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00001 /***********************************************************************//**
00002  * @file        lpc17xx_clkpwr.h
00003  * @brief        Contains all macro definitions and function prototypes
00004  *                 support for Clock and Power Control firmware library on LPC17xx
00005  * @version        2.0
00006  * @date        21. May. 2010
00007  * @author        NXP MCU SW Application Team
00008  **************************************************************************
00009  * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
00010  * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
00011  * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.
00012  * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the
00013  * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,
00014  * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors
00015  * reserves the right to make changes in the software without
00016  * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or
00017  * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified
00018  * use without further testing or modification.
00019  **************************************************************************/
00021 /* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */
00022 /** @defgroup CLKPWR CLKPWR
00023  * @ingroup LPC1700CMSIS_FwLib_Drivers
00024  * @{
00025  */
00027 #ifndef LPC17XX_CLKPWR_H_
00028 #define LPC17XX_CLKPWR_H_
00030 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00031 #include "LPC17xx.h"
00032 #include "lpc_types.h"
00034 #ifdef __cplusplus
00035 extern "C"
00036 {
00037 #endif
00039 /* Public Macros -------------------------------------------------------------- */
00040 /** @defgroup CLKPWR_Public_Macros CLKPWR Public Macros
00041  * @{
00042  */
00044 /**********************************************************************
00045  * Peripheral Clock Selection Definitions
00046  **********************************************************************/
00047 /** Peripheral clock divider bit position for WDT */
00048 #define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_WDT          ((uint32_t)(0))
00049 /** Peripheral clock divider bit position for TIMER0 */
00050 #define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_TIMER0          ((uint32_t)(2))
00051 /** Peripheral clock divider bit position for TIMER1 */
00052 #define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_TIMER1          ((uint32_t)(4))
00053 /** Peripheral clock divider bit position for UART0 */
00054 #define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_UART0          ((uint32_t)(6))
00055 /** Peripheral clock divider bit position for UART1 */
00056 #define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_UART1          ((uint32_t)(8))
00057 /** Peripheral clock divider bit position for PWM1 */
00058 #define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_PWM1          ((uint32_t)(12))
00059 /** Peripheral clock divider bit position for I2C0 */
00060 #define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_I2C0          ((uint32_t)(14))
00061 /** Peripheral clock divider bit position for SPI */
00062 #define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SPI          ((uint32_t)(16))
00063 /** Peripheral clock divider bit position for SSP1 */
00064 #define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SSP1          ((uint32_t)(20))
00065 /** Peripheral clock divider bit position for DAC */
00066 #define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_DAC          ((uint32_t)(22))
00067 /** Peripheral clock divider bit position for ADC */
00068 #define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_ADC          ((uint32_t)(24))
00069 /** Peripheral clock divider bit position for CAN1 */
00070 #define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_CAN1         ((uint32_t)(26))
00071 /** Peripheral clock divider bit position for CAN2 */
00072 #define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_CAN2         ((uint32_t)(28))
00073 /** Peripheral clock divider bit position for ACF */
00074 #define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_ACF          ((uint32_t)(30))
00075 /** Peripheral clock divider bit position for QEI */
00076 #define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_QEI          ((uint32_t)(32))
00077 /** Peripheral clock divider bit position for PCB */
00078 #define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_PCB          ((uint32_t)(36))
00079 /** Peripheral clock divider bit position for  I2C1 */
00080 #define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_I2C1          ((uint32_t)(38))
00081 /** Peripheral clock divider bit position for SSP0 */
00082 #define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SSP0          ((uint32_t)(42))
00083 /** Peripheral clock divider bit position for TIMER2 */
00084 #define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_TIMER2          ((uint32_t)(44))
00085 /** Peripheral clock divider bit position for  TIMER3 */
00086 #define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_TIMER3          ((uint32_t)(46))
00087 /** Peripheral clock divider bit position for UART2 */
00088 #define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_UART2          ((uint32_t)(48))
00089 /** Peripheral clock divider bit position for UART3 */
00090 #define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_UART3          ((uint32_t)(50))
00091 /** Peripheral clock divider bit position for I2C2 */
00092 #define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_I2C2          ((uint32_t)(52))
00093 /** Peripheral clock divider bit position for I2S */
00094 #define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_I2S          ((uint32_t)(54))
00095 /** Peripheral clock divider bit position for RIT */
00096 #define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_RIT          ((uint32_t)(58))
00097 /** Peripheral clock divider bit position for SYSCON */
00098 #define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SYSCON          ((uint32_t)(60))
00099 /** Peripheral clock divider bit position for MC */
00100 #define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_MC              ((uint32_t)(62))
00102 /** Macro for Peripheral Clock Selection register bit values
00103  * Note: When CCLK_DIV_8, Peripheral�s clock is selected to
00104  * PCLK_xyz = CCLK/8 except for CAN1, CAN2, and CAN filtering
00105  * when �11�selects PCLK_xyz = CCLK/6 */
00106 /* Peripheral clock divider is set to 4 from CCLK */
00107 #define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_CCLK_DIV_4  ((uint32_t)(0))
00108 /** Peripheral clock divider is the same with CCLK */
00109 #define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_CCLK_DIV_1  ((uint32_t)(1))
00110 /** Peripheral clock divider is set to 2 from CCLK */
00111 #define    CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_CCLK_DIV_2  ((uint32_t)(2))
00114 /********************************************************************
00115 * Power Control for Peripherals Definitions
00116 **********************************************************************/
00117 /** Timer/Counter 0 power/clock control bit */
00118 #define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCTIM0    ((uint32_t)(1<<1))
00119 /* Timer/Counter 1 power/clock control bit */
00120 #define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCTIM1    ((uint32_t)(1<<2))
00121 /** UART0 power/clock control bit */
00122 #define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUART0      ((uint32_t)(1<<3))
00123 /** UART1 power/clock control bit */
00124 #define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUART1      ((uint32_t)(1<<4))
00125 /** PWM1 power/clock control bit */
00126 #define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCPWM1    ((uint32_t)(1<<6))
00127 /** The I2C0 interface power/clock control bit */
00128 #define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCI2C0    ((uint32_t)(1<<7))
00129 /** The SPI interface power/clock control bit */
00130 #define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCSPI      ((uint32_t)(1<<8))
00131 /** The RTC power/clock control bit */
00132 #define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCRTC      ((uint32_t)(1<<9))
00133 /** The SSP1 interface power/clock control bit */
00134 #define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCSSP1    ((uint32_t)(1<<10))
00135 /** A/D converter 0 (ADC0) power/clock control bit */
00136 #define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCAD      ((uint32_t)(1<<12))
00137 /** CAN Controller 1 power/clock control bit */
00138 #define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCAN1      ((uint32_t)(1<<13))
00139 /** CAN Controller 2 power/clock control bit */
00140 #define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCAN2     ((uint32_t)(1<<14))
00141 /** GPIO power/clock control bit */
00142 #define    CLKPWR_PCONP_PCGPIO     ((uint32_t)(1<<15))
00143 /** Repetitive Interrupt Timer power/clock control bit */
00144 #define    CLKPWR_PCONP_PCRIT         ((uint32_t)(1<<16))
00145 /** Motor Control PWM */
00146 #define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCMC         ((uint32_t)(1<<17))
00147 /** Quadrature Encoder Interface power/clock control bit */
00148 #define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCQEI         ((uint32_t)(1<<18))
00149 /** The I2C1 interface power/clock control bit */
00150 #define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCI2C1      ((uint32_t)(1<<19))
00151 /** The SSP0 interface power/clock control bit */
00152 #define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCSSP0    ((uint32_t)(1<<21))
00153 /** Timer 2 power/clock control bit */
00154 #define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCTIM2    ((uint32_t)(1<<22))
00155 /** Timer 3 power/clock control bit */
00156 #define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCTIM3    ((uint32_t)(1<<23))
00157 /** UART 2 power/clock control bit */
00158 #define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUART2      ((uint32_t)(1<<24))
00159 /** UART 3 power/clock control bit */
00160 #define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUART3      ((uint32_t)(1<<25))
00161 /** I2C interface 2 power/clock control bit */
00162 #define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCI2C2    ((uint32_t)(1<<26))
00163 /** I2S interface power/clock control bit*/
00164 #define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCI2S      ((uint32_t)(1<<27))
00165 /** GP DMA function power/clock control bit*/
00166 #define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCGPDMA      ((uint32_t)(1<<29))
00167 /** Ethernet block power/clock control bit*/
00168 #define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCENET    ((uint32_t)(1<<30))
00169 /** USB interface power/clock control bit*/
00170 #define     CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUSB      ((uint32_t)(1<<31))
00173 /**
00174  * @}
00175  */
00176 /* Private Macros ------------------------------------------------------------- */
00177 /** @defgroup CLKPWR_Private_Macros CLKPWR Private Macros
00178  * @{
00179  */
00181 /* --------------------- BIT DEFINITIONS -------------------------------------- */
00182 /*********************************************************************//**
00183  * Macro defines for Clock Source Select Register
00184  **********************************************************************/
00185 /** Internal RC oscillator */
00186 #define CLKPWR_CLKSRCSEL_CLKSRC_IRC            ((uint32_t)(0x00))
00187 /** Main oscillator */
00188 #define CLKPWR_CLKSRCSEL_CLKSRC_MAINOSC        ((uint32_t)(0x01))
00189 /** RTC oscillator */
00190 #define CLKPWR_CLKSRCSEL_CLKSRC_RTC            ((uint32_t)(0x02))
00191 /** Clock source selection bit mask */
00192 #define CLKPWR_CLKSRCSEL_BITMASK            ((uint32_t)(0x03))
00194 /*********************************************************************//**
00195  * Macro defines for Clock Output Configuration Register
00196  **********************************************************************/
00197 /* Clock Output Configuration register definition */
00198 /** Selects the CPU clock as the CLKOUT source */
00199 #define CLKPWR_CLKOUTCFG_CLKOUTSEL_CPU        ((uint32_t)(0x00))
00200 /** Selects the main oscillator as the CLKOUT source */
00201 #define CLKPWR_CLKOUTCFG_CLKOUTSEL_MAINOSC    ((uint32_t)(0x01))
00202 /** Selects the Internal RC oscillator as the CLKOUT source */
00203 #define CLKPWR_CLKOUTCFG_CLKOUTSEL_RC        ((uint32_t)(0x02))
00204 /** Selects the USB clock as the CLKOUT source */
00205 #define CLKPWR_CLKOUTCFG_CLKOUTSEL_USB        ((uint32_t)(0x03))
00206 /** Selects the RTC oscillator as the CLKOUT source */
00207 #define CLKPWR_CLKOUTCFG_CLKOUTSEL_RTC        ((uint32_t)(0x04))
00208 /** Integer value to divide the output clock by, minus one */
00209 #define CLKPWR_CLKOUTCFG_CLKOUTDIV(n)        ((uint32_t)((n&0x0F)<<4))
00210 /** CLKOUT enable control */
00211 #define CLKPWR_CLKOUTCFG_CLKOUT_EN            ((uint32_t)(1<<8))
00212 /** CLKOUT activity indication */
00213 #define CLKPWR_CLKOUTCFG_CLKOUT_ACT            ((uint32_t)(1<<9))
00214 /** Clock source selection bit mask */
00215 #define CLKPWR_CLKOUTCFG_BITMASK            ((uint32_t)(0x3FF))
00217 /*********************************************************************//**
00218  * Macro defines for PPL0 Control Register
00219  **********************************************************************/
00220 /** PLL 0 control enable */
00221 #define CLKPWR_PLL0CON_ENABLE        ((uint32_t)(0x01))
00222 /** PLL 0 control connect */
00223 #define CLKPWR_PLL0CON_CONNECT        ((uint32_t)(0x02))
00224 /** PLL 0 control bit mask */
00225 #define CLKPWR_PLL0CON_BITMASK        ((uint32_t)(0x03))
00227 /*********************************************************************//**
00228  * Macro defines for PPL0 Configuration Register
00229  **********************************************************************/
00230 /** PLL 0 Configuration MSEL field */
00231 #define CLKPWR_PLL0CFG_MSEL(n)        ((uint32_t)(n&0x7FFF))
00232 /** PLL 0 Configuration NSEL field */
00233 #define CLKPWR_PLL0CFG_NSEL(n)        ((uint32_t)((n<<16)&0xFF0000))
00234 /** PLL 0 Configuration bit mask */
00235 #define CLKPWR_PLL0CFG_BITMASK        ((uint32_t)(0xFF7FFF))
00238 /*********************************************************************//**
00239  * Macro defines for PPL0 Status Register
00240  **********************************************************************/
00241 /** PLL 0 MSEL value */
00242 #define CLKPWR_PLL0STAT_MSEL(n)        ((uint32_t)(n&0x7FFF))
00243 /** PLL NSEL get value  */
00244 #define CLKPWR_PLL0STAT_NSEL(n)        ((uint32_t)((n>>16)&0xFF))
00245 /** PLL status enable bit */
00246 #define CLKPWR_PLL0STAT_PLLE        ((uint32_t)(1<<24))
00247 /** PLL status Connect bit */
00248 #define CLKPWR_PLL0STAT_PLLC        ((uint32_t)(1<<25))
00249 /** PLL status lock */
00250 #define CLKPWR_PLL0STAT_PLOCK        ((uint32_t)(1<<26))
00252 /*********************************************************************//**
00253  * Macro defines for PPL0 Feed Register
00254  **********************************************************************/
00255 /** PLL0 Feed bit mask */
00256 #define CLKPWR_PLL0FEED_BITMASK            ((uint32_t)0xFF)
00258 /*********************************************************************//**
00259  * Macro defines for PLL1 Control Register
00260  **********************************************************************/
00261 /** USB PLL control enable */
00262 #define CLKPWR_PLL1CON_ENABLE        ((uint32_t)(0x01))
00263 /** USB PLL control connect */
00264 #define CLKPWR_PLL1CON_CONNECT        ((uint32_t)(0x02))
00265 /** USB PLL control bit mask */
00266 #define CLKPWR_PLL1CON_BITMASK        ((uint32_t)(0x03))
00268 /*********************************************************************//**
00269  * Macro defines for PLL1 Configuration Register
00270  **********************************************************************/
00271 /** USB PLL MSEL set value */
00272 #define CLKPWR_PLL1CFG_MSEL(n)        ((uint32_t)(n&0x1F))
00273 /** USB PLL PSEL set value */
00274 #define CLKPWR_PLL1CFG_PSEL(n)        ((uint32_t)((n&0x03)<<5))
00275 /** USB PLL configuration bit mask */
00276 #define CLKPWR_PLL1CFG_BITMASK        ((uint32_t)(0x7F))
00278 /*********************************************************************//**
00279  * Macro defines for PLL1 Status Register
00280  **********************************************************************/
00281 /** USB PLL MSEL get value  */
00282 #define CLKPWR_PLL1STAT_MSEL(n)        ((uint32_t)(n&0x1F))
00283 /** USB PLL PSEL get value  */
00284 #define CLKPWR_PLL1STAT_PSEL(n)        ((uint32_t)((n>>5)&0x03))
00285 /** USB PLL status enable bit */
00286 #define CLKPWR_PLL1STAT_PLLE        ((uint32_t)(1<<8))
00287 /** USB PLL status Connect bit */
00288 #define CLKPWR_PLL1STAT_PLLC        ((uint32_t)(1<<9))
00289 /** USB PLL status lock */
00290 #define CLKPWR_PLL1STAT_PLOCK        ((uint32_t)(1<<10))
00292 /*********************************************************************//**
00293  * Macro defines for PLL1 Feed Register
00294  **********************************************************************/
00295 /** PLL1 Feed bit mask */
00296 #define CLKPWR_PLL1FEED_BITMASK        ((uint32_t)0xFF)
00298 /*********************************************************************//**
00299  * Macro defines for CPU Clock Configuration Register
00300  **********************************************************************/
00301 /** CPU Clock configuration bit mask */
00302 #define CLKPWR_CCLKCFG_BITMASK        ((uint32_t)(0xFF))
00304 /*********************************************************************//**
00305  * Macro defines for USB Clock Configuration Register
00306  **********************************************************************/
00307 /** USB Clock Configuration bit mask */
00308 #define CLKPWR_USBCLKCFG_BITMASK    ((uint32_t)(0x0F))
00310 /*********************************************************************//**
00311  * Macro defines for IRC Trim Register
00312  **********************************************************************/
00313 /** IRC Trim bit mask */
00314 #define CLKPWR_IRCTRIM_BITMASK        ((uint32_t)(0x0F))
00316 /*********************************************************************//**
00317  * Macro defines for Peripheral Clock Selection Register 0 and 1
00318  **********************************************************************/
00319 /** Peripheral Clock Selection 0 mask bit */
00320 #define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL0_BITMASK        ((uint32_t)(0xFFF3F3FF))
00321 /** Peripheral Clock Selection 1 mask bit */
00322 #define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL1_BITMASK        ((uint32_t)(0xFCF3F0F3))
00323 /** Macro to set peripheral clock of each type
00324  * p: position of two bits that hold divider of peripheral clock
00325  * n: value of divider of peripheral clock  to be set */
00326 #define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SET(p,n)        _SBF(p,n)
00327 /** Macro to mask peripheral clock of each type */
00328 #define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_BITMASK(p)    _SBF(p,0x03)
00329 /** Macro to get peripheral clock of each type */
00330 #define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_GET(p, n)    ((uint32_t)((n>>p)&0x03))
00332 /*********************************************************************//**
00333  * Macro defines for Power Mode Control Register
00334  **********************************************************************/
00335 /** Power mode control bit 0 */
00336 #define CLKPWR_PCON_PM0            ((uint32_t)(1<<0))
00337 /** Power mode control bit 1 */
00338 #define CLKPWR_PCON_PM1            ((uint32_t)(1<<1))
00339 /** Brown-Out Reduced Power Mode */
00340 #define CLKPWR_PCON_BODPDM        ((uint32_t)(1<<2))
00341 /** Brown-Out Global Disable */
00342 #define CLKPWR_PCON_BOGD        ((uint32_t)(1<<3))
00343 /** Brown Out Reset Disable */
00344 #define CLKPWR_PCON_BORD        ((uint32_t)(1<<4))
00345 /** Sleep Mode entry flag */
00346 #define CLKPWR_PCON_SMFLAG        ((uint32_t)(1<<8))
00347 /** Deep Sleep entry flag */
00348 #define CLKPWR_PCON_DSFLAG        ((uint32_t)(1<<9))
00349 /** Power-down entry flag */
00350 #define CLKPWR_PCON_PDFLAG        ((uint32_t)(1<<10))
00351 /** Deep Power-down entry flag */
00352 #define CLKPWR_PCON_DPDFLAG        ((uint32_t)(1<<11))
00354 /*********************************************************************//**
00355  * Macro defines for Power Control for Peripheral Register
00356  **********************************************************************/
00357 /** Power Control for Peripherals bit mask */
00360 /**
00361  * @}
00362  */
00365 /* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */
00366 /** @defgroup CLKPWR_Public_Functions CLKPWR Public Functions
00367  * @{
00368  */
00370 void CLKPWR_SetPCLKDiv (uint32_t ClkType, uint32_t DivVal);
00371 uint32_t CLKPWR_GetPCLKSEL (uint32_t ClkType);
00372 uint32_t CLKPWR_GetPCLK (uint32_t ClkType);
00373 void CLKPWR_ConfigPPWR (uint32_t PPType, FunctionalState NewState);
00374 void CLKPWR_Sleep(void);
00375 void CLKPWR_DeepSleep(void);
00376 void CLKPWR_PowerDown(void);
00377 void CLKPWR_DeepPowerDown(void);
00379 /**
00380  * @}
00381  */
00384 #ifdef __cplusplus
00385 }
00386 #endif
00388 #endif /* LPC17XX_CLKPWR_H_ */
00390 /**
00391  * @}
00392  */
00394 /* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */