Previous version which works for my stm32f401 Nucleo board

Fork of X_NUCLEO_IDB0XA1 by ST

Revisions of BlueNRGGap.cpp

Revision Date Message Actions
102:a6f233cb1fed 2015-07-27 Merge commit '0f19b0b609394807e46c2069263806f2bd86682b' into ble_wb File  Diff  Annotate
99:c6e075b517c2 2015-07-24 Make things work for standard Arduino File  Diff  Annotate
95:e1f7ce04e71b 2015-07-24 Restore previous version of HCI stack File  Diff  Annotate
94:2993df23d1ac 2015-07-24 Fix issues related to application compatibility File  Diff  Annotate
93:728699ac5613 2015-07-23 Merge branch 'master' of hg:: into idb0xa1-split File  Diff  Annotate
92:709d44dc869a 2015-07-23 Get rid of compilation warnings File  Diff  Annotate
90:26c0c9807ab4 2015-07-22 Preparing ble_wb File  Diff  Annotate
77:332b416123b4 2015-06-23 Update BLE_API and mbed Libs File  Diff  Annotate
71:d229db0a153b 2015-06-09 Align BLE_API, BLE_BlueNRG and mbed libs File  Diff  Annotate
70:d20d30f59b1c 2015-06-08 Initial commit for mbed support File  Diff  Annotate
69:2c340304de64 2015-04-15 Implementation of BlueNRGGap::getMaxAdvertisingInterval(), BlueNRGGap::getMinAdvertisingInterval(), and BlueNRGGap::getMinNonConnectableAdvertisingInterval(). File  Diff  Annotate
67:23f9772ef7bf 2015-04-02 GAP and GATTServer virtual function implementation File  Diff  Annotate
65:f9958b8f2548 2015-04-01 1. GapAdvertisingParams constants usage update; 2. Gap::getAddress() function; 3. BlueNRGGattServer Class update; 4. BlueNRGGap class update; 5. HandleDataWrittenEvent function update from btle.cpp File  Diff  Annotate
64:6d7b775c3f6d 2014-11-19 Changed directory structure to support STM32Cube BlueNRG module, platform module and BLE_API adaptation module as separate entities. Added Doxygen support to Adaptation and used HCI components. File  Diff  Annotate
61:929885305c17 2014-11-12 Configuration of pinNames according to platforms. Platform.h defines all tested platform pins used for configuration and testing. Device Init configuration parameters. File  Diff  Annotate
60:b0b2d639c0f5 2014-10-17 Removing errors due to LPCXpresso compiler (gdb) File  Diff  Annotate
59:68e45913b2c4 2014-10-17 Further Code Cleanup. Replacing HAL_Delay() with mbed wait_us() in BlueNRG_Reset(). File  Diff  Annotate
58:027c65a54097 2014-10-07 code cleanup and indentation. File  Diff  Annotate
57:986ba1f56630 2014-10-01 Generic Arduino Pin names instead of Nucleo specific names in SPI Init. File  Diff  Annotate
55:0e4db6804c8d 2014-10-01 added support for BLE_API version 116 (WIP) File  Diff  Annotate
52:94638d2461c1 2014-09-25 Support for using multiple GATT services in BLE application. File  Diff  Annotate
46:01f97cfcc109 2014-09-05 BLEDevice setAppearance() File  Diff  Annotate
45:1fff7d7d5ce7 2014-09-05 get/setDeviceName. Removing device name characteristic update in set advertise data.Platform independent BLE_BlueNRG library. File  Diff  Annotate
44:b4a986b33c7d 2014-08-28 scanResponse data payload support. Not Tested! File  Diff  Annotate
43:b69d2680b716 2014-08-28 supports only LE Mode. FLAGs check support. File  Diff  Annotate
42:1a0220f508ca 2014-08-27 getAddress returns address only if isSetAddress is set else NULL File  Diff  Annotate
41:95b8d531628c 2014-08-27 SetAddress resets and re-inits the device. File  Diff  Annotate
36:f3d80a236beb 2014-08-25 error and sanity check in disconnect and stopAdvertising File  Diff  Annotate
35:c4e176e085ec 2014-08-25 Merged rev 33 and 34. File  Diff  Annotate
34:fdbbe839170a 2014-08-25 BLEDevice disconnect() and stopAdvertising() support added. File  Diff  Annotate
32:d1f250acad29 2014-08-25 Added compatibility for BLE_API version 105 File  Diff  Annotate
26:047d45ea379e 2014-08-19 Allowing Read Request from Gatt Server File  Diff  Annotate
25:f3ea48a2008b 2014-08-19 mereged aci_gap_update_adv_data() related changes in GAP File  Diff  Annotate
24:1c7266497633 2014-08-19 using RANDOM_ADDR in aci_gap_set_discoverable File  Diff  Annotate
20:718d56821672 2014-08-13 Support for Attr Modify and correction of Characteristic Addition bug File  Diff  Annotate
19:0f87aaf1362d 2014-08-08 (1) Device name characteristic update (2) More efficient scheme of parsing advertising data implemented; File  Diff  Annotate
18:6d5f4c638f6a 2014-08-08 (1) Device name characteristic update (2) More efficient scheme of parsing advertising data implemented File  Diff  Annotate
17:63059fcb8db2 2014-08-07 Characteristic Notification and GattServer updateValue() implementation File  Diff  Annotate
16:8aeb0c44869b 2014-08-07 changes done: (1) DEBUG macro moved to Utils (2) Advertising interval implementation done; File  Diff  Annotate
14:baa7a1464517 2014-08-06 added support for advertising device appearance File  Diff  Annotate
12:a5d7db4a1e49 2014-08-05 support for setting tx power level File  Diff  Annotate
11:87ddcfa4fa48 2014-08-04 Bugfix in GAP for (1) order of min/max adv_interval (2) device name value and device name length File  Diff  Annotate
10:814262eb0746 2014-08-04 added support for parsing device name in GAP File  Diff  Annotate
6:08cfc94b5f49 2014-07-25 Removing code references. Renaming some functions/variables, comments. File  Diff  Annotate
5:31dedfa19a12 2014-07-25 Initial implementation of GattServer. AddService and Characteristic implemented. 16bit UUID. File  Diff  Annotate
4:fa5b5693c1b5 2014-07-22 Event Handling (Connection, disconnection) and debug support, SetAddress support. File  Diff  Annotate
3:9c4c13795643 2014-07-21 Advertising working with setAdvertisingData (DEVICE NAME). Hard-coded implementation. File  Diff  Annotate
2:a2b623661316 2014-07-21 Latest Changes 21/07 File  Diff  Annotate