The classic dueling tanks game for mbed.

Dependencies:   4DGL-uLCD-SE DRV2605 EthernetInterface Game_Synchronizer MMA8452 SDFileSystem SparkfunAnalogJoystick mbed-rtos mbed wave_player

Fork of 2035_Tanks_Shell by ECE2035 Spring 2015 TA

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Mon Mar 13 00:15:36 2017 +0000
Commit message:
Classic dueling tanks game for bed.

Changed in this revision

Bullet/bullet.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Bullet/bullet.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
DRV2605.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
SparkfunAnalogJoystick.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Tank/tank.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
globals.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/Bullet/bullet.cpp	Fri Oct 30 11:08:31 2015 +0000
+++ b/Bullet/bullet.cpp	Mon Mar 13 00:15:36 2017 +0000
@@ -3,42 +3,200 @@
 #include "game_synchronizer.h"
 #include "globals.h"
 #include "math.h"
+#include "SDFileSystem.h"
+#include "wave_player.h"
+#include "playSound.h"
 extern Game_Synchronizer sync;
+float et = 0;
+int pixelcolor;
+//int bouncy
 // Initialize the bullet. Don't have to do much here.
 // Keep a pointer to this bullet's tank.
 // Set the speed, and default the bullet to not in_flight.
 Bullet::Bullet(Tank* t) {
     tank = t;
-    //speed = ???;
+    speed = 0;
     in_flight = false;
+//Bullet::Bouncy(Tank* t) {
+    //tank=t;
+    //speed=0;
+    //in_flight=false;
 // If in_flight, do nothing. Otherwise,
 // set the in_flight flag, and initialize values needed for
 // the trajectory calculations. (x0, y0), (vx0, vy0), time
 // Hint: tank->barrel_end(...) is useful here.
 void Bullet::shoot(void) {
-    in_flight = true;
+    if (in_flight==false){
+        in_flight = true;
+        tank->barrel_end(&x0,&y0);
+        vx0=cos(tank->barrel_theta)*speed;
+        vy0=sin(tank->barrel_theta)*speed;
+        x=x0;
+        y=y0;
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,2,YELLOW);
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,1,ORANGE);
+        wait(.5);
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,2,SKY_COLOR);
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,1,BLT_COLOR);
+    }
 // If the bullet is in flight, calculate its new position
 // after a time delta dt.
 void Bullet::update_position(float dt) {
+    if (in_flight == true){
+        x=floor(x0+(vx0*dt));
+        y=floor(y0+(vy0*dt)-(4.9*dt*dt));
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,1,BLT_COLOR);
+    }
 int Bullet::time_step(float dt) {
     // If the bullet hasn't hit anything, 
     // redraw the bullet at its new location. 
+    if (in_flight == true){
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,1,SKY_COLOR);
+        et += dt;
+        update_position(et);
     // If it has hit something (obstacle, tank, edge of the screen), 
     // set the in_flight flag back to false, explode the nearby area,
     // and return one of the following codes.
-    //
+       //if(bouncy==1){
+           //if(x>128 || y<0 || y>128){
+           //}
+           //}    
+       //else{
+       if(x>128 || y<0 || y>128){
+          in_flight=false;
+          et=0;
+          return BULLET_OFF_SCREEN;
+    }
+    //}
+    else{
+    pixelcolor=sync.read_pixel(x,y);
+    if(sync.pixel_eq(pixelcolor,BLACK)==1){
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,6, ORANGE);
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,4, YELLOW);
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,2, TANK_RED);
+        playSound("/sd/wavfiles/Hit.wav");
+        sync.update();
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,5, ORANGE);
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,3, TANK_RED);
+        playSound("/sd/wavfiles/Hit.wav");
+        sync.update();
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,6, SKY_COLOR);
+        in_flight=false;
+        et=0;
+        return pixelcolor;
+ }
+ if(sync.pixel_eq(pixelcolor,TREE)==1){
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,6, ORANGE);
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,4, YELLOW);
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,2, TANK_RED);
+        playSound("/sd/wavfiles/Hit.wav");
+        sync.update();
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,5, ORANGE);
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,3, TANK_RED);
+        playSound("/sd/wavfiles/Hit.wav");
+        sync.update();
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,6, SKY_COLOR);
+        in_flight=false;
+        et=0;
+        return pixelcolor;
+ }
+ if(sync.pixel_eq(pixelcolor,GND_COLOR)==1){
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,6, ORANGE);
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,4, YELLOW);
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,2, TANK_RED);
+        playSound("/sd/wavfiles/Hit.wav");
+        sync.update();
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,5, ORANGE);
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,3, TANK_RED);
+        playSound("/sd/wavfiles/Hit.wav");
+        sync.update();
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,6, SKY_COLOR);
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,6,BROWN);
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y+2,6, SKY_COLOR);
+        in_flight=false;
+        et=0;
+        return pixelcolor;
+ }
+ if(sync.pixel_eq(pixelcolor,WHITE)==1){
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,6, ORANGE);
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,4, YELLOW);
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,2, TANK_RED);
+        playSound("/sd/wavfiles/Hit.wav");
+        sync.update();
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,5, ORANGE);
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,3, TANK_RED);
+        playSound("/sd/wavfiles/Hit.wav");
+        sync.update();
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,6, SKY_COLOR);
+        in_flight=false;
+        et=0;
+        return pixelcolor;
+ }
+ if(sync.pixel_eq(pixelcolor,TANK_RED)==1){
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,6, ORANGE);
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,4, YELLOW);
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,2, TANK_RED);
+        playSound("/sd/wavfiles/Hit.wav");
+        sync.update();
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,5, ORANGE);
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,3, TANK_RED);
+        playSound("/sd/wavfiles/Hit.wav");
+        sync.update();
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,6, SKY_COLOR);
+        in_flight=false;
+        et=0;
+        return pixelcolor;
+ }
+ if(sync.pixel_eq(pixelcolor,TANK_BLUE)==1){
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,6, ORANGE);
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,4, YELLOW);
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,2, TANK_RED);
+        playSound("/sd/wavfiles/Hit.wav");
+        sync.update();
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,5, ORANGE);
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,3, TANK_RED);
+        playSound("/sd/wavfiles/Hit.wav");
+        sync.update();
+        sync.filled_circle(x,y,6, SKY_COLOR);
+        in_flight=false;
+        et=0;
+        return pixelcolor;
+ }
+ //if(sync.pixel_eq(pixelcolor,BARREL_GREY)==1){
+        //sync.filled_circle(x,y,6, ORANGE);
+        //sync.filled_circle(x,y,4, YELLOW);
+        //sync.filled_circle(x,y,2, TANK_RED);
+        //wait(.15);
+        //sync.update();
+        //sync.filled_circle(x,y,5, ORANGE);
+        //sync.filled_circle(x,y,3, TANK_RED);
+        //wait(.15);
+        //sync.update();
+        //sync.filled_circle(x,y,6, SKY_COLOR);
+        //in_flight=false;
+        //et=0;
+        //return pixelcolor;
+ }
+ }   
     // return codes:
     //      BULLET_NO_COLLISION: no collision
     //      BULLET_OFF_SCREEN:   off the side of the screen
     //      Otherwise, return the color you've hit in 16bpp format. 
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/Bullet/bullet.h	Fri Oct 30 11:08:31 2015 +0000
+++ b/Bullet/bullet.h	Mon Mar 13 00:15:36 2017 +0000
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
         // (x0, y0) is the position of the bullet at the start of its trajectory.
         int x0, y0;
+        int vy;
         // The components of the bullet's initial velocity.
         float vx0, vy0;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/DRV2605.lib	Mon Mar 13 00:15:36 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SparkfunAnalogJoystick.lib	Mon Mar 13 00:15:36 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- a/Tank/tank.cpp	Fri Oct 30 11:08:31 2015 +0000
+++ b/Tank/tank.cpp	Mon Mar 13 00:15:36 2017 +0000
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 #include "globals.h"
 #include "math.h"
 #include "game_synchronizer.h"
+#include "uLCD_4DGL.h"
 extern Game_Synchronizer sync;
@@ -14,52 +15,98 @@
     w = width; h = height;
     tank_color = color;
     barrel_theta = PI/4.0;
-    barrel_length = w;
+    barrel_length = .75*w;
     wheel_rad = 2.0;
 // Return the minimum x-coord of your tank's bounding box.
-int Tank::min_x(void) { 
-    return 0;
+int Tank::min_x(void) {
+    if(w/2.0+x+barrel_length*cos(barrel_theta)<x){
+        return w/2.0+x+barrel_length*cos(barrel_theta);
+        }
+    else{ 
+    return x;
+    }
 // Return the minimum y-coord of your tank's bounding box.
 int Tank::min_y(void) {
-    return 0;
+    return y+wheel_rad;
 // Return the maximum x-coord of your tank's bounding box.
 int Tank::max_x(void) { 
-    return 0;
+    if(w/2.0+w+barrel_length*cos(barrel_theta)>x+w){
+    return x+w/2+barrel_length*cos(barrel_theta);;
+    }
+    else{
+        return x+w;
+        }
 // Return the maximum y-coord of your tank's bounding box.
 int Tank::max_y(void) {  
-    return 1;
+    return y+h+wheel_rad+barrel_length*sin(barrel_theta);
 void Tank::barrel_end(int* bx, int* by) {
     // Set the x and y coords of the end of the barrel.
-    // *bx = ???
-    // *by = ???
+    *bx = x + w/2.0 + barrel_length*cos(barrel_theta); 
+    *by = y+h+wheel_rad + barrel_length*sin(barrel_theta);
 void Tank::reposition(int dx, int dy, float dtheta) {
-    // Blank out the old tank position, and
-    //      Move the tank dx pixels in the x direction.
-    //      Move the tank dy pixels in the y direction.
-    //      Move the tank barrel by an angle dtheta. Don't allow it to go below parallel.
+    if(dx!=0 || dy!=0 || dtheta!=0){
+        x=x+dx;
+        y=y+dy;
+        sync.filled_rectangle(x-4, y-1, x+20, y+21, SKY_COLOR);//      Blank out the old tank position, and
+        sync.filled_circle(53, 26, 6, TREE);
+        draw();                                         //      Move the tank dx pixels in the x direction.
+        sync.filled_circle(53, 26, 6, TREE);
+        //sync.line(76,23,76,50, BLACK);
+        //sync.rectangle(74, 20, 75, 50, WHITE);
+        sync.filled_circle(78, 19, 4, TREE);            //      Move the tank dy pixels in the y direction.
+        sync.update();
+    if(0 <= barrel_theta+dtheta && barrel_theta+dtheta <= PI){                          //      Move the tank barrel by an angle dtheta. 
+        sync.line(x + w/2.0, y+h+wheel_rad, x + w/2.0 + barrel_length*cos(barrel_theta), y+h+wheel_rad + barrel_length*sin(barrel_theta), SKY_COLOR);//      Don't allow it to go below parallel.
+        barrel_theta += dtheta;
+        sync.line(x + w/2.0, y+h+wheel_rad, x + w/2.0 + barrel_length*cos(barrel_theta), y+h+wheel_rad + barrel_length*sin(barrel_theta), BLACK);
+        sync.filled_rectangle(x+2*wheel_rad, y+3*wheel_rad, x+.65*w, y+h+3*wheel_rad, tank_color);
+        sync.update();
+    }  
-    // Do collision detection to prevent the tank from hitting things. 
-    // (obstacles, side of the screen, other tanks, etc.)
+    //if((x){  //Do collision detection to prevent the tank from hitting things.
+      //(x)=x+1;
+      //}  
+    //if(x+16>127){  //Do collision detection to prevent the tank from hitting things.
+      //x=111;
+      //}
+      //int obsticle=sync.read_pixel(x+20,y);
+    //if(sync.pixel_eq(obsticle, SKY_COLOR)!=1){
+        //x=x-1;
+        //}
+    //      (obstacles, side of the screen, other tanks, etc.)
+    }
-// Example tank draw function. We expect you to get creative on this one!
+    // Example tank draw function. We expect you to get creative on this one!
 void Tank::draw() {
-    sync.line(x + w/2.0, y+h+wheel_rad, x + w/2.0 + barrel_length*cos(barrel_theta), y+h+wheel_rad + barrel_length*sin(barrel_theta), BLACK);
-    sync.filled_rectangle(x, y+wheel_rad, x+w, y+h+wheel_rad, tank_color);
-    sync.filled_circle(x+wheel_rad, y+wheel_rad, wheel_rad, BLACK);
-    sync.filled_circle(x+w-wheel_rad, y+wheel_rad, wheel_rad, BLACK);
+    //if(x>4 || x<111){
+    sync.line(x + w/2.0, y+h+wheel_rad, x + w/2.0 + barrel_length*cos(barrel_theta), y+h+wheel_rad + barrel_length*sin(barrel_theta), BARREL_GREY);
+    sync.filled_circle(x+wheel_rad, y+wheel_rad, wheel_rad, BARREL_GREY);
+    sync.filled_circle(x+w-wheel_rad, y+wheel_rad, wheel_rad, BARREL_GREY);
+    sync.filled_circle(x+(w/1.475)-wheel_rad,y+wheel_rad, wheel_rad, BARREL_GREY);
+    sync.filled_rectangle(x, y+(2*wheel_rad), x+w, y+h+wheel_rad, tank_color);
+    sync.filled_rectangle(x+2*wheel_rad, y+3*wheel_rad, x+.65*w, y+h+3*wheel_rad, tank_color);
+    sync.line(x+wheel_rad,y-.5*wheel_rad, x+w-wheel_rad, y-.5*wheel_rad, BARREL_GREY);
+    sync.line(x+(2*wheel_rad), y+h+wheel_rad, x+.65*w, y+h+wheel_rad, BLACK);
+    //}
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/globals.h	Fri Oct 30 11:08:31 2015 +0000
+++ b/globals.h	Mon Mar 13 00:15:36 2017 +0000
@@ -5,6 +5,19 @@
 #define GND_COLOR  0x66CD00
 #define TANK_RED   0xCD0000
 #define TANK_BLUE  0x000080
+#define BROWN      0x7E562E
+#define TREE       0x139216
+#define BLT_COLOR  0x090E16
+#define LT_BLUE    0x4C80FF
+#define LT_RED     0xFFABAA
+#define BARREL_GREY 0x0B090B
+#define ORANGE     0xFF6A00
+#define YELLOW     0xFFBA00
+#define LT_GREY    0xD1C9D0
+#define MED_GREY   0x787377
+#define DRK_GREY   0x473F43
+#define PIX        0x7EC1F0
+#define SHRUB      0x2D5D00
 #define U_BUTTON 0
 #define R_BUTTON 1
@@ -19,5 +32,4 @@
 #define PI  3.1415926535797
 #endif //GLOBAL_H__
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/main.cpp	Fri Oct 30 11:08:31 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Mar 13 00:15:36 2017 +0000
@@ -1,19 +1,22 @@
 // Student Side.
 #include "mbed.h"
+#include "DRV2605.h"
 #include "SDFileSystem.h"
 #include "wave_player.h"
+#include "playSound.h"
+#include "SparkfunAnalogJoystick.h"
 #include "game_synchronizer.h"
 #include "tank.h"
 #include "bullet.h"
 #include "globals.h"
+SparkfunAnalogJoystick joystick(p15, p16, p17);
 DigitalOut led1(LED1);
 DigitalOut led2(LED2);
 DigitalOut led3(LED3);
 DigitalOut led4(LED4);
+DRV2605 haptics(p9, p10);
 DigitalIn pb_u(p21);                        // Up Button
 DigitalIn pb_r(p22);                        // Right Button
@@ -22,17 +25,24 @@
 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);                    // Serial connection to PC. Useful for debugging!
 MMA8452 acc(p28, p27, 100000);              // Accelerometer (SDA, SCL, Baudrate)
-uLCD_4DGL uLCD(p9,p10,p11);                 // LCD (tx, rx, reset)
+uLCD_4DGL uLCD(p13,p14,p11);                 // LCD (tx, rx, reset)
 SDFileSystem sd(p5, p6, p7, p8, "sd");      // SD  (mosi, miso, sck, cs)
 AnalogOut DACout(p18);                      // speaker
 wave_player player(&DACout);                // wav player
 Game_Synchronizer sync(PLAYER1);            // Game_Synchronizer (PLAYER)
 Timer frame_timer;                          // Timer
 // Global variables go here.
 int winner = -1;
 int whose_turn = PLAYER1;
+int menu=1;
+int t2minpixelcolor;
+int t1maxpixelcolor;
+int t1y;
+int t2y;
 // Ask the user whether to run the game in Single- or Multi-Player mode.
@@ -48,18 +58,96 @@
     // the locate command tells the screen where to place the text.
-    uLCD.locate(0,15);
-    uLCD.puts("Replace me");
+    uLCD.filled_rectangle(11,54,117,99,BLACK);
+    uLCD.rectangle(10, 55, 118, 100, WHITE);
+    uLCD.locate(6,8);
+    uLCD.puts("1 Player");
+    uLCD.locate(6,9);
+    uLCD.puts("2 Player");
+    uLCD.locate(6,10);
+    uLCD.puts("Settings");
+    uLCD.color(RED);
+, 67, 1, RED);
+, 75, 1, RED);
+, 83, 1, RED);
+, 67, 2, WHITE);
+    uLCD.text_width(2);
+    uLCD.text_height(2);
+    uLCD.locate(1,1);
+    uLCD.puts("DUELING");
+    uLCD.locate(2,2);
+    uLCD.text_bold(TEXTBOLD);
+    uLCD.puts("TANKS");
+    uLCD.color(WHITE);
+    //playSound("/sd/wavfiles/Dueling Banjo.wav");
+ while(true){ 
+    if (menu==1){  
+       if (!pb_d){ 
+, 67, 2, BLACK);
+, 75, 2, WHITE);
+, 83, 2, BLACK);
+          wait(.25);
+          menu=2;
+       }
+       if (!pb_u){  
+, 67, 2, BLACK);
+, 75, 2, BLACK);
+, 83, 2, WHITE);
+          wait(.25);
+          menu=3;
+       }
+       if (!pb_r){
+         return SINGLE_PLAYER;
+       }
+    }
+    if (menu==2){
+       if (!pb_d){  
+, 67, 2, BLACK);
+, 75, 2, BLACK);
+, 83, 2, WHITE);
+          wait(.25);
+          menu=3;
+       } 
+       if (!pb_u){
+, 67, 2, WHITE);
+, 75, 2, BLACK);
+, 83, 2, BLACK);
+          wait(.25);
+          menu=1;
+       }
+       if(!pb_r){
+         return MULTI_PLAYER;
+       }
+    }
+    if (menu==3){
+       if (!pb_d){  
+, 67, 2, WHITE);
+, 75, 2, BLACK);
+, 83, 2, BLACK);
+          wait(.25);
+          menu=1;
+       } 
+       if (!pb_u){
+, 67, 2, BLACK);
+, 75, 2, WHITE);
+, 83, 2, BLACK);
+          wait(.25);
+          menu=2;
+       }
+       if(!pb_r){
+           //SETTINGS();
+           }
+    }
-    // Button Example:
-    // Use !pb_r to access the player1 right button value.
-    wait(2);        // Eventually you can take this out.
+    //wait(10);        // Eventually you can take this out.
     // Eventually you should return SINGLE_PLAYER or MULTI_PLAYER
     // depending on the user's choice.
-    return SINGLE_PLAYER;       
+    //return SINGLE_PLAYER;       
 // Initialize the world map. I've provided a basic map here,
 // but as part of the assignment you must create more
@@ -71,6 +159,9 @@
     // Fill the entire screen with sky blue.
+    //uLCD.media_init();
+    //uLCD.set_byte_address(0x00000, 0x3B5001);
+    //uLCD.display_image(64,64);
     // Call the clear screen function to force the LCD to redraw the screen
     // with the new background color.
@@ -78,25 +169,61 @@
     // Draw the ground in green.
     sync.filled_rectangle(0,0,128,20, GND_COLOR);
+    sync.line(0,20,128,20, TREE);
     // Draw some obstacles. They don't have to be black, 
     // but they shouldn't be the same color as the sky or your tanks.
     // Get creative here. You could use brown and grey to draw a mountain
     // or something cool like that.
-    sync.filled_rectangle(59, 20, 69, 60, BLACK);
+    //sync.triangle(0, 20, 128, 20, 85, 55, BROWN);    
+    sync.rectangle(53, 17, 76, 78, BLACK);
+    sync.filled_rectangle(54, 17, 75, 77, WHITE);
+    sync.filled_rectangle(65, 17, 69, 27, BLACK);
+    sync.filled_rectangle(67, 32, 71, 37, BLACK);
+    sync.filled_rectangle(67, 41, 71, 46, BLACK);
+    sync.filled_rectangle(67, 50, 71, 55, BLACK);
+    sync.filled_rectangle(67, 59, 71, 64, BLACK);
+    sync.filled_rectangle(67, 68, 71, 73, BLACK);
+    sync.filled_rectangle(58, 32, 62, 37, BLACK);
+    sync.filled_rectangle(58, 41, 62, 46, BLACK);
+    sync.filled_rectangle(58, 50, 62, 55, BLACK);
+    sync.filled_rectangle(58, 59, 62, 64, BLACK);
+    sync.filled_rectangle(58, 68, 62, 73, BLACK);
+    sync.filled_rectangle(52, 16, 54, 20, BROWN);
+    sync.update();
+    sync.filled_circle(53, 26, 6, TREE);
+    sync.filled_circle(78, 19, 4, TREE);
+    sync.filled_circle(1, 12, 7, TREE);
+    sync.filled_circle(6, 10, 4, TREE);
+    sync.filled_circle(9, 10, 4, TREE);
+    sync.filled_circle(14, 10, 2, TREE);
+    sync.filled_circle(100, 12, 7, TREE);
+, 12, 7, SHRUB);
+    sync.filled_circle(106, 10, 4, TREE);
+    sync.filled_circle(90, 10, 4, TREE);
+    sync.filled_circle(110, 10, 2, TREE);
+, 12, 7, SHRUB);
+    sync.filled_circle(115, 115, 10, YELLOW);
+, 115, 10, ORANGE);
     // Before you write text on the screens, tell the LCD where to put it.
-    sync.locate(0,15);
+    sync.locate(6,15);
     // Set the text background color to match the sky. Just for looks.
     // Display the game title.
-    char title[] = "  Title";
+    char title[] = "ROUND 1\n  GO!";
     sync.puts(title, sizeof(title));
     // Flush the draw buffer and execute all the accumulated draw commands.
-    sync.update();          
+    sync.update();  
+    playSound("/sd/wavfiles/boxingbell.wav");
+    sync.filled_rectangle(25, 122, 100, 128, SKY_COLOR);
+    sync.update();
+    wait(1);
+    sync.filled_rectangle(45, 114, 75, 122, SKY_COLOR);       
 // Initialize the game hardware. 
@@ -121,34 +248,44 @@
 // Display some kind of game over screen which lets us know who won.
 // Play a cool sound!
-void game_over() {
+void game_over();
 int main (void) {
     int* p1_buttons;
     int* p2_buttons;
+    int p1lives=2;
+    int p2lives=2;
+    int i=0;
     float ax1, ay1, az1;
     float ax2, ay2, az2;
+    ax1 = 0.0f;
+    ay1 = 0.0f;
+    ax2 = 0.0f;
+    ay2 = 0.0f;
     // Create your tanks.
-    Tank t1(4, 21, 12, 8, TANK_RED);            // (min_x, min_y, width, height, color)
-    Tank t2(111, 21, 12, 8, TANK_BLUE);         // (min_x, min_y, width, height, color)
+    Tank t1(4, 22, 16, 6, TANK_RED);            // (min_x, min_y, width, height, color)
+    Tank t2(108, 22, 16, 6, TANK_BLUE);         // (min_x, min_y, width, height, color)
     // For each tank, create a bullet.
     Bullet b1(&t1);
     Bullet b2(&t2);
+    //Bouncy b3(&t1);
+    //Bouncy b4(&t2);
     // Your code starts here...
     while(true) {
+        t1y=t1.min_y();
+        t2y=t2.min_y();
+        t2minpixelcolor=sync.read_pixel(t2.min_x()-5,t2y);
+        t1maxpixelcolor=sync.read_pixel(t1.max_x()+1,t1y);
         // Get a pointer to the buttons for both sides.
         // From now on, you can access the buttons for player x using
@@ -167,21 +304,246 @@
         // Get the accelerometer values.
         sync.get_p1_accel_data(&ax1, &ay1, &az1);
-        sync.get_p2_accel_data(&ax2, &ay2, &az2);
+        sync.get_p2_accel_data(&ax2, &ay2, &az2); 
+        //ay1 = joystick.xAxis()*2 -1;
+        ax1 = -joystick.yAxis();
+        //ay2 = joystick.xAxis()*2 -1;
+        ax2 = -joystick.yAxis();
+        int pix1=sync.read_pixel(64,30);
+        int pix2=sync.read_pixel(64,39);
+        int pix3=sync.read_pixel(64,48);
+        int pix4=sync.read_pixel(64,57);
+        int pix5=sync.read_pixel(64,66);
+        int j;
+        //Building collapse animation:
+        if(sync.pixel_eq(pix5,SKY_COLOR)==1){
+            //If highest test point is hit, do the following for loop.
+            for(j=0;j<10;j++){
+            sync.filled_rectangle(53, 78-j, 76, 80-j, SKY_COLOR);
+            sync.line(53, 77-j, 76, 79-j, BLACK);
+            sync.filled_rectangle(54, 74-j, 75, 77-j, WHITE);
+            sync.filled_circle(53, 64,6, LT_GREY);
+            sync.filled_circle(76, 64,5, LT_GREY);
+            sync.filled_circle(56, 64,4, MED_GREY);
+            sync.filled_circle(73, 64,4, DRK_GREY);
+            //playSound("/sd/wavfiles/colapse.wav");
+            haptics.play_waveform(1);
+            sync.filled_circle(70, 64,5, MED_GREY);
+            sync.filled_circle(64, 64,6, LT_GREY);
+            sync.update();
+            sync.filled_circle(52,65,6,SKY_COLOR);
+            sync.filled_circle(77,65,6,SKY_COLOR);
+            sync.filled_circle(52,65,6,SKY_COLOR);
+            sync.filled_circle(55,65,6,SKY_COLOR);
+            sync.filled_circle(70,69,6,SKY_COLOR);
+            sync.filled_circle(76,67,6,SKY_COLOR);
+            sync.filled_circle(65,65,6,SKY_COLOR);
+            sync.filled_circle(64,66,3,PIX);
+            //playSound("/sd/wavfiles/colapse.wav");
+            haptics.play_waveform(1);
+            }
+ }
+        if(sync.pixel_eq(pix4,SKY_COLOR)==1){
+            //If the second highest point is hit, do the following for loop.
+            for(j=0;j<20;j++){
+            sync.filled_rectangle(53, 78-j, 76, 80-j, SKY_COLOR);
+            sync.line(53, 77-j, 76, 79-j, BLACK);
+            sync.filled_rectangle(54, 74-j, 75, 77-j, WHITE);
+            sync.filled_circle(53, 54,6, LT_GREY);
+            sync.filled_circle(76, 54,5, LT_GREY);
+            sync.filled_circle(56, 54,4, MED_GREY);
+            sync.filled_circle(73, 54,4, DRK_GREY);
+            //playSound("/sd/wavfiles/colapse.wav");
+            haptics.play_waveform(1);
+            sync.filled_circle(70, 54,5, MED_GREY);
+            sync.filled_circle(64, 54,6, LT_GREY);
+            sync.update();
+            sync.filled_circle(52,55,6,SKY_COLOR);
+            sync.filled_circle(77,55,6,SKY_COLOR);
+            sync.filled_circle(52,55,6,SKY_COLOR);
+            sync.filled_circle(60,55,6,SKY_COLOR);
+            sync.filled_circle(70,59,6,SKY_COLOR);
+            sync.filled_circle(76,57,6,SKY_COLOR);
+            sync.filled_circle(65,55,6,SKY_COLOR);
+            sync.filled_circle(64,56,3,PIX);
+            sync.filled_circle(64,66,3,PIX);
+            //playSound("/sd/wavfiles/colapse.wav");
+            haptics.play_waveform(1);
+            }
+ }
+        if(sync.pixel_eq(pix3,SKY_COLOR)==1){
+            //If the third highest point is hit, do the following for loop.
+            for(j=0;j<30;j++){
+            sync.filled_rectangle(53, 78-j, 76, 80-j, SKY_COLOR);
+            sync.line(53, 77-j, 76, 79-j, BLACK);
+            sync.filled_rectangle(54, 74-j, 75, 77-j, WHITE);
+            sync.filled_circle(53, 44,6, LT_GREY);
+            sync.filled_circle(76, 44,5, LT_GREY);
+            haptics.play_waveform(1);
+            sync.update();
+            sync.filled_circle(56, 44,4, MED_GREY);
+            sync.filled_circle(73, 44,4, DRK_GREY);
+            //playSound("/sd/wavfiles/colapse.wav");
+            sync.filled_circle(70, 44,5, MED_GREY);
+            sync.filled_circle(64, 44,6, LT_GREY);
+            sync.update();
+            sync.filled_circle(52,45,6,SKY_COLOR);
+            sync.filled_circle(77,45,6,SKY_COLOR);
+            sync.filled_circle(52,45,6,SKY_COLOR);
+            sync.filled_circle(60,45,6,SKY_COLOR);
+            //playSound("/sd/wavfiles/colapse.wav");
+            sync.filled_circle(70,49,6,SKY_COLOR);
+            sync.filled_circle(76,47,6,SKY_COLOR);
+            sync.filled_circle(65,45,6,SKY_COLOR);
+            sync.update();
+            haptics.play_waveform(1);
+            sync.filled_circle(64,46,3,PIX);
+            sync.filled_circle(64,56,3,PIX);
+            sync.filled_circle(64,66,3,PIX);
+            //wait(.5);
+            haptics.play_waveform(1);
+            }
+ }
+      if(sync.pixel_eq(pix2,SKY_COLOR)==1){
+            //If the lowest test point is hit, do the following for loop.
+            for(j=0;j<40;j++){
+            sync.filled_rectangle(53, 78-j, 76, 80-j, SKY_COLOR);
+            sync.line(53, 77-j, 76, 79-j, BLACK);
+            sync.filled_rectangle(54, 74-j, 75, 77-j, WHITE);
+            sync.filled_circle(53, 34,6, LT_GREY);
+            sync.filled_circle(76, 34,5, LT_GREY);
+            sync.update();
+            sync.filled_circle(56, 34,4, MED_GREY);
+            sync.filled_circle(73, 34,4, DRK_GREY);
+            sync.filled_circle(70, 34,5, MED_GREY);
+            sync.filled_circle(64, 34,6, LT_GREY);
+            sync.update();
+            sync.filled_circle(52,35,6,SKY_COLOR);
+            sync.filled_circle(77,35,6,SKY_COLOR);
+            sync.filled_circle(52,35,6,SKY_COLOR);
+            sync.filled_circle(60,35,6,SKY_COLOR);
+            sync.filled_circle(70,39,6,SKY_COLOR);
+            sync.filled_circle(76,37,6,SKY_COLOR);
+            sync.filled_circle(65,35,6,SKY_COLOR);
+            haptics.play_waveform(1);
+            sync.update();
+            sync.filled_circle(64,36,3,PIX);
+            sync.filled_circle(64,46,3,PIX);
+            sync.filled_circle(64,56,3,PIX);
+            sync.filled_circle(64,66,3,PIX);
+            haptics.play_waveform(1);
+            }
+ }
         if(whose_turn == PLAYER1) {
+            //Draw the initial lives for player one and light up tank color to indicate turn
+            sync.rectangle(45, 2, 84, 7, BLACK);
+            if(p1lives==0){
+            sync.filled_circle(4, 4, 2, TANK_RED);
+            }
+            if(p1lives==1){
+            sync.filled_circle(10, 4, 2, TANK_RED);
+            sync.filled_circle(4, 4, 2, TANK_RED);
+            }
+            if(p1lives==2){
+            sync.filled_circle(10, 4, 2, TANK_RED);
+            sync.filled_circle(4, 4, 2, TANK_RED);
+            sync.filled_circle(16, 4, 2, TANK_RED);
+            }
+            //show light blue for player two showing its player ones turn.
+            if(p2lives==0){
+            sync.filled_circle(124, 4, 2, LT_BLUE);
+            }
+            if(p2lives==1){
+            sync.filled_circle(118, 4, 2, LT_BLUE);
+            sync.filled_circle(124, 4, 2, LT_BLUE);
+            }
+            if(p2lives==2){
+            sync.filled_circle(118, 4, 2, LT_BLUE);
+            sync.filled_circle(112, 4, 2, LT_BLUE);
+            sync.filled_circle(124, 4, 2, LT_BLUE);
+            }
             // Accelerometer example
-            if(ax1 >  ACC_THRESHOLD) { 
+            if(ax1 <  -ACC_THRESHOLD && sync.pixel_eq(t1maxpixelcolor,SKY_COLOR)==1) { 
+                // Move the tank to the right if the accelerometer is tipped far enough to the right.
+                 t1.reposition(+1, 0, 0);         
+            }
+            if(ax1 <  -1.5*ACC_THRESHOLD && sync.pixel_eq(t1maxpixelcolor,SKY_COLOR)==1) { 
                 // Move the tank to the right if the accelerometer is tipped far enough to the right.
-                 t1.reposition(+1, 0, 0);          
+                 t1.reposition(+3, 0, 0);  
+            }
+            if(ax1 > ACC_THRESHOLD && t1.min_x()>0) {
+                // Move the tank to the left if the accelerometer is tipped far enough to the left.
+                 t1.reposition(-1, 0, 0);
+            }
+            if(ax1 > 1.5*ACC_THRESHOLD && t1.min_x()>0) {
+                // Move the tank to the left if the accelerometer is tipped far enough to the left.
+                 t1.reposition(-3, 0, 0);
+            }
+            if(ay1 > ACC_THRESHOLD) {
+                //Move the barrel up.
+                 t1.reposition(0, 0, PI/24);
+            }
+            if(ay1 < -ACC_THRESHOLD) {
+                //Move the barrel down.
+                 t1.reposition(0, 0, -PI/24);
             // Button example
-            if(p1_buttons[D_BUTTON]) { 
-                b1.shoot(); 
+            //if(p1_buttons[L_BUTTON]) { 
+            //    b1.shoot(); 
+            //}
+            // hold down left button to power up the power bar.
+            if(p1_buttons[L_BUTTON]){
+                b1.speed+=3;
+                i+=2;
+                sync.filled_rectangle(46, 3, 45+i, 6, TANK_RED);
+                haptics.play_waveform(1);
+                sync.update();
+                if(i>=38){
+                   i=37;
+                   b1.speed=56;
+                   }  
+            }
+            else{
+                i=0;
+            //Press right button to fire.  
+            if(p1_buttons[R_BUTTON]){
+                b1.shoot();
+                playSound("/sd/wavfiles/Fire.wav");
+                haptics.play_waveform(1);
+                b1.speed=0;
+                sync.filled_rectangle(46, 3, 83, 6, GND_COLOR);
+                sync.rectangle(45, 2, 84, 7, BLACK);
+            }
+            //if(p1_buttons[U_BUTTON]){
+               // sync.filled_circle(24,9,2,BLACK);
+               // bouncy=1;
+            //}
             float dt =;
             int intersection_code = b1.time_step(dt); 
@@ -190,28 +552,239 @@
                 whose_turn = PLAYER2;
-            // If you shot yourself, you lost.
-            if(sync.pixel_eq(intersection_code, t1.tank_color)) { 
-                sync.update();  // Is this necessary?
-                winner = PLAYER2;
-                break;
+            // If you shot yourself, you lost a life.
+            if(sync.pixel_eq(intersection_code, t1.tank_color)) {
+                if(p1lives==0){ 
+                   sync.filled_circle(4, 4, 2, GND_COLOR);   
+                   sync.update();  // Is this necessary?
+                   winner = PLAYER2;
+                   //game_over();
+                   break;
+                } 
+                else if(p1lives!=0){
+                    if(p1lives==1){
+                       p1lives+=-1;
+                       sync.filled_circle(10, 4, 2, GND_COLOR);
+                    }
+                    if(p1lives==2){
+                       p1lives+=-1;
+                       sync.update();
+                       sync.filled_circle(16, 4, 2, GND_COLOR);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            // If you shot the other guy, you took one life!
+            if(sync.pixel_eq(intersection_code, t2.tank_color)) { 
+                if(p2lives==0){ 
+                   sync.filled_circle(124, 4, 2, GND_COLOR);   
+                   sync.update();  // Is this necessary?
+                   winner = PLAYER1;
+                   break;
+                   }
+                else if(p2lives!=0){
+                     if(p2lives==1){
+                        p2lives+=-1;
+                        sync.filled_circle(118, 4, 2, GND_COLOR);
+                     } 
+                     if(p2lives==2){
+                        p2lives+=-1;
+                        sync.update();
+                        sync.filled_circle(112, 4, 2, GND_COLOR);
+                     }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+         else if(whose_turn == PLAYER2) {
+            // Show player two's lives in tank color and player ones in light red.
+            if(p2lives==0){
+            sync.filled_circle(124, 4, 2, TANK_BLUE);
+            }
+            if(p2lives==1){
+            sync.filled_circle(118, 4, 2, TANK_BLUE);
+            sync.filled_circle(124, 4, 2, TANK_BLUE);
+            }
+            if(p2lives==2){
+            sync.filled_circle(118, 4, 2, TANK_BLUE);
+            sync.filled_circle(112, 4, 2, TANK_BLUE);
+            sync.filled_circle(124, 4, 2, TANK_BLUE);
+            }
+            if(p1lives==0){
+            sync.filled_circle(4, 4, 2, LT_RED);
+            }
+            if(p1lives==1){
+            sync.filled_circle(10, 4, 2, LT_RED);
+            sync.filled_circle(4, 4, 2, LT_RED);
+            }
+            if(p1lives==2){
+            sync.filled_circle(10, 4, 2, LT_RED);
+            sync.filled_circle(4, 4, 2, LT_RED);
+            sync.filled_circle(16, 4, 2, LT_RED);
+            }
+            // Accelerometer example
+            if(sync.play_mode==SINGLE_PLAYER){
+            if(ax1 <  -ACC_THRESHOLD && t2.max_x()<127) { 
+                // Move the tank to the right if the accelerometer is tipped far enough to the right.
+                 t2.reposition(+1, 0, 0);         
+            }
+            if(ax1 <  -1.5*ACC_THRESHOLD && t2.max_x()<127) { 
+                // Move the tank to the right if the accelerometer is tipped far enough to the right.
+                 t2.reposition(+3, 0, 0);  
+            }
+            if(ax1 > ACC_THRESHOLD && sync.pixel_eq(t2minpixelcolor,SKY_COLOR)==1) {
+                // Move the tank to the left if the accelerometer is tipped far enough to the left.
+                 t2.reposition(-1, 0, 0);
+            }
+            if(ax1 > 1.5*ACC_THRESHOLD && sync.pixel_eq(t2minpixelcolor,SKY_COLOR)==1) {
+                // Move the tank to the left if the accelerometer is tipped far enough to the left.
+                 t2.reposition(-3, 0, 0);
+            }
+            if(ay1 > ACC_THRESHOLD) {
+                //Move the barrel up.
+                 t2.reposition(0, 0, PI/24);
+            }
+            if(ay1 < -ACC_THRESHOLD) {
+                //Move the barrel down.
+                 t2.reposition(0, 0, -PI/24);
+            }
-            // If you shot the other guy, you won!
-            if(sync.pixel_eq(intersection_code, t2.tank_color)) { 
+            if(sync.play_mode==MULTI_PLAYER){
+            if(ax2 <  -ACC_THRESHOLD && t2.max_x()<127) { 
+                // Move the tank to the right if the accelerometer is tipped far enough to the right.
+                 t2.reposition(+1, 0, 0);         
+            }
+            if(ax2 <  -1.5*ACC_THRESHOLD && t2.max_x()<127) { 
+                // Move the tank to the right if the accelerometer is tipped far enough to the right.
+                 t2.reposition(+3, 0, 0);  
+            }
+            if(ax2 > ACC_THRESHOLD && sync.pixel_eq(t2minpixelcolor,SKY_COLOR)==1) {
+                // Move the tank to the left if the accelerometer is tipped far enough to the left.
+                 t2.reposition(-1, 0, 0);
+            }
+            if(ax2 > 1.5*ACC_THRESHOLD && sync.pixel_eq(t2minpixelcolor,SKY_COLOR)==1) {
+                // Move the tank to the left if the accelerometer is tipped far enough to the left.
+                 t2.reposition(-3, 0, 0);
+            }
+            if(ay2 > ACC_THRESHOLD) {
+                //Move the barrel up.
+                 t2.reposition(0, 0, PI/24);
+            }
+            if(ay2 < -ACC_THRESHOLD) {
+                //Move the barrel down.
+                 t2.reposition(0, 0, -PI/24);
+            }
+            }
+            //If in single player mode charge the power bar. 
+            if(sync.play_mode==SINGLE_PLAYER){
+            if(p1_buttons[L_BUTTON]){
+                b2.speed+=3;
+                i+=2;
+                sync.filled_rectangle(83, 3, 85-i, 6, TANK_BLUE);
+                haptics.play_waveform(1);
+                if(i>=38){
+                   i=37;
+                   b2.speed=56;
+                   }  
+            }
+            else{
+                i=0;
+            }
+            // fire tank.
+            if(p1_buttons[R_BUTTON]){
+                b2.shoot();
+                playSound("/sd/wavfiles/Fire.wav");
+                haptics.play_waveform(1);
+                b2.speed=0;
+                sync.filled_rectangle(46, 3, 83, 6, GND_COLOR);
+                sync.rectangle(45, 2, 84, 7, BLACK);
+                }
+            }
+            if(sync.play_mode==MULTI_PLAYER){
+            if(p2_buttons[L_BUTTON]){
+                b2.speed+=3;
+                i+=2;
+                sync.filled_rectangle(83, 3, 85-i, 6, TANK_BLUE);
-                winner = PLAYER1;
-                break;
+                if(i>=38){
+                   i=37;
+                   b2.speed=56;
+                   }  
+            }
+            else{
+                i=0;
-        } else if(whose_turn == PLAYER2) {
+            if(p2_buttons[R_BUTTON]){
+                b2.shoot();
+                playSound("/sd/wavfiles/Fire.wav");
+                haptics.play_waveform(1);
+                b2.speed=0;
+                sync.filled_rectangle(46, 3, 83, 6, GND_COLOR);
+                sync.rectangle(45, 2, 84, 7, BLACK);
+            }
+            }
-            // I gave you a lot of the logic for Player1. It's up to you to figure out Player2!
-            // If you are in SINGLE_PLAYER mode, you should use the p1 inputs to control p2.
-            // In MULTI_PLAYER mode, you should use the p2 inputs to control p2.
-            //
-            // Hint: 
-            //         sync.play_mode will tell you if you are in MULTI_PLAYER or SINGLE_PLAYER mode.
-            //         
+            float dt =;
+            int intersection_code = b2.time_step(dt); 
+            if(intersection_code != BULLET_NO_COLLISION || intersection_code == BULLET_OFF_SCREEN) { 
+                pc.printf("Now it's P2's turn!\n");
+                whose_turn = PLAYER1;
+            }
+            // If you shot yourself, you lost a life.
+            if(sync.pixel_eq(intersection_code, t1.tank_color)) { 
+                if(p1lives==0){    
+                    sync.update();  // Is this necessary?
+                    winner = PLAYER2;
+                    sync.filled_circle(4, 4, 2, GND_COLOR);
+                    break;
+                }
+                else if(p1lives!=0){
+                if(p1lives==1){
+                    p1lives+=-1;
+                    sync.filled_circle(10, 4, 2, GND_COLOR);
+                } 
+                if(p1lives==2){
+                    p1lives+=-1;
+                    sync.filled_circle(16, 4, 2, GND_COLOR);
+                    sync.update();
+                }
+                }
+            // If you shot the other guy, took a life!
+            if(sync.pixel_eq(intersection_code, t2.tank_color)) { 
+                if(p2lives==0){    
+                sync.update();  // Is this necessary?
+                winner = PLAYER1;
+                sync.filled_circle(124, 4, 2, GND_COLOR);
+                break;
+                }
+                else if(p2lives!=0){
+                if(p2lives==1){
+                    p2lives+=-1;
+                    sync.filled_circle(118, 4, 2, GND_COLOR);
+                } 
+                if(p2lives==2){
+                    p2lives+=-1;
+                    sync.filled_circle(112, 4, 2, GND_COLOR);
+                    sync.update();
+                }
+                }
+            }
+        }
@@ -220,5 +793,98 @@
+void game_over() {
+    if(winner==PLAYER1){
+        char status[]= "GAME OVER!";
+        char player[]="Player 1 \n  wins!";
+        char play[]="Play again? \n\n Yes   No";
+        sync.rectangle(13,56,115,99,BLACK);
+        sync.filled_rectangle(15,58,113,97,TANK_RED);
+        sync.textbackground_color(TANK_RED);
+        sync.locate(4,10);
+        sync.puts(status, sizeof(status));
+        sync.update();
+        wait(2);
+        sync.filled_rectangle(15,62,113,97,TANK_RED);
+        sync.locate(5,10);
+        sync.puts(player, sizeof(player));
+        sync.update();
+        playSound("/sd/wavfiles/cheering.wav");
+        sync.filled_rectangle(15,62,113,97,TANK_RED);
+        sync.locate(4,10);
+        sync.puts(play, sizeof(play));
+        sync.update();
+        while(2){
+        if(!pb_l){
+            sync.rectangle(33,63,60,76,WHITE);
+            sync.update(); 
+            wait(2);
+            sync.cls();
+            sync.textbackground_color(BLACK);
+            sync.filled_rectangle(0,0,128,128,BLACK);
+            sync.update();
+            game_init();
+            }
+        else if(!pb_r){
+            sync.rectangle(68,63,95,76,WHITE);
+            sync.update(); 
+            wait(2);
+            sync.cls();
+            sync.textbackground_color(BLACK);
+            sync.filled_rectangle(0,0,128,128,BLACK);
+            sync.update();
+            main();
+            }
+            }
+    }
+    if(winner==PLAYER2){
+        char status[]= "GAME OVER!";
+        char player[]="Player 2 \n  wins!";
+        char play[]="Play again? \n\n Yes   No";
+        sync.rectangle(13,56,115,99,BLACK);
+        sync.filled_rectangle(15,58,113,97,TANK_BLUE);
+        sync.textbackground_color(TANK_BLUE);
+        sync.locate(4,10);
+        sync.puts(status, sizeof(status));
+        sync.update();
+        wait(2);
+        sync.filled_rectangle(15,62,113,97,TANK_BLUE);
+        sync.locate(5,10);
+        sync.puts(player, sizeof(player));
+        sync.update();
+        playSound("/sd/wavfiles/cheering.wav");
+        sync.filled_rectangle(15,62,113,97,TANK_BLUE);
+        sync.locate(4,10);
+        sync.puts(play, sizeof(play));
+        sync.update();
+        while(true){
+        if(!pb_l){
+            sync.rectangle(33,63,60,76,WHITE);
+            sync.update(); 
+            wait(2);
+            sync.cls();
+            sync.textbackground_color(BLACK);
+            sync.filled_rectangle(0,0,128,128,BLACK);
+            sync.update();
+            game_init();
+            }
+        else if(!pb_r){
+            sync.rectangle(68,63,95,76,WHITE);
+            sync.update(); 
+            wait(2);
+            sync.cls();
+            sync.textbackground_color(BLACK);
+            sync.filled_rectangle(0,0,128,128,BLACK);
+            sync.update();
+            main();
+            }
+            }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file