+        }
+        for (i=0;i<OW_ROMCODE_SIZE;i++)
+            gSensorIDs[nSensors][i]=id[i];
+        nSensors++;
+    }
+    return nSensors;
+void uart_put_temp(const uint8_t subzero, uint8_t cel, uint8_t cel_frac_bits) {
+//   uint8_t buffer[sizeof(int)*8+1];
+    uint16_t decicelsius;
+    float temperature;
+    pc.printf("[%s", (subzero)?"-":"+");
+//    pc.printf("%d.",cel);
+    //itoa((cel_frac_bits*DS18X20_FRACCONV),buffer,10);
+    //sprintf(buffer, "%d",(cel_frac_bits*DS18X20_FRACCONV));
+    //j=4-strlen(buffer);
+    //for (i=0;i<j;i++) pc.printf("0");
+    //pc.printf("%s °C [",buffer);
+//    pc.printf("  freak %d ::", (cel_frac_bits*DS18X20_FRACCONV));
+    // "rounding"
+    //pc.printf((subzero)?'-':'+');
+    decicelsius = DS18X20_temp_to_decicel(subzero, cel, cel_frac_bits);
+    temperature = decicelsius;
+    temperature = temperature/10;
+    pc.printf("%4.1f C]\n", temperature);
+    //pc.printf( "%d 0°C]\n",decicelsius);
+int main(void) {
+    pc.printf("Qantum 1 wire interface test!\n");
+    uint8_t nSensors, i;
+    uint8_t subzero, cel, cel_frac_bits;
+    nSensors = search_sensors();
+    ow_command( DS18X20_CONVERT_T, 0);
+    pc.printf("Sensors found : %d\n", nSensors);
+    if (nSensors > 0) {
+        for (i=0; i<nSensors; i++) {
+            pc.printf("Sensor # %d is a ", i+1);
+            if ( gSensorIDs[i][0] == DS18S20_ID) {
+                pc.printf("DS18S20/DS1820 ");
+            } else pc.printf("DS18B20 ");
+            if ( DS18X20_get_power_status( &gSensorIDs[i][0] ) ==
+                    DS18X20_POWER_PARASITE )
+                pc.printf( "parasite" );
+            else pc.printf( "externally" );
+            pc.printf( " powered\n" );
+            DS18X20_show_id_uart( &gSensorIDs[i][0], OW_ROMCODE_SIZE );
+        }
+    }
+    pc.printf( "Convert_T and Read Sensor by Sensor (reverse order)\n" );
+    for ( i=nSensors; i>0; i-- ) {
+        if ( DS18X20_start_meas( DS18X20_POWER_PARASITE, &gSensorIDs[i-1][0] ) == DS18X20_OK ) {
+            wait_ms(DS18B20_TCONV_12BIT);
+            pc.printf("Sensor# %d = ", i);
+            if ( DS18X20_read_meas( &gSensorIDs[i-1][0], &subzero, &cel, &cel_frac_bits) == DS18X20_OK ) {
+                uart_put_temp(subzero, cel, cel_frac_bits);
+            } else pc.printf("CRC Error (lost connection?)\n");
+        } else pc.printf("Start meas. failed (short circuit?)\n");
+    }
+    while (1) {
+        for ( i=nSensors; i>0; i-- ) {
+            // if ( DS18X20_start_meas( DS18X20_POWER_PARASITE, &gSensorIDs[i-1][0] ) == DS18X20_OK ) {
+            pc.printf("Sensor# %d = ", i);
+            if ( DS18X20_read_meas( &gSensorIDs[i-1][0], &subzero, &cel, &cel_frac_bits) == DS18X20_OK ) {
+                uart_put_temp(subzero, cel, cel_frac_bits);
+            } else pc.printf("CRC Error (lost connection?)\n");
+            //if ( DS18X20_start_meas( DS18X20_POWER_PARASITE, &gSensorIDs[i-1][0] ) == DS18X20_OK ) {
+            //} else pc.printf("Start meas. failed (short circuit?)\n");
+        }
+            ow_command( DS18X20_CONVERT_T, 0);
+            ow_parasite_enable();
+        //  ow_reset();
+        //   ow_command( DS18X20_CONVERT_T, 0);
+        //   ow_parasite_enable();
+        wait(10);
+        //   ow_parasite_disable();
+    }
diff -r 000000000000 -r 1197076b78f4 main.h
diff -r 000000000000 -r 1197076b78f4 mbed.bld
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Mon May 10 08:14:32 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r 1197076b78f4 onewire.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/onewire.cpp	Mon May 10 08:14:32 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "onewire.h"
+#include "crc8.h"
+// DS18B20 converted to run on mbed
+DigitalInOut ow_pin(ONEWIRE_PIN);
+BYTE ow_reset(void) { // reset.  Should improve to act as a presence pulse
+    BYTE err;
+    ow_pin.output();
+    ow_pin = 0;     // bring low for 500 us
+    wait_us(500);
+    ow_pin.input();
+    wait_us(60);
+    err = ow_pin;
+    wait_us(240);
+    if ( ow_pin == 0 )    {    // short circuit
+        err = OW_SHORT_CIRCUIT;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+        printf("Error. Short circut!!!\n");
+    }
+    return err;
+BYTE ow_bit_io( BYTE b ) {
+    ow_pin.output(); // drive bus low
+    ow_pin = 0;
+    wait_us(1); // Recovery-Time wuffwuff was 1
+    //ow_pin.input();
+    if ( b ) ow_pin.input(); // if bit is 1 set bus high (by ext. pull-up)
+    //  delay was 15uS-1 see comment above
+    wait_us(15-1);
+    // ???ow_pin.input();
+    if ( ow_pin == 0 ) b = 0; // sample at end of read-timeslot
+    wait_us(60-15);
+    ow_pin.input();
+    return b;
+BYTE ow_byte_wr( uint8_t b ) {
+    uint8_t i = 8, j;
+    do {
+        j = ow_bit_io( b & 1 );
+        b >>= 1;
+        if ( j ) b |= 0x80;
+    } while ( --i );
+    return b;
+uint8_t ow_byte_rd( void ) {
+    // read by sending 0xff (a dontcare?)
+    return ow_byte_wr( 0xFF );
+BYTE ow_rom_search( BYTE diff, BYTE *id ) {
+    BYTE i, j, next_diff;
+    BYTE b;
+    if ( ow_reset() ) return OW_PRESENCE_ERR;    // error, no device found
+    ow_byte_wr( OW_SEARCH_ROM );            // ROM search command
+    next_diff = OW_LAST_DEVICE;            // unchanged on last device
+    i = OW_ROMCODE_SIZE * 8;                    // 8 bytes
+    do {
+        j = 8;                                // 8 bits
+        do {
+            b = ow_bit_io( 1 );                // read bit
+            if ( ow_bit_io( 1 ) ) {            // read complement bit
+                if ( b )                    // 11
+                    return OW_DATA_ERR;        // data error
+            } else {
+                if ( !b ) {                    // 00 = 2 devices
+                    if ( diff > i || ((*id & 1) && diff != i) ) {
+                        b = 1;                // now 1
+                        next_diff = i;        // next pass 0
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            ow_bit_io( b );                 // write bit
+            *id >>= 1;
+            if ( b ) *id |= 0x80;            // store bit
+            i--;
+        } while ( --j );
+        id++;                                // next byte
+    } while ( i );
+    return next_diff;                // to continue search
+void ow_command( BYTE command, BYTE *id ) {
+    BYTE i;
+    ow_reset();
+    if ( id ) {
+        ow_byte_wr( OW_MATCH_ROM );            // to a single device
+        i = OW_ROMCODE_SIZE;
+        do {
+            ow_byte_wr( *id );
+            id++;
+        } while ( --i );
+    } else {
+        ow_byte_wr( OW_SKIP_ROM );            // to all devices
+    }
+    ow_byte_wr( command );
+void ow_parasite_enable(void) {
+    ow_pin.output();
+    ow_pin = 1;
+void ow_parasite_disable(void) {
+    ow_pin.input();
+/* find DS18X20 Sensors on 1-Wire-Bus
+   input/ouput: diff is the result of the last rom-search
+   output: id is the rom-code of the sensor found */
+void DS18X20_find_sensor(BYTE *diff, BYTE id[]) {
+    for (;;) {
+        *diff = ow_rom_search( *diff, &id[0] );
+        if ( *diff==OW_PRESENCE_ERR || *diff==OW_DATA_ERR ||
+                *diff == OW_LAST_DEVICE ) return;
+        if ( id[0] == DS18B20_ID || id[0] == DS18S20_ID ) return;
+    }
+/* get power status of DS18x20
+   input  : id = rom_code
+BYTE DS18X20_get_power_status(uint8_t id[]) {
+    uint8_t pstat;
+    ow_reset();
+    ow_command(DS18X20_READ_POWER_SUPPLY, id);
+    pstat=ow_bit_io(1); // pstat 0=is parasite/ !=0 ext. powered
+    ow_reset();
+    return (pstat) ? DS18X20_POWER_EXTERN:DS18X20_POWER_PARASITE;
+void DS18X20_show_id_uart( BYTE *id, size_t n ) {
+    size_t i;
+    for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
+        if ( i == 0 ) printf( "FC: " );
+        else if ( i == n-1 ) printf( "CRC: " );
+        if ( i == 1 ) printf( " SN: " );
+        printf("%X ",id[i]);
+        if ( i == 0 ) {
+            if ( id[0] == DS18S20_ID ) printf("(18S)");
+            else if ( id[0] == DS18B20_ID ) printf("(18B)");
+            else printf("( ? )");
+        }
+    }
+    if ( crc8( id, OW_ROMCODE_SIZE) )
+        printf( " CRC FAIL\n " );
+    else
+        printf( " CRC O.K.\n" );
+/* start measurement (CONVERT_T) for all sensors if input id==NULL
+   or for single sensor. then id is the rom-code */
+uint8_t DS18X20_start_meas( uint8_t with_power_extern, uint8_t id[]) {
+    ow_reset(); //**
+    if ( ow_pin ) { // only send if bus is "idle" = high
+        ow_command( DS18X20_CONVERT_T, id );
+        if (with_power_extern != DS18X20_POWER_EXTERN)
+            ow_parasite_enable();
+        return DS18X20_OK;
+    } else {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+        printf( "DS18X20_start_meas: Short Circuit !\n" );
+        return DS18X20_START_FAIL;
+    }
+/* reads temperature (scratchpad) of sensor with rom-code id
+   output: subzero==1 if temp.<0, cel: full celsius, mcel: frac
+   in millicelsius*0.1
+   i.e.: subzero=1, cel=18, millicel=5000 = -18,5000°C */
+uint8_t DS18X20_read_meas(uint8_t id[], uint8_t *subzero,
+                          uint8_t *cel, uint8_t *cel_frac_bits) {
+    uint8_t i;
+    uint8_t sp[DS18X20_SP_SIZE];
+    ow_reset(); //**
+    ow_command(DS18X20_READ, id);
+    for ( i=0 ; i< DS18X20_SP_SIZE; i++ ) sp[i]=ow_byte_rd();
+    if ( crc8( &sp[0], DS18X20_SP_SIZE ) )
+        return DS18X20_ERROR_CRC;
+    DS18X20_meas_to_cel(id[0], sp, subzero, cel, cel_frac_bits);
+    return DS18X20_OK;
+   convert raw value from DS18x20 to Celsius
+   input is:
+   - familycode fc (0x10/0x28 see header)
+   - scratchpad-buffer
+   output is:
+   - cel full celsius
+   - fractions of celsius in millicelsius*(10^-1)/625 (the 4 LS-Bits)
+   - subzero =0 positiv / 1 negativ
+   always returns  DS18X20_OK
+   TODO invalid-values detection (but should be covered by CRC)
+uint8_t DS18X20_meas_to_cel( uint8_t fc, uint8_t *sp,
+                             uint8_t* subzero, uint8_t* cel, uint8_t* cel_frac_bits) {
+    uint16_t meas;
+    uint8_t  i;
+    meas = sp[0];  // LSB
+    meas |= ((uint16_t)sp[1])<<8; // MSB
+    //meas = 0xff5e; meas = 0xfe6f;
+    //  only work on 12bit-base
+    if ( fc == DS18S20_ID ) { // 9 -> 12 bit if 18S20
+        /* Extended measurements for DS18S20 contributed by Carsten Foss */
+        meas &= (uint16_t) 0xfffe;    // Discard LSB , needed for later extended precicion calc
+        meas <<= 3;                    // Convert to 12-bit , now degrees are in 1/16 degrees units
+        meas += (16 - sp[6]) - 4;    // Add the compensation , and remember to subtract 0.25 degree (4/16)
+    }
+    // check for negative
+    if ( meas & 0x8000 )  {
+        *subzero=1;      // mark negative
+        meas ^= 0xffff;  // convert to positive => (twos complement)++
+        meas++;
+    } else *subzero=0;
+    // clear undefined bits for B != 12bit
+    if ( fc == DS18B20_ID ) { // check resolution 18B20
+        i = sp[DS18B20_CONF_REG];
+        if ( (i & DS18B20_12_BIT) == DS18B20_12_BIT ) ;
+        else if ( (i & DS18B20_11_BIT) == DS18B20_11_BIT )
+            meas &= ~(DS18B20_11_BIT_UNDF);
+        else if ( (i & DS18B20_10_BIT) == DS18B20_10_BIT )
+            meas &= ~(DS18B20_10_BIT_UNDF);
+        else { // if ( (i & DS18B20_9_BIT) == DS18B20_9_BIT ) {
+            meas &= ~(DS18B20_9_BIT_UNDF);
+        }
+    }
+    *cel  = (uint8_t)(meas >> 4);
+    *cel_frac_bits = (uint8_t)(meas & 0x000F);
+    return DS18X20_OK;
+/* converts to decicelsius
+   input is ouput from meas_to_cel
+   returns absolute value of temperatur in decicelsius
+    i.e.: sz=0, c=28, frac=15 returns 289 (=28.9°C)
+0    0    0
+1    625    625    1
+2    1250    250
+3    1875    875    3
+4    2500    500    4
+5    3125    125
+6    3750    750    6
+7    4375    375
+8    5000    0
+9    5625    625    9
+10    6250    250
+11    6875    875    11
+12    7500    500    12
+13    8125    125
+14    8750    750    14
+15    9375    375    */
+uint16_t DS18X20_temp_to_decicel(uint8_t subzero, uint8_t cel,
+                                 uint8_t cel_frac_bits) {
+    uint16_t h;
+    uint8_t  i;
+    uint8_t need_rounding[] = { 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 12, 14 };
+    h = cel_frac_bits*DS18X20_FRACCONV/1000;
+    h += cel*10;
+    if (!subzero) {
+        for (i=0; i<sizeof(need_rounding); i++) {
+            if ( cel_frac_bits == need_rounding[i] ) {
+                h++;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return h;
+/* compare temperature values (full celsius only)
+   returns -1 if param-pair1 < param-pair2
+            0 if ==
+            1 if >    */
+int8_t DS18X20_temp_cmp(uint8_t subzero1, uint16_t cel1,
+                        uint8_t subzero2, uint16_t cel2) {
+    int16_t t1 = (subzero1) ? (cel1*(-1)) : (cel1);
+    int16_t t2 = (subzero2) ? (cel2*(-1)) : (cel2);
+    if (t1<t2) return -1;
+    if (t1>t2) return 1;
+    return 0;
+void OneWireOutByte(unsigned char d) { // output byte d (least sig bit first).
+    for (int n=8; n!=0; n--) {
+        if ((d & 0x01) == 1) { // test least sig bit
+            ow_pin.output();
+            ow_pin = 0;
+            wait_us(5);
+            ow_pin.input();
+            wait_us(80);
+        } else {
+            ow_pin.output();
+            ow_pin = 0;
+            wait_us(80);
+            ow_pin.input();
+        }
+        d=d>>1; // now the next bit is in the least sig bit position.
+    }
+unsigned char OneWireInByte() { // read byte, least sig byte first
+    unsigned char d = 0, b;
+    for (int n=0; n<8; n++) {
+        ow_pin.output();
+        ow_pin = 0;
+        wait_us(5);
+        ow_pin.input();
+        wait_us(5);
+        b =ow_pin;
+        wait_us(50);
+        d = (d >> 1) | (b << 7); // shift d to right and insert b in most sig bit position
+    }
+    return d;
diff -r 000000000000 -r 1197076b78f4 onewire.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/onewire.h	Mon May 10 08:14:32 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+typedef unsigned char BYTE;
+#define MAXSENSORS 8
+// rom-code size including CRC
+#define OW_ROMCODE_SIZE 8
+BYTE ow_reset(void);
+BYTE ow_rom_search( BYTE diff, BYTE *id );
+void ow_command( BYTE command, BYTE *id );
+//void DS18X20_find_sensor(BYTE *diff, BYTE id[]);
+BYTE DS18X20_get_power_status(uint8_t id[]);
+extern void DS18X20_show_id_uart( uint8_t *id, size_t n );
+extern void DS18X20_find_sensor(uint8_t *diff, uint8_t id[]);    
+extern uint8_t    DS18X20_get_power_status(uint8_t id[]);
+extern uint8_t DS18X20_start_meas( uint8_t with_external, uint8_t id[]);
+extern uint8_t DS18X20_read_meas(uint8_t id[], uint8_t *subzero, uint8_t *cel, uint8_t *cel_frac_bits);
+extern uint8_t DS18X20_read_meas_single(uint8_t familycode, uint8_t *subzero, uint8_t *cel, uint8_t *cel_frac_bits);
+extern uint8_t DS18X20_meas_to_cel( uint8_t fc, uint8_t *sp, uint8_t* subzero, uint8_t* cel, uint8_t* cel_frac_bits);
+extern uint16_t DS18X20_temp_to_decicel(uint8_t subzero, uint8_t cel, uint8_t cel_frac_bits);
+extern int8_t DS18X20_temp_cmp(uint8_t subzero1, uint16_t cel1, uint8_t subzero2, uint16_t cel2);
+extern void ow_parasite_enable(void);
+extern void ow_parasite_disable(void);
+#define DEBUG 1
+#define ONEWIRE_PIN  p12
+#define OW_MATCH_ROM    0x55
+#define OW_SKIP_ROM     0xCC
+#define OW_SEARCH_ROM    0xF0
+#define OW_SEARCH_FIRST    0xFF        // start new search
+#define OW_PRESENCE_ERR    0x01
+#define OW_DATA_ERR     0xFE
+#define OW_LAST_DEVICE    0x00        // last device found
+//            0x01 ... 0x40: continue searching
+// rom-code size including CRC
+#define OW_ROMCODE_SIZE 8
+#define DS18X20_POWER_PARASITE 0x00
+#define DS18X20_POWER_EXTERN   0x01
+/* DS18X20 specific values (see datasheet) */
+#define DS18S20_ID 0x10
+#define DS18B20_ID 0x28
+#define DS18X20_CONVERT_T    0x44
+#define DS18X20_READ        0xBE
+#define DS18X20_WRITE        0x4E
+#define DS18X20_EE_WRITE    0x48
+#define DS18X20_EE_RECALL    0xB8
+#define DS18X20_READ_POWER_SUPPLY 0xB4
+#define DS18X20_OK          0x00
+#define DS18X20_ERROR       0x01
+#define DS18X20_START_FAIL  0x02
+#define DS18X20_ERROR_CRC   0x03
+#define DS18B20_CONF_REG    4
+#define DS18B20_9_BIT       0
+#define DS18B20_10_BIT      (1<<5)
+#define DS18B20_11_BIT      (1<<6)
+#define DS18B20_12_BIT      ((1<<6)|(1<<5))
+// indefined bits in LSB if 18B20 != 12bit
+#define DS18B20_9_BIT_UNDF       ((1<<0)|(1<<1)|(1<<2))
+#define DS18B20_10_BIT_UNDF      ((1<<0)|(1<<1))
+#define DS18B20_11_BIT_UNDF      ((1<<0))
+#define DS18B20_12_BIT_UNDF      0
+// conversion times in ms
+#define DS18B20_TCONV_12BIT      750
+#define DS18B20_TCONV_11BIT      DS18B20_TCONV_12_BIT/2
+#define DS18B20_TCONV_10BIT      DS18B20_TCONV_12_BIT/4
+#define DS18B20_TCONV_9BIT       DS18B20_TCONV_12_BIT/8
+#define DS18S20_TCONV            DS18B20_TCONV_12_BIT
+// constant to convert the fraction bits to cel*(10^-4)
+#define DS18X20_FRACCONV         625
+#define DS18X20_SP_SIZE  9
+// DS18X20 EEPROM-Support
+#define DS18X20_WRITE_SCRATCHPAD  0x4E
+#define DS18X20_COPY_SCRATCHPAD   0x48
+#define DS18X20_RECALL_E2         0xB8
+#define DS18X20_COPYSP_DELAY      10 /* ms */
+#define DS18X20_TH_REG      2
+#define DS18X20_TL_REG      3