Official mbed Real Time Operating System based on the RTX implementation of the CMSIS-RTOS API open standard.

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RtosTimer Class Reference

RtosTimer Class Reference

The RtosTimer class allow creating and and controlling of timer functions in the system. More...

#include <RtosTimer.h>

Public Member Functions

 MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ("mbed-os-5.1","Replaced with RtosTimer(Callback<void()>, os_timer_type)") RtosTimer(void(*func)(void const *argument)
 Create timer.
osStatus start (uint32_t millisec)
 Start the timer.

Detailed Description

The RtosTimer class allow creating and and controlling of timer functions in the system.

A timer function is called when a time period expires whereby both on-shot and periodic timers are possible. A timer can be started, restarted, or stopped.

Timers are handled in the thread osTimerThread. Callback functions run under control of this thread and may use CMSIS-RTOS API calls.

Definition at line 41 of file RtosTimer.h.

Member Function Documentation

MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE ( "mbed-os-5.1"  ,
"Replaced with RtosTimer(Callback<void()>, os_timer_type)"   
) const

Create timer.

funcfunction to be executed by this timer.
typeosTimerOnce for one-shot or osTimerPeriodic for periodic behaviour. (default: osTimerPeriodic)
argumentargument to the timer call back function. (default: NULL)