Previous version which works for my stm32f401 Nucleo board

Fork of X_NUCLEO_IDB0XA1 by ST

--- a/BlueNRGGattServer.cpp	Wed Oct 01 05:39:59 2014 +0000
+++ b/BlueNRGGattServer.cpp	Wed Oct 01 08:49:52 2014 +0000
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
   GattCharacteristic *p_char = BlueNRGGattServer::getInstance().getCharacteristicFromHandle(charHandle);
   if(p_char->getProperties() &  (GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NOTIFY
                                   | GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_INDICATE)) {
-          BlueNRGGattServer::getInstance().handleEvent(GattServerEvents::GATT_EVENT_DATA_SENT);
+          BlueNRGGattServer::getInstance().handleEvent(GattServerEvents::GATT_EVENT_DATA_SENT, charHandle);
   return BLE_ERROR_NONE;
@@ -339,149 +339,4 @@
     return p_char;
-    @brief  sets device name characteristic 
-    @param[in]  deviceName
-                pointer to device name to be set
-    @returns    ble_error_t
-    @retval     BLE_ERROR_NONE
-                Everything executed properly
-    @section EXAMPLE
-    @code
-    @endcode
-ble_error_t BlueNRGGattServer::setDeviceName(const uint8_t *deviceName) 
-    int ret;
-    uint8_t nameLen = 0;     
-    DeviceName = (uint8_t *)deviceName;
-    //DEBUG("SetDeviceName=%s\n\r", DeviceName);
-    nameLen = strlen((const char*)DeviceName);
-    //DEBUG("DeviceName Size=%d\n\r", nameLen); 
-    ret = aci_gatt_update_char_value(g_gap_service_handle, 
-                                                g_device_name_char_handle, 
-                                                0, 
-                                                nameLen, 
-                                                (tHalUint8 *)DeviceName);
-    if(ret){
-        DEBUG("device set name failed\n\r");            
-        return BLE_ERROR_PARAM_OUT_OF_RANGE;//TODO:Wrong error code
-    }
-    return BLE_ERROR_NONE;
-    @brief  gets device name characteristic 
-    @param[in]  deviceName
-                pointer to device name 
-    @param[in]  lengthP
-                pointer to device name length                
-    @returns    ble_error_t
-    @retval     BLE_ERROR_NONE
-                Everything executed properly
-    @section EXAMPLE
-    @code
-    @endcode
-ble_error_t BlueNRGGattServer::getDeviceName(uint8_t *deviceName, unsigned *lengthP) 
-    int ret;
-    if(DeviceName==NULL) 
-    strcpy((char*)deviceName, (const char*)DeviceName);
-    //DEBUG("GetDeviceName=%s\n\r", deviceName);
-    *lengthP = strlen((const char*)DeviceName);
-    //DEBUG("DeviceName Size=%d\n\r", *lengthP); 
-    return BLE_ERROR_NONE;
-    @brief  sets device appearance characteristic 
-    @param[in]  appearance
-                device appearance      
-    @returns    ble_error_t
-    @retval     BLE_ERROR_NONE
-                Everything executed properly
-    @section EXAMPLE
-    @code
-    @endcode
-ble_error_t BlueNRGGattServer::setAppearance(uint16_t appearance)
-    /* 
-    Tested with GapAdvertisingData::GENERIC_PHONE. 
-    for other appearances BLE Scanner android app is not behaving properly 
-    */
-    //char deviceAppearance[2];   
-    STORE_LE_16(deviceAppearance, appearance);                 
-    DEBUG("input: incoming = %d deviceAppearance= 0x%x 0x%x\n\r", appearance, deviceAppearance[1], deviceAppearance[0]);
-    aci_gatt_update_char_value(g_gap_service_handle, g_appearance_char_handle, 0, 2, (tHalUint8 *)deviceAppearance);
-    return BLE_ERROR_NONE;    
-    @brief  gets device appearance  
-    @param[in]  appearance
-                pointer to device appearance value      
-    @returns    ble_error_t
-    @retval     BLE_ERROR_NONE
-                Everything executed properly
-    @section EXAMPLE
-    @code
-    @endcode
-ble_error_t BlueNRGGattServer::getAppearance(uint16_t *appearanceP)
-    uint16_t devP;
-    if(!appearanceP) return BLE_ERROR_PARAM_OUT_OF_RANGE;
-    devP = ((uint16_t)(0x0000|deviceAppearance[0])) | (((uint16_t)(0x0000|deviceAppearance[1]))<<8);
-    strcpy((char*)appearanceP, (const char*)&devP);
-    return BLE_ERROR_NONE;    